3.4. Run XVDPU application

There are two applications could be run to show the AI inference capability of XVDPU.


The smart-mipi-app application is targeted to run with Single-MIPI(Leopard IMX274 MIPI) sensor as input source, and HDMI as output sink. The application supports 4 models - yolov3, refinedet, densebox, ssd.

Follow these steps to boot the board into Linux. These steps can be skipped if you are already at the Linux prompt xilinx-vck190-20222

  • Ensure all steps under the section Board Setup are verified. Make connections based on the input source and output sink selected.

  • Insert the prepared micro SD card into the Versal SD card slot (refer to the image in Board Setup)

  • Have the UART0 terminal emulator tab connected.

  • Turn ON power switch SW13.

  • On Versal UART0 terminal, you would see the Versal device booting from the micro SD card starting with the message “Xilinx Versal Platform Loader and Manager”

  • In about 60 seconds boot is complete. Observe the Linux prompt xilinx-vck190-20222 and finish logging in.

  • Use command line options provided below to run the smart-mipi-app application Examples for single-mipi sensor

  • Run 1 channel mipi camera with 3840x2160 resolution monitor

    sudo smart-mipi-app -s
  • Run 1 channel mipi camera with 1920x1080 resolution monitor

    sudo smart-mipi-app -s -W 1920 -H 1080
  • Run 1 channel mipi camera with specified AI model

    sudo smart-mipi-app -s -t yolov3
  • Run 1 channel mipi camera with specified media device, the default is “/dev/media1”

    sudo smart-mipi-app -s -m 2

Note: Currently, Only yolov3, densebox, refinedet, ssd models are supported by this application. Command Options:

  • The examples show the capability of the smart-mipi-app for specific configurations. User can get more and detailed application options as following by invoking

smart-mipi-app -h
smart-mipi-app [OPTION?] - Application for detction on VCK190 board of Xilinx.

Examples for single mipi camera:
smart-mipi-app -s
         # Run single channel mipi camera with 3840x2160 resolution monitor.
smart-mipi-app -s -W 1920 -H 1080
         # Change to 1920x1080 resolution monitor.
smart-mipi-app -s -t ssd
         # Change ai task from yolov3 to ssd
smart-mipi-app -s -m 2
         # Change mipi camera device to /dev/media2.

Help Options:
-h, --help                                Show help options
--help-all                                Show all help options
--help-gst                                Show GStreamer Options

Application Options:
-v, --verbose                             print gstreamer pipeline
-s, --single                              only process one channel video and display fullscreen
-W, --width=WIDTH                         resolution width of the input: [1920 | 3840], default: 3840
-H, --height=HEIGHT                       resolution height of the input: [1080 | 2160], default: 2160
-t, --task=TASK                           select AI task to be run: [yolov3 | facedetect | refinedet | ssd], default: yolov3, work only when single is true
--t1=TASK                                 select AI task to be run for channel 1, default: refinedet
--t2=TASK                                 select AI task to be run for channel 2, default: facedetect
--t3=TASK                                 select AI task to be run for channel 3, default: ssd
--t4=TASK                                 select AI task to be run for channel 4, default: yolov3
-m, --media-device=NUM                    num of media-device, default: 1
-n, --channel-num=NUM                     channel numbers of video: [1 | 2 | 3 | 4], work only when single is false
-x, --xclbin-location=XCLBIN-LOCATION     set path of xclbin
-c, --config-dir=CONFIG-DIR               set config path of gstreamer plugin
-p, --performace                          print performance Files structure of the application

The application is installed as:

  • Binary File Directory: /usr/bin

  • Configuration file directory: /usr/share/vvas/smart-mipi-app

    |-- facedetect
    |   |-- aiinference.json
    |   |-- drawresult.json
    |   `-- preprocess.json
    |-- refinedet
    |   |-- aiinference.json
    |   |-- drawresult.json
    |   `-- preprocess.json
    |-- ssd
    |   |-- aiinference.json
    |   |-- drawresult.json
    |   |-- label.json
    |   `-- preprocess.json
    `-- yolov3
        |-- aiinference.json
        |-- drawresult.json
        `-- preprocess.json
  • Model file directory: /usr/share/vitis_ai_library/models

    |-- densebox_640_360
    |   |-- densebox_640_360.prototxt
    |   |-- densebox_640_360.xmodel
    |   `-- md5sum.txt
    |-- refinedet_pruned_0_96
    |   |-- md5sum.txt
    |   |-- refinedet_pruned_0_96.prototxt
    |   `-- refinedet_pruned_0_96.xmodel
    |-- ssd_adas_pruned_0_95
    |   |-- label.json
    |   |-- md5sum.txt
    |   |-- ssd_adas_pruned_0_95.prototxt
    |   `-- ssd_adas_pruned_0_95.xmodel
    `-- yolov3_voc_tf
       |-- label.json
       |-- md5sum.txt
       |-- yolov3_voc_tf.prototxt
       `-- yolov3_voc_tf.xmodel


The pcie-gst-app application is targeted to show the PCIE related features including transfering video file though PCIE to EP board, and transfering the raw/processed MIPI images captured at the EP board and transfering back to host machine.

The pcie-gst-app provides mulitple usecases 2 of which are for XVDPU application, each supporting 4 AI models - yolov3, refinedet, densebox and ssd. Setup

Please refer to Board and System settings to setup the host machine, and boot the vck190 board. Run Host application

Note: Make sure, HOST application is launched before starting EP application.

Here are list of control information passed to endpoint :

-- Usecase to run.
-- Resolution.
-- Filter type.
-- FPS (Default 30fps).
-- Rawvideofile (with abosolute path of video file to play).

This example demonstrates Usecase-2(MIPI –> DPU Inference –> Appsink(PCIe))

  1. First run Host Machine Software setup steps, then execute pcie_host_app application as following.

    # ./pcie_host_app
  2. From the six usecases select case 2 for MIPI DPU pipeline or 7 for videofile DPU pipeline or 9 to quit application.

    # ./pcie_host_app
    Enter 1 to run  : MIPI-->filter2d-->pciesink--> displayonhost
    Enter 2 to run  : MIPI-->dpu-->pciesink--> displayonhost
    Enter 3 to run  : MIPI-->pciesink--> displayonhost
    Enter 4 to run  : RawVideofilefromHost-->pciesrc-->filter2d-->pciesink-->displayonhost
    Enter 5 to run  : RawVideofilefromHost--> pciesrc-->pciesink-->displayonhost
    Enter 6 to run  : RawVideofilefromHost--> pciesrc-->filter2d-->kmssink
    Enter 7 to run  : RawVideofilefromHost--> pciesrc-->dpu-->kmssink
    Enter 8 to run  : RawVideofilefromHost--> pciesrc-->kmssink
    Enter 9 to      : Exit application
  3. Select desired resolution (Enter 1 or 2 ):

    # ./pcie_host_app
    Enter 1 to run  : MIPI-->filter2d-->pciesink--> displayonhost
    Enter 2 to run  : MIPI-->dpu-->pciesink--> displayonhost
    Enter 3 to run  : MIPI-->pciesink--> displayonhost
    Enter 4 to run  : RawVideofilefromHost-->pciesrc-->filter2d-->pciesink-->displayonhost
    Enter 5 to run  : RawVideofilefromHost--> pciesrc-->pciesink-->displayonhost
    Enter 6 to run  : RawVideofilefromHost--> pciesrc-->filter2d-->kmssink
    Enter 7 to run  : RawVideofilefromHost--> pciesrc-->dpu-->kmssink
    Enter 8 to run  : RawVideofilefromHost--> pciesrc-->kmssink
    Enter 9 to      : Exit application
    Enter your choice:2
    select the resolution
    1. 3840x2160
    2. 1920x1080
    Enter your choice: Run end-point application

  1. Launch pcie-trd-nb1.ipynb jupyter notebook. (For MIPI use case modify ‘res’ variable same as one selected at host application).

    Note: Endpoint application exits after running the usecase, Hence restart pcie-trd-nb1.ipynb jupyter notebook to relaunch the endpoint application.

  2. The MIPI camera captured view with AI detection bounding box will start playing on the monitor.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.