L1 Module User Guide¶
- Primitive Overview
- Primitive APIs in
- aggregate
- bitonicSort
- bfGen
- bfGenStream
- bfCheck
- combineCol
- splitCol
- directGroupAggregate
- duplicateCol
- dynamicEval
- dynamicFilter
- groupAggregate
- hashAntiJoin
- hashGroupAggregate
- hashJoinMPU
- hashJoinV3
- hashBuildProbeV3
- hashJoinV4
- hashBuildProbeV4
- hashLookup3
- hashMultiJoin
- hashMurmur3
- hashPartition
- hashSemiJoin
- insertSort
- mergeJoin
- mergeLeftJoin
- mergeSort
- nestedLoopJoin
- scanCmpStrCol
- scanCol
- staticEval
- Primitive Design Internals
- Internals of Dynamic-Filter
- Internals of Dynamic-Evaluation
- Internals of Lookup3 and Murmur3 Hash
- Internals of Bloom-Filter
- Internals of Group-Aggregate (Using Sorted Rows)
- Internals of Direct-Group-Aggregate
- Internals of Hash-Group-Aggregate (Generic Version)
- Internals of Hash-Join (Multi-Process-Unit Version)
- Internals of Hash-Join-v3 and Hash-Build-Probe-v3
- Internals of Hash-Join-v4 and Hash-Build-Probe-v4
- Internals of Hash-Semi-Join (Multi-Process-Unit Version)
- Internals of Hash-Anti-Join
- Internals of Hash-Multi-Join
- Internals of Hash-Partition
- Internals of Merge-Join and Merge-Left-Join
- Internals of Nested-Loop-Join
- Internals of Combine-Split-Unit
- Internals of Bitonic Sort
- Internals of Insert Sort
- Internals of Merge Sort
- Internals of Scan
- Query-Specific Acceleration Demo