Vitis Drivers API Documentation
xqspips.h File Reference

Data Structures

struct  XQspiPs_Config
 This typedef contains configuration information for the device. More...
struct  XQspiPs
 The XQspiPs driver instance data. More...


#define XQspiPs_SetSlaveIdle(InstancePtr, RegisterValue)
 Set the contents of the slave idle count register. More...
#define XQspiPs_GetSlaveIdle(InstancePtr)
 Get the contents of the slave idle count register. More...
#define XQspiPs_SetTXWatermark(InstancePtr, RegisterValue)
 Set the contents of the transmit FIFO watermark register. More...
#define XQspiPs_GetTXWatermark(InstancePtr)   XQspiPs_In32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress) + XQSPIPS_TXWR_OFFSET)
 Get the contents of the transmit FIFO watermark register. More...
#define XQspiPs_SetRXWatermark(InstancePtr, RegisterValue)
 Set the contents of the receive FIFO watermark register. More...
#define XQspiPs_GetRXWatermark(InstancePtr)   XQspiPs_In32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress) + XQSPIPS_RXWR_OFFSET)
 Get the contents of the receive FIFO watermark register. More...
#define XQspiPs_Enable(InstancePtr)
 Enable the device and uninhibit master transactions. More...
#define XQspiPs_Disable(InstancePtr)   XQspiPs_Out32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress) + XQSPIPS_ER_OFFSET, 0)
 Disable the device. More...
#define XQspiPs_SetLqspiConfigReg(InstancePtr, RegisterValue)
 Set the contents of the Linear QSPI Configuration register. More...
#define XQspiPs_GetLqspiConfigReg(InstancePtr)
 Get the contents of the Linear QSPI Configuration register. More...
Configuration options

The following options are supported to enable/disable certain features of an QSPI device.

Each of the options is a bit mask, so more than one may be specified.

The Active Low Clock option configures the device's clock polarity. Setting this option means the clock is active low and the SCK signal idles high. By default, the clock is active high and SCK idles low.

The Clock Phase option configures the QSPI device for one of two transfer formats. A clock phase of 0, the default, means data is valid on the first SCK edge (rising or falling) after the slave select (SS) signal has been asserted. A clock phase of 1 means data is valid on the second SCK edge (rising or falling) after SS has been asserted.

The QSPI Force Slave Select option is used to enable manual control of the slave select signal. 0: The SPI_SS signal is controlled by the QSPI controller during transfers. (Default) 1: The SPI_SS signal is forced active (driven low) regardless of any transfers in progress.

NOTE: The driver will handle setting and clearing the Slave Select when the user sets the "FORCE_SSELECT_OPTION". Using this option will allow the QSPI clock to be set to a faster speed. If the QSPI clock is too fast, the processor cannot empty and refill the FIFOs before the TX FIFO is empty When the QSPI hardware is controlling the Slave Select signals, this will cause slave to be de-selected and terminate the transfer.

The Manual Start option is used to enable manual control of the Start command to perform data transfer. 0: The Start command is controlled by the QSPI controller during transfers(Default). Data transmission starts as soon as there is data in the TXFIFO and stalls when the TXFIFO is empty 1: The Start command must be issued by software to perform data transfer. Bit 15 of Configuration register is used to issue Start command. This bit must be set whenever TXFIFO is filled with new data.

NOTE: The driver will set the Manual Start Enable bit in Configuration Register, if Manual Start option is selected. Software will issue Manual Start command whenever TXFIFO is filled with data. When there is no further data, driver will clear the Manual Start Enable bit.

 Active Low Clock option. More...
 Clock Phase one option. More...
 Force Slave Select. More...
 Manual Start enable. More...
 Linear QPSI mode. More...
 Drive HOLD_B Pin. More...
QSPI Clock Prescaler options

The QSPI Clock Prescaler Configuration bits are used to program master mode bit rate.

The bit rate can be programmed in divide-by-two decrements from pclk/2 to pclk/256.

#define XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_2   0x00
 PCLK/2 Prescaler. More...
#define XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_4   0x01
 PCLK/4 Prescaler. More...
#define XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_8   0x02
 PCLK/8 Prescaler. More...
#define XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_16   0x03
 PCLK/16 Prescaler. More...
#define XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_32   0x04
 PCLK/32 Prescaler. More...
#define XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_64   0x05
 PCLK/64 Prescaler. More...
#define XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_128   0x06
 PCLK/128 Prescaler. More...
#define XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_256   0x07
 PCLK/256 Prescaler. More...
Callback events

These constants specify the handler events that are passed to a handler from the driver.

These constants are not bit masks such that only one will be passed at a time to the handler.

 Transfer done. More...
 TX FIFO empty. More...
 Receive data loss because RX FIFO full. More...
Flash commands

The following constants define most of the commands supported by flash devices.

Users can add more commands supported by the flash devices

#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_WRSR   0x01 /* Write status register */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_PP   0x02 /* Page program */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_NORM_READ   0x03 /* Normal read data bytes */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_WRDS   0x04 /* Write disable */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_RDSR1   0x05 /* Read status register 1 */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_WREN   0x06 /* Write enable */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_FAST_READ   0x0B /* Fast read data bytes */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_BE_4K   0x20 /* Erase 4KiB block */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_RDSR2   0x35 /* Read status register 2 */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_DUAL_READ   0x3B /* Dual read data bytes */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_BE_32K   0x52 /* Erase 32KiB block */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_QUAD_READ   0x6B /* Quad read data bytes */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_ERASE_SUS   0x75 /* Erase suspend */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_ERASE_RES   0x7A /* Erase resume */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_BE   0xC7 /* Erase whole flash block */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_SE   0xD8 /* Sector erase (usually 64KB)*/
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_DUAL_IO_READ   0xBB /* Read data using Dual I/O */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_QUAD_IO_READ   0xEB /* Read data using Quad I/O */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_BRWR   0x17 /* Bank Register Write */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_BRRD   0x16 /* Bank Register Read */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_READ_LOCK_REG   0xE8 /* Lock Reg Read */
#define XQSPIPS_FLASH_OPCODE_WRITE_LOCK_REG   0xE5 /* Lock Reg Write */
Instruction size

The following constants define numbers 1 to 4.

Used to identify whether TXD0,1,2 or 3 is to be used.

#define XQSPIPS_SIZE_ONE   1
#define XQSPIPS_SIZE_TWO   2

The following constants are the possible values of ConnectionMode in Config structure.

FIFO threshold value

This is the Rx FIFO threshold (in words) that was found to be most optimal in terms of performance



typedef void(* XQspiPs_StatusHandler )(void *CallBackRef, u32 StatusEvent, unsigned ByteCount)
 The handler data type allows the user to define a callback function to handle the asynchronous processing for the QSPI device. More...


XQspiPs_ConfigXQspiPs_LookupConfig (u16 DeviceId)
 Looks up the device configuration based on the unique device ID. More...
int XQspiPs_CfgInitialize (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, XQspiPs_Config *ConfigPtr, u32 EffectiveAddr)
 Initializes a specific XQspiPs instance such that the driver is ready to use. More...
void XQspiPs_Reset (XQspiPs *InstancePtr)
 Resets the QSPI device. More...
void XQspiPs_Abort (XQspiPs *InstancePtr)
 Aborts a transfer in progress by disabling the device and flush the RxFIFO. More...
s32 XQspiPs_Transfer (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, u8 *SendBufPtr, u8 *RecvBufPtr, u32 ByteCount)
 Transfers specified data on the QSPI bus. More...
s32 XQspiPs_PolledTransfer (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, u8 *SendBufPtr, u8 *RecvBufPtr, u32 ByteCount)
 Transfers specified data on the QSPI bus in polled mode. More...
int XQspiPs_LqspiRead (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, u8 *RecvBufPtr, u32 Address, unsigned ByteCount)
 Read the flash in Linear QSPI mode. More...
int XQspiPs_SetSlaveSelect (XQspiPs *InstancePtr)
 Selects the slave with which the master communicates. More...
void XQspiPs_SetStatusHandler (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, void *CallBackRef, XQspiPs_StatusHandler FuncPtr)
 Sets the status callback function, the status handler, which the driver calls when it encounters conditions that should be reported to upper layer software. More...
void XQspiPs_InterruptHandler (void *InstancePtr)
 The interrupt handler for QSPI interrupts. More...
int XQspiPs_SelfTest (XQspiPs *InstancePtr)
 Runs a self-test on the driver/device. More...
s32 XQspiPs_SetOptions (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, u32 Options)
 This function sets the options for the QSPI device driver. More...
u32 XQspiPs_GetOptions (XQspiPs *InstancePtr)
 This function gets the options for the QSPI device. More...
s32 XQspiPs_SetClkPrescaler (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, u8 Prescaler)
 This function sets the clock prescaler for an QSPI device. More...
u8 XQspiPs_GetClkPrescaler (XQspiPs *InstancePtr)
 This function gets the clock prescaler of an QSPI device. More...
int XQspiPs_SetDelays (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, u8 DelayNss, u8 DelayBtwn, u8 DelayAfter, u8 DelayInit)
 This function sets the delay register for the QSPI device driver. More...
void XQspiPs_GetDelays (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, u8 *DelayNss, u8 *DelayBtwn, u8 *DelayAfter, u8 *DelayInit)
 This function gets the delay settings for an QSPI device. More...