SPDM Attestation


Alveo™ supports SPDM Over MCTP Over SMBus at slave address 0x30 (8-bit). MA35D SC supports the SPDM discovery and attestation via SPDM over MCTP over SMBus.

  1. SPDM Spec v1.1 ([DSP0274])
  2. SPDM over MCTP Binding Spec ([DSP0275])

For the SPDM discovery, the following commands are supported by SC (SPDM responder):


For the run-time attestation, the following commands are supported by SC (SPDM responder):


Table: Supported SPDM commands and description

Command Code Command Description
0x84 GET_VERSION Command to retrieve the SPDM version of the endpoint
0xE1 GET_CAPABILITIES Command to retrieve the SPDM capabilities of the endpoint
0xE3 NEGOTIATE_ALGORITHMS Command to negotiate cryptographic algorithms
0xE0 GET_MEASUREMENTS Command to retrieve firmware measurements in the form of measurements blocks
0xFF RESPOND_IF_READY Get the response to the original request upon receipt of ResponseNotReady error code

NOTE: SC does not support measurement of all blocks queried at once. When Cerberus/BMC sends GET_MEASUREMENTS command with MeasOperation = 0xFF, SC responds with error response packet with Error Code = 0x01 (Invalid Request).


SC supports the following capabilities:

  1. CACHE_CAP - 1b
  2. MEAS_CAP - 01b


  1. SC imports Mbed TLS v3.4.0 as a library to handle cryptographic hash operations.
  2. For hashing/measurements, SC firmware advertises SHA_384 as MeasurementHashAlgo and BaseHashSel in ALGORITHMS response.
  3. For SPDM measurement digest, SC uses SHA3_384 to calculate the hash.

Firmware Measurements

In MA35D, there are 10 firmware components that are measurable, including the firmware images stored in both the flash partitions (Active & Backup).

  1. Satellite Controller (SC) firmware - A & B
  2. ASIC1: eSecure firmware - A & B
  3. ASIC1: ZSPNano firmware - A & B
  4. ASIC2: eSecure firmware - A & B
  5. ASIC2: ZSPNano firmware - A & B

NOTE: Signature and Challenge are not supported.

Timing specification for SPDM messages

Table: SPDM timing spec

Timing Parameter Value Description
RTT Requestor specific Set by BMC; Max time for SPDM round trip message at transport layer SMBus
ST1 100 ms Max amount of time before SC must response to non-crypto requests
T1 Requestor specific Min amount of time BMC should wait before issuing a retry for requests
CT 134.21 s Max time in which SC must response to crypto messages
T2 Requestor specific Min amount of time BMC shall wait before issuing a retry for requests
RDT 536.87 s Min delay when SC can’t complete response within CT; Provide this value as Error response
WT Requestor specific Min time BMC must wait before issuing RESPOND_IF_READY request message
WT_MAX Requestor specific Max wait time BMC must issue RESPOND_IF_READY unless the BMC issued that request earlier

Cerberus Compliance

Adhering to Cerberus discovery & attestation requirements, the measurements are sent in the following process:

Discovery flow

  1. Cerberus sends the GET_MEASUREMENT command with MeasOperation = 0 (i.e.) Byte offset 3, Param 2
  2. SC responds with total # of measurement indices = 15
  3. Cerberus sends the GET_MEASUREMENT command with MeasOperation = 15
  4. SC responds with QueryDeviceIdentifiers Data structure in raw bit stream (see table below)

Attestation flow

In the Attestation flow, Cerberus creates a mapping of CoRIM file, one per MA35D firmware component, based on the # of FW measurements and their version numbers. Version set # are monotonically increasing values to prevent roll-back attacks.

  1. Cerberus sends GET_MEASUREMENT command with MeasOperation = 1, 2… or 14 (i.e.) one at a time
  2. SC responds with the measurement for that component.
  3. Cerberus maps the responses within the corresponding Co_MID# and Co_RIM# as below:
  1. MEAS_ID_1 // 9-bytes Unique ID (raw bit stream) - Concatenation of MEAS_IDs 2, 7 & 12
  2. MEAS_ID_2 // ASIC1/2 eSecure A & B version set (raw bit stream)
  3. MEAS_ID_3 // ASIC1: eSecure A hash
  4. MEAS_ID_4 // ASIC1: eSecure B hash
  5. MEAS_ID_5 // ASIC2: eSecure A hash
  6. MEAS_ID_6 // ASIC2: eSecure B hash
  7. MEAS_ID_7 // ASIC1/2 ZSP A & B version set (raw bit stream)
  8. MEAS_ID_8 // ASIC1: ZSP A hash
  9. MEAS_ID_9 // ASIC1: ZSP B hash
  10. MEAS_ID_10 // ASIC2: ZSP A hash
  11. MEAS_ID_11 // ASIC2: ZSP B hash
  12. MEAS_ID_12 // SC: SC A & B version set (raw bit stream)
  13. MEAS_ID_13 // SC: SC A hash
  14. MEAS_ID_14 // SC: SC B hash

NOTE: The 1st Measurement Index is a 9-bytes unique ID, which is nothing but the concatenation of version numbers of eSecure, ZSP & SC firwmare components (3-bytes each) in that respective order.

CoRIM Reference Measurement File

In the scope of MA35D, [colci] is used to generate a [COSE_Sign1] CoRIM structure that describes the measurements that are obtained via SPDM at runtime.


Figure: CoRIM reference measurement file generation


Figure: CoRIM reference measurement file

The Measurement array “key” value is used to map to the SPDM Measurement Index (SPDM IDX N in previous figure). Cocli JSON Input examples - Measurements [0] – Raw Measurement and Measurements [1] - Digest are shown in the figure below.


Figure: Cocli JSON Input Example

AMD Support

For support resources such as answers, documentation, downloads, and forums, see the Alveo Accelerator Cards AMD/Xilinx Community Forum.


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