Source code for brevitas.core.bit_width.const

# Copyright (C) 2023, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

from typing import Optional

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import Module

import brevitas
import brevitas.config as config
from brevitas.core.utils import StatelessBuffer
from brevitas.function.ops_ste import tensor_clamp_ste

[docs]class BitWidthConst(brevitas.jit.ScriptModule): """ ScriptModule that returns a constant bit-width wrapped in a float torch.tensor. Args: bit_width (int): bit-width value. Examples: >>> bit_width = BitWidthConst(8) >>> bit_width() tensor(8.) Note: The bit-width is not part of the Module's state, meaning that it won't be saved as part of a checkpoint. Note: Maps to bit_width_impl_type == BitWidthImplType.CONST == 'CONST' == 'const' in higher-level APIs. """ def __init__( self, bit_width: int, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None, device: Optional[torch.device] = None) -> None: super(BitWidthConst, self).__init__() assert isinstance(bit_width, int) self.bit_width = StatelessBuffer(torch.tensor(float(bit_width), dtype=dtype, device=device))
[docs] @brevitas.jit.script_method def forward(self) -> Tensor: return self.bit_width()
[docs]class BitWidthStatefulConst(brevitas.jit.ScriptModule): """ ScriptModule that returns a constant bit-width wrapped in a float torch.tensor but retains the bit-width as part of the module state. Args: bit_width (int): bit-width value. Examples: >>> bit_width = BitWidthStatefulConst(8) >>> bit_width() tensor(8.) Note: The BitWidthStatefulConst is a counterpart to BitWidthConst with the difference that the BitWidthStatefulConst retains the bit-width as part of the Module's state. This means that it will be saved as part of a checkpoint. Note: Maps to bit_width_impl_type == BitWidthImplType.STATEFUL_CONST == 'STATEFUL_CONST' == 'stateful_const' in higher-level APIs. """ def __init__( self, bit_width: int, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None, device: Optional[torch.device] = None) -> None: super(BitWidthStatefulConst, self).__init__() assert isinstance(bit_width, int) self.register_buffer( "bit_width", torch.tensor(float(bit_width), dtype=dtype, device=device))
[docs] @brevitas.jit.script_method def forward(self) -> Tensor: return self.bit_width
def _load_from_state_dict( self, state_dict, prefix, local_metadata, strict, missing_keys: list, unexpected_keys, error_msgs): super(BitWidthStatefulConst, self)._load_from_state_dict( state_dict, prefix, local_metadata, strict, missing_keys, unexpected_keys, error_msgs) value_key = prefix + "bit_width" if config.IGNORE_MISSING_KEYS and value_key in missing_keys: missing_keys.remove(value_key)
[docs]class MsbClampBitWidth(brevitas.jit.ScriptModule): def __init__( self, bit_width_to_remove_impl: Module, min_overall_bit_width: int, max_overall_bit_width: int) -> None: super(MsbClampBitWidth, self).__init__() self.min_overall_bit_width = BitWidthConst(min_overall_bit_width) self.max_overall_bit_width = BitWidthConst(max_overall_bit_width) self.bit_width_to_remove_impl = bit_width_to_remove_impl
[docs] @brevitas.jit.script_method def forward(self, input_bit_width: Tensor) -> Tensor: bit_width_to_remove = self.bit_width_to_remove_impl() output_bit_width = torch.abs(input_bit_width - bit_width_to_remove) output_bit_width = tensor_clamp_ste( output_bit_width, self.min_overall_bit_width(), self.max_overall_bit_width()) return output_bit_width