Developers Guide

QEP DPDK driver is implemented as an Ethernet poll mode driver in DPDK v18.11. It supports streaming interface to QDMA.

Driver interfaces and callbacks

The Driver registers two driver interfaces (net_qdma for PFs and net_qdma_vf for VFs) with DPDK RTE. However, QEP supports only PF interface. Below eth_dev_ops callbacks are implemented by the driver interface of the DPDK driver.

static struct eth_dev_ops qdma_eth_dev_ops = {
        .dev_configure            = qdma_dev_configure,
        .dev_infos_get            = qdma_dev_infos_get,
        .dev_start                = qdma_dev_start,
        .dev_stop                 = qdma_dev_stop,
        .dev_close                = qdma_dev_close,
        .dev_reset                = qdma_dev_reset,
        .link_update              = qdma_dev_link_update,
        .dev_set_link_up          = qep_dev_set_link_up,
        .dev_set_link_down        = qep_dev_set_link_down,
        .rx_queue_setup           = qdma_dev_rx_queue_setup,
        .tx_queue_setup           = qdma_dev_tx_queue_setup,
        .rx_queue_release         = qdma_dev_rx_queue_release,
        .tx_queue_release         = qdma_dev_tx_queue_release,
        .rx_queue_start           = qdma_dev_rx_queue_start,
        .rx_queue_stop            = qdma_dev_rx_queue_stop,
        .tx_queue_start           = qdma_dev_tx_queue_start,
        .tx_queue_stop            = qdma_dev_tx_queue_stop,
        .rx_queue_count           = qdma_dev_rx_queue_count,
        .rx_descriptor_status     = qdma_dev_rx_descriptor_status,
        .tx_descriptor_status     = qdma_dev_tx_descriptor_status,
        .tx_done_cleanup          = qdma_dev_tx_done_cleanup,
        .queue_stats_mapping_set  = qdma_dev_queue_stats_mapping,
        .get_reg                  = qdma_dev_get_regs,
        .stats_get                = qdma_dev_stats_get,
        .stats_reset              = qdma_dev_stats_reset,
        .xstats_get_names         = qep_dev_xstats_get_names,
        .xstats_get_names_by_id   = qep_dev_xstats_get_names_by_id,
        .xstats_get               = qep_dev_xstats_get,
        .xstats_get_by_id         = qep_dev_xstats_get_by_id,
        .xstats_reset             = qep_dev_xstats_reset,
        .mtu_set                  = qdma_dev_mtu_set,
        .rxq_info_get             = qep_dev_rxq_info_get,
        .txq_info_get             = qep_dev_txq_info_get,
        .dev_supported_ptypes_get = qep_dev_supported_ptypes_get,
        .reta_query               = qep_dev_rss_reta_query,
        .reta_update              = qep_dev_rss_reta_update,
        .rss_hash_conf_get        = qep_dev_rss_conf_get,
        .filter_ctrl              = qep_filter_ctrl,

In addition, the DPDK driver also implements below rte_flow_ops for RSS configuration.

const struct rte_flow_ops qep_flow_ops = {
        .validate = qep_flow_validate,
        .create   = qep_flow_create,
        .destroy  = qep_flow_destroy,
        .flush    = qep_flow_flush,

Below sequence diagram depicts the application call flow to the driver callbacks and their high level operations.


Implementation details of the callback APIs is described further in

Additional interfaces are exported by the driver for QDMA configuration. These new interfaces are described in

DMA Hardware Error Monitoring

There are various causes for errors in QDMA IP e.g. descriptor errors, DMA engine errors, etc. If the errors are enabled by SW, QDMA logs the status of error in the respective global status registers.

DPDK driver executes a poll thread qdma_check_errors() every 1 second to check the error status and log the type of HW error occured on the console.

DPDK Driver debug

DPDK driver provides APIs rte_pmd_qep_dbg_regdump(), rte_pmd_qep_dbg_qinfo(), rte_pmd_qep_dbg_qdesc(), rte_pmd_qep_dbg_stmninfo(), rte_pmd_qep_dbg_lbusinfo() to dump debug information. Below debug information can be dumped using these API

  • Dump QDMA registers
  • Dump queue contexts for the given queue id
  • Dump software information for the given queue id
  • Dump the specified descriptor ring of the given queue id
  • Dump STM-N status and statistics registers
  • Dump LBUS status and statistics registers

User application can call these API to dump the required debug information.


Xilinx provides patch for dpdk-procinfo application to dump debug information using these APIs. This application should be run as a secondary application in a separate shell to the primary application. The patch adds/updates following option in dpdk-procinfo application.

-g: To display QDMA configuration registers

-q <queue id>: To Select queue

—qinfo: To display QDMA queue context and SW structure

–desc-dump {rx | tx | cmpt}: To dump QDMA queue descriptors

—xstats: To display extended port statistics

–stmn: To print STM-N and LBUS debug information

Sample execution command and output is given below

QDMA Registers

./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-procinfo -w 1a:00.2 -- -g

EAL: Detected 24 lcore(s)
EAL: Detected 1 NUMA nodes
EAL: Multi-process socket /var/run/dpdk/rte/mp_socket_5715_693a0b69e25f8
EAL: Probing VFIO support...
EAL: PCI device 0000:05:00.0 on NUMA socket 0
EAL:   probe driver: 8086:1533 net_e1000_igb
EAL: PCI device 0000:06:00.0 on NUMA socket 0
EAL:   probe driver: 1d6a:7b1 net_atlantic
EAL: PCI device 0000:1a:00.2 on NUMA socket 0
EAL:   probe driver: 10ee:5016 net_qep
FPGA Config Registers for port_id: 0
 Offset       Name                                        Value(Hex) Value(Dec)
[      0] CFG_BLOCK_ID_0                                  0x1fd30000 533921792
[    0x4] CFG_BUSDEV_0                                    0          0
[    0x8] CFG_PCIE_MAX_PL_SZ_0                            0x51       81
[    0xc] CFG_PCIE_MAX_RDRQ_SZ_0                          0x52       82
[   0x10] CFG_SYS_ID_0                                    0x1234     4660
[   0x14] CFG_MSI_EN_0                                    0x20202    131586
[   0x18] CFG_PCIE_DATA_WIDTH_0                           0x3        3
[   0x1c] CFG_PCIE_CTRL_0                                 0x1        1
[   0x40] CFG_AXI_USR_MAX_PL_SZ_0                         0x55       85
[   0x44] CFG_AXI_USR_MAX_RDRQ_SZ_0                       0x55       85
[   0x4c] CFG_MISC_CTRL_0                                 0x10009    65545
[   0x80] CFG_SCRATCH_REG_0                               0          0
[   0x84] CFG_SCRATCH_REG_1                               0          0
[   0x88] CFG_SCRATCH_REG_2                               0          0
[   0x8c] CFG_SCRATCH_REG_3                               0          0
[   0x90] CFG_SCRATCH_REG_4                               0          0
[   0x94] CFG_SCRATCH_REG_5                               0          0
[   0x98] CFG_SCRATCH_REG_6                               0          0
[   0x9c] CFG_SCRATCH_REG_7                               0          0
[   0xf0] QDMA_RAM_SBE_MSK_A_0                            0xffffff11 4294967057
[   0xf4] QDMA_RAM_SBE_STS_A_0                            0          0
[   0xf8] QDMA_RAM_DBE_MSK_A_0                            0xffffff11 4294967057
[   0xfc] QDMA_RAM_DBE_STS_A_0                            0          0
[  0x100] GLBL2_ID_0                                      0x1fd70000 534183936
[  0x104] GLBL2_PF_BL_INT_0                               0x1101     4353
[  0x108] GLBL2_PF_VF_BL_INT_0                            0          0
[  0x10c] GLBL2_PF_BL_EXT_0                               0x4044     16452
[  0x110] GLBL2_PF_VF_BL_EXT_0                            0          0
[  0x114] GLBL2_CHNL_INST_0                               0x30101    196865
[  0x118] GLBL2_CHNL_QDMA_0                               0x30f0f    200463
[  0x11c] GLBL2_CHNL_STRM_0                               0x30000    196608
[  0x120] GLBL2_QDMA_CAP_0                                0x800      2048
[  0x128] GLBL2_PASID_CAP_0                               0          0
[  0x12c] GLBL2_FUNC_RET_0                                0x2        2
[  0x130] GLBL2_SYS_ID_0                                  0          0
[  0x134] GLBL2_MISC_CAP_0                                0x1000000  16777216
[  0x1b8] GLBL2_DBG_PCIE_RQ_0                             0x7c50003  130351107
[  0x1bc] GLBL2_DBG_PCIE_RQ_1                             0x6024     24612
[  0x1c0] GLBL2_DBG_AXIMM_WR_0                            0x600021   6291489
[  0x1c4] GLBL2_DBG_AXIMM_WR_1                            0          0
[  0x1c8] GLBL2_DBG_AXIMM_RD_0                            0x1        1
[  0x1cc] GLBL2_DBG_AXIMM_RD_1                            0          0
[  0x204] GLBL_RNGSZ_0                                    0x801      2049
[  0x208] GLBL_RNGSZ_1                                    0x41       65
[  0x20c] GLBL_RNGSZ_2                                    0x81       129
[  0x210] GLBL_RNGSZ_3                                    0xc1       193
[  0x214] GLBL_RNGSZ_4                                    0x101      257
[  0x218] GLBL_RNGSZ_5                                    0x181      385
[  0x21c] GLBL_RNGSZ_6                                    0x201      513
[  0x220] GLBL_RNGSZ_7                                    0x301      769
[  0x224] GLBL_RNGSZ_8                                    0x401      1025
[  0x228] GLBL_RNGSZ_9                                    0x601      1537
[  0x22c] GLBL_RNGSZ_10                                   0xc01      3073
[  0x230] GLBL_RNGSZ_11                                   0x1001     4097
[  0x234] GLBL_RNGSZ_12                                   0x1801     6145
[  0x238] GLBL_RNGSZ_13                                   0x2001     8193
[  0x23c] GLBL_RNGSZ_14                                   0x3001     12289
[  0x240] GLBL_RNGSZ_15                                   0x4001     16385
[  0x248] GLBL_ERR_STAT_0                                 0          0
[  0x24c] GLBL_ERR_MASK_0                                 0xfff      4095
[  0x250] GLBL_DSC_CFG_0                                  0x30       48
[  0x254] GLBL_DSC_ERR_STS_0                              0          0
[  0x258] GLBL_DSC_ERR_MSK_0                              0x7ff      2047
[  0x25c] GLBL_DSC_ERR_LOG_0                              0          0
[  0x260] GLBL_DSC_ERR_LOG_1                              0          0
[  0x264] GLBL_TRQ_ERR_STS_0                              0          0
[  0x268] GLBL_TRQ_ERR_MSK_0                              0xf        15
[  0x26c] GLBL_TRQ_ERR_LOG_0                              0          0
[  0x270] GLBL_DSC_DBG_DAT_0                              0x221e0000 572391424
[  0x274] GLBL_DSC_DBG_DAT_1                              0x8080     32896
[  0x27c] GLBL_DSC_ERR_LOG2_0                             0          0
[  0x288] GLBL_INTERRUPT_CFG_0                            0          0
[  0x400] TRQ_SEL_FMAP_0                                  0          0
[  0x404] TRQ_SEL_FMAP_1                                  0          0
[  0x408] TRQ_SEL_FMAP_2                                  0x8100     33024
[  0x40c] TRQ_SEL_FMAP_3                                  0          0
[  0x804] IND_CTXT_DATA_0                                 0x10f5a    69466
[  0x808] IND_CTXT_DATA_1                                 0xfffffffe 4294967294
[  0x80c] IND_CTXT_DATA_2                                 0xffffffff 4294967295
[  0x810] IND_CTXT_DATA_3                                 0xffffffff 4294967295
[  0x814] IND_CTXT_DATA_4                                 0xffffffff 4294967295
[  0x818] IND_CTXT_DATA_5                                 0xffffffff 4294967295
[  0x81c] IND_CTXT_DATA_6                                 0xffffffff 4294967295
[  0x820] IND_CTXT_DATA_7                                 0xffffffff 4294967295
[  0x824] IND_CTXT_MASK_0                                 0xffffffff 4294967295
[  0x828] IND_CTXT_MASK_1                                 0xffffffff 4294967295
[  0x82c] IND_CTXT_MASK_2                                 0xffffffff 4294967295
[  0x830] IND_CTXT_MASK_3                                 0xffffffff 4294967295
[  0x834] IND_CTXT_MASK_4                                 0xffffffff 4294967295
[  0x838] IND_CTXT_MASK_5                                 0xffffffff 4294967295
[  0x83c] IND_CTXT_MASK_6                                 0xffffffff 4294967295
[  0x840] IND_CTXT_MASK_7                                 0xffffffff 4294967295
[  0x844] IND_CTXT_CMD_0                                  0x87ac     34732
[  0xa00] C2H_TIMER_CNT_0                                 0x1        1
[  0xa04] C2H_TIMER_CNT_1                                 0x2        2
[  0xa08] C2H_TIMER_CNT_2                                 0x4        4
[  0xa0c] C2H_TIMER_CNT_3                                 0x5        5
[  0xa10] C2H_TIMER_CNT_4                                 0x8        8
[  0xa14] C2H_TIMER_CNT_5                                 0xa        10
[  0xa18] C2H_TIMER_CNT_6                                 0xf        15
[  0xa1c] C2H_TIMER_CNT_7                                 0x14       20
[  0xa20] C2H_TIMER_CNT_8                                 0x19       25
[  0xa24] C2H_TIMER_CNT_9                                 0x1e       30
[  0xa28] C2H_TIMER_CNT_10                                0x32       50
[  0xa2c] C2H_TIMER_CNT_11                                0x4b       75
[  0xa30] C2H_TIMER_CNT_12                                0x64       100
[  0xa34] C2H_TIMER_CNT_13                                0x7d       125
[  0xa38] C2H_TIMER_CNT_14                                0x96       150
[  0xa3c] C2H_TIMER_CNT_15                                0xc8       200
[  0xa40] C2H_CNT_THRESH_0                                0x40       64
[  0xa44] C2H_CNT_THRESH_1                                0x2        2
[  0xa48] C2H_CNT_THRESH_2                                0x4        4
[  0xa4c] C2H_CNT_THRESH_3                                0x8        8
[  0xa50] C2H_CNT_THRESH_4                                0x10       16
[  0xa54] C2H_CNT_THRESH_5                                0x18       24
[  0xa58] C2H_CNT_THRESH_6                                0x20       32
[  0xa5c] C2H_CNT_THRESH_7                                0x30       48
[  0xa60] C2H_CNT_THRESH_8                                0x50       80
[  0xa64] C2H_CNT_THRESH_9                                0x60       96
[  0xa68] C2H_CNT_THRESH_10                               0x70       112
[  0xa6c] C2H_CNT_THRESH_11                               0x80       128
[  0xa70] C2H_CNT_THRESH_12                               0x90       144
[  0xa74] C2H_CNT_THRESH_13                               0xa0       160
[  0xa78] C2H_CNT_THRESH_14                               0xb0       176
[  0xa7c] C2H_CNT_THRESH_15                               0xc0       192
[  0xa88] C2H_STAT_S_AXIS_C2H_ACCEPTED_0                  0x12       18
[  0xa8c] C2H_STAT_S_AXIS_CMPT_ACCEPTED_0                 0x12       18
[  0xa90] C2H_STAT_DESC_RSP_PKT_ACCEPTED_0                0x12       18
[  0xa94] C2H_STAT_AXIS_PKG_CMP_0                         0x12       18
[  0xa98] C2H_STAT_DESC_RSP_ACCEPTED_0                    0x12       18
[  0xa9c] C2H_STAT_DESC_RSP_CMP_0                         0x12       18
[  0xaa0] C2H_STAT_WRQ_OUT_0                              0x15       21
[  0xaa4] C2H_STAT_WPL_REN_ACCEPTED_0                     0x24       36
[  0xaa8] C2H_STAT_TOTAL_WRQ_LEN_0                        0x900      2304
[  0xaac] C2H_STAT_TOTAL_WPL_LEN_0                        0x900      2304
[  0xab0] C2H_BUF_SZ_0                                    0x1000     4096
[  0xab4] C2H_BUF_SZ_1                                    0x100      256
[  0xab8] C2H_BUF_SZ_2                                    0x200      512
[  0xabc] C2H_BUF_SZ_3                                    0x400      1024
[  0xac0] C2H_BUF_SZ_4                                    0x800      2048
[  0xac4] C2H_BUF_SZ_5                                    0xf80      3968
[  0xac8] C2H_BUF_SZ_6                                    0x1000     4096
[  0xacc] C2H_BUF_SZ_7                                    0x1000     4096
[  0xad0] C2H_BUF_SZ_8                                    0x1000     4096
[  0xad4] C2H_BUF_SZ_9                                    0x1000     4096
[  0xad8] C2H_BUF_SZ_10                                   0x1000     4096
[  0xadc] C2H_BUF_SZ_11                                   0x1000     4096
[  0xae0] C2H_BUF_SZ_12                                   0x1000     4096
[  0xae4] C2H_BUF_SZ_13                                   0x2000     8192
[  0xae8] C2H_BUF_SZ_14                                   0x233a     9018
[  0xaec] C2H_BUF_SZ_15                                   0x4000     16384
[  0xaf0] C2H_ERR_STAT_0                                  0          0
[  0xaf4] C2H_ERR_MASK_0                                  0xfedb     65243
[  0xaf8] C2H_FATAL_ERR_STAT_0                            0          0
[  0xafc] C2H_FATAL_ERR_MASK_0                            0x7df1b    515867
[  0xb00] C2H_FATAL_ERR_ENABLE_0                          0          0
[  0xb04] GLBL_ERR_INT_0                                  0x1000001  16777217
[  0xb08] C2H_PFCH_CFG_0                                  0xc201100  203428096
[  0xb0c] C2H_INT_TIMER_TICK_0                            0x19       25
[  0xb10] C2H_STAT_DESC_RSP_DROP_ACCEPTED_0               0          0
[  0xb14] C2H_STAT_DESC_RSP_ERR_ACCEPTED_0                0          0
[  0xb18] C2H_STAT_DESC_REQ_0                             0x12       18
[  0xb1c] C2H_STAT_DEBUG_DMA_ENG_0                        0          0
[  0xb20] C2H_STAT_DEBUG_DMA_ENG_1                        0x82409012 2185269266
[  0xb24] C2H_STAT_DEBUG_DMA_ENG_2                        0xc1204812 3240118290
[  0xb28] C2H_STAT_DEBUG_DMA_ENG_3                        0x105415   1070101
[  0xb2c] C2H_DBG_PFCH_ERR_CTXT_0                         0          0
[  0xb30] C2H_FIRST_ERR_QID_0                             0          0
[  0xb34] STAT_NUM_CMPT_IN_0                              0x12       18
[  0xb38] STAT_NUM_CMPT_OUT_0                             0x12       18
[  0xb3c] STAT_NUM_CMPT_DRP_0                             0          0
[  0xb40] STAT_NUM_STAT_DESC_OUT_0                        0x12       18
[  0xb44] STAT_NUM_DSC_CRDT_SENT_0                        0          0
[  0xb48] STAT_NUM_FCH_DSC_RCVD_0                         0          0
[  0xb4c] STAT_NUM_BYP_DSC_RCVD_0                         0x12       18
[  0xb50] C2H_CMPT_COAL_CFG_0                             0x80064014 2147893268
[  0xb54] C2H_INTR_H2C_REQ_0                              0          0
[  0xb58] C2H_INTR_C2H_MM_REQ_0                           0          0
[  0xb5c] C2H_INTR_ERR_INT_REQ_0                          0          0
[  0xb60] C2H_INTR_C2H_ST_REQ_0                           0          0
[  0xb64] C2H_INTR_H2C_ERR_MM_MSIX_ACK_0                  0          0
[  0xb68] C2H_INTR_H2C_ERR_MM_MSIX_FAIL_0                 0          0
[  0xb6c] C2H_INTR_H2C_ERR_MM_NO_MSIX_0                   0          0
[  0xb70] C2H_INTR_H2C_ERR_MM_CTXT_INVAL_0                0          0
[  0xb74] C2H_INTR_C2H_ST_MSIX_ACK_0                      0          0
[  0xb78] C2H_INTR_C2H_ST_MSIX_FAIL_0                     0          0
[  0xb7c] C2H_INTR_C2H_ST_NO_MSIX_0                       0          0
[  0xb80] C2H_INTR_C2H_ST_CTXT_INVAL_0                    0          0
[  0xb84] C2H_STAT_WR_CMP_0                               0x12       18
[  0xb88] C2H_STAT_DEBUG_DMA_ENG_4_0                      0x41204800 1092634624
[  0xb8c] C2H_STAT_DEBUG_DMA_ENG_5_0                      0          0
[  0xb90] C2H_DBG_PFCH_QID_0                              0          0
[  0xb94] C2H_DBG_PFCH_0                                  0          0
[  0xb98] C2H_INT_DEBUG_0                                 0          0
[  0xb9c] C2H_STAT_IMM_ACCEPTED_0                         0          0
[  0xba0] C2H_STAT_MARKER_ACCEPTED_0                      0          0
[  0xba4] C2H_STAT_DISABLE_CMP_ACCEPTED_0                 0          0
[  0xba8] C2H_C2H_PAYLOAD_FIFO_CRDT_CNT_0                 0          0
[  0xbac] C2H_INTR_DYN_REQ_0                              0          0
[  0xbb0] C2H_INTR_DYN_MSIX_0                             0          0
[  0xbb4] C2H_DROP_LEN_MISMATCH_0                         0          0
[  0xbb8] C2H_DROP_DESC_RSP_LEN_0                         0          0
[  0xbbc] C2H_DROP_QID_FIFO_LEN_0                         0          0
[  0xbc0] C2H_DROP_PAYLOAD_CNT_0                          0          0
[  0xbc4] QDMA_C2H_CMPT_FORMAT_0                          0x20001    131073
[  0xbc8] QDMA_C2H_CMPT_FORMAT_1                          0          0
[  0xbcc] QDMA_C2H_CMPT_FORMAT_2                          0          0
[  0xbd0] QDMA_C2H_CMPT_FORMAT_3                          0          0
[  0xbd4] QDMA_C2H_CMPT_FORMAT_4                          0          0
[  0xbd8] QDMA_C2H_CMPT_FORMAT_5                          0          0
[  0xbdc] QDMA_C2H_CMPT_FORMAT_6                          0          0
[  0xbe0] C2H_PFCH_CACHE_DEPTH_0                          0x10       16
[  0xbe4] C2H_CMPT_COAL_BUF_DEPTH_0                       0x20       32
[  0xbe8] C2H_PFCH_CRDT_0                                 0          0
[  0xe00] H2C_ERR_STAT_0                                  0          0
[  0xe04] H2C_ERR_MASK_0                                  0x1f       31
[  0xe08] H2C_FIRST_ERR_QID_0                             0          0
[  0xe0c] H2C_DBG_REG_0                                   0x100010   1048592
[  0xe10] H2C_DBG_REG_1                                   0x100020   1048608
[  0xe14] H2C_DBG_REG_2                                   0          0
[  0xe18] H2C_DBG_REG_3                                   0x44008025 1140883493
[  0xe1c] H2C_DBG_REG_4                                   0xa16a2040 2708086848
[  0xe20] H2C_FATAL_ERR_EN_0                              0          0
[  0xe24] H2C_REQ_THROT_0                                 0xc14000   12664832
[  0xe28] H2C_ALN_DBG_REG0_0                              0x10       16
[ 0x1004] C2H_MM_CONTROL_0                                0x1        1
[ 0x1008] C2H_MM_CONTROL_1                                0x1        1
[ 0x100c] C2H_MM_CONTROL_2                                0x1        1
[ 0x1040] C2H_MM_STATUS_0                                 0x1        1
[ 0x1044] C2H_MM_STATUS_1                                 0x1        1
[ 0x1048] C2H_MM_CMPL_DSC_CNT_0                           0          0
[ 0x1054] C2H_MM_ERR_CODE_EN_MASK_0                       0          0
[ 0x1058] C2H_MM_ERR_CODE_0                               0          0
[ 0x105c] C2H_MM_ERR_INFO_0                               0          0
[ 0x10c0] C2H_MM_PERF_MON_CTRL_0                          0          0
[ 0x10c4] C2H_MM_PERF_MON_CY_CNT_0                        0          0
[ 0x10c8] C2H_MM_PERF_MON_CY_CNT_1                        0          0
[ 0x10cc] C2H_MM_PERF_MON_DATA_CNT_0                      0          0
[ 0x10d0] C2H_MM_PERF_MON_DATA_CNT_1                      0          0
[ 0x10e8] C2H_MM_DBG_INFO_0                               0x10002    65538
[ 0x10ec] C2H_MM_DBG_INFO_1                               0          0
[ 0x1204] H2C_MM_CONTROL_0                                0x1        1
[ 0x1208] H2C_MM_CONTROL_1                                0x1        1
[ 0x120c] H2C_MM_CONTROL_2                                0x1        1
[ 0x1240] H2C_MM_STATUS_0                                 0x1        1
[ 0x1248] H2C_MM_CMPL_DSC_CNT_0                           0          0
[ 0x1254] H2C_MM_ERR_CODE_EN_MASK_0                       0          0
[ 0x1258] H2C_MM_ERR_CODE_0                               0          0
[ 0x125c] H2C_MM_ERR_INFO_0                               0          0
[ 0x12c0] H2C_MM_PERF_MON_CTRL_0                          0          0
[ 0x12c4] H2C_MM_PERF_MON_CY_CNT_0                        0          0
[ 0x12c8] H2C_MM_PERF_MON_CY_CNT_1                        0          0
[ 0x12cc] H2C_MM_PERF_MON_DATA_CNT_0                      0          0
[ 0x12d0] H2C_MM_PERF_MON_DATA_CNT_1                      0          0
[ 0x12e8] H2C_MM_DBG_INFO_0                               0x10002    65538
[ 0x12ec] H2C_MM_REQ_THROT_0                              0x8000     32768

QDMA queue context and SW structure

./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-procinfo -w 1a:00.2 -- --qinfo -q 15

EAL: Detected 24 lcore(s)
EAL: Detected 1 NUMA nodes
EAL: Multi-process socket /var/run/dpdk/rte/mp_socket_5847_6947546087f38
EAL: Probing VFIO support...
EAL: PCI device 0000:05:00.0 on NUMA socket 0
EAL:   probe driver: 8086:1533 net_e1000_igb
EAL: PCI device 0000:06:00.0 on NUMA socket 0
EAL:   probe driver: 1d6a:7b1 net_atlantic
EAL: PCI device 0000:1a:00.2 on NUMA socket 0
EAL:   probe driver: 10ee:5016 net_qep

 ***** C2H Queue Contexts on port_id: 0 for queue_id: 15 *****

                              SW Context
PIDX                                            0x7ff      2047
IRQ Arm                                         0          0
Function Id                                     0x2        2
Queue Enable                                    0x1        1
Fetch Credit Enable                             0x1        1
Write back/Intr Check                           0          0
Write back/Intr Interval                        0          0
Address Translation                             0          0
Fetch Max                                       0          0
Ring Size                                       0          0
Descriptor Size                                 0          0
Bypass Enable                                   0x1        1
MM Channel                                      0          0
Writeback Enable                                0x1        1
Interrupt Enable                                0          0
Port Id                                         0          0
Interrupt No Last                               0          0
Error                                           0          0
Writeback Error Sent                            0          0
IRQ Request                                     0          0
Marker Disable                                  0          0
Is Memory Mapped                                0          0
Descriptor Ring Base Addr (Low)                 0x9d3b7000 2637918208
Descriptor Ring Base Addr (High)                0xf        15
Interrupt Vector/Ring Index                     0          0
Interrupt Aggregation                           0          0

                              HW Context
CIDX                                            0x80       128
Credits Consumed                                0x80       128
Descriptors Pending                             0x1        1
Queue Invalid No Desc Pending                   0x1        1
Eviction Pending                                0          0
Fetch Pending                                   0          0

                          Credit Context
Credit                                          0x80       128

 ***********RX Queue struct**********

                 wb_pidx             :0
                 wb_cidx             :0
                 rx_tail (ST)        :0
                 c2h_pidx            :7ff
                 rx_cmpt_cidx        :0
                 cmpt_desc_len       :8
                 rx_buff_size        :1000
                 nb_rx_desc          :801
                 nb_rx_cmpt_desc     :1001
                 ep_addr             :0
                 st_mode             :1
                 rx_deferred_start   :0
                 en_prefetch         :0
                 en_bypass           :1
                 dump_immediate_data :0
                 en_bypass_prefetch  :1
                 dis_overflow_check  :0
                 bypass_desc_sz      :0
                 ringszidx           :0
                 cmpt_ringszidx      :b
                 buffszidx           :0
                 threshidx           :0
                 timeridx            :3
                 triggermode         :4

 ***** H2C Queue Contexts on port_id: 0 for queue_id: 15 *****

                              SW Context
PIDX                                            0          0
IRQ Arm                                         0          0
Function Id                                     0x2        2
Queue Enable                                    0x1        1
Fetch Credit Enable                             0x1        1
Write back/Intr Check                           0x1        1
Write back/Intr Interval                        0x1        1
Address Translation                             0          0
Fetch Max                                       0          0
Ring Size                                       0          0
Descriptor Size                                 0x1        1
Bypass Enable                                   0x1        1
MM Channel                                      0          0
Writeback Enable                                0x1        1
Interrupt Enable                                0          0
Port Id                                         0          0
Interrupt No Last                               0          0
Error                                           0          0
Writeback Error Sent                            0          0
IRQ Request                                     0          0
Marker Disable                                  0          0
Is Memory Mapped                                0          0
Descriptor Ring Base Addr (Low)                 0x9d4ce000 2639060992
Descriptor Ring Base Addr (High)                0xf        15
Interrupt Vector/Ring Index                     0          0
Interrupt Aggregation                           0          0

                              HW Context
CIDX                                            0          0
Credits Consumed                                0          0
Descriptors Pending                             0          0
Queue Invalid No Desc Pending                   0x1        1
Eviction Pending                                0          0
Fetch Pending                                   0          0

                          Credit Context
Credit                                          0          0

***********TX Queue struct************

                 wb_pidx             :0
                 wb_cidx             :0
                 h2c_pidx            :0
                 tx_fl_tail          :0
                 tx_desc_pend        :0
                 nb_tx_desc          :801
                 st_mode             :1
                 tx_deferred_start   :0
                 en_bypass           :1
                 bypass_desc_sz      :0
                 func_id             :2
                 port_id             :0
                 ringszidx           :0
                 ep_addr             :0

QDMA queue TX/RX descriptors**

./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-procinfo -w 1a:00.2 -- --desc-dump tx -q 2

EAL: Detected 24 lcore(s)
EAL: Detected 1 NUMA nodes
EAL: Multi-process socket /var/run/dpdk/rte/mp_socket_6012_694ddae74784e
EAL: Probing VFIO support...
EAL: PCI device 0000:05:00.0 on NUMA socket 0
EAL:   probe driver: 8086:1533 net_e1000_igb
EAL: PCI device 0000:06:00.0 on NUMA socket 0
EAL:   probe driver: 1d6a:7b1 net_atlantic
EAL: PCI device 0000:1a:00.2 on NUMA socket 0
EAL:   probe driver: 10ee:5016 net_qep

====== H2C ring descriptors=====

Descriptor ID 0  at [0x15d577000], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 1  at [0x15d577010], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 2  at [0x15d577020], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 3  at [0x15d577030], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 4  at [0x15d577040], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 5  at [0x15d577050], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 6  at [0x15d577060], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 7  at [0x15d577070], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 8  at [0x15d577080], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 9  at [0x15d577090], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 10         at [0x15d5770a0], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 11         at [0x15d5770b0], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 12         at [0x15d5770c0], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 13         at [0x15d5770d0], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 14         at [0x15d5770e0], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 15         at [0x15d5770f0], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 16         at [0x15d577100], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 17         at [0x15d577110], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 18         at [0x15d577120], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 19         at [0x15d577130], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 20         at [0x15d577140], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 21         at [0x15d577150], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 22         at [0x15d577160], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 23         at [0x15d577170], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 24         at [0x15d577180], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 25         at [0x15d577190], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 26         at [0x15d5771a0], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 27         at [0x15d5771b0], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 28         at [0x15d5771c0], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 29         at [0x15d5771d0], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 30         at [0x15d5771e0], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 31         at [0x15d5771f0], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Descriptor ID 32         at [0x15d577200], len=16
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................

Extended statistics (CMAC & STM-N)

./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-procinfo -w 1a:00.2 -- --xstats

EAL: Detected 24 lcore(s)
EAL: Detected 1 NUMA nodes
EAL: Multi-process socket /var/run/dpdk/rte/mp_socket_6100_69555ec5db338
EAL: Probing VFIO support...
EAL: PCI device 0000:05:00.0 on NUMA socket 0
EAL:   probe driver: 8086:1533 net_e1000_igb
EAL: PCI device 0000:06:00.0 on NUMA socket 0
EAL:   probe driver: 1d6a:7b1 net_atlantic
EAL: PCI device 0000:1a:00.2 on NUMA socket 0
EAL:   probe driver: 10ee:5016 net_qep
###### NIC extended statistics for port 0  #########
rx_good_packets: 0
tx_good_packets: 0
rx_good_bytes: 0
tx_good_bytes: 0
rx_missed_errors: 0
rx_errors: 0
tx_errors: 0
rx_mbuf_allocation_errors: 0
rx_q0packets: 0
rx_q0bytes: 0
rx_q0errors: 0
rx_q1packets: 0
rx_q1bytes: 0
rx_q1errors: 0
rx_q2packets: 0
rx_q2bytes: 0
rx_q2errors: 0
rx_q3packets: 0
rx_q3bytes: 0
rx_q3errors: 0
rx_q4packets: 0
rx_q4bytes: 0
rx_q4errors: 0
rx_q5packets: 0
rx_q5bytes: 0
rx_q5errors: 0
rx_q6packets: 0
rx_q6bytes: 0
rx_q6errors: 0
rx_q7packets: 0
rx_q7bytes: 0
rx_q7errors: 0
rx_q8packets: 0
rx_q8bytes: 0
rx_q8errors: 0
rx_q9packets: 0
rx_q9bytes: 0
rx_q9errors: 0
rx_q10packets: 0
rx_q10bytes: 0
rx_q10errors: 0
rx_q11packets: 0
rx_q11bytes: 0
rx_q11errors: 0
rx_q12packets: 0
rx_q12bytes: 0
rx_q12errors: 0
rx_q13packets: 0
rx_q13bytes: 0
rx_q13errors: 0
rx_q14packets: 0
rx_q14bytes: 0
rx_q14errors: 0
rx_q15packets: 0
rx_q15bytes: 0
rx_q15errors: 0
tx_q0packets: 0
tx_q0bytes: 0
tx_q1packets: 0
tx_q1bytes: 0
tx_q2packets: 0
tx_q2bytes: 0
tx_q3packets: 0
tx_q3bytes: 0
tx_q4packets: 0
tx_q4bytes: 0
tx_q5packets: 0
tx_q5bytes: 0
tx_q6packets: 0
tx_q6bytes: 0
tx_q7packets: 0
tx_q7bytes: 0
tx_q8packets: 0
tx_q8bytes: 0
tx_q9packets: 0
tx_q9bytes: 0
tx_q10packets: 0
tx_q10bytes: 0
tx_q11packets: 0
tx_q11bytes: 0
tx_q12packets: 0
tx_q12bytes: 0
tx_q13packets: 0
tx_q13bytes: 0
tx_q14packets: 0
tx_q14bytes: 0
tx_q15packets: 0
tx_q15bytes: 0
rx_mac_packets: 0
rx_good_pkts: 0
rx_mac_bytes: 0
rx_good_bytes: 0
rx_hist_less_64_pkts: 0
rx_hist_64_pkts: 0
rx_hist_65_127_pkts: 0
rx_hist_128_255_pkts: 0
rx_hist_256_511_pkts: 0
rx_hist_512_1023_pkts: 0
rx_hist_1024_1518_pkts: 0
rx_hist_1519_1522_pkts: 0
rx_hist_1523_1548_pkts: 0
rx_hist_1549_2047_pkts: 0
rx_hist_2048_4095_pkts: 0
rx_hist_4096_8191_pkts: 0
rx_hist_8192_9215_pkts: 0
rx_hist_greater_eq_9216_pkts: 0
rx_unicast_pkts: 0
rx_multicast_pkts: 0
rx_broadcast_pkts: 0
rx_pause_pkts: 0
rx_vlan_tagged_pkts: 0
rx_priority_pause_pkts: 0
rx_undersized_pkts: 0
rx_frag_pkts: 0
rx_oversized_pkts: 0
rx_too_long_pkts: 0
rx_jabber_pkts: 0
rx_bad_fcs_pkts: 0
rx_bad_fcs_pkts_64b_to_max: 0
rx_stomped_fcs_pkts: 0
rx_bad_code_pkts: 0
rx_range_error_pkts: 0
rx_truncated_pkts: 0
tx_mac_bytes: 0
tx_good_bytes: 0
tx_mac_packets: 0
tx_good_pkts: 0
tx_hist_less_64_pkts: 0
tx_hist_64_pkts: 0
tx_hist_65_127_pkts: 0
tx_hist_128_255_pkts: 0
tx_hist_256_511_pkts: 0
tx_hist_512_1023_pkts: 0
tx_hist_1024_1518_pkts: 0
tx_hist_1519_1522_pkts: 0
tx_hist_1523_1548_pkts: 0
tx_hist_1549_2047_pkts: 0
tx_hist_2048_4095_pkts: 0
tx_hist_4096_8191_pkts: 0
tx_hist_8192_9215_pkts: 0
tx_hist_greater_eq_9216_pkts: 0
tx_unicast_pkts: 0
tx_multicast_pkts: 0
tx_broadcast_pkts: 0
tx_pause_pkts: 0
tx_vlan_tagged_pkts: 0
tx_priority_pause_pkts: 0
tx_bad_fcs_pkts: 0
tx_frame_error_pkts: 0
c2h_cmpt: 1
qdma_c2h_sts: 1
h2c_meta: 1
c2h_dsc_sts: 0
h2c_dsc_sts: 1
c2h_crdt: 1
h2c_crdt: 0
c2h_byp_out: 0
h2c_byp_out: 1
dsc_sts_c2h_min_avl: 2047
dsc_sts_c2h_max_avl: 2047
dsc_sts_h2c_min_avl: 0
dsc_sts_h2c_min_avl: 5
cycle_cnt: 4977456152320
s_axis_pkt_in_cnt: 0
s_axis_pkt_accept_cnt: 0
s_axis_byte_accept_cnt: 0
s_axis_pkt_drop_cnt: 0
s_axis_byte_drop_cnt: 0
qdma_pkt_accept_cnt: 0
qdma_byte_accept_cnt: 0
qdma_pkt_drop_cnt: 0
qdma_byte_drop_cnt: 0
s_axis_active: 0
s_axis_idle: 4977456152320
s_axis_pause: 0
qdma_axis_c2h_active: 0
qdma_axis_c2h_idle: 4977456152320
qdma_axis_c2h_pause: 0
qdma_axis_c2h_cmpt_active: 0
qdma_axis_c2h_cmpt_idle: 4977456152320
qdma_axis_c2h_cmpt_pause: 0
qdma_axis_c2h_dmawr_cmp_cnt: 0
c2h_cmpt_fifo_avg_cnt: 0
qdma_c2h_sts_fifo_avg_cnt: 0
m_axis_pkt_cnt: 0
m_axis_byte_cnt: 0
m_axis_active: 0
m_axis_idle: 4977456152320
m_axis_pause: 0
h2c_meta_fifo_avg_cnt: 0
dsc_sts_c2h_cnt: 34
dsc_sts_h2c_cnt: 34
dsc_sts_c2h_avl_cnt: 33263
dsc_sts_h2c_avl_cnt: 0
dsc_sts_c2h_fifo_avg_cnt: 459
dsc_sts_h2c_fifo_avg_cnt: 459
crdt_in_c2h_vld_cnt: 17
crdt_in_h2c_vld_cnt: 0
crdt_in_c2h_cnt: 2176
crdt_in_h2c_cnt: 0
byp_out_c2h_cnt: 2176
byp_out_h2c_cnt: 0
c2h_crdt_fifo_avg_cnt: 68
h2c_crdt_fifo_avg_cnt: 0
c2h_byp_out_fifo_avg_cnt: 8704

STM-N and LBUS status information

./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-procinfo -w 1a:00.2 -- --stmn

EAL: Detected 24 lcore(s)
EAL: Detected 1 NUMA nodes
EAL: Multi-process socket /var/run/dpdk/rte/mp_socket_6113_6956910070a62
EAL: Probing VFIO support...
EAL: PCI device 0000:05:00.0 on NUMA socket 0
EAL:   probe driver: 8086:1533 net_e1000_igb
EAL: PCI device 0000:06:00.0 on NUMA socket 0
EAL:   probe driver: 1d6a:7b1 net_atlantic
EAL: PCI device 0000:1a:00.2 on NUMA socket 0
EAL:   probe driver: 10ee:5016 net_qep
STMN version Minor:2 Major:0 BlcokID:0
Last Drop Axis response  : drop_code:0 num_desc:0 num_pkt:0 accept:0 sim_byp:0 qid:0 reg_val:0
First Drop Axis response : drop_code:0 num_desc:0 num_pkt:0 accept:0 sim_byp:0 qid:0 reg_val:0
Dropping Queue Type      : accept_sim_byp:0  accept_not_byp:0 drop_cache_byp:0  drop_sim_byp:0  drop_not_byp:0
Dropping Queue cause     : drop_sim_byp_len:0  drop_sim_byp_avl:0 drop_sim_byp_init:0  drop_qid_err:0  drop_qid_not_st:0  drop_qid_not_en:0
C2h Flags: last:0  cmp:0 not_last:0  drop:0  max_qid:0
s_axis_err                     0x0
m_axis_err                     0x0
dsc_sts_err                    0x0
crdt_bypout_err                0x0
c2h_dsc_sts_err                0x0
c2h_dsc_str_wr_err             0x0
c2h_dsc_str_rd_err             0x0
h2c_dsc_sts_err                0x0
h2c_dsc_str_wr_err             0x0
h2c_dsc_str_rd_err             0x0
C2H Desc Err     :  err:0  qinv:0  irq_arm:0  mm:0  byp:0 qen:0  port_id:0  avl:0  qid:0
H2C Desc Err     :  err:0  qinv:0  irq_arm:0  mm:0  byp:0 qen:0  port_id:0  avl:0  qid:0
C2H Desc Byp Err :  error:0  st_mm:0 mrkr_rsp:0  dsc_sz:0 port_id:0  func:0  cidx:0  qid:0
H2C Desc Byp Err :  error:0  st_mm:0 mrkr_rsp:0  dsc_sz:0 port_id:0  func:0  cidx:0  qid:0
Config: Pass_Err=0 Pass_Truncate=0
Error : Ctl_FIFO_Full=0 Ctl_FIFO_Empty=0 Data_FIFO_Full=0 Data_FIFO_Empty=0
Packet Drop Indication : FIFO_full=0 lbus_err=0 Invalid_bus=0
Status : Module_In_Reset= 0 Data_FIFO_in_reset=0 Control_FIFO_in_Reset=0 Data_FIFO_Full=0 axis_idle=0 lbus_idle=0
Packet Drop Cause : Backpressure=0 Cmac Err=0
Statistics :  axis_out=481789737 axis_drop=0 lbus_drop=0
Config : Padd_Enable=0
Error : Ctl_FIFO_Full=0 Ctl_FIFO_Empty=0 Data_FIFO_Full=0 Data_FIFO_Empty=0
Error : Lbus_overflow =0 lbus_underflow=0
Status : Module_In_Reset= 0 Data_FIFO_in_reset=0 Control_FIFO_in_Reset=0 Data_FIFO_Full=0 axis_idle=0 lbus_idle=0