DSP Library Lab



Design Overview

AI Engine Kernels

For the AI Engine kernel we will use the FFT/iFFT as well as the single rate, symmetrical FIR filter from the DSP Libraries.

The templated parameters for the 1D FFT are defined here

The templated parameters for the symmetrical FIR filter are defined here


This lab will make use of Makefile files to automate the building process.

AIE Engine Graph

The FFT kernel depends in the Vitis Library repository.

  1. Make sure Vitis Libraries repository is downloaded

    cd $HOME/xup_aie_training/
    git submodule init && git submodule update
  2. Navigate to the $HOME/xup_aie_training/sources/dsplib_lab/aie folder and run make

    cd $HOME/xup_aie_training/sources/dsplib_lab/aie

    The aiecompiler will be called to generate the libadf.a file. This process takes around 5 minutes.

    Note: you can run make -n to see what command will be run without actually executing anything

  3. Analyze the compilation results

    vitis_analyzer build.hw/work/graph.aiecompile_summary
  4. In Vitis Analyzer, open the Graph tab

    DSP Initial Graph

    Note that the Flat view is used

  5. Questions for the reader by just looking at the information on Vitis Analyzer

    • Q1: How many input_plio does the graph have?

    • Q2: How many output_plio does the graph have?

    • Q3: How many instances of the xf::dsp::aie::fir::sr_sym::fir_sr_sym_graph does the graph have?

    • Q4: How many instances of the xf::dsp::aie::fft::dit_1ch::fft_ifft_dit_1ch_graph does the graph have?

    • Q5: One input_plio port is broadcasted, how many kernels are connected to it?

    • Q6: How many subgraphs are within the main graph?

    • Q7: How many Tiles are used for AIE Kernels?

    • Q8: How many Tiles are used for Buffers?

    • Q9: How many Tiles are used for Stream Interconnect?

  6. Explore the files in the directory $HOME/xup_aie_training/sources/dsplib_lab/aie/src/

    • fft.hpp declares a graph FFT1d_graph which instantiates the FFT function xf::dsp::aie::fft::dit_1ch::fft_ifft_dit_1ch_graph

    • fir.hpp declares a graph FIR_129_sym which instantiates the FIR function xf::dsp::aie::fir::sr_sym::fir_sr_sym_graph it also declares four different set of taps. Note as we are using a symmetrical filter we only need to declare half of the coefficients plus the central tap

    • graph.hpp declares the main graph DSPLibGraph. There is also the declaration of SpectrumGraph, which connects an fir with an fft instance. Finally, the declaration of MultiFIRGraph which instantiates three FIR_129_sym graph an initializes the tap values via an initialization list

    • graph.cpp defines the emulation environment

    In an AMD preconfigured instance you can run code $HOME/xup_aie_training/sources/dsplib_lab/aie/src/ to open the files with VS Code

Run AIE Emulation

  1. Run the AIE Emulation by executing the following code on the command line:

    make aieemu

    This AIE emulation takes around 3 minutes.

    Note: the AIE output results are not being checked

  2. Visualize the emulation reports by running

    vitis_analyzer build.hw/aiesimulator_output/default.aierun_summary
  3. Questions for the reader by just looking at the information on Vitis Analyzer

    • Q10: How many cycle does one instance of the FIR takes to complete?

    • Q11: How many cycle does one instance of the FTT takes to complete?

Modify the Cascade Length

In this part we are going to modify the cascade length for both the FFT and FIR instances and see the changes in the graph and performance.

In an AMD preconfigured instance you can run code $HOME/xup_aie_training/sources/dsplib_lab/aie/src/ to open the files with VS Code

  1. Open the file $HOME/xup_aie_training/sources/dsplib_lab/aie/src/fir.hpp and change the macro FIR129_CASCADE_LEN to

    #define FIR129_CASCADE_LEN 2
  2. Open the file $HOME/xup_aie_training/sources/dsplib_lab/aie/src/fft.hpp and change the macro FFT_CASCADE_LEN to

    #define FFT_CASCADE_LEN 2
  3. Save previous compilation results

    cd $HOME/xup_aie_training/sources/dsplib_lab/aie
    mv build.hw/ build_no_cascade.hw/
  4. Recompile the AIE code

    cd $HOME/xup_aie_training/sources/dsplib_lab/aie
  5. Analyze the compilation results

    vitis_analyzer build.hw/work/graph.aiecompile_summary
  6. In Vitis Analyzer, open the Graph tab

    Graph with cascade

    Note only a portion of the graph is shown.

    From this view, you can see that now the FIR instance is split in two kernels, which communicate using both a cascade interface and a buffer. Whereas, the FFT instance is also split in two kernels and these two kernels communicate using only a buffer.

Run AIE Emulation for Cascaded Kernels

  1. Run the AIE Emulation by executing the following code on the command line:

    make aieemu

    This AIE emulation takes around 3 minutes.

    Note: the AIE output results are not being checked

  2. Visualize the emulation reports by running

    vitis_analyzer build.hw/aiesimulator_output/default.aierun_summary
  3. Questions for the reader by just looking at the information on Vitis Analyzer

    • Q12: How many cycle does one instance of the FIR takes to complete?

    • Q13: How many cycle does one instance of the FTT takes to complete?

Assignments for the Reader

The following assignments are optional, however they will help deepen your knowledge about the DSP Libraries. No solution is provided for these assignments.

  1. Use the Matrix Multiply from the DSPLib, add to the graph an instance of xf::dsp::aie::blas::matrix_mult::matrix_mult_graph using one of the real datatypes

    Review the documentation of this library here

  2. Implement a decimation symmetric FIR filter, add to the graph an instance of dsplib::fir::decimate_sym::fir_decimate_sym_graph using one of the real datatypes

    Review the documentation of this library here

  3. For the existing FIR filters use streaming interface instead of window interface

    Review the documentation of this library here

  4. Design your own single rate, asymmetrical filter.

    For this, you will have to compute the coefficients and call the appropriate function

If you are attending an in-person tutorial, you can request support from your instructor. Otherwise, open a GitHub issue



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