AI Engine Debug Walkthrough Tutorial - From Simulation to Hardware

Migrate Command-Line Based Projects to Vitis IDE

This section documents the necessary steps to migrate command-line based projects to Vitis™ IDE.

Step 1. Create project

Step 2. Import project source code

Step 3. Configure project

Step 3.1. Configure AI Engine sub-project

Step 3.2. Configure hardware link

Step 3.3. Configure hardware kernels

Step 3.4. Configure PS sub-project

Step 4. Configure system project in packaging options

Step 1. Create project

Launch Vitis IDE by issuing the command, vitis.

After the previously listed steps are completed, the created system project is expected to have AI Engine and hardware link sub-projects.

Then we need to create PS and PL sub-projects under system project.

Fill in sysroot, rootfs, and image information for PS application.

Select Empty Application for PS sub-project. After the previously listed steps are completed, we should have AI Engine, PS, PL and hardware link sub-projects under system project.

Step 2. Import project source code

Import source code for AI Engine sub-projects.

Continue to import source code/data for PS, PL, and hardware link sub-projects.

Note: If the PS sub-project requires defer-aie-run option in packaging, aie_control_xrt.cpp is required to be imported in the PS sub-project.

Step 3. Configure project

Step 3.1. Configure AI Engine sub-project

Configure top level graph.

Configure include paths.

Step 3.3. Configure hardware kernels

Add hardware functions to project.

Note: If hardware functions are inside the graph, check mark “PL Kernel in AIE Graph” from this configuration.

Configure number of instances for each PL kernel.

Update (comment out) nk=kernel:1:kernel_n line from the system.cfg file. This is because the Vitis IDE relies on the previous step to determine the number of instances for each PL kernel. Redundant configuration of number of kernels in system.cfg results compilation errors.

Step 3.4. Configure PS sub-project

Configure PS application to be built with C++14 standard.

Configure PS application include paths.

Configure PS application link libraries.

Step 4. Configure system project in packaging options

Note: This configuration is optional and depends on the design.

  1. If initialize is required, run, and end from PS, then use the --package.defer_aie_run option.

  2. If data files need to be packaged to the sd_card, then use the --package.sd_dir ${PROJECT_PATH}/data option.


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