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Vitis Drivers API Documentation
Data Structures | |
struct | XQspiPs_Config |
This typedef contains configuration information for the device. More... | |
struct | XQspiPs |
The XQspiPs driver instance data. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | XQspiPs_SetSlaveIdle(InstancePtr, RegisterValue) |
Set the contents of the slave idle count register. More... | |
#define | XQspiPs_GetSlaveIdle(InstancePtr) |
Get the contents of the slave idle count register. More... | |
#define | XQspiPs_SetTXWatermark(InstancePtr, RegisterValue) |
Set the contents of the transmit FIFO watermark register. More... | |
#define | XQspiPs_GetTXWatermark(InstancePtr) XQspiPs_In32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress) + XQSPIPS_TXWR_OFFSET) |
Get the contents of the transmit FIFO watermark register. More... | |
#define | XQspiPs_SetRXWatermark(InstancePtr, RegisterValue) |
Set the contents of the receive FIFO watermark register. More... | |
#define | XQspiPs_GetRXWatermark(InstancePtr) XQspiPs_In32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress) + XQSPIPS_RXWR_OFFSET) |
Get the contents of the receive FIFO watermark register. More... | |
#define | XQspiPs_Enable(InstancePtr) |
Enable the device and uninhibit master transactions. More... | |
#define | XQspiPs_Disable(InstancePtr) XQspiPs_Out32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress) + XQSPIPS_ER_OFFSET, 0) |
Disable the device. More... | |
#define | XQspiPs_SetLqspiConfigReg(InstancePtr, RegisterValue) |
Set the contents of the Linear QSPI Configuration register. More... | |
#define | XQspiPs_GetLqspiConfigReg(InstancePtr) |
Get the contents of the Linear QSPI Configuration register. More... | |
#define | XQspiPs_ReadReg(BaseAddress, RegOffset) XQspiPs_In32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset)) |
Read a register. More... | |
#define | XQspiPs_WriteReg(BaseAddress, RegOffset, RegisterValue) XQspiPs_Out32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset), (RegisterValue)) |
Write to a register. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef void(* | XQspiPs_StatusHandler )(void *CallBackRef, u32 StatusEvent, unsigned ByteCount) |
The handler data type allows the user to define a callback function to handle the asynchronous processing for the QSPI device. More... | |
Functions | |
int | XQspiPs_CfgInitialize (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, XQspiPs_Config *ConfigPtr, u32 EffectiveAddr) |
Initializes a specific XQspiPs instance such that the driver is ready to use. More... | |
void | XQspiPs_Reset (XQspiPs *InstancePtr) |
Resets the QSPI device. More... | |
void | XQspiPs_Abort (XQspiPs *InstancePtr) |
Aborts a transfer in progress by disabling the device and flush the RxFIFO. More... | |
s32 | XQspiPs_Transfer (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, u8 *SendBufPtr, u8 *RecvBufPtr, u32 ByteCount) |
Transfers specified data on the QSPI bus. More... | |
s32 | XQspiPs_PolledTransfer (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, u8 *SendBufPtr, u8 *RecvBufPtr, u32 ByteCount) |
Transfers specified data on the QSPI bus in polled mode. More... | |
int | XQspiPs_LqspiRead (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, u8 *RecvBufPtr, u32 Address, unsigned ByteCount) |
Read the flash in Linear QSPI mode. More... | |
int | XQspiPs_SetSlaveSelect (XQspiPs *InstancePtr) |
Selects the slave with which the master communicates. More... | |
void | XQspiPs_SetStatusHandler (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, void *CallBackRef, XQspiPs_StatusHandler FuncPtr) |
Sets the status callback function, the status handler, which the driver calls when it encounters conditions that should be reported to upper layer software. More... | |
void | XQspiPs_InterruptHandler (void *InstancePtr) |
The interrupt handler for QSPI interrupts. More... | |
XQspiPs_Config * | XQspiPs_LookupConfig (u16 DeviceId) |
Looks up the device configuration based on the unique device ID. More... | |
int | XQspiPs_SelfTest (XQspiPs *InstancePtr) |
Runs a self-test on the driver/device. More... | |
s32 | XQspiPs_SetOptions (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, u32 Options) |
This function sets the options for the QSPI device driver. More... | |
u32 | XQspiPs_GetOptions (XQspiPs *InstancePtr) |
This function gets the options for the QSPI device. More... | |
s32 | XQspiPs_SetClkPrescaler (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, u8 Prescaler) |
This function sets the clock prescaler for an QSPI device. More... | |
u8 | XQspiPs_GetClkPrescaler (XQspiPs *InstancePtr) |
This function gets the clock prescaler of an QSPI device. More... | |
int | XQspiPs_SetDelays (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, u8 DelayNss, u8 DelayBtwn, u8 DelayAfter, u8 DelayInit) |
This function sets the delay register for the QSPI device driver. More... | |
void | XQspiPs_GetDelays (XQspiPs *InstancePtr, u8 *DelayNss, u8 *DelayBtwn, u8 *DelayAfter, u8 *DelayInit) |
This function gets the delay settings for an QSPI device. More... | |
void | XQspiPs_ResetHw (u32 BaseAddress) |
Resets QSPI by disabling the device and bringing it to reset state through register writes. More... | |
void | XQspiPs_LinearInit (u32 BaseAddress) |
Initializes QSPI to Linear mode with default QSPI boot settings. More... | |
Variables | |
XQspiPs_Config | XQspiPs_ConfigTable [XPAR_XQSPIPS_NUM_INSTANCES] |
This table contains configuration information for each QSPI device in the system. More... | |
XQspiPs_Config | XQspiPs_ConfigTable [] |
This table contains configuration information for each QSPI device in the system. More... | |
Configuration options | |
The following options are supported to enable/disable certain features of an QSPI device. Each of the options is a bit mask, so more than one may be specified. The Active Low Clock option configures the device's clock polarity. Setting this option means the clock is active low and the SCK signal idles high. By default, the clock is active high and SCK idles low. The Clock Phase option configures the QSPI device for one of two transfer formats. A clock phase of 0, the default, means data is valid on the first SCK edge (rising or falling) after the slave select (SS) signal has been asserted. A clock phase of 1 means data is valid on the second SCK edge (rising or falling) after SS has been asserted. The QSPI Force Slave Select option is used to enable manual control of the slave select signal. 0: The SPI_SS signal is controlled by the QSPI controller during transfers. (Default) 1: The SPI_SS signal is forced active (driven low) regardless of any transfers in progress. NOTE: The driver will handle setting and clearing the Slave Select when the user sets the "FORCE_SSELECT_OPTION". Using this option will allow the QSPI clock to be set to a faster speed. If the QSPI clock is too fast, the processor cannot empty and refill the FIFOs before the TX FIFO is empty When the QSPI hardware is controlling the Slave Select signals, this will cause slave to be de-selected and terminate the transfer. The Manual Start option is used to enable manual control of the Start command to perform data transfer. 0: The Start command is controlled by the QSPI controller during transfers(Default). Data transmission starts as soon as there is data in the TXFIFO and stalls when the TXFIFO is empty 1: The Start command must be issued by software to perform data transfer. Bit 15 of Configuration register is used to issue Start command. This bit must be set whenever TXFIFO is filled with new data. NOTE: The driver will set the Manual Start Enable bit in Configuration Register, if Manual Start option is selected. Software will issue Manual Start command whenever TXFIFO is filled with data. When there is no further data, driver will clear the Manual Start Enable bit. | |
Active Low Clock option. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CLK_PHASE_1_OPTION 0x4 |
Clock Phase one option. More... | |
Force Slave Select. More... | |
Manual Start enable. More... | |
Linear QPSI mode. More... | |
Drive HOLD_B Pin. More... | |
QSPI Clock Prescaler options | |
The QSPI Clock Prescaler Configuration bits are used to program master mode bit rate. The bit rate can be programmed in divide-by-two decrements from pclk/2 to pclk/256. | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_2 0x00 |
PCLK/2 Prescaler. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_4 0x01 |
PCLK/4 Prescaler. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_8 0x02 |
PCLK/8 Prescaler. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_16 0x03 |
PCLK/16 Prescaler. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_32 0x04 |
PCLK/32 Prescaler. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_64 0x05 |
PCLK/64 Prescaler. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_128 0x06 |
PCLK/128 Prescaler. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_256 0x07 |
PCLK/256 Prescaler. More... | |
Callback events | |
These constants specify the handler events that are passed to a handler from the driver. These constants are not bit masks such that only one will be passed at a time to the handler. | |
Transfer done. More... | |
TX FIFO empty. More... | |
Receive data loss because RX FIFO full. More... | |
FIFO threshold value | |
This is the Rx FIFO threshold (in words) that was found to be most optimal in terms of performance | |
Pre-scaler value for divided by 4 | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CR_PRESC_DIV_BY_4 0x01 |
Register Map | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CR_OFFSET 0x00 |
Configuration Register. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_SR_OFFSET 0x04 |
Interrupt Status. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_IER_OFFSET 0x08 |
Interrupt Enable. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_IDR_OFFSET 0x0c |
Interrupt Disable. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_IMR_OFFSET 0x10 |
Interrupt Enabled Mask. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_ER_OFFSET 0x14 |
Enable/Disable Register. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_DR_OFFSET 0x18 |
Delay Register. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_TXD_00_OFFSET 0x1C |
Transmit 4-byte inst/data. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_RXD_OFFSET 0x20 |
Data Receive Register. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_SICR_OFFSET 0x24 |
Slave Idle Count. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_TXWR_OFFSET 0x28 |
Transmit FIFO Watermark. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_RXWR_OFFSET 0x2C |
Receive FIFO Watermark. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_GPIO_OFFSET 0x30 |
GPIO Register. More... | |
Loopback Delay Adjust Reg. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_TXD_01_OFFSET 0x80 |
Transmit 1-byte inst. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_TXD_10_OFFSET 0x84 |
Transmit 2-byte inst. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_TXD_11_OFFSET 0x88 |
Transmit 3-byte inst. More... | |
Linear QSPI config register. More... | |
Linear QSPI status register. More... | |
Module ID register. More... | |
Configuration Register | |
This register contains various control bits that affect the operation of the QSPI device. Read/Write. | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CR_IFMODE_MASK 0x80000000 |
Flash mem interface mode. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CR_ENDIAN_MASK 0x04000000 |
Tx/Rx FIFO endianness. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CR_MANSTRT_MASK 0x00010000 |
Manual Transmission Start. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CR_MANSTRTEN_MASK 0x00008000 |
Manual Transmission Start Enable. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CR_SSFORCE_MASK 0x00004000 |
Force Slave Select. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CR_SSCTRL_MASK 0x00000400 |
Slave Select Decode. More... | |
Slave Select Decode shift. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CR_DATA_SZ_MASK 0x000000C0 |
Size of word to be transferred. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CR_PRESC_MASK 0x00000038 |
Prescaler Setting. More... | |
Prescaler shift. More... | |
Prescaler maximum value. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CR_CPHA_MASK 0x00000004 |
Phase Configuration. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CR_CPOL_MASK 0x00000002 |
Polarity Configuration. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CR_MSTREN_MASK 0x00000001 |
Master Mode Enable. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CR_HOLD_B_MASK 0x00080000 |
HOLD_B Pin Drive Enable. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_CR_REF_CLK_MASK 0x00000100 |
Ref clk bit - should be 0. More... | |
QSPI Interrupt Registers | |
This register holds the interrupt status flags for an QSPI device. Some of the flags are level triggered, which means that they are set as long as the interrupt condition exists. Other flags are edge triggered, which means they are set once the interrupt condition occurs and remain set until they are cleared by software. The interrupts are cleared by writing a '1' to the interrupt bit position in the Status Register. Read/Write. QSPI Interrupt Enable Register This register is used to enable chosen interrupts for an QSPI device. Writing a '1' to a bit in this register sets the corresponding bit in the QSPI Interrupt Mask register. Write only. QSPI Interrupt Disable Register This register is used to disable chosen interrupts for an QSPI device. Writing a '1' to a bit in this register clears the corresponding bit in the QSPI Interrupt Mask register. Write only. QSPI Interrupt Mask Register This register shows the enabled/disabled interrupts of an QSPI device. Read only. All four registers have the same bit definitions. They are only defined once for each of the Interrupt Enable Register, Interrupt Disable Register, Interrupt Mask Register, and Channel Interrupt Status Register | |
#define | XQSPIPS_IXR_TXUF_MASK 0x00000040 |
QSPI Tx FIFO Underflow. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_IXR_RXFULL_MASK 0x00000020 |
QSPI Rx FIFO Full. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_IXR_RXNEMPTY_MASK 0x00000010 |
QSPI Rx FIFO Not Empty. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_IXR_TXFULL_MASK 0x00000008 |
QSPI Tx FIFO Full. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_IXR_TXOW_MASK 0x00000004 |
QSPI Tx FIFO Overwater. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_IXR_RXOVR_MASK 0x00000001 |
QSPI Rx FIFO Overrun. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_IXR_DFLT_MASK 0x00000025 |
QSPI default interrupts mask. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_IXR_WR_TO_CLR_MASK 0x00000041 |
Interrupts which need write to clear. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_ISR_RESET_STATE 0x00000004 |
Default to tx/rx empty. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_IXR_DISABLE_ALL 0x0000007D |
Disable all interrupts. More... | |
Enable Register | |
This register is used to enable or disable an QSPI device. Read/Write | |
#define | XQSPIPS_ER_ENABLE_MASK 0x00000001 |
QSPI Enable Bit Mask. More... | |
Delay Register | |
This register is used to program timing delays in slave mode. Read/Write | |
#define | XQSPIPS_DR_NSS_MASK 0xFF000000 |
Delay to de-assert slave select between two words mask. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_DR_NSS_SHIFT 24 |
Delay to de-assert slave select between two words shift. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_DR_BTWN_MASK 0x00FF0000 |
Delay Between Transfers mask. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_DR_BTWN_SHIFT 16 |
Delay Between Transfers shift. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_DR_AFTER_MASK 0x0000FF00 |
Delay After Transfers mask. More... | |
Delay After Transfers shift. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_DR_INIT_MASK 0x000000FF |
Delay Initially mask. More... | |
Slave Idle Count Registers | |
This register defines the number of pclk cycles the slave waits for a the QSPI clock to become stable in quiescent state before it can detect the start of the next transfer in CPHA = 1 mode. Read/Write | |
#define | XQSPIPS_SICR_MASK 0x000000FF |
Slave Idle Count Mask. More... | |
Transmit FIFO Watermark Register | |
This register defines the watermark setting for the Transmit FIFO. | |
#define | XQSPIPS_TXWR_MASK 0x0000003F |
Transmit Watermark Mask. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_TXWR_RESET_VALUE 0x00000001 |
Transmit Watermark register reset value. More... | |
Receive FIFO Watermark Register | |
This register defines the watermark setting for the Receive FIFO. | |
#define | XQSPIPS_RXWR_MASK 0x0000003F |
Receive Watermark Mask. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_RXWR_RESET_VALUE 0x00000001 |
Receive Watermark register reset value. More... | |
FIFO Depth | |
This macro provides the depth of transmit FIFO and receive FIFO. | |
#define | XQSPIPS_FIFO_DEPTH 63 |
FIFO depth (words) More... | |
Linear QSPI Configuration Register | |
This register contains various control bits that affect the operation of the Linear QSPI controller. Read/Write. | |
#define | XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_LINEAR_MASK 0x80000000 |
LQSPI mode enable. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_TWO_MEM_MASK 0x40000000 |
Both memories or one. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_SEP_BUS_MASK 0x20000000 |
Separate memory bus. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_U_PAGE_MASK 0x10000000 |
Upper memory page. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_MODE_EN_MASK 0x02000000 |
Enable mode bits. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_MODE_ON_MASK 0x01000000 |
Mode on. More... | |
Mode value for dual I/O or quad I/O. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_DUMMY_MASK 0x00000700 |
Number of dummy bytes between addr and return read data. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_INST_MASK 0x000000FF |
Read instr code. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_RST_STATE 0x8000016B |
Default CR value. More... | |
Linear QSPI Status Register | |
This register contains various status bits of the Linear QSPI controller. Read/Write. | |
#define | XQSPIPS_LQSPI_SR_D_FSM_ERR_MASK 0x00000004 |
AXI Data FSM Error received. More... | |
#define | XQSPIPS_LQSPI_SR_WR_RECVD_MASK 0x00000002 |
AXI write command received. More... | |
Loopback Delay Adjust Register | |
This register contains various bit masks of Loopback Delay Adjust Register. | |
#define | XQSPIPS_LPBK_DLY_ADJ_USE_LPBK_MASK 0x00000020 |
Loopback Bit. More... | |
SLCR Register | |
#define | SLCR_LOCK 0x00000004 |
SLCR Write Protection Lock. More... | |
#define | SLCR_UNLOCK 0x00000008 |
SLCR Write Protection Unlock. More... | |
#define | LQSPI_RST_CTRL 0x00000230 |
Quad SPI Software Reset Control. More... | |
#define | SLCR_LOCKSTA 0x0000000C |
SLCR Write Protection status. More... | |
#define | XPAR_XSLCR_0_BASEADDR 0xF8000000 |
#define | SLCR_LOCK_MASK 0x767B |
Write Protection Lock mask. More... | |
#define | SLCR_UNLOCK_MASK 0xDF0D |
SLCR Write Protection Unlock. More... | |
#define | LQSPI_RST_CTRL_MASK 0x3 |
Quad SPI Software Reset Control. More... | |
#define LQSPI_RST_CTRL 0x00000230 |
Quad SPI Software Reset Control.
Referenced by XQspiPs_Abort().
#define LQSPI_RST_CTRL_MASK 0x3 |
Quad SPI Software Reset Control.
Referenced by XQspiPs_Abort().
#define SLCR_LOCK 0x00000004 |
SLCR Write Protection Lock.
Referenced by XQspiPs_Abort().
#define SLCR_LOCK_MASK 0x767B |
Write Protection Lock mask.
Referenced by XQspiPs_Abort().
#define SLCR_LOCKSTA 0x0000000C |
SLCR Write Protection status.
Referenced by XQspiPs_Abort().
#define SLCR_UNLOCK 0x00000008 |
SLCR Write Protection Unlock.
Referenced by XQspiPs_Abort().
SLCR Write Protection Unlock.
Referenced by XQspiPs_Abort().
Active Low Clock option.
Clock Phase one option.
#define XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_128 0x06 |
PCLK/128 Prescaler.
#define XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_16 0x03 |
PCLK/16 Prescaler.
#define XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_2 0x00 |
PCLK/2 Prescaler.
#define XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_256 0x07 |
PCLK/256 Prescaler.
#define XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_32 0x04 |
PCLK/32 Prescaler.
#define XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_4 0x01 |
PCLK/4 Prescaler.
#define XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_64 0x05 |
PCLK/64 Prescaler.
#define XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_8 0x02 |
PCLK/8 Prescaler.
Referenced by DualStackExample(), LinearQspiFlashExample(), QspiFlashIntrExample(), QspiFlashPolledExample(), and QspiG128FlashExample().
#define XQSPIPS_CR_CPHA_MASK 0x00000004 |
Phase Configuration.
#define XQSPIPS_CR_CPOL_MASK 0x00000002 |
Polarity Configuration.
#define XQSPIPS_CR_DATA_SZ_MASK 0x000000C0 |
Size of word to be transferred.
#define XQSPIPS_CR_ENDIAN_MASK 0x04000000 |
Tx/Rx FIFO endianness.
#define XQSPIPS_CR_HOLD_B_MASK 0x00080000 |
HOLD_B Pin Drive Enable.
#define XQSPIPS_CR_IFMODE_MASK 0x80000000 |
Flash mem interface mode.
#define XQSPIPS_CR_MANSTRT_MASK 0x00010000 |
Manual Transmission Start.
Referenced by XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
#define XQSPIPS_CR_MANSTRTEN_MASK 0x00008000 |
Manual Transmission Start Enable.
#define XQSPIPS_CR_MSTREN_MASK 0x00000001 |
Master Mode Enable.
#define XQSPIPS_CR_OFFSET 0x00 |
Configuration Register.
Referenced by XQspiPs_Abort(), XQspiPs_GetClkPrescaler(), XQspiPs_GetOptions(), XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), XQspiPs_LinearInit(), XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(), XQspiPs_Reset(), XQspiPs_ResetHw(), XQspiPs_SetClkPrescaler(), XQspiPs_SetOptions(), XQspiPs_SetSlaveSelect(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
#define XQSPIPS_CR_PRESC_MASK 0x00000038 |
Prescaler Setting.
Referenced by XQspiPs_GetClkPrescaler(), XQspiPs_LinearInit(), and XQspiPs_SetClkPrescaler().
Prescaler maximum value.
Referenced by XQspiPs_SetClkPrescaler().
Prescaler shift.
Referenced by XQspiPs_GetClkPrescaler(), XQspiPs_LinearInit(), and XQspiPs_SetClkPrescaler().
#define XQSPIPS_CR_REF_CLK_MASK 0x00000100 |
Ref clk bit - should be 0.
#define XQSPIPS_CR_SSCTRL_MASK 0x00000400 |
Slave Select Decode.
Referenced by XQspiPs_Abort(), XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), XQspiPs_LinearInit(), XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(), XQspiPs_ResetHw(), XQspiPs_SetSlaveSelect(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
Slave Select Decode shift.
#define XQSPIPS_CR_SSFORCE_MASK 0x00004000 |
Force Slave Select.
Referenced by XQspiPs_Abort(), and XQspiPs_ResetHw().
#define XQspiPs_Disable | ( | InstancePtr | ) | XQspiPs_Out32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress) + XQSPIPS_ER_OFFSET, 0) |
Disable the device.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
Referenced by XQspiPs_Abort(), XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), XQspiPs_LqspiRead(), and XQspiPs_PolledTransfer().
#define XQSPIPS_DR_AFTER_MASK 0x0000FF00 |
Delay After Transfers mask.
Referenced by XQspiPs_GetDelays().
Delay After Transfers shift.
Referenced by XQspiPs_GetDelays(), and XQspiPs_SetDelays().
#define XQSPIPS_DR_BTWN_MASK 0x00FF0000 |
Delay Between Transfers mask.
Referenced by XQspiPs_GetDelays().
Delay Between Transfers shift.
Referenced by XQspiPs_GetDelays(), and XQspiPs_SetDelays().
#define XQSPIPS_DR_INIT_MASK 0x000000FF |
Delay Initially mask.
Referenced by XQspiPs_GetDelays().
#define XQSPIPS_DR_NSS_MASK 0xFF000000 |
Delay to de-assert slave select between two words mask.
Referenced by XQspiPs_GetDelays().
Delay to de-assert slave select between two words shift.
Referenced by XQspiPs_GetDelays(), and XQspiPs_SetDelays().
#define XQSPIPS_DR_OFFSET 0x18 |
Delay Register.
Referenced by XQspiPs_GetDelays(), and XQspiPs_SetDelays().
#define XQspiPs_Enable | ( | InstancePtr | ) |
Enable the device and uninhibit master transactions.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
Referenced by XQspiPs_LqspiRead(), XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
#define XQSPIPS_ER_ENABLE_MASK 0x00000001 |
QSPI Enable Bit Mask.
Referenced by XQspiPs_LinearInit().
#define XQSPIPS_ER_OFFSET 0x14 |
Enable/Disable Register.
Referenced by XQspiPs_LinearInit(), and XQspiPs_ResetHw().
Receive data loss because RX FIFO full.
Transfer done.
TX FIFO empty.
FIFO depth (words)
Referenced by XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
Force Slave Select.
Referenced by DualStackExample(), LinearQspiFlashExample(), QspiFlashIntrExample(), QspiFlashPolledExample(), and QspiG128FlashExample().
#define XQspiPs_GetLqspiConfigReg | ( | InstancePtr | ) |
Get the contents of the Linear QSPI Configuration register.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
Referenced by FlashErase(), GetRealAddr(), and XQspiPs_LqspiRead().
#define XQspiPs_GetRXWatermark | ( | InstancePtr | ) | XQspiPs_In32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress) + XQSPIPS_RXWR_OFFSET) |
Get the contents of the receive FIFO watermark register.
Valid values are in the range 1-63.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
#define XQspiPs_GetSlaveIdle | ( | InstancePtr | ) |
Get the contents of the slave idle count register.
Use the XQSPIPS_SICR_* constants defined in xqspips_hw.h to interpret the bit-mask returned.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
#define XQspiPs_GetTXWatermark | ( | InstancePtr | ) | XQspiPs_In32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress) + XQSPIPS_TXWR_OFFSET) |
Get the contents of the transmit FIFO watermark register.
Valid values are in the range 1-63.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
#define XQSPIPS_GPIO_OFFSET 0x30 |
GPIO Register.
Drive HOLD_B Pin.
Referenced by DualStackExample(), LinearQspiFlashExample(), QspiFlashIntrExample(), QspiFlashPolledExample(), and QspiG128FlashExample().
#define XQSPIPS_IDR_OFFSET 0x0c |
Interrupt Disable.
Referenced by XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), and XQspiPs_ResetHw().
#define XQSPIPS_IER_OFFSET 0x08 |
Interrupt Enable.
Referenced by XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
#define XQSPIPS_IMR_OFFSET 0x10 |
Interrupt Enabled Mask.
#define XQSPIPS_ISR_RESET_STATE 0x00000004 |
Default to tx/rx empty.
#define XQSPIPS_IXR_DFLT_MASK 0x00000025 |
QSPI default interrupts mask.
#define XQSPIPS_IXR_DISABLE_ALL 0x0000007D |
Disable all interrupts.
Referenced by XQspiPs_ResetHw().
#define XQSPIPS_IXR_RXFULL_MASK 0x00000020 |
#define XQSPIPS_IXR_RXNEMPTY_MASK 0x00000010 |
QSPI Rx FIFO Not Empty.
Referenced by XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(), XQspiPs_ResetHw(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
#define XQSPIPS_IXR_RXOVR_MASK 0x00000001 |
QSPI Rx FIFO Overrun.
Referenced by XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
#define XQSPIPS_IXR_TXFULL_MASK 0x00000008 |
#define XQSPIPS_IXR_TXOW_MASK 0x00000004 |
QSPI Tx FIFO Overwater.
Referenced by XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
#define XQSPIPS_IXR_TXUF_MASK 0x00000040 |
QSPI Tx FIFO Underflow.
Referenced by XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
#define XQSPIPS_IXR_WR_TO_CLR_MASK 0x00000041 |
Interrupts which need write to clear.
Referenced by XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), XQspiPs_ResetHw(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
Loopback Delay Adjust Reg.
Loopback Bit.
#define XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_DUMMY_MASK 0x00000700 |
Number of dummy bytes between addr and return read data.
Read instr code.
#define XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_LINEAR_MASK 0x80000000 |
LQSPI mode enable.
Referenced by XQspiPs_GetOptions(), XQspiPs_LqspiRead(), and XQspiPs_SetOptions().
Mode value for dual I/O or quad I/O.
#define XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_MODE_EN_MASK 0x02000000 |
Enable mode bits.
#define XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_MODE_ON_MASK 0x01000000 |
Mode on.
Linear QSPI config register.
Referenced by XQspiPs_GetOptions(), XQspiPs_LinearInit(), XQspiPs_ResetHw(), and XQspiPs_SetOptions().
#define XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_RST_STATE 0x8000016B |
Default CR value.
Referenced by XQspiPs_LinearInit(), and XQspiPs_SetOptions().
#define XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_SEP_BUS_MASK 0x20000000 |
Separate memory bus.
Referenced by XQspiPs_LinearInit().
#define XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_TWO_MEM_MASK 0x40000000 |
Both memories or one.
Referenced by XQspiPs_LinearInit().
#define XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_U_PAGE_MASK 0x10000000 |
Upper memory page.
Referenced by FlashErase(), and GetRealAddr().
Linear QPSI mode.
Referenced by DualStackExample(), LinearQspiFlashExample(), XQspiPs_GetOptions(), and XQspiPs_SetOptions().
#define XQSPIPS_LQSPI_SR_D_FSM_ERR_MASK 0x00000004 |
AXI Data FSM Error received.
Linear QSPI status register.
#define XQSPIPS_LQSPI_SR_WR_RECVD_MASK 0x00000002 |
AXI write command received.
Manual Start enable.
Referenced by DualStackExample(), LinearQspiFlashExample(), QspiFlashIntrExample(), QspiFlashPolledExample(), and QspiG128FlashExample().
Module ID register.
#define XQspiPs_ReadReg | ( | BaseAddress, | |
RegOffset | |||
) | XQspiPs_In32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset)) |
Read a register.
BaseAddress | contains the base address of the device. |
RegOffset | contains the offset from the 1st register of the device to the target register. |
Referenced by XQspiPs_Abort(), XQspiPs_GetClkPrescaler(), XQspiPs_GetDelays(), XQspiPs_GetOptions(), XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), XQspiPs_LinearInit(), XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(), XQspiPs_Reset(), XQspiPs_ResetHw(), XQspiPs_SetClkPrescaler(), XQspiPs_SetOptions(), XQspiPs_SetSlaveSelect(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
#define XQSPIPS_RXD_OFFSET 0x20 |
Data Receive Register.
Referenced by XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(), and XQspiPs_ResetHw().
#define XQSPIPS_RXWR_MASK 0x0000003F |
Receive Watermark Mask.
Referenced by XQspiPs_ResetHw().
Receive FIFO Watermark.
Referenced by XQspiPs_Abort(), XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(), XQspiPs_ResetHw(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
#define XQSPIPS_RXWR_RESET_VALUE 0x00000001 |
Receive Watermark register reset value.
Referenced by XQspiPs_Abort(), XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(), and XQspiPs_ResetHw().
#define XQspiPs_SetLqspiConfigReg | ( | InstancePtr, | |
RegisterValue | |||
) |
Set the contents of the Linear QSPI Configuration register.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
RegisterValue | is the value to be written to the Linear QSPI configuration register. |
Referenced by DualStackExample(), FlashErase(), GetRealAddr(), LinearQspiFlashExample(), and QspiG128FlashExample().
#define XQspiPs_SetRXWatermark | ( | InstancePtr, | |
RegisterValue | |||
) |
Set the contents of the receive FIFO watermark register.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
RegisterValue | is the value to be written, valid values are 1-63. |
#define XQspiPs_SetSlaveIdle | ( | InstancePtr, | |
RegisterValue | |||
) |
Set the contents of the slave idle count register.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
RegisterValue | is the value to be written, valid values are 0-255. |
#define XQspiPs_SetTXWatermark | ( | InstancePtr, | |
RegisterValue | |||
) |
Set the contents of the transmit FIFO watermark register.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
RegisterValue | is the value to be written, valid values are 1-63. |
#define XQSPIPS_SICR_MASK 0x000000FF |
Slave Idle Count Mask.
#define XQSPIPS_SICR_OFFSET 0x24 |
Slave Idle Count.
#define XQSPIPS_SR_OFFSET 0x04 |
Interrupt Status.
Referenced by XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(), XQspiPs_ResetHw(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
#define XQSPIPS_TXD_00_OFFSET 0x1C |
Transmit 4-byte inst/data.
Referenced by XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
#define XQSPIPS_TXD_01_OFFSET 0x80 |
Transmit 1-byte inst.
Referenced by XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
#define XQSPIPS_TXD_10_OFFSET 0x84 |
Transmit 2-byte inst.
Referenced by XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
#define XQSPIPS_TXD_11_OFFSET 0x88 |
Transmit 3-byte inst.
Referenced by XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
#define XQSPIPS_TXWR_MASK 0x0000003F |
Transmit Watermark Mask.
Referenced by XQspiPs_ResetHw().
#define XQSPIPS_TXWR_OFFSET 0x28 |
Transmit FIFO Watermark.
Referenced by XQspiPs_Abort(), and XQspiPs_ResetHw().
#define XQSPIPS_TXWR_RESET_VALUE 0x00000001 |
Transmit Watermark register reset value.
Referenced by XQspiPs_Abort(), and XQspiPs_ResetHw().
#define XQspiPs_WriteReg | ( | BaseAddress, | |
RegOffset, | |||
RegisterValue | |||
) | XQspiPs_Out32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset), (RegisterValue)) |
Write to a register.
BaseAddress | contains the base address of the device. |
RegOffset | contains the offset from the 1st register of the device to target register. |
RegisterValue | is the value to be written to the register. |
Referenced by XQspiPs_Abort(), XQspiPs_InterruptHandler(), XQspiPs_LinearInit(), XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(), XQspiPs_Reset(), XQspiPs_ResetHw(), XQspiPs_SetClkPrescaler(), XQspiPs_SetDelays(), XQspiPs_SetOptions(), XQspiPs_SetSlaveSelect(), and XQspiPs_Transfer().
typedef void(* XQspiPs_StatusHandler)(void *CallBackRef, u32 StatusEvent, unsigned ByteCount) |
The handler data type allows the user to define a callback function to handle the asynchronous processing for the QSPI device.
The application using this driver is expected to define a handler of this type to support interrupt driven mode. The handler executes in an interrupt context, so only minimal processing should be performed.
CallBackRef | is the callback reference passed in by the upper layer when setting the callback functions, and passed back to the upper layer when the callback is invoked. Its type is not important to the driver, so it is a void pointer. |
StatusEvent | holds one or more status events that have occurred. See the XQspiPs_SetStatusHandler() for details on the status events that can be passed in the callback. |
ByteCount | indicates how many bytes of data were successfully transferred. This may be less than the number of bytes requested if the status event indicates an error. |
void XQspiPs_Abort | ( | XQspiPs * | InstancePtr | ) |
Aborts a transfer in progress by disabling the device and flush the RxFIFO.
The byte counts are cleared, the busy flag is cleared.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
This function does a read/modify/write of the config register. The user of this function needs to take care of critical sections.
Referenced by XQspiPs_Reset().
int XQspiPs_CfgInitialize | ( | XQspiPs * | InstancePtr, |
XQspiPs_Config * | ConfigPtr, | ||
u32 | EffectiveAddr | ||
) |
Initializes a specific XQspiPs instance such that the driver is ready to use.
The state of the device after initialization is:
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
ConfigPtr | is a reference to a structure containing information about a specific QSPI device. This function initializes an InstancePtr object for a specific device specified by the contents of Config. |
EffectiveAddr | is the device base address in the virtual memory address space. The caller is responsible for keeping the address mapping from EffectiveAddr to the device physical base address unchanged once this function is invoked. Unexpected errors may occur if the address mapping changes after this function is called. If address translation is not used, use ConfigPtr->Config.BaseAddress for this device. |
References XQspiPs_Config::BaseAddress, XQspiPs::Config, XQspiPs_Config::ConnectionMode, XQspiPs::IsBusy, XQspiPs::IsReady, XQspiPs::RecvBufferPtr, XQspiPs::RemainingBytes, XQspiPs::RequestedBytes, XQspiPs::SendBufferPtr, and XQspiPs_Reset().
Referenced by DualStackExample(), LinearQspiFlashExample(), QspiFlashIntrExample(), QspiFlashPolledExample(), QspiG128FlashExample(), and QspiPsSelfTestExample().
u8 XQspiPs_GetClkPrescaler | ( | XQspiPs * | InstancePtr | ) |
This function gets the clock prescaler of an QSPI device.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
References XQspiPs_Config::BaseAddress, XQspiPs::Config, XQspiPs::IsReady, XQSPIPS_CR_OFFSET, XQSPIPS_CR_PRESC_MASK, XQSPIPS_CR_PRESC_SHIFT, and XQspiPs_ReadReg.
void XQspiPs_GetDelays | ( | XQspiPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 * | DelayNss, | ||
u8 * | DelayBtwn, | ||
u8 * | DelayAfter, | ||
u8 * | DelayInit | ||
) |
This function gets the delay settings for an QSPI device.
The delay register controls the Delay Between Transfers, Delay After Transfers, and the Delay Initially. The default value is 0x0.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
DelayNss | is a pointer to the Delay to de-assert slave select between two word transfers. |
DelayBtwn | is a pointer to the Delay Between transfers value. This is a return parameter. |
DelayAfter | is a pointer to the Delay After transfer value. This is a return parameter. |
DelayInit | is a pointer to the Delay Initially value. This is a return parameter. |
Referenced by XQspiPs_SelfTest().
u32 XQspiPs_GetOptions | ( | XQspiPs * | InstancePtr | ) |
This function gets the options for the QSPI device.
The options control how the device behaves relative to the QSPI bus.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
Options contains the specified options currently set. This is a bit value where a 1 means the option is on, and a 0 means the option is off. See the bit definitions named XQSPIPS_*_OPTIONS in file xqspips.h.
void XQspiPs_InterruptHandler | ( | void * | InstancePtr | ) |
The interrupt handler for QSPI interrupts.
This function must be connected by the user to an interrupt controller.
The interrupts that are handled are:
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
The slave select register is being set to deselect the slave when a transfer is complete.
Referenced by QspiFlashIntrExample().
void XQspiPs_LinearInit | ( | u32 | BaseAddress | ) |
Initializes QSPI to Linear mode with default QSPI boot settings.
BaseAddress |
XQspiPs_Config * XQspiPs_LookupConfig | ( | u16 | DeviceId | ) |
Looks up the device configuration based on the unique device ID.
A table contains the configuration info for each device in the system.
DeviceId | contains the ID of the device to look up the configuration for. |
A pointer to the configuration found or NULL if the specified device ID was not found. See xqspips.h for the definition of XQspiPs_Config.
Referenced by DualStackExample(), LinearQspiFlashExample(), QspiFlashIntrExample(), QspiFlashPolledExample(), QspiG128FlashExample(), and QspiPsSelfTestExample().
int XQspiPs_LqspiRead | ( | XQspiPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 * | RecvBufPtr, | ||
u32 | Address, | ||
unsigned | ByteCount | ||
) |
Read the flash in Linear QSPI mode.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
RecvBufPtr | is a pointer to a buffer for received data. |
Address | is the starting address within the flash from from where data needs to be read. |
ByteCount | contains the number of bytes to receive. |
References XQspiPs::IsReady, XQspiPs_Disable, XQspiPs_Enable, XQspiPs_GetLqspiConfigReg, and XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_LINEAR_MASK.
Referenced by DualStackExample(), and LinearQspiFlashExample().
s32 XQspiPs_PolledTransfer | ( | XQspiPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 * | SendBufPtr, | ||
u8 * | RecvBufPtr, | ||
u32 | ByteCount | ||
) |
Transfers specified data on the QSPI bus in polled mode.
The caller has the option of providing two different buffers for send and receive, or one buffer for both send and receive, or no buffer for receive. The receive buffer must be at least as big as the send buffer to prevent unwanted memory writes. This implies that the byte count passed in as an argument must be the smaller of the two buffers if they differ in size. Here are some sample usages:
XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(InstancePtr, SendBuf, RecvBuf, ByteCount) The caller wishes to send and receive, and provides two different buffers for send and receive.
XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(InstancePtr, SendBuf, NULL, ByteCount) The caller wishes only to send and does not care about the received data. The driver ignores the received data in this case.
XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(InstancePtr, SendBuf, SendBuf, ByteCount) The caller wishes to send and receive, but provides the same buffer for doing both. The driver sends the data and overwrites the send buffer with received data as it transfers the data.
XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(InstancePtr, RecvBuf, RecvBuf, ByteCount) The caller wishes to only receive and does not care about sending data. In this case, the caller must still provide a send buffer, but it can be the same as the receive buffer if the caller does not care what it sends. The device must send N bytes of data if it wishes to receive N bytes of data.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
SendBufPtr | is a pointer to a data buffer that needs to be transmitted. This buffer must not be NULL. |
RecvBufPtr | is a pointer to a buffer for received data. This argument can be NULL if do not care about receiving. |
ByteCount | contains the number of bytes to send/receive. The number of bytes received always equals the number of bytes sent. |
This function is not thread-safe. The higher layer software must ensure that no two threads are transferring data on the QSPI bus at the same time.
Referenced by BulkErase(), DieErase(), FlashErase(), FlashQuadEnable(), FlashRead(), FlashReadID(), FlashWrite(), and SendBankSelect().
void XQspiPs_Reset | ( | XQspiPs * | InstancePtr | ) |
Resets the QSPI device.
Reset must only be called after the driver has been initialized. Any data transfer that is in progress is aborted.
The upper layer software is responsible for re-configuring (if necessary) and restarting the QSPI device after the reset.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
References XQspiPs_Config::BaseAddress, XQspiPs::Config, XQspiPs::IsReady, XQspiPs_Abort(), XQSPIPS_CR_OFFSET, XQspiPs_ReadReg, and XQspiPs_WriteReg.
Referenced by XQspiPs_CfgInitialize(), and XQspiPs_SelfTest().
void XQspiPs_ResetHw | ( | u32 | BaseAddress | ) |
Resets QSPI by disabling the device and bringing it to reset state through register writes.
BaseAddress |
int XQspiPs_SelfTest | ( | XQspiPs * | InstancePtr | ) |
Runs a self-test on the driver/device.
The self-test is destructive in that a reset of the device is performed in order to check the reset values of the registers and to get the device into a known state.
Upon successful return from the self-test, the device is reset.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
References XQspiPs::IsReady, XQspiPs_GetDelays(), XQspiPs_Reset(), and XQspiPs_SetDelays().
Referenced by DualStackExample(), LinearQspiFlashExample(), QspiFlashIntrExample(), QspiFlashPolledExample(), QspiG128FlashExample(), and QspiPsSelfTestExample().
s32 XQspiPs_SetClkPrescaler | ( | XQspiPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 | Prescaler | ||
) |
This function sets the clock prescaler for an QSPI device.
The device must be idle rather than busy transferring data before setting these device options.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
Prescaler | is the value that determine how much the clock should be divided by. Use the XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_* constants defined in xqspips.h for this setting. |
References XQspiPs_Config::BaseAddress, XQspiPs::Config, XQspiPs::IsBusy, XQspiPs::IsReady, XQSPIPS_CR_OFFSET, XQSPIPS_CR_PRESC_MASK, XQSPIPS_CR_PRESC_MAXIMUM, XQSPIPS_CR_PRESC_SHIFT, XQspiPs_ReadReg, and XQspiPs_WriteReg.
Referenced by DualStackExample(), LinearQspiFlashExample(), QspiFlashIntrExample(), QspiFlashPolledExample(), and QspiG128FlashExample().
int XQspiPs_SetDelays | ( | XQspiPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 | DelayNss, | ||
u8 | DelayBtwn, | ||
u8 | DelayAfter, | ||
u8 | DelayInit | ||
) |
This function sets the delay register for the QSPI device driver.
The delay register controls the Delay Between Transfers, Delay After Transfers, and the Delay Initially. The default value is 0x0. The range of each delay value is 0-255.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
DelayNss | is the delay to de-assert slave select between two word transfers. |
DelayBtwn | is the delay between one Slave Select being de-activated and the activation of another slave. The delay is the number of master clock periods given by DelayBtwn + 2. |
DelayAfter | define the delay between the last bit of the current byte transfer and the first bit of the next byte transfer. The delay in number of master clock periods is given as: CHPA=0:DelayInit+DelayAfter+3 CHPA=1:DelayAfter+1 |
DelayInit | is the delay between asserting the slave select signal and the first bit transfer. The delay int number of master clock periods is DelayInit+1. |
References XQspiPs_Config::BaseAddress, XQspiPs::Config, XQspiPs::IsBusy, XQspiPs::IsReady, XQSPIPS_DR_AFTER_SHIFT, XQSPIPS_DR_BTWN_SHIFT, XQSPIPS_DR_NSS_SHIFT, XQSPIPS_DR_OFFSET, and XQspiPs_WriteReg.
Referenced by XQspiPs_SelfTest().
s32 XQspiPs_SetOptions | ( | XQspiPs * | InstancePtr, |
u32 | Options | ||
) |
This function sets the options for the QSPI device driver.
The options control how the device behaves relative to the QSPI bus. The device must be idle rather than busy transferring data before setting these device options.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
Options | contains the specified options to be set. This is a bit mask where a 1 means to turn the option on, and a 0 means to turn the option off. One or more bit values may be contained in the mask. See the bit definitions named XQSPIPS_*_OPTIONS in the file xqspips.h. |
References XQspiPs_Config::BaseAddress, XQspiPs::Config, XQspiPs::IsBusy, XQspiPs::IsReady, XQSPIPS_CR_OFFSET, XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_LINEAR_MASK, XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_OFFSET, XQSPIPS_LQSPI_CR_RST_STATE, XQSPIPS_LQSPI_MODE_OPTION, XQspiPs_ReadReg, XQspiPs_SetSlaveSelect(), and XQspiPs_WriteReg.
Referenced by DualStackExample(), LinearQspiFlashExample(), QspiFlashIntrExample(), QspiFlashPolledExample(), and QspiG128FlashExample().
int XQspiPs_SetSlaveSelect | ( | XQspiPs * | InstancePtr | ) |
Selects the slave with which the master communicates.
The user is not allowed to select the slave while a transfer is in progress.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
This function only sets the slave which will be selected when a transfer occurs. The slave is not selected when the QSPI is idle.
References XQspiPs_Config::BaseAddress, XQspiPs::Config, XQspiPs::IsBusy, XQspiPs::IsReady, XQSPIPS_CR_OFFSET, XQSPIPS_CR_SSCTRL_MASK, XQspiPs_ReadReg, and XQspiPs_WriteReg.
Referenced by DualStackExample(), FlashErase(), GetRealAddr(), LinearQspiFlashExample(), QspiFlashIntrExample(), QspiFlashPolledExample(), QspiG128FlashExample(), and XQspiPs_SetOptions().
void XQspiPs_SetStatusHandler | ( | XQspiPs * | InstancePtr, |
void * | CallBackRef, | ||
XQspiPs_StatusHandler | FuncPtr | ||
) |
Sets the status callback function, the status handler, which the driver calls when it encounters conditions that should be reported to upper layer software.
The handler executes in an interrupt context, so it must minimize the amount of processing performed. One of the following status events is passed to the status handler.
XST_SPI_TRANSFER_DONE The requested data transfer is done
XST_SPI_TRANSMIT_UNDERRUN As a slave device, the master clocked data but there were none available in the transmit register/FIFO. This typically means the slave application did not issue a transfer request fast enough, or the processor/driver could not fill the transmit register/FIFO fast enough.
XST_SPI_RECEIVE_OVERRUN The QSPI device lost data. Data was received but the receive data register/FIFO was full.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
CallBackRef | is the upper layer callback reference passed back when the callback function is invoked. |
FuncPtr | is the pointer to the callback function. |
The handler is called within interrupt context, so it should do its work quickly and queue potentially time-consuming work to a task-level thread.
References XQspiPs::IsReady, and XQspiPs::StatusRef.
Referenced by QspiFlashIntrExample().
s32 XQspiPs_Transfer | ( | XQspiPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 * | SendBufPtr, | ||
u8 * | RecvBufPtr, | ||
u32 | ByteCount | ||
) |
Transfers specified data on the QSPI bus.
Initiates bus communication and sends/receives data to/from the selected QSPI slave. For every byte sent, a byte is received.
The caller has the option of providing two different buffers for send and receive, or one buffer for both send and receive, or no buffer for receive. The receive buffer must be at least as big as the send buffer to prevent unwanted memory writes. This implies that the byte count passed in as an argument must be the smaller of the two buffers if they differ in size. Here are some sample usages:
XQspiPs_Transfer(InstancePtr, SendBuf, RecvBuf, ByteCount) The caller wishes to send and receive, and provides two different buffers for send and receive.
XQspiPs_Transfer(InstancePtr, SendBuf, NULL, ByteCount) The caller wishes only to send and does not care about the received data. The driver ignores the received data in this case.
XQspiPs_Transfer(InstancePtr, SendBuf, SendBuf, ByteCount) The caller wishes to send and receive, but provides the same buffer for doing both. The driver sends the data and overwrites the send buffer with received data as it transfers the data.
XQspiPs_Transfer(InstancePtr, RecvBuf, RecvBuf, ByteCount) The caller wishes to only receive and does not care about sending data. In this case, the caller must still provide a send buffer, but it can be the same as the receive buffer if the caller does not care what it sends. The device must send N bytes of data if it wishes to receive N bytes of data.
Although this function takes entire buffers as arguments, the driver can only transfer a limited number of bytes at a time, limited by the size of the FIFO. A call to this function only starts the transfer, then subsequent transfers of the data is performed by the interrupt service routine until the entire buffer has been transferred. The status callback function is called when the entire buffer has been sent/received.
This function is non-blocking. The SetSlaveSelect function must be called prior to this function.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XQspiPs instance. |
SendBufPtr | is a pointer to a data buffer that needs to be transmitted. This buffer must not be NULL. |
RecvBufPtr | is a pointer to a buffer for received data. This argument can be NULL if do not care about receiving. |
ByteCount | contains the number of bytes to send/receive. The number of bytes received always equals the number of bytes sent. |
This function is not thread-safe. The higher layer software must ensure that no two threads are transferring data on the QSPI bus at the same time.
Referenced by FlashRead().
XQspiPs_Config XQspiPs_ConfigTable[] |
This table contains configuration information for each QSPI device in the system.
XQspiPs_Config XQspiPs_ConfigTable[XPAR_XQSPIPS_NUM_INSTANCES] |
This table contains configuration information for each QSPI device in the system.