AI Engine Development

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AI Engine Deadlock Analysis

Version: Vitis 2021.2

This tutorial introduces you to some common deadlock scenarios and shows you how to detect deadlocks (design hangs) in different tool flows. The methods introduced to detect and analyze deadlock issues include:

  1. Using event in Vitis Analyzer to analyze design hangs.

  2. Using waveforms in hardware emulation to check AI Engine input and output activities.

  3. Using event APIs to analyze data activities for AI Engine input and output in hardware flows.

  4. Using xbutil to report AI Engine and AI Engine shim status.

  5. Using the devmem Linux command to probe AI Engine registers.

Note: The default working directory in this step is testcase_nofifo_hang, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Common Deadlock Scenarios

A deadlock is usually caused by insufficient FIFOs, or the access rate not matching between multiple FIFOs (or different branches of the same net in stream multicast). The following figure shows some deadlock scenarios:

Deadlock Scenarios

Scenario 1: This scenario occurs when K1 tries to write to FIFO0, but the FIFO is full. K2 is still waiting for data coming from FIFO1 before consuming data from FIFO0.

Scenario 2: This scenario occurs when NET0 multicasts to multiple destinations, and the destinations are connected by stream or cascade stream (FIFO1). The NET0 branch 1 is full because K2 is waiting for data from FIFO1, but K1 is still hungry for data from NET0 branch 0 to produce data for FIFO1.

Scenario 3: This scenario occurs when K1 and K2 are connected by buffers (including RTP buffers) and streams. When K1 is trying to write data to K2 using FIFO0, K2 is still trying to acquire lock for the ping or pong buffer. K1 will not release the lock of the buffer until it finishes its current iteration.

AI Engine Deadlock Example and Analysis in AI Engine Simulator

The example is similar to the one used in AI Engine Execution and Measurement, except that it does not have a FIFO for the stream connection:

Deadlock Example Graph

When the design stalls, graph::wait() and graph::end() hang. It needs to interrupt graph execution by:

  • Using graph::wait(CYCLE_NUMBER): specifying the number of cycles to wait for the API to return (if the graph does not return after CYCLE_NUMBER cycles, this API still returns immediately).

  • Using graph::end(CYCLE_NUMBER): specifying the number of cycles to wait for the graph to be ended (if the graph does not return after CYCLE_NUMBER cycles, this API still ends the graph immediately).

  • Using the --simulation-cycle-timeout CYCLE_NUMBER option for aiesimulator.

The CYCLE_NUMBER should be large enough for AI Engine simulator to record all the stall events, or for hardware to run into hang status.

  1. In this example, examine aie/graph.cpp. We wait for 10000 cycles:

  2. Run AI Engine simulator using the following command:

    make aiesim
  3. Open Trace view in Vitis Analyzer by using the following command:

    vitis_analyzer aiesimulator_output/default.aierun_summary

    Trace View

    The hang occurs after the following activities:

    1: Kernel aie_dest1 acquires the lock of read buffer (buf0) and write buffer (buf1).

    2: Kernel aie_dest1 starts.

    3: Kernel hangs in stream stall.

    4: S2mm is waiting for kernel aie_dest1 to release buffer buf0.

AI Engine Stall Analysis with Vitis Analyzer

Vitis Analyzer can use the event trace from the AI Engine simulation to do stall analysis that shows an overview of the stall status in metrics. It also helps you determine where the stall has happened, and the possible causes.

If you are using Vitis Analyzer to do stall analysis, run the AI Engine simulator with --online -wdb -ctf options to generate event trace information in the background:

aiesimulator --pkg-dir=./Work --online -wdb -ctf

Note: For more information about AI Engine stall analysis using Vitis Analyzer in the hardware emulation flow, refer to the Versal ACAP AI Engine Programming Environment User Guide (UG1076).

In Vitis Analyzer, the Performance Metrics view gives an overview of the stalls in the design:

Performance Metrics View

Each tile shows percentages for each type of stall. From the metrics table, it can be seen that tile (24,0) has a large percentage of lock stall (99.161%), and tile (25,0) has a large percentage of stream stall (98.627%). These metrics indicate that the design is hanging, and that analysis is required.

In the Graph view of Vitis Analzyer, you can visualize the stalled path in the graph, which can give an indication of where the stall has happened in the design. By understanding the design behavior, it is also possible to estimate what the cause of the hang might be.

For example, as the following figure shows, in this design, kernel k[0] hangs in stream stall. The full destination port is gr.k[1]/in, which means that the destination kernel k[1] is not receiving data from the stream.

Stream stall in Graph View

Switch to Lock Stalls in the Stalls view, and select the stall. The red path to kernel k[1] shows that it is trying to acquire the lock of the input buffer, but without success. The blue path shows that kernel k[0] is holding the lock of the buffer.

Lock stall in Graph View

From the above analysis, the cause of the hang is given. The direct resolution, without modifying kernel code, is to increase the FIFO size between the two kernels.

For more information about AI Engine stall analysis feature, refer to the Versal ACAP AI Engine Programming Environment User Guide (UG1076).

AI Engine Deadlock Detection in the Hardware Emulation Flow

Like AI Engine simulator, the hardware emulation flow can also dump VCD for AI Engine. To dump VCD, write AIE_DUMP_VCD=foo in a file and specify this file for the -aie-sim-options option of

It is usually helpful to view the input and output of AI Engine in the waveform. The -g option can be added to to launch the XSIM waveform. The command looks like the following:

./ -g -aie-sim-options ./sim_options.txt

When the XSIM GUI pops up, add ai_engine_0 or the PL kernels’ signals to the waveform. Click Start in XSIM. In the Linux prompt, run the following command:

cd /mnt/sd-mmcblk0p1
./host.exe a.xclbin

After the PS code completes in Linux, check the input to the AI Engine S00_AXIS and the output from the AI Engine M00_AXIS:


After the PS receives 104 samples, the design hangs. TVALID is always High, indicating that the PL kernel mm2s is still trying to send data to the AI Engine, but TREADY from the AI Engine turns to Low, and remains Low. There are also no samples from the AI Engine to the PL in the M00_AXIS interface of the AI Engine.

Analysis of the VDC file in Vitis Analyzer is similar to analysis in AI Engine simulator. A workaround is to move the VCD file generated by the hardware emulation flow to the working directory and open it:

vitis_analyzer aiesimulator_output/default.aierun_summary

AI Engine Deadlock Detection in the Hardware Flow

If a deadlock does not show in the AI Engine simulator or hardware emulation flows, it might still show in the hardware flow.

The PS code to profile how much data has been transferred for the input and output is shown below:

event::handle handle = event::start_profiling(*dout, event::io_stream_running_event_count);
event::handle handle2 = event::start_profiling(*din, event::io_stream_running_event_count);
if(handle==event::invalid_handle || handle2==event::invalid_handle){
	printf("ERROR:Invalid handle. Only two performance counter in a AIE-PL interface tile\n");
	return 1;

//kernel run
auto s2mm_run = s2mm(out_bo, nullptr, OUTPUT_SIZE);//1st run for s2mm has started
auto mm2s_run = mm2s(in_bo, nullptr, OUTPUT_SIZE);;
// Wait graph for some cycles
gr.wait(50000); // wait for AIE kernel to complete or at most 50000 cycles

long long data_out_count = event::read_profiling(handle);
long long data_in_count = event::read_profiling(handle2);
std::cout<<"Output data received:"<<data_out_count<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Input data sent:"<<data_in_count<<std::endl;

Note: mm2s needs to be started after event::start_profiling. Otherwise, the data transfer begins after mm2s starts, and that happens before event::start_profiling and

The output is similar:

Output data received:0
Input data sent:104

From how much data has been transferred for the input and output, the status of the design can be estimated. The graph.wait(50000) in the above code can be replaced with sleep or usleep APIs to wait a certain amount of time depending on the scale of the design.

If necessary, an Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) can be inserted to probe the interfaces of the PL kernels to detect the AI Engine and PL kernels’ running status.

Methods to Detect AI Engine Status in Hardware Emulation and Hardware

This section provides details of other methods of detecting and analyzing AI Engine running status.

  • Using xbutil to report graph running status: The following command can be used to report graph running status:

    xbutil examine -r aie -d 0000:00.0

    The output of above command is as follows:

      1/1 [0000:00:00.0] : edge
        GRAPH[ 0] Name      : gr
                  Status    : idle
          SNo.  Core [C:R]          Iteration_Memory [C:R]        Iteration_Memory_Addresses    
          [ 0]   24:1                24:0                          8324                          
          [ 1]   25:1                24:0                          7012                          
      Core [ 0]
          Column                : 24
          Row                   : 1
              Status                : east_lock_stall
              Program Counter       : 0x000001f0
              Link Register         : 0x000000b0
              Stack Pointer         : 0x0003a100
                      Id                    : 0
                      Channel Status        : idle
                      Queue Size            : 0
                      Queue Status          : okay
                      Current BD            : 0
                      Id                    : 1
                      Channel Status        : idle
                      Queue Size            : 0
                      Queue Status          : okay
                      Current BD            : 0
                      Id                    : 0
                      Channel Status        : stalled_on_requesting_lock
                      Queue Size            : 0
                      Queue Status          : okay
                      Current BD            : 0
                      Id                    : 1
                      Channel Status        : idle
                      Queue Size            : 0
                      Queue Status          : okay
                      Current BD            : 0
              0                     : acquired_for_read
              1                     : released_for_read
              2                     : acquired_for_write
              3                     : released_for_write
              4                     : released_for_write
              5                     : released_for_write
              6                     : released_for_write
              7                     : released_for_write
              8                     : released_for_write
              9                     : released_for_write
              10                    : released_for_write
              11                    : released_for_write
              12                    : released_for_write
              13                    : released_for_write
              14                    : released_for_write
              15                    : released_for_write
              core                  : 1, 2, 5, 22, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 35, 38, 39, 44, 73, 74, 78, 82, 86, 90, 94, 98, 102, 106, 114
              memory                : 1, 20, 21, 25, 33, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 106, 113
      Core [ 1]
          Column                : 25
          Row                   : 1
              Status                : stream_stall_ms0
              Program Counter       : 0x000003f0
              Link Register         : 0x00000260
              Stack Pointer         : 0x00029c20
                      Id                    : 0
                      Channel Status        : idle
                      Queue Size            : 0
                      Queue Status          : okay
                      Current BD            : 0
                      Id                    : 1
                      Channel Status        : idle
                      Queue Size            : 0
                      Queue Status          : okay
                      Current BD            : 0
                      Id                    : 0
                      Channel Status        : idle
                      Queue Size            : 0
                      Queue Status          : okay
                      Current BD            : 0
                      Id                    : 1
                      Channel Status        : idle
                      Queue Size            : 0
                      Queue Status          : okay
                      Current BD            : 0
              0                     : released_for_write
              1                     : released_for_write
              2                     : released_for_write
              3                     : released_for_write
              4                     : released_for_write
              5                     : released_for_write
              6                     : released_for_write
              7                     : released_for_write
              8                     : released_for_write
              9                     : released_for_write
              10                    : released_for_write
              11                    : released_for_write
              12                    : released_for_write
              13                    : released_for_write
              14                    : released_for_write
              15                    : released_for_write
              core                  : 1, 2, 5, 22, 24, 28, 29, 31, 32, 35, 38, 39, 41, 44, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 106, 114
              memory                : 1

    Tip: If a design hangs in Linux, press Ctrl+Z to suspend the design and run command.

    It is seen that core[0] (tile_24_1, aie_dest2) is in the status east_lock_stall, and core[1] (tile_25_1, aie_dest1) is in the status stream_stall_ms0. That is to say, aie_dest1 is trying to write to the consumer aie_dest2, while aie_dest2 is still trying to acquire lock to start.

    Tip: Cross-probe between Graph and Array view in Vitis Analyzer to understand kernels, buffers, and the locations of ports. `

  • Using devmem to probe AI Engine registers to see AI Engine status: By using the devmem command, you can read AI Engine registers to see the AI Engine internal status. The register reference can be found in the Versal ACAP AI Engine Register Reference (AM015).

    For example, the core status registers can be found here:

    core status

    Find the absolute addresses for the kernels in the design. The status of the kernels can be read by running the following command:

      root@versal-rootfs-common-2021_2:/mnt/sd-mmcblk0p1# devmem 0x2000C872004
      root@versal-rootfs-common-2021_2:/mnt/sd-mmcblk0p1# devmem 0x2000C072004 

    Value 0x00001000 indicates that it is Stream_Stall_MS0, and value 0x00000200 indicates that it is Lock_Stall_E. The analysis of the result is similar to using xbutil.


After completing this tutorial, you have learned how to detect and analyze design hang issues.

Revision History

  • July 2021: Initial release.

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