Using the Test Harness

Environment Setup

Before building the design with the AIE test harness, you need to source the script included in this repository. You should also ensure that Vitis, XRT and Versal SDKTARGETSYSROOT are properly set up.

source <path to Versal common image>/environment-setup-cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux
source <path to Vitis installation>/
source <path to XRT installation>/

source <test harness repo root folder>/

Instrumenting the AI Engine Graph

The following modifications are needed to connect an AIE graph to the test harness:

Test Harness Header File

The harness graph header must be included in the AIE graph sources:

#include "vck190_test_harness_graph.hpp"

Mapping PLIOs

The names and width of the usable PLIOs are predefined in the test harness. The original AIE graph must be mapped to these predefined PLIOs.

The graph must be modified to ensure that all PLIOs are 128 bits wide and use one of the PLIOs predefined in the test harness.

The predefined PLIO names are listed in include/vck190_test_harness_port_name.hpp. The vck190_test_harness::in_names is the list of PLIO names which can be used to send data to AI Engine and out_names is the list of PLIO names that can be used to receive data from AI Engine. These are the only valid PLIO names to build with test harness.


pl_in0 = input_plio::create("PLIO_01_TO_AIE"   , adf::plio_128_bits, "DataIn0.txt");
pl_in1 = input_plio::create("PLIO_02_TO_AIE"   , adf::plio_128_bits, "DataIn1.txt");
pl_out = output_plio::create("PLIO_01_FROM_AIE", adf::plio_128_bits, "DataOut0.txt");

Connecting unused PLIOs

All the PLIO ports defined in the test harness must be connected. In case the AIE graph does not need all the PLIOs defined in the harness, an instance of the vck190_test_harness::occupyUnusedPLIO helper class must be added to the graph.cpp file. This class will help to occupy all the PLIOs which are not used by the original AIE graph.

template <int used_in_plio, int used_out_plio>
class occupyUnusedPLIO;

template <int used_in_plio, int used_out_plio>
occupyUnusedPLIO::occupyUnusedPLIO(std::vector<std::string> used_in_plio_names,  std::vector<std::string> used_out_plio_names);


The number of input PLIOs in the AIE graph
The number of output PLIOs in the AIE graph


Vector of strings containing the names of the input PLIOs used by the AIE graph. The length of the vector should match the value of the used_in_plio template
Vector of strings containing the names of the output PLIOs used by the AIE graph. The length of the vector should match the value of the used_out_plio template.


#include "vck190_test_harness_graph.hpp"

static std::vector<std::string> cust_in = {"PLIO_01_TO_AIE", "PLIO_02_TO_AIE"};
static std::vector<std::string> cust_out = {"PLIO_01_FROM_AIE"};
vck190_test_harness::occupyUnusedPLIO<2, 1> unusedPLIOs(cust_in, cust_out);

Creating the SW Application

A SW application running on the embedded ARM core (PS) of the Versal is necessary to run the test. This SW application must be developped using the test harness software APIs.

The application usually ressembles the structure and contents of graph.cpp file used in x86sim and AIEsim. The main difference is that a different set of APIs is used to transfer data and interact with the AIE graph.

For additional details, refer to the step by step example section in this documentation, or to one of the examples provided in this repo, such as examples/super-sampling-rate-fir/SingleKernel/ps/host.cpp.

Testing on Hardware

Once the AIE graph has been modified and the SW application has been created, the test can be built and run on the hardware board.

Building the test is done in three simple steps:

  1. Build the AIE graph
  2. Build the SW application
  3. Package the libadf.a, test.exe and other files to create a bootable SD card image

Building the AI Engine Graph

To build the libadf.a for use with the test harness, it must be compiled using the prebuilt XSA as the input platform, with the hw target, and setting the –event-trace and –event-trace-port options as shown below:

aiecompiler --platform=${TEST_HARNESS_REPO_PATH}/bin/vck190_test_harness.xsa
            [other user options]

Building the SW Application

The SW application must be compiled with the ARM cross-compiler and using the Xilinx Runtime (XRT) libraries.

source <path to Versal common image>/environment-setup-cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux

${CXX} test.cpp -c -I${XILINX_XRT}/include -I${TEST_HARNESS_REPO_PATH}/include -o test.o
${CXX} test.o -lxrt_coreutil -L${XILINX_XRT}/lib -o test.exe

Packaging the Test

The AIE test harness includes a utility script which can be used to package the test files and generate a bootable SD card image to run the test on the hardware board.

test_harness/ <output dir>
                           <other files needed by the test>


<output dir>
The folder in which the output of the packaging script and the bootable SD card image should be generated.
The libadf.a resulting from the compilation of the AIE graph.
The executable resulting from building the SW application.
<other files needed by the test>
A list of other files needed by the test and to be packaged in the SD card image. This can be for instance input data files read by the test application.

Software Emulation

The AIE test harness also provides support for packaging and running the test in the software emulation mode.

In the software emulation mode, the AIE graph is compiled for x86sim and the SW application is compiled using the native compiler of the host system.

This mode allows testing the SW application and making sure that it works correctly before running the test on hardware.

Building the AI Engine Graph

Building the AIE graph for software emulation is similar to building it for HW, except that the x86sim target should be used:

aiecompiler --platform=${TEST_HARNESS_REPO_PATH}/bin/vck190_test_harness.xsa
            [other user options]

Building the SW Application

Building the SW application for software emulation is similar to building it for HW, except that the native g++ compiler should be used:

g++ test.cpp -c -I${XILINX_XRT}/include -I${TEST_HARNESS_REPO_PATH}/include -o test.o
g++ test.o -lxrt_coreutil -L${XILINX_XRT}/lib -o test.exe

Packaging the Test

Packaging the test for software emulation is similar to packaging it for HW, except that the script should be used:

test_harness/ <output dir>
                               <other files needed by the test>

Running SW emulation

To run the test in software emulation mode, first set the XCL_EMULATION_MODE variable before running the natively compiled test application:

cd <sw emu output dir>
export XCL_EMULATION_MODE=sw_emu
./test.exe <optional args>


AIE Compilation

Issue: The following error message is seen when compiling the AIE graph with the test harness XSA: ERROR: [aiecompiler 77-4252] For application port with annotation 'PLIO_01_TO_AIE' the buswidth is 32-bits, which is different than the buswidth of 128-bits as specified in incoming logical architecture

  • The width of the PLIOs in the prebuilt XSA is set to 128 bits. The PLIO widths in the AIE graph must align with the XSA. Set all PLIO width in the graph to adf::plio_128_bits.

Issue: The following error message is seen when compiling the AIE graph with the test harness XSA: ERROR: [aiecompiler 77-295] Cannot find port instance tf0_pi0 corresponding to Logical Arch Port M00_AXI

  • The --event-trace=runtime --event-trace-port=gmio options are missing from the aiecompiler command

AIE Simulation

Issue: The following error message is seen, when running x86sim or AIEsim after modifying the graph to work with the test harness: Error: Could not open input file : ./data/dummy.txt

  • The unused PLIOs are expecting an input data file called ./data/dummy.txt. Create an empty file with this name and in this folder, then rerun x86sim or AIEsim.

HW Testing

Issue: When running on HW, the performance numbers reported by the test harness change a lot from run to run.

  • Making sure to start the AIE graph before starting the DMA engine. The performance counters start at the same time as the DMA engine. If the graph is not already started and ready to send and receive data, the performance counters will be incremented by an arbitrary number of cycles.