Integrate 2D Filter Kernels in the Platform =========================================== Prerequisites ------------- * Reference Design source files * Vitis Unified Software Platform 2021.1 (include AIE tool chain) Build Flow Tutorial ------------------- .. note:: The below steps use platform vck190_mipiRxSingle_hdmiTx as an example. The same steps can be used for other platforms as well. The file/directory names will be replaced with the targeted platform name - *vck190_* **Clone the Reference Design Files:** Skip the following steps if the design has already been cloned and extracted to a working directory #. Clone the VCK190 Base TRD repository using the following command .. code-block:: bash git clone --branch 2021.1 --recursive The directory structure is described in the Introduction Section **Set up the Vitis toolchain:** #. To set up the Vitis toolchain, run the following commands: .. code-block:: bash source $XILINX_VITIS/ export XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE= **Implement platform design with filter2d PL and filter2d AIE accelerators:** #. To create the platform design with accelerators integrated, run the following Makefile: .. code-block:: bash cd $working_dir make overlay PFM=vck190_mipiRxSingle_hdmiTx OVERLAY=filter2d The Makefile implements the following: * Builds the filter2d PL kernel. Output is *filter2d_pl_accel.xo* file. * Builds the filter2d AIE kernel and the datamover (Tiler + Stitcher) kernel. The datamover kernel is implemented on PL and is responsible to move data from/to DDR to/from the AI Engine. Outputs are *filter2d_aie_accel.xo* and *libadf.a* containing the AIE elf and cdo files as well as the graph description. * Integrates the above kernels into the *vck190_mipiRxSingle_hdmiTx* design using the Vitis linker. Generates *binary_container_1.xclbin* which contains meta data describing the kernels and platform. Generates a new XSA that includes the updated PDI. Note: If the *Create the Vitis Platform* tutorial is not run before this, then this Makefile also generates the Vitis platform #. The following is a list of important output products: * Vivado project with integrated kernels: *$working_dir/overlays/filter2d/kernels/_x/link/vivado/vpl/prj/prj.xpr* * XSA required for building the Petalinux BSP: *$working_dir/overlays/filter2d/kernels/binary_container_1.xsa* The XSA contains the updated PDI with the accelerators added into the platform design and the merged AIE binary.The XSA is required to build the final boot image *BOOT.BIN* in PetaLinux. * The xclbin that contains the platform and kernel meta data needed by XRT: *$working_dir/overlays/filter2d/kernels/binary_container_1.xclbin* ,,,,, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at []( Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.