cd $HOME
git clone --recursive
Once the VCK5000 platform is installed, make it available by running:
echo "export PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS=/opt/xilinx/platforms/" >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc
If you are in a live instructor-led AUP tutorial, the tools have been already setup for you. You can also verify the installation of the tools.
Verify Vitis by running the code below, this should return the Vitis version
vitis -version
Verify the AIE compiler by running the code below, this should return the aiecompiler version
aiecompiler --version
Verify XRT by running the code below, this should return the XRT version
xbutil --version
Verify that the VCK5000 is available for use by running the following code, this should return a list of directories and files, one of them should have the xpfm
ls $PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS/*vck5000*/
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