
chipscopy.api.ibert.create_eye_scans(*, target_objs)

Create an instance of EyeScan and attach it to the eye_scan attribute of the target_obj (s)


target_objs (Union[RX, Link, List[RX, Link]]) – The object to use for attaching the eye scan instance. The object must be an instance of RX or Link class.

Return type



List of eye scan object(s) created


Delete EyeScan object(s) that were created previously


scans_to_delete (Union[EyeScan, List[EyeScan], QueryList[EyeScan], None]) – (Optional) Eye scan object(s) to delete.


If no eye scan objects are provided, all available eye scans are deleted.


Get all EyeScan object(s)

Return type



List of eye scan object(s)

class chipscopy.api.ibert.eye_scan.EyeScan(rx, name, params=<factory>, done_callback=None, progress_callback=None, error='', filter_by=<factory>, status='Not Started', progress=-1.0, stop_time=None, start_time=None, elf_version=None, data_points_read=0, data_points_expected=0, open_data_points=0, scan_data=None, metric_data=None, plot=None, _handle_from_cs_server=None, _scan_done_event=<factory>)[source]

Class for interacting with eye scans. Please do not create an instance of this class directly. Please use the factory method create_eye_scans() instead.

data_points_expected: int = 0

Total number of data points expected to be scanned by the MicroBlaze

data_points_read: int = 0

Number of data points scanned by the MicroBlaze

done_callback: Callable[[EyeScan], None] = None

Callback function called when eye scan has ended

elf_version: str = None

ELF version read from the MicroBlaze

error: str = ''

String detailing reason for scan abort

filter_by: Dict[str, Any]

Generate a report for this eye scan object and send it to the “printer” for printing

metric_data: chipscopy.api.ibert.eye_scan.MetricData = None

metric data stored in an instance of MetricData class

name: str

Name of the eye scan

open_data_points: int = 0

Number of data points scanned by the MicroBlaze

params: Dict[str, chipscopy.api.ibert.eye_scan.params.EyeScanParam]

Dictionary containing the py:class:EyeScanParam instance for every available param

plot: chipscopy.api.ibert.eye_scan.plotter.EyeScanPlot = None

EyeScanPlot instance for interacting with the plot

progress: float = -1.0

Progress of the eye scan in %

progress_callback: Callable[[float], None] = None

Callback function called when eye scan update is received

rx: chipscopy.api.ibert.rx.RX

RX object attached to this eye scan

scan_data: chipscopy.api.ibert.eye_scan.ScanData = None

Scan data stored in an instance of the ScanData class

start(*, show_progress_bar=True)[source]

Send command to cs_server to start the eye scan in the HW.


show_progress_bar (bool) – Set to true to show progress bar on stdout

start_time: datetime.datetime = None

Time stamp of when eye scan was started in cs_server

status: str = 'Not Started'

Status of the eye scan


Stop eye scan, that is in-progress in the MicroBlaze

stop_time: datetime.datetime = None

Time stamp of when eye scan was stopped in cs_server


Block current thread execution till the eye scan completes OR it is aborted by cs_server/HW.

class chipscopy.api.ibert.eye_scan.MetricData(open_area, open_percentage, horizontal_opening, horizontal_percentage, vertical_opening, vertical_percentage)[source]

Class for storing scan metric data

horizontal_opening: int

zero offset horizontal opening of the eye scan

horizontal_percentage: float

zero offset horizontal opening percent of the eye scan

open_area: int

open area in the eye scan

open_percentage: float

open area percentage of the eye scan

vertical_opening: int

zero offset vertical opening of the eye scan

vertical_percentage: float

zero offset horizontal opening percent of the eye scan

class chipscopy.api.ibert.eye_scan.Plot2DData(scan_points, ber_floor_value)[source]
ber_floor_value: float

This value is used as the ber value for any X, Y coordinate whose computed BER was 0

scan_points: Dict[Tuple[int, int], chipscopy.api.ibert.eye_scan.ScanPoint]

Collection of ScanPoint instances to represent the 2D eye scan plot

class chipscopy.api.ibert.eye_scan.RawData(ut, prescale, error_count, sample_count, vertical_range, horizontal_range)[source]

Class for storing raw data from the MicroBlaze. The size of all the lists in this class will be the same

error_count: List[int]
horizontal_range: List[int]
prescale: List[int]
sample_count: List[int]
ut: List[int]
vertical_range: List[int]
class chipscopy.api.ibert.eye_scan.ScanData(raw, all_params, processed=None)[source]

Class for storing raw scan data and 2D plot data

all_params: dict

All parameters the server used to run the scan in the MicroBlaze

processed: chipscopy.api.ibert.eye_scan.Plot2DData = None

2D plot data. This will only be available if the scan completed successfully

raw: chipscopy.api.ibert.eye_scan.RawData

Raw scan data from the MicroBlaze

class chipscopy.api.ibert.eye_scan.ScanPoint(x, y, ber, errors, samples)[source]
ber: float
errors: int
samples: int
x: int
y: int