Source code for chipscopy.api.pcie

# Copyright (C) 2021-2022, Xilinx, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2022-2023, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import re
from typing import ClassVar, TYPE_CHECKING
from dataclasses import dataclass

from chipscopy.utils.printer import printer
from chipscopy.api import CoreType
from chipscopy.api._detail.debug_core import DebugCore

    from chipscopy.client.axis_pcie_core_client import AxisPCIeCoreClient

[docs]@dataclass class PCIe(DebugCore["AxisPCIeCoreClient"]): def __init__(self, pcie_tcf): super(PCIe, self).__init__(CoreType.AXIS_PCIE, pcie_tcf) = pcie_tcf.props["Name"] self.uuid = self.core_info.uuid # This is used by the filter_by method in QueryList self.filter_by = {"name":, "uuid": self.uuid} def get_property(self, property_name_list=None): return_dict = {} items = self.get_properties() if (property_name_list is None) or (len(property_name_list) == 0): return_dict = items else: for key in property_name_list: if key in items: return_dict[key] = items[key] return return_dict def get_properties(self): items = {"name":, "uuid": self.uuid} items.update(self.core_tcf_node.props) return items
[docs] def refresh(self): """ Reads the PCIe debug memory again, and updated internal properties. Args: None Returns: None """ self.core_tcf_node.read_data() self.get_property([])
[docs] def read_data(self): """ Reads the PCIe debug memory again, and updated internal properties, same as refresh() Args: None Returns: None """ self.core_tcf_node.read_data() self.get_property([])
[docs] def reset_core(self): """ Resets the PCIe debug core, telling the IP to start collecting a new state trace Args: None Returns: None """ self.core_tcf_node.reset_core()
def __str__(self): return f"PCIe {} ({self.uuid})" @staticmethod def _cap(s): return ".".join(i.capitalize() for i in s.split("."))
[docs] def get_dot(self): """ Returns a text string of the PCIe LTSSM in the DOT format. DOT is a graph description language: ( This format can be graphed using python (networkx) or other graphing tools (graphviz and others) Args: None Returns: String with the PCIe LTSSM graph in a DOT format, using the same colors and labels as get_plt() """ pos = { "Detect": 'pos="2,0!"', "Polling": 'pos="2,-2!"', "Configuration": 'pos="2,-4!"', "L0": 'pos="2,-6!"', "L1": 'pos="1,-7!"', "L0s": 'pos="2,-8!"', "R.Lock": 'pos="4,-8!"', "R.Speed": 'pos="4,-10!"', "R.Cfg": 'pos="6,-8!"', "R.Idle": 'pos="8,-8!"', "R.Eq": 'pos="6,-10!"', "Loopback": 'pos="4.5,-5.5!"', "Hotreset": 'pos="4.5,-4!"', "Disabled": 'pos="4.5,-2!"', } dot_src = "digraph {\n" dot_src += 'graph [pad="0.212,0.055" bgcolor=white splines=true esep="+40" sep="+50"]\n' dot_src += "node [style=filled]\n" d = self.get_property([]) val_map = {} for state in pos.keys(): s = "state." + state.replace(" ", "").lower() val_map[state] = "orange" if d[s] == 2 else "green" if d[s] == 1 else "gray" dot_src += f'"{state}" [fillcolor="{val_map[state]}" {pos[state]}]\n' for key in d.keys(): if key.startswith("edge."): value = d[key] p = re.compile("edge.(.+)_(.+)") m = p.match(key) start = PCIe._cap( end = PCIe._cap( dot_src += f' {start} -> {end} [label = "{value}"]\n' dot_src += "}" return dot_src
[docs] def print_trace(self): """ Prints PCIe trace to console, parsing the hierarchy of loops and substates to create a user-friendly output Args: None Returns: None """ key, trace ="state.trace").popitem() for t in trace: PCIe.print_bracketed(t, 0)
@staticmethod def print_bracketed(trace, indent): colors = ["green", "blue", "magenta", "yellow", "blue"] color = colors[indent] if str(trace).isdigit(): p = "\t" * indent + f"[{color}]{trace}[/{color}]" printer(p) return 0 brace_locations = PCIe.find_brace(trace, "[]") start = str(trace).find("[") prev = 0 end = -1 while start != -1: end = brace_locations[start] items = trace[prev:start].split(",") for item in items: if item != "": p = "\t" * indent + f"[{color}]{str(item).strip()}[/{color}]" printer(p) PCIe.print_bracketed(trace[start + 1 : end], indent + 1) # skip past the ending bracket and comma prev = end + 1 if prev >= len(trace): return if trace[prev] == ",": prev = prev + 1 start = trace.find("[", prev + 1) else: items = str(trace[end + 1 :]).split(",") for item in items: if item != "": p = "\t" * indent + f"[{color}]{str(item).strip()}[/{color}]" printer(p) return 0 @staticmethod def find_brace(s, braces): toret = {} pstack = [] for i, c in enumerate(s): if c == braces[0]: pstack.append(i) elif c == braces[1]: if len(pstack) == 0: raise IndexError("No matching closing parens at: " + str(i)) toret[pstack.pop()] = i if len(pstack) > 0: raise IndexError("No matching opening parens at: " + str(pstack.pop())) return toret
[docs] def get_plt(self): """ Returns a matplotlib figure to plot, showing the PCIe LTSSM graph. States will be colored green if they have been visited, orange if it's the last state visited, and grey if not visited. The edge labels represent the number of times that state transition has be traversed. Args: None Returns: A matplotlib.pyplot that can be titled and shown later (can use plt.title or """ import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt d = self.get_property([]) graph = nx.MultiDiGraph() graph.add_edges_from( [("Detect", "Polling"), ("Polling", "Configuration"), ("Configuration", "L0")], label="1", ) graph.add_edges_from( [ ("Polling", "Detect"), ("Configuration", "Detect"), ("Configuration", "Loopback"), ("Configuration", "R.Lock"), ("Configuration", "Disabled"), ("L0", "L0s"), ("L0", "R.Lock"), ("L0", "L1"), ("L1", "R.Lock"), ("L0s", "R.Lock"), ("L0s", "L0"), ("R.Lock", "Configuration"), ("R.Lock", "R.Cfg"), ("R.Lock", "R.Eq"), ("R.Lock", "Detect"), ("R.Cfg", "R.Speed"), ("R.Cfg", "R.Idle"), ("R.Cfg", "Configuration"), ("R.Cfg", "Detect"), ("R.Eq", "R.Lock"), ("R.Eq", "R.Speed"), ("R.Speed", "Detect"), # ("R.Idle", "R.Lock"), ("R.Idle", "Loopback"), ("R.Idle", "L0"), ("R.Idle", "Detect"), ("R.Idle", "Hot reset"), ("R.Idle", "Disabled"), ("Loopback", "Detect"), ("Hot reset", "Detect"), ("Disabled", "Detect"), ], weight=2, label="999", ) # visual placement of states pos = { "Detect": [2, 0], "Polling": [2, -2], "Configuration": [2, -4], "L0": [2, -6], "L1": [1, -7], "L0s": [2, -8], "R.Lock": [3, -8], "R.Speed": [3, -10], "R.Cfg": [4, -8], "R.Idle": [5, -8], "R.Eq": [4, -10], "Loopback": [4, -6], "Hot reset": [4, -4], "Disabled": [4, -2], } plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) font = {"color": "k", "fontweight": "bold", "fontsize": 14} plt.title("PCIe LTSSM Graph", font) val_map = {} for state in pos.keys(): s = "state." + state.replace(" ", "").lower() val_map[state] = "orange" if d[s] == 2 else "green" if d[s] == 1 else "gray" values = ["grey" if edge not in val_map else val_map[edge] for edge in graph.nodes()] # Specify the edges you want here blue_edges = [("R.Lock", "R.Cfg"), ("R.Cfg", "R.Idle"), ("R.Idle", "L0")] edge_colors = ["black" if edge not in blue_edges else "blue" for edge in graph.edges()] edge_labels = {} for e in graph.edges(): prop_name = "edge." + e[0].lower() + "_" + e[1].lower() prop_name = prop_name.replace(" ", "") val = d[prop_name] edge_labels[e] = val nx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, pos, node_color=values, node_size=1500) nx.draw_networkx_labels(graph, pos) nx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, pos, edge_color=edge_colors, arrows=True, arrowsize=10) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(graph, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels) return plt