Mailbox Subdevice Driver

Statement of Theory

This is the mailbox sub-device driver added into existing xclmgmt / xocl driver so that user pf and mgmt pf can send and receive messages of arbitrary length to / from the peer. The driver is written based on the spec of pg114 document ( ip_documentation/mailbox/v2_1/pg114-mailbox.pdf). The HW provides one TX channel and one RX channel, which operate completely independent of each other. Data can be pushed into or read from a channel in DWORD unit as a FIFO.

Packet layer

The driver implemented two transport layers - packet and message layer (see below). A packet is a fixed size chunk of data that can be sent through TX channel or retrieved from RX channel. The TX and RX interrupt happens at packet boundary, instead of DWORD boundary. The driver will not attempt to send next packet until the previous one is read by peer. Similarly, the driver will not attempt to read the data from HW until a full packet has been written to HW by peer. In normal operational mode, data transfer is entirely interrupt driven. So, the interrupt functionality needs to work and enabled on both mgmt and user pf for mailbox driver to function properly. During hot reset of the device, this driver may work in polling mode for short period of time until the reset is done.

A packet is defined as struct mailbox_pkt. There are mainly two types of packets: start-of-msg and msg-body packets. Both can carry end-of-msg flag to indicate that the packet is the last one in the current msg.

The start-of-msg packet contains some meta data related to the entire msg, such as msg ID, msg flags and msg size. Strictly speaking, these info belongs to the msg layer, but it helps the receiving end to prepare buffer for the incoming msg payload after seeing the 1st packet instead of the whole msg. It is an optimization for msg receiving.

The body-of-msg packet contains only msg payload.

Message layer

A message is a data buffer of arbitrary length. The driver will break a message into multiple packets and transmit them to the peer, which, in turn, will assemble them into a full message before it’s delivered to upper layer for further processing. One message requires at least one packet to be transferred to the peer (a start-of-msg packet with end-of-msg flag).

Each message has a unique temporary u64 ID (see communication model below for more detail). The ID shows up in start-of-msg packet only. So, at packet layer, there is an assumption that adjacent packets belong to the same message unless the next one is another start-of-msg packet. So, at message layer, the driver will not attempt to send the next message until the transmitting of current one is done. I.E., we implement a FIFO for message TX channel. All messages are sent by driver in the order of received from upper layer. We can implement msgs of different priority later, if needed.

On the RX side, there is no certain order for receiving messages. It’s up to the peer to decide which message gets enqueued into its own TX queue first, which will be received first on the other side.

A TX message is considered as time’d out when it’s transmit is not done within 2 seconds (for msg larger than 1MB, it’s 2 second per MB). A RX msg is considered as time’d out 20 seconds after the corresponding TX one has been sent out. There is no retry after msg time’d out. The error will be simply propagated back to the upper layer.

A msg is defined as struct mailbox_msg. It carrys a flag indicating that if it’s a msg of request or response msg. A response msg must have a big enough msg buffer sitting in the receiver’s RX queue waiting for it. A request msg does not have a waiting msg buffer.

The upper layer can choose to queue a message for TX or RX asynchronously when it provides a callback or wait synchronously when no callback is provided.

Communication layer

At the highest layer, the driver implements a request-response communication model. Three types of msgs can be sent/received in this model:

  • A request msg which requires a response.

  • A notification msg which does not require a response.

  • A response msg which is used to respond a request.

The OP code of the request determines whether it’s a request or notification.

If provided, a response msg must match a request msg by msg ID, or it’ll be silently dropped. And there is no response to a reponse. A communication session starts with a request and finishes with 0 or 1 reponse, always. A request buffer or response buffer will be wrapped with a single msg. This means that a session contains at most 2 msgs and the msg ID serves as the session ID.

The mailbox driver provides a few kernel APIs for mgmt and user pf to talk to each other at this layer (see mailbox_ops for details). A request or notification msg will automatically be assigned a msg ID when it’s enqueued into TX channel for transmitting. For a request msg, the buffer provided by caller for receiving response will be enqueued into RX channel as well. The enqueued response msg will have the same msg ID as the corresponding request msg. The response msg, if provided, will always be enqueued before the request msg is enqueued to avoid race condition.

When a new request or notification is received from peer, driver will allocate a msg buffer and copy the msg into it then passes it to the callback provided by upper layer (mgmt or user pf driver) through xocl_peer_listen() API for further processing.

Currently, the driver implements one kernel thread for RX channel (RX thread) , one for TX channel (TX thread) and one thread for processing incoming request (REQ thread).

The RX thread is responsible for receiving incoming msgs. If it’s a request or notification msg, it’ll punt it to REQ thread for processing, which, in turn, will call the callback provided by mgmt pf driver (xclmgmt_mailbox_srv()) or user pf driver (xocl_mailbox_srv()) to further process it. If it’s a response, it’ll simply wake up the waiting thread ( currently, all response msgs are waited synchronously by caller)

The TX thread is responsible for sending out msgs. When it’s done, the TX thread will simply wake up the waiting thread (if it’s a request requiring a response) or call a default callback to free the msg when the msg is a notification or a response msg which does not require any response.

Software communication channel

A msg can be sent or received through HW mailbox channel or through a daemon implemented in user land (software communication daemon). The daemon waiting for sending msg from user pf to mgmt pf is called MPD. The other one is MSD, which is responsible for sending msg from mgmt pf to user pf.

Each mailbox subdevice driver creates a device node under /dev. A daemon (MPD or MSD) can block and wait in the read() interface waiting for fetching out-going msg sent to peer. Or it can block and wait in the poll()/select() interface and will be woken up when there is an out-going msg ready to be sent. Then it can fetch the msg via read() interface. It’s entirely up to the daemon to process the msg. It may pass it through to the peer or handle it completely in its own way.

If the daemon wants to pass a msg (request or response) to a mailbox driver, it can do so by calling write() driver interface. It may block and wait until the previous msg is consumed by the RX thread before it can finish transmiting its own msg and return back to user land.

The interface between daemons and mailbox is defined as struct sw_chan. Refer to mailbox_proto.h for details.

Communication protocols

As indicated above, the packet layer and msg layer communication protocol is defined as struct mailbox_pkt and struct mailbox_msg respectively in this file. The protocol for communicating at communication layer is defined in mailbox_proto.h.

The software communication channel communicates at communication layer only, which sees only request and response buffers. It should only implement the protocol defined in mailbox_proto.h.

The current protocol defined at communication layer followed a rule as below: All requests initiated from user pf requires a response and all requests from mgmt pf does not require a response. This should avoid any possible deadlock derived from each side blocking and waiting for response from the peer.

The overall architecture can be shown as below:

      +----------+      +----------+            +----------+
      [ Req/Resp ]  <---[SW Channel]---->       [ Req/Resp ]
+-----+----------+      +----------+      +-----+----------+
[ Msg | Req/Resp ]                        [ Msg | Req/Resp ]
+---+-+------+---+      +----------+      +---+-+-----+----+
[Pkt]...[]...[Pkt]  <---[HW Channel]----> [Pkt]...[]...[Pkt]
+---+        +---+      +----------+      +---+        +---+