3.3. Run 2D Filter Application

Jupyter Notebooks are used to demonstarte the workings of the Platform 3 - vck190_hdmiRx_hdmiTx with filter2d accelerator. A network connection is required to run these Notebooks.

Use SD card image for Platform 3 - vck190_hdmiRx_hdmiTx to run this application.

3.3.1. Connect to the JupyterLab Server

Follow these steps to boot the board into Linux. These steps can be skipped if you are already at the Linux prompt xilinx-vck190-20221

  • Ensure all steps under the section Board Setup are verified.
  • Insert the prepared micro SD card into the Versal SD card slot (refer to the image in Board Setup)
  • Have the UART0 terminal emulator tab connected.
  • Turn ON power switch SW13.
  • On Versal UART0 terminal, you would see the Versal device booting from the micro SD card, starting with the message “Xilinx Versal Platform Loader and Manager”
  • In about 60 seconds boot is complete. Observe the Linux prompt xilinx-vck190-20221 and finish logging in.
  • JupyterLab server is disabled in the systemd services and will not autostart. Users can enable ‘jupyter-setup’ via systemctl to autostart the service.

Follow the steps in the example below to start JupyterLab:

xilinx-vck190-20221:~$ sudo systemctl start jupyter-setup
xilinx-vck190-20221:~$ sudo jupyter-lab  list
Currently running servers:
http://192.168.xx.x:8888/?token=1f69939d70cdedd044adb64c91d26a75c01da7ad34f8ff03 :: /usr/share/notebooks
  • Copy the above URL http://192.168.xx.x:8888/?token=1f69939d70cdedd044adb64c91d26a75c01da7ad34f8ff03 to the chrome browser.

  • Users can check status of the systemd service ‘jupyter-setup’ any time for debug info:

    xilinx-vck190-20221:~$ systemctl status jupyter-setup
    * jupyter-setup.service - jupyter setup scripts
         Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/jupyter-setup.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
         Active: active (running) since Fri 2021-11-19 10:12:14 PST; 20min ago
       Main PID: 879 (start-jupyter.s)
          Tasks: 3 (limit: 2237)
         Memory: 125.6M
         CGroup: /system.slice/jupyter-setup.service
                 |-879 /bin/bash /sbin/start-jupyter.sh
                 `-884 python3 /usr/bin/jupyter-lab --no-browser --allow-root --ip=192.xxx.xx.xx


If you do not see any URL for the Juputer Notebook, you may have to setup a private network. Likely, DHCP is not available to allot the board an IP address. To setup a private network and start the notebook follow the instruction below. Setting up a private network

In case of a private network, user can assign a static address within the subnet of the host machine.

Setting up a private network with target board and the host machine for Windows users:

  • Ensure a direct connection between the windows host machine and the target board using an ethernet cable as shown in the Board Setup section.

  • In windows, run command prompt as an admisntrator

    Press Windows+R to open the “Run” box.
    Type “cmd” into the box.
    press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to run the command as an administrator
  • Run ipconfig on the windows machine to list available ethernet adapters and set a static private ip

    # A sample output after executing ipconfig
    # notice interface "Ethernet" has an auto address assigned with no Default Gateway
    Ethernet adapter Ethernet:
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
       Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::1d8d:ac40:ff9b:8d1%21
       Autoconfiguration IPv4 Address. . :
       Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
    # Set static ip address
    netsh interface ip set address name="YOUR INTERFACE NAME" static "IP_ADDRESS" "SUBNET_MASK"
    # Example
    netsh interface ip set address name="Ethernet" static
  • Ensure to boot the target board (VCK190) into Linux

  • Set a private ip address for the target within the subnet of host machine and verify connectivity.

    sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask
    # Perform a ping test to the host form the target
    ping -c 3

Setting up a private network with target board and the host machine for Linux users:

  • Make a direct connection between the Linux host machine and the target board using an ethernet cable

  • Run ifconfig on the Linux machine to list available ethernet adapters and set a static private ip

    # Example to set an ip to ethernet interface enp2s0:
    sudo ifconfig enp2s0 netmask
  • Ensure to boot the target board (VCK190) into Linux

  • Set a private ip address for the target within the subnet of host machine and verify connectivity.

    sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask
    # Perform a ping test to the host form the target
    ping -c 3
  • To start Jupyter Notebook run

    sudo systemctl start jupyter-setup
    sudo jupyter-lab list Start the Notebook

Note: This demo is tested with Chrome browser only.

  • To connect to the jupyter-server and start the Notebook, copy the generated URL with token on the prompt of Versal target and paste it to the Chrome browser address bar of the laptop, for example:
  • If you have lost the URL, to look up the jupyter server IP address and token on the target, run:

    sudo jupyter-lab  list


Filter 2D AIE accelerator is not available in this version of the design. It will be supported soon. So with notebooks nb6 and nb7 do not run Filter 2D AIE.

3.3.2. Run the Jupyter Notebooks

This TRD includes the following jupyter notebooks:

  1. base-trd-nb1.ipynb: Demonstrates videoplayback of a file source in rootfs of the target to the Jupyter notebook using the GStreamer multimedia framework.
  2. base-trd-nb2.ipynb: Demonstrates streaming video from a v4l2 device on the target to the Jupyter notebook using the GStreamer multimedia framework
  3. base-trd-nb3.ipynb: Demonstrates streaming video from a v4l2 device on the target to a HDMI monitor using the GStreamer multimedia framework.
  4. base-trd-nb4.ipynb: Demonstrates two simultaneous streaming pipelines, one from file source and another from a v4l2 device onto two individual planes of a HDMI monitor using the GStreamer multimedia framework.
  5. base-trd-nb5.ipynb: Demonstrates streaming video from a Mulit-Camera FMC module on the target to a HDMI monitor using the GStreamer multimedia framework.
  6. base-trd-nb6.ipynb: Demonstrates the 2D filter accelerator kernels, both the PL and the AIE versions, inserted into the video pipeline of notebook 2.
  7. base-trd-nb7.ipynb: Demonstrates using both 2D filter accelerator kernels in a time-multiplexed fashion in a multi-branch pipeline.
  8. base-trd-nb8.ipynb: Demonstrates streaming audio/video from a v4l2 device or a file to a HDMI monitor/speaker using the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Note: MIPI sources in the notebook is platform specific, User is allowed to choose “mipi” in platform 1 and “mipi_quad” in platform 2 respectively, otherwise an exception would be thrown.

To run the notebooks, follow the below steps:

  1. On the left pane of the browser, 8 notebooks are available under the folder Base TRD.

  2. Double click to open the notebook

  3. Select ‘Kernel’ → ‘Restart Kernel and Run All Cells’ from the top menu bar to run the demo. For nb1, nb2 and nb6 scroll down to the end of the notebook to see the video output. For all other notebooks the video output is displayed on the monitor.

  4. Click the rectangular icon to interrupt the kernel and stop the video stream.

  5. Select ‘Kernel’ → ‘Shutdown Kernel’ → close the notebook tab and move to the next notebook.


Note1: Rerunning a TRD notebook may have spurious behavior, this is because software commands are designed to run in order and may not behave as expected in iterative runs when the kernel is not restarted. In practice, there are some command sequences that can be regressed, but the safest thing is to restart the Jupyter Notebook kernel with ‘kernel’ → ‘Interrupt kernel’ , followed by ‘kernel’ → ‘Restart Kernel and Run All Cells’ when rerunning a notebook.

Note2: Jupyter-setup is expected to be started with root privilages ‘sudo systemctl start jupyter-setup’. If not started with root permission for the first atempt, then post install scripts will fail to execute and dot may throw an error creating a graph in png format. This can be resolved by executing ‘dot -c’ at the linux prompt .

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