Step 4: Test the Platform

Test 1: Read Platform Info

With Vitis environment setup, platforminfo tool can report XPFM platform information.

# in zcu104_custom_pkg directory
platforminfo ./zcu104_custom/export/zcu104_custom/zcu104_custom.xpfm
Basic Platform Information
Platform:           zcu104_custom
File:               /scratch/rickys/work/idt_platform/zcu104_custom_pkg/zcu104_custom/export/zcu104_custom/zcu104_custom.xpfm

Hardware Platform (Shell) Information
Vendor:                           xilinx
Board:                            zcu104_custom_platform
Name:                             zcu104_custom_platform
Version:                          0.0
Generated Version:                2020.1
Software Emulation:               1
Hardware Emulation:               0
FPGA Family:                      zynquplus
FPGA Device:                      xczu7ev
Board Vendor:           
Board Name:             
Board Part:                       xczu7ev-ffvc1156-2-e
Maximum Number of Compute Units:  60

Clock Information
  Default Clock Index: 0
  Clock Index:         2
    Frequency:         100.000000
  Clock Index:         0
    Frequency:         200.000000
  Clock Index:         1
    Frequency:         400.000000

Memory Information
  Bus SP Tag: HP0
  Bus SP Tag: HP1
  Bus SP Tag: HP2
  Bus SP Tag: HP3
  Bus SP Tag: HPC0
  Bus SP Tag: HPC1
Feature ROM Information
Software Platform Information
Number of Runtimes:            1
Default System Configuration:  zcu104_custom
System Configurations:
  System Config Name:                      zcu104_custom
  System Config Description:               zcu104_custom
  System Config Default Processor Group:   linux_domain
  System Config Default Boot Image:        standard
  System Config Is QEMU Supported:         0
  System Config Processor Groups:
    Processor Group Name:      linux on psu_cortexa53
    Processor Group CPU Type:  cortex-a53
    Processor Group OS Name:   linux
  System Config Boot Images:
    Boot Image Name:           standard
    Boot Image Type:
    Boot Image BIF:            zcu104_custom/boot/linux.bif
    Boot Image Data:           zcu104_custom/linux_domain/image
    Boot Image Boot Mode:      sd
    Boot Image RootFileSystem:
    Boot Image Mount Path:     /mnt
    Boot Image Read Me:        zcu104_custom/boot/generic.readme
    Boot Image QEMU Args:
    Boot Image QEMU Boot:
    Boot Image QEMU Dev Tree:
Supported Runtimes:
  Runtime: OpenCL

We can verify clock information and memory information are set as expected.

Test 2: Run Vector Addition Application

Vector addition is the simplest acceleration PL kernel. Vitis can create this application automatically. Running this test can check the AXI control bus, memory interface and interrupt setting in platform are working properly.

Creating Vector Addition Application

  1. Open Vitis workspace you were using before.

  2. Select File -> New -> Application Project.

  3. Click next

  4. Select zcu104_custom as platform, click next.

  5. Name the project vadd, click next.

  6. Set Domain to linux on psu_cortexa53, set Sys_root path to <full_pathname_to_zcu104_custom_pkg>/pfm/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux(as you created by running Set the Root FS to rootfs.ext4 and Kernel Image to Image. These files are loated in zcu104_custom_plnx/images directory, which are generated in Step 2. click next.

  7. Select System Optimization Examples -> Vector Addition and click finish to generate the application.

  8. In the Explorer window double click the vadd.prj file to open it, change the Active Build configuration from Emulation-SW to Hardware.

  9. Select vadd_system in Explorer window and Click Build icon in toolbar.

Note: If you cannot see the zcu104_custom platform we created, we can add it to platform list of New Project Wizard by selecting the add button and point to zcu104_custom_pkg/zcu104_custom directory.

Note: If you’d like to test this application in emulation mode, plese change Active Build configuration from Emulation-SW to Emulation-HW on Step 8.

Running Vector Addition Application on the Board

  1. Copy zcu104_custom_pkg/vadd_system/Hardware/package/sd_card.img to local if Vitis is running on a remote server.

  2. Write sd_card.img into SD Card with SD Card image writer applications like Etcher on Windows or dd on Linux.

  3. Boot ZCU104 board with the SD card in SD boot mode.

  4. Login with username root and password root.

  5. Go to auto mounted FAT32 partition

    cd /mnt/sd-mmcblk0p1
  6. Initialize XRT running environment

    source ./
  7. Run vadd appliation

    ./vadd vadd.xclbin
  8. It should show program prints and XRT debug info.


Test Vector Addition Application in Emulation Mode

Note: If you’re on Ubuntu, set environment variable LIBRARY_PATH to /usr/lib to workaround a known issue on Vitis 2020.1. It’s fixed in 2020.2.

export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib
  1. Use Vitis menu -> Xilinx -> Start/Stop Emulator to launch QEMU. Project is vadd, configuration is Emulation-HW. Click Start. Wait for Linux to boot. Log in with root/root.

  2. Righ click vadd project (not the vadd_system system project), select Run as -> Launch on Emulator

The result will show on Console tab.

Loading: './binary_container_1.xclbin'

Test 3: Run a DNNDK Demo

This test will run a simple DNNDK test application to test DPU function.

Prepare for the DPU Kernel

  1. Download Vitis AI by calling command git clone

  2. Navigate to the repository:cd Vitis-AI, set the tag to proper tag(here we use v1.2) by typing: git checkout v1.2.

  3. If you don’t want to destroy the TRD reference design. Copy DPU-TRD folder into another directory. For example I would copy that into my zcu104_custom_pkg folder: cp -r DPU-TRD ./zcu104_custom_pkg/

  4. Source Vitis tools setting sh file: source <vitis install path>/Vitis/2020.1/

  5. Source XRT sh file:source opt/xilinx/xrt/

  6. Export PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS with the directory of the custom platform xpfm file which you created before so that it can be found by Vitis. Here in my project it would be: export PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS=<path_to/zcu104_custom_pkg/zcu104_custom/export/zcu104_custom>. Remember now this custom platform name is zcu104_custom.

  7. Navigate to the copy of the DPU-TRD folder, then go to the ./prj/Vitis folder.
    There are 2 files can be used to modify the DPU settings: The config_file/prj_config file is for DPU connection in Vitis project and the dpu_conf.vh is for other DPU configurations. Here we would modify the prj_config so that 2 DPU cores are enabled. And then we modify dpu_conf.vh as DPU-TRD readme suggested.

  8. Modify the config_file/prj_config like below:








​ Here clock ID 0 is 200MHz, clock ID 1 is 400MHz.

​ This file describes the link connections between DPU and the platform. It will be used by Vitis application in next step.

Note: an example of prj_config file is provided in ref_files/step4_test3/app_src.

  1. Modify dpu_conf.vh to enable URAM because ZU7EV device on ZCU104 board has URAM resources. Change from:



  1. Generate the XO file by typing: make binary_container_1/dpu.xo DEVICE=zcu104_custom.

  2. Verify if the XO file is generated here: <zcu104_custom_pkg directory>/DPU-TRD/prj/Vitis/binary_container_1/dpu.xo.

Create and Build a Vitis Application

  1. Open Vitis workspace you were using before.

  2. Select File -> New -> Application Project.

  3. Click next

  4. Select zcu104_custom as platform, click next.

  5. Name the project hello_dpu, click next.

  6. Set Domain to linux on psu_cortexa53

  7. Set Sys_root path to <full_pathname_to_zcu104_custom_pkg>/pfm/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux(as you created by running

  8. Set the Kernel Image to zcu104_custom_plnx/images/linux/Image

  9. Set Root Filesystem to zcu104_custom_plnx/images/linux/rootfs.ext4 and click next.

  10. Select System Optimization Examples -> Empty application and click finish to generate the application.

  11. Right click on the src folder under your hello_dpu application in the Explorer window, and select “Import Sources” import_sources.png

  12. Choose from directory <zcu104_custom_pkg directory>/DPU-TRD/prj/Vitis/binary_container_1/ as the target location, and import the dpu.xo file that we just created.

  13. Import sources again, and add all files from ref_files/step4_test3/app_src folder provided by this Git repository, including prj_config.

  14. In the Explorer window double click the hello_dpu.prj file to open it, change the Active Build configuration from Emulation-SW to Hardware.

  15. Under Hardware Functions, click the lightning bolt logo to Add Hardware Function.

  16. Select the “DPUCZDX8G” included as part of the dpu.xo file that we included earlier.

  17. Click on binary_container_1 to change the name to dpu.

  18. Click on DPUCZDX8G and change the Compute Units from 1 to 2 because we have 2 dpu cores involved.

  19. Right click on “dpu”, select Edit V++ Options, add --config ../src/prj_config -s as V++ Options, then click OK.

  20. Go back to the Explorer window, right click on the hello_dpu project folder select C/C++ Building Settings.

  21. In Properties for hello_dpu dialog box, select C/C++ Build->Settings->Tool Settings->GCC Host Linker->Libraries , click the green “+” to add the following libraries:

  1. In the same page, Check the Library search path to makesure the ${SYSROOT}/usr/lib/ is added, click Apply

  2. Then go to C/C++ Build->Settings->Tool Settings->GCC Host Compiler->Includes, remove the HLS include directory and add ${SYSROOT}/usr/include/ like below, then click Apply and Close to save the changes.
    vitis_include_settings.pngThese steps are used to make sure your application can call libs in rootfs directly on Vitis application build***

  3. Right click the hello_dpu project folder and select Build Project

Prepare the Network Deployment File

  1. Find HWH file from your Vitis application folder hello_dpu/Hardware/
    Or go to your Vitis application folder use command find -name *.hwh to search for the file.

  2. Copy the ref_files/step4_test3/Tool-Example folder provided by this Github repository to your Vitis AI download directory.

  3. Copy this HWH file into <Vitis-AI-download_directory>/Tool-Example folder.

  4. Go to <Vitis-AI-download_directory> folder and launch the docker.

./ xilinx/vitis-ai:latest
  1. Use following command to activate TensorFlow tool conda environment:

conda activate vitis-ai-tensorflow
  1. Go to /workspace/Tool-Example folder and run dlet -f ./system.hwh.
    You should get the running log like below:

$ dlet -f ./system.hwh
[DLet]Generate DPU DCF file dpu-06-18-2020-12-00.dcf successfully.<br />
  1. Open the arch.json file and make sure the “dcf” parameter is set with the name you got on the previous step:
    "dcf"      : "./dpu-06-18-2020-12-00.dcf",

  2. Run command sh to download the Xilinx Model Zoo files for resnet-50.

  3. Run command sh, you’ll get the result at tf_resnetv1_50_imagenet_224_224_6.97G/vai_c_output_ZCU104/dpu_resnet50_0.elf .

  4. Copy that file to the src folder of Vitis application hello_dpu

  5. Right click on the hello_dpu project folder in Vitis select *C/C++ Building Settings.

  6. In Properties for Hello_DPU dialog box, select C/C++ Build->Settings->Tool Settings->GCC Host Linker->Miscellaneous->Other objects, add a new object: ${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/src/dpu_resnet50_0.elf}, click Apply and Close.

  7. Right click the hello_dpu project folder and select Build Project
    Now you should get an updated hello_dpu with a size of about 20MB(the ConvNet model is involved).

Run Application on Board

  1. If you have run Test 2 vadd application, copy all the files from sd_card folder inside your Vitis application like <hello_dpu_application_directory>/Hardware/sd_card/ to SD card FAT32 partition. It’s not necessary to write sd_card.img again because the EXT4 partition is the same.

    If you haven’t run Test 2 vadd application, please copy ./hello_dpu_system/Hardware/package/sd_card.img to local and write it to SD card with tools like Etcher on Windows or dd on Linux.

  2. Download dnndk installer vitis-ai_v1.2_dnndk.tar.gz , dnndk sample image package vitis-ai_v1.2_dnndk_sample_img.tar.gz and [DPU specific board optimization scripts]( cp ) to host and copy them to FAT32 partition on SD card. For more information about these packages, please refer to DNNDK example readme file

  3. Set ZCU104 to SD boot mode and boot up the board, connect the board with serial port.

  4. Connect SSH:
    a) Connect Ethernet cable.

    b) Run ifconfig on ZCU104 board to get the IP address, here we take as example.
    c) Using SSH terminal to connect ZCU104 with SSH: ssh -x root@, or use MobaXterm in Windows.

  5. Go to auto-mounted SD card partition /mnt/sd-mmcblk0p1 folder and copy these files to home directory

    cd /mnt/sd-mmcblk0p1
    cp dpu_sw_optimize.tar.gz vitis-ai_v1.2_dnndk.tar.gz vitis-ai_v1.2_dnndk_sample_img.tar.gz ~
  6. Run DPU Software Optimization

    cd ~
    tar -xzf dpu_sw_optimize.tar.gz
    cd dpu_sw_optimize/zynqmp/

    It will show the optimization results

    Auto resize ext4 partition ...[✔]
    Start QoS config ...[✔]
    Config PMIC irps5401 ...Successful[✔]
    • Auto resize scripts expands the EXT4 partition to rest of the SD card so that we can store more contents.

    • QoS config makes AXI interface for DPU has higher priority.

    • PMIC config makes ZCU104 can use more power when running Vitis-AI applications.

  7. Install DNNDK package like below:

    tar -zxvf vitis-ai_v1.2_dnndk.tar.gz
    cd vitis-ai_v1.2_dnndk/
 copies dpu.xclbin from FAT32 partition to /usr/lib because DNNDK requires xclbin to be placed in this location.

    Note: Vitis-AI Library has the similar installation method. Please refer to Vitis-AI user guide for more info.

  8. Extract vitis_ai_dnndk_samples and put hello_dpu into it:

    cd ~
    tar -zxvf vitis-ai_v1.2_dnndk_sample_img.tar.gz
    cd vitis_ai_dnndk_samples
    mkdir test
    cd test
    cp /mnt/sd-mmcblk0p1/hello_dpu ./

    We store the hello_dpu to vitis_ai_dnndk_samples/test folder to suit the relative path in my code, you can do that according to your code context. The hello_dpu is generated in Vitis application build and was copied to sd card from previous operation.

  9. You should see the result like below:

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