DMA Latency Application (dma-latency)ΒΆ
Xilinx-developed custom tool dma-latency
is used to collect the latency metrics for unidirectional and bidirectional traffic.
usage: dma-latency [OPTIONS
-c (--config) config file that has configuration for IO
Note: dma-latency application is supported only with functional design.
[xilinx@]# dma-latency -c dmalat.conf
dma-ctl qdma65000 global_csr | grep Global| cut -d : -f 2 > glbl_rng_sz
qdma65000-ST-0 H2C added.
Added 1 Queues.
1 Queues started, idx 0 ~ 0.
qdma65000-ST-0 C2H added.
Added 1 Queues.
1 Queues started, idx 0 ~ 0.
dmautils(1) threads
Stopped Queues 0 -> 0.
Deleted Queues 0 -> 0.
Stopped Queues 0 -> 0.
Deleted Queues 0 -> 0.
Total MM H2C packets processed = 0
Total MM C2H packets processed = 0
Total ST H2C packets processed = 2605186
Total ST C2H packets processed = 2605186
Min Ping Pong Latency = 7746
Max Ping Pong Latency = 34642
Avg Ping Pong Latency = 8906
dma-latency tool takes a configuration file as input. The configuration file format is as below.
mode=mm #mode
dir=bi #dir
pf_range=0:0 #no spaces
q_range=0:0 #no spaces
ram_width=15 #31 bits - 2^31 = 2GB
runtime=30 #secs
- name : name of the configuration
- mode : mode of the queue, streaming(st) or memory mapped(mm). Mode defaults to mm.
- dir : Direction of the queue, host-to-card(h2c), card-to-host (c2h) or both (bi).
- pf_range : Range of the PFs from 0-3 on which the performance metrics are to be collected.
- q_range : Range of the Queues from 0-2047 on which the performance metrics are to be collected.
- flags : queue flags
- wb_acc : write back accumulation index from CSR register ( 0 - 15 )
- tmr_idx : timer index from CSR register ( 0 - 15 )
- cntr_idx : Counter index from CSR register ( 0 - 15 )
- trig_mode : trigger mode (every, usr_cnt, usr, usr_tmr, dis)
- rngidx : Ring index from CSR register ( 0 - 15 )
- runtime : Duration of the performance runs, time in seconds.
- num_threads : number of threads to be used in dma-perf application to pump the traffic to queues
- bidir_en : Enable or Disable the bi-direction mode ( 0: Disable, 1: Enable )
- num_pkt : number of packets
- pkt_sz : Packet size