Vitis Drivers API Documentation
wdttb Documentation
Ver   Who  Date     Changes

1.00a ecm 08/16/01 First release 1.00b jhl 02/21/02 Repartitioned driver for smaller files 1.00b rpm 04/26/02 Made LookupConfig public and added XWdtTb_Config 1.10b mta 03/23/07 Updated to new coding style 1.11a sdm 08/22/08 Removed support for static interrupt handlers from the MDD file 2.00a ktn 22/10/09 The driver is updated to use HAL processor APIs/macros. The following macros defined in xwdttb_l.h file have been removed - XWdtTb_mEnableWdt, XWdtTb_mDisbleWdt, XWdtTb_mRestartWdt, XWdtTb_mGetTimebaseReg and XWdtTb_mHasReset. Added the XWdtTb_ReadReg and XWdtTb_WriteReg macros. User should XWdtTb_ReadReg/XWdtTb_WriteReg to achieve the desired functionality of the macros that were removed. 3.0 adk 19/12/13 Updated as per the New Tcl API's 3.1 sk 11/10/15 Used UINTPTR instead of u32 for Baseaddress CR# 867425. 4.0 sha 12/17/15 Added Window WDT feature with basic mode. Changed XWdtTb_GetTbValue to inline function. Adherence to MISRA-C guidelines. 4.0 sha 01/29/16 Added XWdtTb_Event enum type. Updated XWdtTb_Config structure with Window WDT parameters. Updated XWdtTb core structure with config parameter and removed RegBaseAddress parameter.

                    Added following static inline functions:
                    XWdtTb_GetTbValue, XWdtTb_SetRegSpaceAccessMode,
                    XWdtTb_GetRegSpaceAccessMode, XWdtTb_GetLastEvent,
                    XWdtTb_GetFailCounter, XWdtTb_IsResetPending,
                    XWdtTb_GetIntrStatus, XWdtTb_IsWrongCfg.
                    Added following functions:
                    XWdtTb_AlwaysEnable, XWdtTb_ClearLastEvent,
                    XWdtTb_ClearResetPending, XWdtTb_IntrClear,
                    XWdtTb_SetByteCount, XWdtTb_GetByteCount,
                    XWdtTb_SetByteSegment, XWdtTb_GetByteSegment,
                    XWdtTb_EnableSst, XWdtTb_DisableSst, XWdtTb_EnablePsm,
                    XWdtTb_DisablePsm, XWdtTb_EnableFailCounter,
                    XWdtTb_DisableFailCounter, XWdtTb_EnableExtraProtection,
                    XWdtTb_DisableExtraProtection, XWdtTb_SetWindowCount,
4.0   sha  02/17/16 Removed 3.1 version and added CR# 867425 change in
                    4.0 version.
4.1   adk  23/12/16 Fix race conition in the tcl CR#966068
      ms   03/17/17 Added readme.txt file in examples folder for doxygen
4.2   ms   04/18/17 Modified tcl file to add suffix U for all macros
                    definitions of wdttb in xparameters.h
4.3   srm  01/27/18 Added XWdtTb_ProgramWDTWidth to pragram the WDT width
           01/30/18 Added doxygen tags
4.4   aru  11/15/18 Replaced "Xil_AssertVoid" as "Xil_AssertNonvoid"
                    in XWdtTb_ProgramWDTWidth().
4.4   sne  03/01/19 Fixed violations according to MISRAC-2012 standards
                    modified the code for below violations,
                    No brackets to then/else,
                    Literal value requires a U suffix,Function return
                    type inconsistent,Logical conjunctions need brackets,
                    Declared the pointer param as Pointer to const,
                    Procedure has more than one exit point.
4.4   sne  03/04/19 Added support for Versal ( Generic Watchdog and
                    Window Watchdog timer).
                    Added following functions:
                    XWdtTb_IsGenericWdtFWExpired, XWdtTb_SetSSTWindow
4.5   nsk  08/07/19 Updated testapp tcl to generate polled mode
                    example, when Wdttb interrupt pin is not connected
                    CR# 1035919.
4.5   nsk  08/07/19 Fixed the warnings while generating test app
4.5   sne  06/25/19 Fixed Coverity warning.
4.5   sne  09/27/19 Updated Tcl file for WWDT & AXI Timebase WDT IP.
              Updated driver to support for WWDT and AXI Timebase WDT.
              While accessing AXI Timebase WDT appending "C" to base
              address for getting AXI Watchdog offsets.
5.0     sne  12/30/19 Updated example files with "Successfully ran"string.CR#1050724
5.0     sne  01/31/20 Removed compare value registers write while configuring Generic
              watchdog window timer.CR#1052544
5.0     sne  02/27/20 Reorganize the driver source and Fixed doxygen warnings.
              Added XWdtTb_ConfigureWDTMode function.
5.1     sne  05/04/20 Fixed violations according to MISRAC-2012 standards.
5.6     sne  04/11/22 Added IP interrupt current core connection check for
              Generic WDT example
5.5     sne  05/07/22 Added XWdtTb_SetGenericWdtWindowTimeOut API to configure
              generic watchdog window.
5.7     sb   07/12/23 Added support for system device-tree flow.
5.9   ht   05/15/24 Port XWdtTb_Initialize() to SDT flow