Vitis Drivers API Documentation
xusbpsu_ep0handler.c File Reference


s32 XUsbPsu_RecvSetup (struct XUsbPsu *InstancePtr)
 Initiates DMA on control endpoint 0 to receive setup packet. More...
void XUsbPsu_Ep0XferComplete (struct XUsbPsu *InstancePtr, const struct XUsbPsu_Event_Epevt *Event)
 Handles transfer complete event of control endpoints EP0 OUT and EP0 IN. More...
void XUsbPsu_Ep0XferNotReady (struct XUsbPsu *InstancePtr, const struct XUsbPsu_Event_Epevt *Event)
 Handles transfer not ready event of control endpoints EP0 OUT and EP0 IN. More...
s32 XUsbPsu_Ep0Send (struct XUsbPsu *InstancePtr, u8 *BufferPtr, u32 BufferLen)
 Initiates DMA to send data on control endpoint EP0 IN to host. More...
s32 XUsbPsu_Ep0Recv (struct XUsbPsu *InstancePtr, u8 *BufferPtr, u32 Length)
 Initiates DMA to receive data on control endpoint EP0 OUT from host. More...