class xf::database::gqe::JoinConfig

#include "gqe_join_config.hpp"


class JoinConfig: protected xf::database::gqe::BaseConfig



JoinConfig overload (1)

JoinConfig (
    Table a,
    std::string filter_a,
    Table b,
    std::string filter_b,
    std::string join_str,
    Table c,
    std::string output_str,
    bool build_probe,
    int join_Type = INNER_JOIN

constructor of JoinConfig .

The class generates join configure bits by parsing the join .run() arguments,


a left table
filter_a filter condition of left table
b right table
filter_b filter condition of right table
join_str join condition(s)
evals eval expressions list
evals_const eval expression constant list
c result table
output_str output column mapping
join_type INNER_JOIN(default) | SEMI_JOIN | ANTI_JOIN.
part_tag if use partition kernel

JoinConfig overload (2)

JoinConfig (
    TableSection a,
    std::string filter_a,
    TableSection b,
    std::string filter_b,
    std::string join_str,
    TableSection c,
    std::string output_str,
    bool build_probe,
    int join_Type = INNER_JOIN

constructor of JoinConfig .

The class generates join configure bits by parsing the join .run() arguments,


a left table
filter_a filter condition of left table
b right table
filter_b filter condition of right table
join_str join condition(s)
evals eval expressions list
evals_const eval expression constant list
c result table
output_str output column mapping
join_type INNER_JOIN(default) | SEMI_JOIN | ANTI_JOIN.
part_tag if use partition kernel


ap_uint <512>* getJoinConfigBits () const

get the gqeJoin kernel config


join config bits


std::vector <std::vector <int8_t>> getShuffleScan () const

get the sw-shuffle config for scan.


return the scan sw_shuffle cfg


std::vector <int8_t> getShuffleWrite () const

get the sw-shuffle config for write out.


return the write out sw_shuffle cfg