Terms and AcronymsΒΆ

Acronym/Term Description
BAR Base Address Register
BDF Bus, Device, Function of a PCIe device
C2H Card to Host
CMAC 100G Media Access Control (Ethernet Layer 2)
DebugFS Linux Debug File System
DMA Direct Memory Access
DSA Device Support Archive
H2C Host to Card
IP Intellectual Property
MAC Media Access Control
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
NIC Network Interface Card
PF Physical Function
QDMA Multi Queue Direct Memory Access
QEP QDMA Ethernet Platform
Rx Receive Path
RS-FEC Reed Solomon Forward Error Correction
RSS Receive Side Scaling
SDAccel Software Defined Development Environment for Acceleration
STM Streaming Traffic Manager
STM-N Streaming Traffic Manager for Networking
Tx Transmit Path
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
XRT Xilinx Run Time