Webp Encoder

Webp encoder demo resides in L2/demo/webpEnc directory. The tutorial provides a step-by-step guide that covers commands for building and running kernel.

Executable Usage

  • Work Directory(Step 1)

The steps for library download and environment setup can be found in Vitis Codec Library. For getting the design,

cd L2/demo/webpEnc
  • Build kernel(Step 2)

Run the following make command to build your XCLBIN and host binary targeting a specific device. Please be noticed that this process will take a long time, maybe couple of hours.

make run TARGET=hw DEVICE=xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_2
  • Run kernel(Step 3)

To get the benchmark results, please run the following command.

./build_dir.hw.xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_2/cwebp list.rst -use_ocl -q 80 -o output

Webp Input Arguments:

Usage: cwebp -[-use_ocl -q -o]
       list.rst:     the input list
       -use_ocl:     should be kept
       -q:           compression quality
       -o:           output directory

Note: Default arguments are set in Makefile, you can use other pictures listed in the table.

  • Example output(Step 4)
INFO: CreateKernel start.
INFO: Number of Platforms: 1
INFO: Selected Platform: Xilinx
INFO: Number of devices for platform 0: 1
INFO: target_device found:   xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_2
INFO: target_device chosen:  xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_2
NFO: OpenCL Version: 1.-48
INFO: Loading kernel.xclbin
INFO: Loading kernel.xclbin Finished


*** Picture: 1 - 1,  Buffer: 0, Instance: 0, Event: 0 ***
INFO: Host2Device finished. Computation time is 0.480000 (ms)
INFO: PredKernel Finished. Computation time is 0.042000 (ms)
INFO: ACKernel Finished. Computation time is 0.012000 (ms)
INFO: Device2Host finished. Computation time is 0.005000 (ms)
INFO: Loop of Pictures Finished. Computation time is 16.500000 (ms)
INFO: VP8EncTokenLoopAsync Finished. Computation time is 22.676000 (ms)
INFO: WebPEncodeAsync Finished. Computation time is 47.519000 (ms)
INFO: Release Kernel.


The hardware resource utilizations are listed in the following table. Different tool versions may result slightly different resource.

Table 1 Hardware resources for webp kernels
Kernel BRAM URAM DSP FF LUT Frequency(MHz)
kernel1 72 10 410 56498 48301 250
kernel2 11 0 5 23073 16375 250
  • One instance achieves about 6~14 times acceleration. Here are some examples:
Table 2 Performance of Webp Encoder for FPGA
Kernel Width (pix) Height (pix) -q latency (ms) Throughput FPGA B (Mb/s) Throughput FPGA P (Mp/s) FPs (fps)
Kernel1 1920 1080 80 21.18 146.83 97.88 47.20
Kernel2 1920 1080 80 14.57 213.54 142.36 68.65
Kernel1 512 512 80 3.22 122.03 81.35 310.33
Kernel2 512 512 80 2.92 134.65 89.77 342.43
Kernel1 1920 1080 90 21.03 147.87 98.58 47.54
Kernel2 1920 1080 90 15.92 195.43 130.29 62.83
Kernel1 512 512 90 4.73 83.12 55.41 211.39
Kernel2 512 512 90 4.93 79.73 53.16 202.78
  • Platform: FPGA U200, CPU details are listd belowd (single thread)


1. Kernels running on platform with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2603 v3 @ 1.60GHz, 48 Threads.
2. time unit: ms.
3. “-” Indicates that the result could not be obtained due to insufficient memory.
4. FPGA time is the kernel runtime by adding data transfer and executed with webp encoder.