Vision Application using Vitis Accelerated Libraries

This lab walks you through the steps to create a Vitis design with two kernel image resize and image resize & blur leveraging the Vitis Accelerated Libraries.


After completing this lab, you will be able to:


Clone Vitis Accelerated Libraries repository

Clone the open source Vitis Accelerated Libraries repository in your home directory

git clone -b v2021.1_rel --depth 1 ~/Vitis_Libraries

Build FPGA binary file

  1. Navigate to the root directory of this example

    cd ~/xup_compute_acceleration/sources/vision_lab
  2. Set environmental variables

    It is crucial to define XCL_EMULATION_MODE. Let’s start with sw_emu. We also need to define the target platform, this will be stored in the variable PFM, update this path appropriately. Finally, we are going to set up VITIS_LIBS. This variable will point to the include directory of vision library L1

    • Define EMULATION MODE it will also work as build target
    • Define AWS platform name
    • Define platform
    • Define path of Vitis accelerated libraries
    export XCL_EMULATION_MODE=sw_emu
    export AWS_PFM=xilinx_aws-vu9p-f1_shell-v04261818_201920_2
    export PFM=~/aws-fpga/Vitis/aws_platform/$AWS_PFM/$AWS_PFM.xpfm
    export VITIS_LIBS=~/Vitis_Libraries/vision/L1/include
  3. Create a temporary folder

    We will use output folder to store temporary files to avoid polluting the root directory

    mkdir output
  4. Compile kernel and build FPGA binary

    In this step the Vitis compiler (v++) will be used three times:

    • Synthesize the resize kernel (resize_accel_rgb) to create a Xilinx object (output/resize.xo)
    • Synthesize the resize & blur kernel (resize_blur_rgb) to create a Xilinx object (output/resize_blur.xo)
    v++ -f $PFM -t $XCL_EMULATION_MODE --log_dir output -c -g --config src/vision_config.ini \
     -I$VITIS_LIBS -k resize_accel_rgb -o output/resize.xo src/hw/resize_rgb.cpp
    v++ -f $PFM -t $XCL_EMULATION_MODE --log_dir output -c -g --config src/vision_config.ini \
     -I$VITIS_LIBS -k resize_blur_rgb -o output/resize_blur.xo src/hw/resize_blur.cpp
    • Build the device binary (vision_example.xclbin) file
    v++ -f $PFM -t $XCL_EMULATION_MODE --log_dir output -l -g -j 7 --config src/connectivity_aws.ini \
     --config src/vision_config.ini -o vision_example.xclbin output/resize.xo output/resize_blur.xo

    v++ is the Vitis compiler command. v++ compiles and link FPGA binaries, here some of the switches are described. For more information run v++ -h

    • -f or --platform: specify a Platform
    • -t or --target: specify a compile target: [sw_emu|hw_emu|hw] if not defined default is hw
    • -c or --compile: run a compile mode, generate a xo file
    • -l or --link: run a link mode, generate a *.xclbin file
    • -k or --kernel: specify a kernel to compile or link. Only one -k option is allowed per v++ command
    • -g or --debug: generate code for debugging
    • -I or --include: add the directory to the list of directories to be searched for header files. This option is passed to the openCL preprocessor
    • -j or --jobs: set the number of jobs
    • -o or --output: set output file name. Default: a.xclbin for link and build, a.xo for compile
    • --log_dir: specify a directory to copy internally generated log files to
    • --config: configuration file

    Note: when compiling for hardware you need to define __SDSVHLS__ macro, which is used to guard certain part of the code. In this example we need to define HLS_NO_XIL_FPO_LIB macro as well, this macro disables the use of bit-accurate, floating-point simulation models, instead using the faster (although not bit-accurate) implementation from your local system. Both macros are included in vision_config.ini file. This macros can be also passed to v++ as -D__SDSVHLS__ -DHLS_NO_XIL_FPO_LIB.

Build host code

In order to build the host application we are going to use g++.

Install opencv-devel and eog, this is in case these packages are not already available.

sudo yum install opencv-devel eog -y
  1. Create the object files *.o for every *.cpp file of the host code

    export CPP_FLAGS="-c -std=c++11 -D__USE_XOPEN2K8 -I$XILINX_XRT/include/"
    cd output/;g++ $CPP_FLAGS $(ls ../src/sw/*.cpp); cd ..
  2. Create executable file linking object files with dynamic libraries

    g++ -std=c++11 -o vision_example $(ls output/*.o) `pkg-config --libs --cflags opencv` \
    -lxilinxopencl -L$XILINX_XRT/lib/ -L/usr/lib64/

Execute the kernels (emulation only)


    Make sure you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include these two path, otherwise the execution will fail.

  2. If your are running either sw_emu or hw_emu an emulated platform needs to be created to simulate the hardware. Skip this step if you are running hw

    emconfigutil --platform $PFM --nd 1

    This will create a emconfig.json file which contains useful information for the simulation tools

  3. Run the resize kernel emulation only using a small image to speed up emulation

    • Run resize kernel with a resize factor of 3
    ./vision_example vision_example.xclbin 0 src/data/fish_wallpaper_small.jpg 3

    You can run ./vision_example to check the arguments or see the list below

    • First argument is the FPGA binary file
    • Second argument is the algorithm, 0 resize, 1 resize & blur
    • Third argument is the image
    • The last argument is the resize factor, you can used integers between 1 to 7

    When running resize the program will generate two output files: resize_sw.png (software execution of the algorithm) and resize_hw.png (kernel execution output). When running resize & blur the program will generate two output files resize_blur_sw.png and resize_blur_hw.png. View the output files by double-clicking on each of them in File Explorer under sources/vision_lab/ directory. Compare that to the source input file, fish_wallpaper.png located at sources/vision_lab/src/data

Run the kernels on Hardware

Since compilation for hardware target will take a long time, the FPGA binary is provided in the solution directory. Please follow these steps if you want to generate the FPGA binary outside the workshop/webinar environment

  1. Unset XCL_EMULATION_MODE environment variable by executing:

  2. The host code does not need to be recompiled because it does not depend on the emulation mode. XRT is going to link the executable with the actual hardware instead of the emulated platform

  3. Copy precompiled device binary

    cp ~/xup_compute_acceleration/solutions/vision_lab/vision_example.awsxclbin .
  4. Run the kernels on hardware

    • Run resize kernel with a resize factor of 3
    ./vision_example vision_example.awsxclbin 0 src/data/fish_wallpaper.jpg 3
    • Run resize & blur kernel with a resize factor of 4
    ./vision_example vision_example.awsxclbin 1 src/data/fish_wallpaper.jpg 4

    The host application vision_example will execute, programming the FPGA and running the host code. This will generate four output files: resize_sw.png, resize_hw.png, resize_blur_sw.png and resize_blur_hw.png very quickly compared to sw_emu execution done before. Also xclbin.run_summary file will be generated, which can be analyzed using vitis_analyzer

  5. Explore Profile Summary and Application Timeline

    vitis_analyzer xclbin.run_summary
  6. Close Vitis Analyzer

Clean Directory for a new Build

Before changing the target it is a good idea to remove temporary files

rm -rf _x/ *.log *.jou *.pb *xclbin* *.json *.png *.csv *.*summary*

Vision Library Using PYNQ

Using the notebooks provided in the sources/vision_lab/src/pynq directory you can run:


In this lab, you used Vitis from the command line (v++) to create an FPGA binary file with two kernels. You also used g++ to compile the host application. You performed software emulation and analyzed the output images. You then run the provided solution in hardware and evaluate the output images.


Build Full Hardware

  1. The previous compilation was for sw_emu. In order to build the FPGA binary file we need pass hw as target to v++. Execute the following command to set hardware build

    export XCL_EMULATION_MODE=hw
  2. Compile kernels and FPGA binary by repeating step 4 of Build FPGA binary file. The process takes about two hours to generate FPGA binary file called vision_example.xclbin.

  3. Note: to run in AWS you need to create an AFI. Therefore, the FPGA binary file will be vision_example.awsxclbin. In a tutorial, this file will be provided

Exploring the FPGA binary file

We can explore an FPGA binary file (xclbin) to obtain design information using xclbinutil, which reports xclbin content. For more information about xclbinutil run xclbinutil -h

Run the following command to save vision_example.xclbin content in

xclbinutil --info --input vision_example.xclbin >

With a text editor open file, look for the kernel section.

Skip lines until you find Kernel information. Note that the Signature is the function prototype. There are only three ports because we used bundle = control for the scalar arguments. If you look at the Instance section, you will notice that both image_in and image_out are connected to the bank 0 (DDR4) as described in the connectivity_aws.ini file. There is an optimization opportunity in that regard. Observe how the scalar arguments are mapped to S_AXI_CONTROL and their offset. You can find a snapshot of vision_example.xclbin content below.

Kernel: resize_blur_rgb

   Signature: resize_blur_rgb (ap_uint<512>* image_in, ap_uint<512>* image_out,
     int width_in, int height_in, int width_out, int height_out, float sigma)

   Port:          M_AXI_IMAGE_IN_GMEM
   Mode:          master
   Range (bytes): 0xFFFFFFFF
   Data Width:    512 bits
   Port Type:     addressable

   Port:          M_AXI_IMAGE_OUT_GMEM
   Mode:          master
   Range (bytes): 0xFFFFFFFF
   Data Width:    512 bits
   Port Type:     addressable

   Port:          S_AXI_CONTROL
   Mode:          slave
   Range (bytes): 0x1000
   Data Width:    32 bits
   Port Type:     addressable

Instance:        resize_blur_rgb_1
   Base Address: 0x10000

   Argument:          image_in
   Register Offset:   0x10
   Port:              M_AXI_IMAGE_IN_GMEM
   Memory:            bank0 (MEM_DDR4)

   Argument:          image_out
   Register Offset:   0x1C
   Port:              M_AXI_IMAGE_OUT_GMEM
   Memory:            bank0 (MEM_DDR4)

   Argument:          width_in
   Register Offset:   0x28
   Port:              S_AXI_CONTROL
   Memory:            <not applicable>

   Argument:          height_in
   Register Offset:   0x30
   Port:              S_AXI_CONTROL
   Memory:            <not applicable>

   Argument:          width_out
   Register Offset:   0x38
   Port:              S_AXI_CONTROL
   Memory:            <not applicable>

   Argument:          height_out
   Register Offset:   0x40
   Port:              S_AXI_CONTROL
   Memory:            <not applicable>

   Argument:          sigma
   Register Offset:   0x48
   Port:              S_AXI_CONTROL
   Memory:            <not applicable>