Setup Tools and Source code

Get Source Code

cd $HOME
git clone --recursive

Setup VCK5000 platform

Once the VCK5000 platform is installed, make it available by running:

echo "export PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS=/opt/xilinx/platforms/" >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc

Verifying Tools Installation

If you are in a live instructor-led AUP tutorial, the tools have been already setup for you. You can also verify the installation of the tools.

Verify Vitis & AIE compiler Installation

Verify Vitis by running the code below, this should return the Vitis version

vitis -version

Verify the AIE compiler by running the code below, this should return the aiecompiler version

aiecompiler --version

Verify XRT installation

Verify XRT by running the code below, this should return the XRT version

xbutil --version

Verify the VCK5000 platform

Verify that the VCK5000 is available for use by running the following code, this should return a list of directories and files, one of them should have the xpfm extension

ls $PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS/*vck5000*/

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