Vitis Drivers API Documentation
xscugic_hw.h File Reference


#define XSCUGIC_HW_H
 < prevent circular inclusions More...
 Maximum number of interrupt defined by Zynq Ultrascale Mp. More...
 First Interrupt Id for SPI interrupts. More...
 The maximum priority value that can be used in the GIC. More...
#define XSCUGIC_INTR_PRIO_MASK   0x000000F8U
 The Interrupt priority mask value. More...
 Pending Interrupt ID. More...
#define XSCUGIC_INT_CFG_OFFSET_CALC(InterruptID)   ((u32)XSCUGIC_INT_CFG_OFFSET + (((InterruptID)/16U) * 4U))
 Reads the Interrupt Configuration Register offset for an interrupt ID. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PRIORITY_OFFSET_CALC(InterruptID)   ((u32)XSCUGIC_PRIORITY_OFFSET + (((InterruptID)/4U) * 4U))
 Reads the Interrupt Priority Register offset for an interrupt ID. More...
 Reads the Interrupt Routing Register offset for an interrupt ID. More...
#define XSCUGIC_SPI_TARGET_OFFSET_CALC(InterruptID)   ((u32)XSCUGIC_SPI_TARGET_OFFSET + (((InterruptID)/4U) * 4U))
 Reads the SPI Target Register offset for an interrupt ID. More...
 Reads the SPI Target Register offset for an interrupt ID. More...
 Reads the Re-distributor Interrupt configuration register offset. More...
 Reads the Re-distributor Interrupt Priority register offset. More...
#define XSCUGIC_EN_DIS_OFFSET_CALC(Register, InterruptID)   ((Register) + (((InterruptID)/32U) * 4U))
 Reads the Interrupt Clear-Enable Register offset for an interrupt ID. More...
#define XScuGic_ReadReg(BaseAddress, RegOffset)   (Xil_In32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset)))
 Reads the given Intc register. More...
#define XScuGic_ReadReg64(BaseAddress, RegOffset)   (Xil_In64((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset)))
 Reads the given Intc register. More...
#define XScuGic_WriteReg(BaseAddress, RegOffset, Data)   (Xil_Out32(((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset)), ((u32)(Data))))
 Writes the given Intc register. More...
Distributor Interface Register Map

Define the offsets from the base address for all Distributor registers of the interrupt controller, some registers may be reserved in the hardware device.

#define XSCUGIC_DIST_EN_OFFSET   0x00000000U
 Distributor Enable Register. More...
#define XSCUGIC_IC_TYPE_OFFSET   0x00000004U
 Interrupt Controller Type Register. More...
#define XSCUGIC_DIST_IDENT_OFFSET   0x00000008U
 Implementor ID Register. More...
#define XSCUGIC_SECURITY_OFFSET   0x00000080U
 Interrupt Security Register. More...
#define XSCUGIC_ENABLE_SET_OFFSET   0x00000100U
 Enable Set Register. More...
#define XSCUGIC_DISABLE_OFFSET   0x00000180U
 Enable Clear Register. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PENDING_SET_OFFSET   0x00000200U
 Pending Set Register. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PENDING_CLR_OFFSET   0x00000280U
 Pending Clear Register. More...
#define XSCUGIC_ACTIVE_OFFSET   0x00000300U
 Active Status Register. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PRIORITY_OFFSET   0x00000400U
 Priority Level Register. More...
#define XSCUGIC_SPI_TARGET_OFFSET   0x00000800U
 SPI Target Register 0x800-0x8FB. More...
#define XSCUGIC_INT_CFG_OFFSET   0x00000C00U
 Interrupt Configuration Register 0xC00-0xCFC. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PPI_STAT_OFFSET   0x00000D00U
 PPI Status Register. More...
#define XSCUGIC_SPI_STAT_OFFSET   0x00000D04U
 SPI Status Register 0xd04-0xd7C. More...
 AHB Configuration Register. More...
#define XSCUGIC_SFI_TRIG_OFFSET   0x00000F00U
 Software Triggered Interrupt Register. More...
 Peripheral ID Reg. More...
 Pcell ID Register. More...
Distributor Enable Register

Controls if the distributor response to external interrupt inputs.

#define XSCUGIC_EN_INT_MASK   0x00000001U
 Interrupt In Enable. More...
Interrupt Controller Type Register
#define XSCUGIC_LSPI_MASK   0x0000F800U
 Number of Lockable Shared Peripheral Interrupts. More...
#define XSCUGIC_DOMAIN_MASK   0x00000400U
 Number os Security domains. More...
#define XSCUGIC_CPU_NUM_MASK   0x000000E0U
 Number of CPU Interfaces. More...
#define XSCUGIC_NUM_INT_MASK   0x0000001FU
 Number of Interrupt IDs. More...
Implementor ID Register

Implementor and revision information.

#define XSCUGIC_REV_MASK   0x00FFF000U
 Revision Number. More...
#define XSCUGIC_IMPL_MASK   0x00000FFFU
 Implementor. More...
Interrupt Security Registers

Each bit controls the security level of an interrupt, either secure or non secure.

These registers can only be accessed using secure read and write. There are registers for each of the CPU interfaces at offset 0x080. A register set for the SPI interrupts is available to all CPU interfaces. There are up to 32 of these registers staring at location 0x084.

#define XSCUGIC_INT_NS_MASK   0x00000001U
 Each bit corresponds to an INT_ID. More...
Enable Set Register

Each bit controls the enabling of an interrupt, a 0 is disabled, a 1 is enabled.

Writing a 0 has no effect. Use the ENABLE_CLR register to set a bit to 0. There are registers for each of the CPU interfaces at offset 0x100. With up to 8 registers aliased to the same address. A register set for the SPI interrupts is available to all CPU interfaces. There are up to 32 of these registers staring at location 0x104.

#define XSCUGIC_INT_EN_MASK   0x00000001U
 Each bit corresponds to an INT_ID. More...
Enable Clear Register

Each bit controls the disabling of an interrupt, a 0 is disabled, a 1 is enabled.

Writing a 0 has no effect. Writing a 1 disables an interrupt and sets the corresponding bit to 0. There are registers for each of the CPU interfaces at offset 0x180. With up to 8 registers aliased to the same address. A register set for the SPI interrupts is available to all CPU interfaces. There are up to 32 of these registers staring at location 0x184.

#define XSCUGIC_INT_CLR_MASK   0x00000001U
 Each bit corresponds to an INT_ID. More...
Pending Set Register

Each bit controls the Pending or Active and Pending state of an interrupt, a 0 is not pending, a 1 is pending.

Writing a 0 has no effect. Writing a 1 sets an interrupt to the pending state. There are registers for each of the CPU interfaces at offset 0x200. With up to 8 registers aliased to the same address. A register set for the SPI interrupts is available to all CPU interfaces. There are up to 32 of these registers staring at location 0x204.

#define XSCUGIC_PEND_SET_MASK   0x00000001U
 Each bit corresponds to an INT_ID. More...
Pending Clear Register

Each bit can clear the Pending or Active and Pending state of an interrupt, a 0 is not pending, a 1 is pending.

Writing a 0 has no effect. Writing a 1 clears the pending state of an interrupt. There are registers for each of the CPU interfaces at offset 0x280. With up to 8 registers aliased to the same address. A register set for the SPI interrupts is available to all CPU interfaces. There are up to 32 of these registers staring at location 0x284.

#define XSCUGIC_PEND_CLR_MASK   0x00000001U
 Each bit corresponds to an INT_ID. More...
Active Status Register

Each bit provides the Active status of an interrupt, a 0 is not Active, a 1 is Active.

This is a read only register. There are registers for each of the CPU interfaces at offset 0x300. With up to 8 registers aliased to each address. A register set for the SPI interrupts is available to all CPU interfaces. There are up to 32 of these registers staring at location 0x380.

#define XSCUGIC_ACTIVE_MASK   0x00000001U
 Each bit corresponds to an INT_ID. More...
Priority Level Register

Each byte in a Priority Level Register sets the priority level of an interrupt.

Reading the register provides the priority level of an interrupt. There are registers for each of the CPU interfaces at offset 0x400 through 0x41C. With up to 8 registers aliased to each address. 0 is highest priority, 0xFF is lowest. A register set for the SPI interrupts is available to all CPU interfaces. There are up to 255 of these registers staring at location 0x420.

 Each Byte corresponds to an INT_ID. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PRIORITY_MAX   0x000000FFU
 Highest value of a priority actually the lowest priority. More...
SPI Target Register 0x800-0x8FB

Each byte references a separate SPI and programs which of the up to 8 CPU interfaces are sent a Pending interrupt.

There are registers for each of the CPU interfaces at offset 0x800 through 0x81C. With up to 8 registers aliased to each address. A register set for the SPI interrupts is available to all CPU interfaces. There are up to 255 of these registers staring at location 0x820.

This driver does not support multiple CPU interfaces. These are included for complete documentation.

#define XSCUGIC_SPI_CPU7_MASK   0x00000080U
 CPU 7 Mask. More...
#define XSCUGIC_SPI_CPU6_MASK   0x00000040U
 CPU 6 Mask. More...
#define XSCUGIC_SPI_CPU5_MASK   0x00000020U
 CPU 5 Mask. More...
#define XSCUGIC_SPI_CPU4_MASK   0x00000010U
 CPU 4 Mask. More...
#define XSCUGIC_SPI_CPU3_MASK   0x00000008U
 CPU 3 Mask. More...
#define XSCUGIC_SPI_CPU2_MASK   0x00000004U
 CPU 2 Mask. More...
#define XSCUGIC_SPI_CPU1_MASK   0x00000002U
 CPU 1 Mask. More...
#define XSCUGIC_SPI_CPU0_MASK   0x00000001U
 CPU 0 Mask. More...
Interrupt Configuration Register 0xC00-0xCFC

The interrupt configuration registers program an SFI to be active HIGH level sensitive or rising edge sensitive.

Each bit pair describes the configuration for an INT_ID. SFI Read Only b10 always PPI Read Only depending on how the PPIs are configured. b01 Active HIGH level sensitive b11 Rising edge sensitive SPI LSB is read only. b01 Active HIGH level sensitive b11 Rising edge sensitive/ There are registers for each of the CPU interfaces at offset 0xC00 through 0xC04. With up to 8 registers aliased to each address. A register set for the SPI interrupts is available to all CPU interfaces. There are up to 255 of these registers staring at location 0xC08.

#define XSCUGIC_INT_CFG_MASK   0x00000003U
 Interrupt configuration Mask. More...
PPI Status Register

Enables an external AMBA master to access the status of the PPI inputs.

A CPU can only read the status of its local PPI signals and cannot read the status for other CPUs. This register is aliased for each CPU interface.

#define XSCUGIC_PPI_C15_MASK   0x00008000U
 PPI Status. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PPI_C14_MASK   0x00004000U
 PPI Status. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PPI_C13_MASK   0x00002000U
 PPI Status. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PPI_C12_MASK   0x00001000U
 PPI Status. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PPI_C11_MASK   0x00000800U
 PPI Status. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PPI_C10_MASK   0x00000400U
 PPI Status. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PPI_C09_MASK   0x00000200U
 PPI Status. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PPI_C08_MASK   0x00000100U
 PPI Status. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PPI_C07_MASK   0x00000080U
 PPI Status. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PPI_C06_MASK   0x00000040U
 PPI Status. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PPI_C05_MASK   0x00000020U
 PPI Status. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PPI_C04_MASK   0x00000010U
 PPI Status. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PPI_C03_MASK   0x00000008U
 PPI Status. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PPI_C02_MASK   0x00000004U
 PPI Status. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PPI_C01_MASK   0x00000002U
 PPI Status. More...
#define XSCUGIC_PPI_C00_MASK   0x00000001U
 PPI Status. More...
SPI Status Register 0xd04-0xd7C

Enables an external AMBA master to access the status of the SPI inputs.

There are up to 63 registers if the maximum number of SPI inputs are configured.

#define XSCUGIC_SPI_N_MASK   0x00000001U
 Each bit corresponds to an SPI input. More...
AHB Configuration Register

Provides the status of the CFGBIGEND input signal and allows the endianness of the GIC to be set.

#define XSCUGIC_AHB_END_MASK   0x00000004U
 0-GIC uses little Endian, 1-GIC uses Big Endian More...
#define XSCUGIC_AHB_ENDOVR_MASK   0x00000002U
 0-Uses CFGBIGEND control, 1-use the AHB_END bit More...
#define XSCUGIC_AHB_TIE_OFF_MASK   0x00000001U
 State of CFGBIGEND. More...
Software Triggered Interrupt Register

Controls issuing of software interrupts.

#define XSCUGIC_SFI_SELFTRIG_MASK   0x02010000U
 Target List filter b00-Use the target List b01-All CPUs except requester b10-To Requester b11-reserved. More...
 CPU Target list. More...
#define XSCUGIC_SFI_TRIG_SATT_MASK   0x00008000U
 0= Use a secure interrupt More...
 Set to the INTID signaled to the CPU. More...
CPU Interface Register Map

Define the offsets from the base address for all CPU registers of the interrupt controller, some registers may be reserved in the hardware device.

#define XSCUGIC_CONTROL_OFFSET   0x00000000U
 CPU Interface Control Register. More...
#define XSCUGIC_CPU_PRIOR_OFFSET   0x00000004U
 Priority Mask Reg. More...
#define XSCUGIC_BIN_PT_OFFSET   0x00000008U
 Binary Point Register. More...
#define XSCUGIC_INT_ACK_OFFSET   0x0000000CU
 Interrupt ACK Reg. More...
#define XSCUGIC_EOI_OFFSET   0x00000010U
 End of Interrupt Reg. More...
#define XSCUGIC_RUN_PRIOR_OFFSET   0x00000014U
 Running Priority Reg. More...
#define XSCUGIC_HI_PEND_OFFSET   0x00000018U
 Highest Pending Interrupt Register. More...
 Aliased non-Secure Binary Point Register. More...
Control Register

CPU Interface Control register definitions All bits are defined here although some are not available in the non-secure mode.

#define XSCUGIC_CNTR_SBPR_MASK   0x00000010U
 Secure Binary Pointer, 0=separate registers, 1=both use bin_pt_s. More...
#define XSCUGIC_CNTR_FIQEN_MASK   0x00000008U
 Use nFIQ_C for secure interrupts, 0= use IRQ for both, 1=Use FIQ for secure, IRQ for non. More...
#define XSCUGIC_CNTR_ACKCTL_MASK   0x00000004U
 Ack control for secure or non secure. More...
#define XSCUGIC_CNTR_EN_NS_MASK   0x00000002U
 Non Secure enable. More...
#define XSCUGIC_CNTR_EN_S_MASK   0x00000001U
 Secure enable, 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled. More...
Binary Point Register

Binary Point register definitions

#define XSCUGIC_BIN_PT_MASK   0x00000007U
 Binary point mask value Value Secure Non-secure b000 0xFE 0xFF b001 0xFC 0xFE b010 0xF8 0xFC b011 0xF0 0xF8 b100 0xE0 0xF0 b101 0xC0 0xE0 b110 0x80 0xC0 b111 0x00 0x80. More...
Interrupt Acknowledge Register

Interrupt Acknowledge register definitions Identifies the current Pending interrupt, and the CPU ID for software interrupts.

#define XSCUGIC_ACK_INTID_MASK   0x000003FFU
 Interrupt ID. More...
#define XSCUGIC_CPUID_MASK   0x00000C00U
 CPU ID. More...
End of Interrupt Register

End of Interrupt register definitions Allows the CPU to signal the GIC when it completes an interrupt service routine.

#define XSCUGIC_EOI_INTID_MASK   0x000003FFU
 Interrupt ID. More...
Running Priority Register

Running Priority register definitions Identifies the interrupt priority level of the highest priority active interrupt.

 Interrupt Priority. More...


void XScuGic_DeviceInterruptHandler (void *DeviceId)
 This function is the primary interrupt handler for the driver. More...
s32 XScuGic_DeviceInitialize (u32 DeviceId)
 Initializes the GIC based on the device ID. More...
void XScuGic_RegisterHandler (u32 BaseAddress, s32 InterruptID, Xil_InterruptHandler IntrHandler, void *CallBackRef)
 Register a handler function for a specific interrupt ID. More...
void XScuGic_SetPriTrigTypeByDistAddr (u32 DistBaseAddress, u32 Int_Id, u8 Priority, u8 Trigger)
 Sets the interrupt priority and trigger type for the specificd IRQ source. More...
void XScuGic_GetPriTrigTypeByDistAddr (u32 DistBaseAddress, u32 Int_Id, u8 *Priority, u8 *Trigger)
 Gets the interrupt priority and trigger type for the specificd IRQ source. More...
void XScuGic_InterruptMapFromCpuByDistAddr (u32 DistBaseAddress, u8 Cpu_Id, u32 Int_Id)
 Sets the target CPU for the interrupt of a peripheral. More...
void XScuGic_InterruptUnmapFromCpuByDistAddr (u32 DistBaseAddress, u8 Cpu_Id, u32 Int_Id)
 Unmaps specific SPI interrupt from the target CPU. More...
void XScuGic_UnmapAllInterruptsFromCpuByDistAddr (u32 DistBaseAddress, u8 Cpu_Id)
 Unmaps all SPI interrupts from the target CPU. More...
void XScuGic_EnableIntr (u32 DistBaseAddress, u32 Int_Id)
 Enables the interrupt source provided as the argument Int_Id. More...
void XScuGic_DisableIntr (u32 DistBaseAddress, u32 Int_Id)
 Disables the interrupt source provided as the argument Int_Id so that the interrupt controller will not cause interrupts for the specified Int_Id. More...

Macro Definition Documentation

#define XSCUGIC_EN_DIS_OFFSET_CALC (   Register,
)    ((Register) + (((InterruptID)/32U) * 4U))

Reads the Interrupt Clear-Enable Register offset for an interrupt ID.

RegisterRegister offset for the clear/enable bank.
InterruptIDInterrupt number.
The 32-bit value of the offset

Referenced by XScuGic_Stop().

#define XSCUGIC_INT_CFG_OFFSET_CALC (   InterruptID)    ((u32)XSCUGIC_INT_CFG_OFFSET + (((InterruptID)/16U) * 4U))

Reads the Interrupt Configuration Register offset for an interrupt ID.

InterruptIDInterrupt number.
The 32-bit value of the offset

Referenced by XScuGic_GetPriorityTriggerType(), XScuGic_GetPriTrigTypeByDistAddr(), XScuGic_SetPriorityTriggerType(), and XScuGic_SetPriTrigTypeByDistAddr().

#define XSCUGIC_IROUTER_OFFSET_CALC (   InterruptID)    ((u32)XSCUGIC_IROUTER_BASE_OFFSET + (InterruptID * 8))

Reads the Interrupt Routing Register offset for an interrupt ID.

InterruptIDInterrupt number.
The 32-bit value of the offset

Referenced by XScuGic_InterruptMapFromCpuByDistAddr(), XScuGic_InterruptMaptoCpu(), and XScuGic_Stop().

#define XSCUGIC_PRIORITY_OFFSET_CALC (   InterruptID)    ((u32)XSCUGIC_PRIORITY_OFFSET + (((InterruptID)/4U) * 4U))

Reads the Interrupt Priority Register offset for an interrupt ID.

InterruptIDInterrupt number.
The 32-bit value of the offset

Referenced by XScuGic_GetPriorityTriggerType(), XScuGic_GetPriTrigTypeByDistAddr(), XScuGic_SetPriorityTriggerType(), and XScuGic_SetPriTrigTypeByDistAddr().


Reads the Re-distributor Interrupt configuration register offset.

InterruptIDInterrupt number.
The 32-bit value of the offset

Referenced by XScuGic_GetPriorityTriggerType(), XScuGic_GetPriTrigTypeByDistAddr(), XScuGic_SetPriorityTriggerType(), and XScuGic_SetPriTrigTypeByDistAddr().


Reads the Re-distributor Interrupt Priority register offset.

InterruptIDInterrupt number.
The 32-bit value of the offset

Referenced by XScuGic_GetPriorityTriggerType(), XScuGic_GetPriTrigTypeByDistAddr(), XScuGic_SetPriorityTriggerType(), and XScuGic_SetPriTrigTypeByDistAddr().

#define XScuGic_ReadReg (   BaseAddress,
)    (Xil_In32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset)))
#define XScuGic_ReadReg64 (   BaseAddress,
)    (Xil_In64((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset)))

Reads the given Intc register.

BaseAddressBase address of the device.
RegOffsetRegister offset to be read.
The 64-bit value of the register
C-style signature: u32 XScuGic_ReadReg64(UINTPTR BaseAddress, u32 RegOffset)
#define XSCUGIC_SECURITY_TARGET_OFFSET_CALC (   InterruptID)    ((u32)XSCUGIC_SECURITY_OFFSET + (((InterruptID)/32U)*4U))

Reads the SPI Target Register offset for an interrupt ID.

InterruptIDInterrupt number.
The 32-bit value of the offset
#define XSCUGIC_SPI_TARGET_OFFSET_CALC (   InterruptID)    ((u32)XSCUGIC_SPI_TARGET_OFFSET + (((InterruptID)/4U) * 4U))

Reads the SPI Target Register offset for an interrupt ID.

InterruptIDInterrupt number.
The 32-bit value of the offset.

Referenced by XScuGic_InterruptMapFromCpuByDistAddr(), XScuGic_InterruptMaptoCpu(), XScuGic_InterruptUnmapFromCpu(), XScuGic_InterruptUnmapFromCpuByDistAddr(), XScuGic_Stop(), XScuGic_UnmapAllInterruptsFromCpu(), and XScuGic_UnmapAllInterruptsFromCpuByDistAddr().

#define XScuGic_WriteReg (   BaseAddress,
)    (Xil_Out32(((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset)), ((u32)(Data))))

Writes the given Intc register.

BaseAddressBase address of the device.
RegOffsetRegister offset to be written
Data32-bit value to write to the register
C-style signature: void XScuGic_WriteReg(u32 BaseAddress, u32 RegOffset, u32 Data)

Referenced by LowInterruptHandler(), XScuGic_DeviceInterruptHandler(), XScuGic_DisableIntr(), XScuGic_EnableIntr(), XScuGic_InterruptMapFromCpuByDistAddr(), XScuGic_InterruptUnmapFromCpuByDistAddr(), XScuGic_SetPriTrigTypeByDistAddr(), and XScuGic_UnmapAllInterruptsFromCpuByDistAddr().