SPMV (Double precision)

SPMV (Double precision) resides in L2/benchmarks/spmv_double directory.


There are 22 sparse matrices used in the benchmark. These sparse matrices can be downloaded from https://sparse.tamu.edu.

matrix rows cols NNZs
nasa2910 2910 2910 174296
ex9 3363 3363 99471
bcsstk24 3562 3562 159910
bcsstk15 3948 3948 117816
bcsstk28 4410 4410 219024
s3rmt3m3 5357 5357 207695
s2rmq4m1 5489 5489 281111
nd3k 9000 9000 3279690
ted_B_unscaled 10605 10605 144579
ted_B 10605 10605 144579
msc10848 10848 10848 1229778
cbuckle 13681 13681 676515
olafu 16146 16146 1015156
gyro_k 17361 17361 1021159
bodyy4 17546 17546 121938
nd6k 18000 18000 6897316
raefsky4 19779 19779 1328611
bcsstk36 23052 23052 1143140
msc23052 23052 23052 1154814
ct20stif 52329 52329 2698463
nasasrb 54870 54870 2677324
bodyy6 19366 19366 134748

Executable Usage

  • Work Directory(Step 1)

The steps for library download and environment setup can be found in Vitis Sparse Library. For getting the design,

cd L2/benchmarks/spmv_double
  • Build hw and host (Step 2)

Run the following make command to build your XCLBIN and host binary targeting a specific device. Please be noticed that this process will take a long time, maybe couple of hours.

make build TARGET=hw PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS=/opt/xilinx/platforms DEVICE=xilinx_u280_xdma_291020_3
make host TARGET=hw PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS=/opt/xilinx/platforms DEVICE=xilinx_u280_xdma_291020_3
  • Generate inputs(Step 3)
conda activate xf_blas
source ./gen_test.sh

The gen_test.sh triggers a set of python scripts to download the .mtx files listed in test.txt under current directory and partitions them evenly across 16 HBM channels. Each paritioned data set, including the value and indices of each NNZ entry, is stored in one HBM channel. Each row of the partitioned data set is padded to multiple of 32 to accommodate the double precision accumulation latency. The padding overhead for each matrix is summarized in the benchmark result as well. This overhead will be reduced with the improvement of floating point support on FPGA platforms.

  • Run benchmark(Step 4)

To get the benchmark results, please run the following command.

python ./run_test.py

The run_test.py launches the host executable with each partitioned data set and offloads the double precision SpMV operation to U280 card. The SpMV operation is run numerous time (2000 in this benchmark) to mask out the host code overhead. The total run time in the benchmark results includs the OpenCl function call time to trigger the CUs and the hardware run time. The run time [ms] / iteration field gives single SpMV run time on the U280 card.

  • Example output(Step 5)
All tests pass!
Please find the benchmark results in spmv_perf.csv.


The SPMV double precision design is validated on Alveo U280 board at 256 MHz frequency. The hardware resource utilizations are listed in the following table.

Table 1 Hardware resources for SPMV double precision design
Platform 165475 323 64 4
SPMV design 220980 211 64 900
User Budget 1137245 1693 896 9020
Percentage 19.43% 12.46% 7.14% 9.98%

The performance result is shown below.

matrix runs total time[sec] time[ms]/run
nasa2910 2000 0.102513 0.0512565
ex9 2000 0.0759525 0.0379762
bcsstk24 2000 0.0747713 0.0373857
bcsstk15 2000 0.0872443 0.0436221
bcsstk28 2000 0.116322 0.0581609
s3rmt3m3 2000 0.106942 0.0534711
s2rmq4m1 2000 0.126217 0.0631087
nd3k 2000 0.677946 0.338973
ted_B_unscaled 2000 0.136411 0.0682054
ted_B 2000 0.149135 0.0745673
msc10848 2000 0.391394 0.195697
cbuckle 2000 0.216792 0.108396
olafu 2000 0.263899 0.131949
gyro_k 2000 0.412774 0.206387
bodyy4 2000 0.269815 0.134907
nd6k 2000 1.50509 0.752544
raefsky4 2000 0.446744 0.223372
bcsstk36 2000 0.374293 0.187146
msc23052 2000 0.723612 0.361806
ct20stif 2000 1.01894 0.509468
nasasrb 2000 0.780656 0.390328
bodyy6 2000 0.247517 0.123759