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Vitis Drivers API Documentation
The Xilinx CAN driver component. This component supports the Xilinx CAN Controller.
The CAN Controller supports the following features:
The device driver supports all the features listed above, if applicable.
Driver Description
The device driver enables higher layer software (e.g., an application) to communicate to the CAN. The driver handles transmission and reception of CAN frames, as well as configuration of the controller. The driver is simply a pass-through mechanism between a protocol stack and the CAN. A single device driver can support multiple CANs.
Since the driver is a simple pass-through mechanism between a protocol stack and the CAN, no assembly or disassembly of CAN frames is done at the driver-level. This assumes that the protocol stack passes a correctly formatted CAN frame to the driver for transmission, and that the driver does not validate the contents of an incoming frame
Operation Modes
The CAN controller supports the following modes of operation:
Buffer Alignment
It is important to note that frame buffers passed to the driver must be 32-bit aligned.
Receive Address Filtering
The device can be set to accept frames whose Identifiers match any of the 4 filters set in the Acceptance Filter Mask/ID registers.
The incoming Identifier is masked with the bits in the Acceptance Filter Mask Register. This value is compared with the result of masking the bits in the Acceptance Filter ID Register with the Acceptance Filter Mask Register. If both these values are equal, the message will be stored in the RX FIFO.
Acceptance Filtering is performed by each of the defined acceptance filters. If the incoming identifier passes through any acceptance filter then the frame is stored in the RX FIFO.
If the Accpetance Filters are not set up then all the received messages are stroed in the RX FIFO.
PHY Communication
This driver does not provide any mechanism for directly programming PHY.
The driver has no dependencies on the interrupt controller. The driver provides an interrupt handler. User of this driver needs to provide callback functions. An interrupt handler example is available with the driver.
This driver is not thread safe. Any needs for threads or thread mutual exclusion must be satisfied by the layer above this driver.
Device Reset
Bus Off interrupt that can occur in the device requires a device reset. The user is responsible for resetting the device and re-configuring it based on its needs (the driver does not save the current configuration). When integrating into an RTOS, these reset and re-configure obligations are taken care of by the OS adapter software if it exists for that RTOS.
Device Configuration
The device can be configured in various ways during the FPGA implementation process. Configuration parameters are stored in the xcanps_g.c files. A table is defined where each entry contains configuration information for a CAN device. This information includes such things as the base address of the memory-mapped device.
Asserts are used within all Xilinx drivers to enforce constraints on argument values. Asserts can be turned off on a system-wide basis by defining, at compile time, the NDEBUG identifier. By default, asserts are turned on and it is recommended that users leave asserts on during development.
Building the driver
The XCanPs driver is composed of several source files. This allows the user to build and link only those parts of the driver that are necessary.
Ver Who Date Changes
1.00a xd/sv 01/12/10 First release 1.01a bss 12/27/11 Added the APIs XCanPs_SetTxIntrWatermark and XCanPs_GetTxIntrWatermark. Updated the Register/bit definitions Changed XCANPS_RXFWIR_RXFLL_MASK to XCANPS_WIR_FW_MASK Changed XCANPS_RXWIR_OFFSET to XCANPS_WIR_OFFSET Added XCANPS_IXR_TXFEMP_MASK for Tx Fifo Empty Changed XCANPS_IXR_RXFLL_MASK to XCANPS_IXR_RXFWMFLL_MASK Changed XCANPS_TXBUF_ID_OFFSET to XCANPS_TXHPB_ID_OFFSET XCANPS_TXBUF_DLC_OFFSET to XCANPS_TXHPB_DLC_OFFSET XCANPS_TXBUF_DW1_OFFSET to XCANPS_TXHPB_DW1_OFFSET XCANPS_TXBUF_DW2_OFFSET to XCANPS_TXHPB_DW2_OFFSET 2.1 adk 23/08/14 Fixed CR:798792 Peripheral test for CANPS IP in SDK claims a 40kbps baud rate but it's not. 3.0 adk 09/12/14 Added support for Zynq Ultrascale Mp.Also code modified for MISRA-C:2012 compliance. 3.1 adk 10/11/15 Fixed CR#911958 Add support for Tx Watermark example. Data mismatch while sending data less than 8 bytes. 3.1 nsk 12/21/15 Updated XCanPs_IntrHandler in xcanps_intr.c to handle error interrupts correctly. CR#925615 ms 03/17/17 Added readme.txt file in examples folder for doxygen generation. 3.3 sne 08/06/19 Fixed coverity warnings. 3.5 sne 06/29/20 Fixed MISRA-C violations. 3.5 sne 06/29/20 Fix multiple packets send issue CR-1066438. 3.5 sne 08/28/20 Modify Makefile to support parallel make execution. 3.7 ht 06/28/23 Added support for system device-tree flow.