Vitis Drivers API Documentation
xdsi.h File Reference

Data Structures

struct  XDsi_ShortPacket
 This typedef contains the Short Packet information from the Generic Short Packet Register. More...
struct  XDsiTx_CmdModePkt
 MIPI DSI Command Mode configuration structure. More...
struct  XDsi_VideoTiming
 Video timing structure. More...
struct  XDsi_Config
 The configuration structure for DSI Controller This structure passes the hardware building information to the driver. More...
struct  XDsi_ConfigParameters
 The structure to read DSI controller & Configurable Parameters. More...
struct  XDsi
 The XDsi driver instance data. More...


#define NUM_PACKETS   64
 DSI Long packet supports upto 255 word counts - i.e 64 writes into data fifo. More...


typedef void(* XDsi_Callback )(void *CallbackRef, u32 Mask)
 Callback type for all interrupts defined. More...


enum  XDsi_DsiModeType
enum  XDsi_CmdModePktType
enum  XDsi_VideoMode
 Video Timing Mode by default Non-burst mode with Sync Events. More...


XDsi_ConfigXDsi_LookupConfig (u32 DeviceId)
 Look up the hardware configuration for a device instance. More...
u32 XDsi_CfgInitialize (XDsi *InstancePtr, XDsi_Config *CfgPtr, UINTPTR EffectiveAddr)
 Initialize the XDsi instance provided by the caller based on the given Config structure. More...
u32 XDsi_Activate (XDsi *InstancePtr, XDsi_Selection Flag)
 This function will enable/disable the IP Core to start processing. More...
void XDsi_Reset (XDsi *InstancePtr)
 This function will do a reset of the IP. More...
u32 XDsi_DefaultConfigure (XDsi *InstancePtr)
 This function will configure protocol reg with video mode, Blank packet mode, Blank packet Type, End of Transmisstion packet. More...
u32 XDsi_SelfTest (XDsi *InstancePtr)
 Runs a self-test on the driver/device. More...
void XDsi_SendShortPacket (XDsi *InstancePtr, XDsi_ShortPacket *ShortPacket)
 This function will send the short packet to DSI controller Generic Short Packet Register. More...
int XDsi_SendCmdModePkt (XDsi *InstancePtr, XDsiTx_CmdModePkt *CmdPktData)
int XDsi_SetMode (XDsi *InstancePtr, XDsi_DsiModeType mode)
void XDsi_GetConfigParams (XDsi *InstancePtr, XDsi_ConfigParameters *ConfigInfo)
 This function will get the information from the GUI settings and other protocol control register values like video mode, Blank packet type, Packet Mode, EOTP value. More...
s32 XDsi_SetVideoInterfaceTiming (XDsi *InstancePtr, XDsi_VideoMode VideoMode, XVidC_VideoMode Resolution, u16 BurstPacketSize)
 This function Set Timning mode and Resolution as per that it populate with Peripheral Timing Parameters from the video common library. More...
s32 XDsi_SetCustomVideoInterfaceTiming (XDsi *InstancePtr, XDsi_VideoMode VideoMode, XDsi_VideoTiming *Timing)
 XDsi_SetCustomVideoInterfaceTiming Set Timning mode and Resolution as per user input. More...
s32 XDsi_SetCallback (XDsi *InstancePtr, u32 HandleType, void *CallbackFunc, void *CallbackRef)
 This routine installs an asynchronous callback function for the given HandlerType: More...