Runtime-First FPGA Interchange Routing Contest

Sponsored by; contest hosted at the FPGA24 conference.

Hosted on GitHub Pages using the Dinky theme

Scoring Criteria

Teams will be scored as follows:

  1. After running each team's submission on each benchmark in the suite of hidden evaluation benchmarks, compute a score according to:
    • Benchmark Score = 0.9 * Wall Clock Runtime + 0.1 * Critical-Path Wirelength
    • Lower scores are better
    • Each team's submission will be run multiple times, and the lowest score will be taken
    • If a submitted router fails to pass CheckPhysNetlist then a score of infinity will be assigned for that benchmark
  2. For each benchmark rank all teams based on their score
    • If multiple teams achieve an identical score (e.g. inf) assign the same rank to each
  3. For each team compute the arithmetic mean of all rankings
    • Lower mean ranking is better
  4. Sort teams by mean ranking, and assign prizes in ascending order

The contest organizers reserve the right to disqualify poorly performing routers.

An implementation of the above scoring algorithm is provided in the scoring_formula directory of the competition GitHub repository, along with a series of test cases that illustrate how the algorithm will rank teams in a variety of scenarios.

Over time, we plan to release a number of additional public benchmarks on which all competing routers will be evaluated. Contestants will also be evaluated on a set of hidden benchmarks which will not be made public until after the contest has concluded.

Critical-Path Wirelength

A small component of the score will be assigned based on "Critical-Path Wirelength". Critical-Path Wirelength is defined as the wirelength of the longest combinatorial path present in a routed Physical Netlist. This metric is an easy to compute proxy for the Critical-Path Delay considered by timing driven routers (such as Vivado). The goal of including Critical-Path Wirelength in the scoring criteria is twofold: first, it encourages competitors to not completely sacrifice quality of results in favour of runtime, and second, it will serve as a means to differentiate between solutions with similar wall clock times.

Similar to static timing analysis, a path in this context is a collection of cells separated by nets:

cell 1 -> net 1 -> cell 2 -> net 2 -> cell 3 -> ...

Within an FPGAIF Physical Netlist, each cell is placed onto a physical resource called a Basic Element of Logic or BEL. Thus, each physical net along the path starts at a BEL output pin and terminates at one or more BEL input pins.

Each routed physical net is composed of FPGAIF routeSegments. The wirelength between a BEL output pin and a BEL input pin is simply the sum of the wirelength of every routeSegment that must be traced through to reach the input from the output. For the purposes of the contest, only routeSegments of the type pip can affect the wirelength. In almost all cases, these pip routeSegments exist in interconnect tiles (which have names starting with the INT prefix) and are the only way for signals to be routed between non-interconnect tiles. Since pips are the only type of routeSegment that can connect multiple tiles, all other types of routeSegment (belPin, sitePin, sitePIP) are assumed to have a wirelength of zero. Thus for a portion of a path that looks like this:

output belPin -> ... -> pip1 -> pip2 -> ... -> pipN -> ... -> input belPin
      0           0      w       x       y       z      0          0

The wirelength from the output to the input would be w+x+y+z.

Each pip represents a connection that causes wire0 to drive wire1; such connections incur a wirelength score based on the type of wire indicated by wire1. The following table presents regular expression patterns to be matched against the wire1 name of PIPs with a tile name prefix of INT and its associated wirelength score.

Wire Type Regex Pattern Wirelength Score
Single Horizontal [EW]{2}1_[EW]_BEG[0-7]
Single Vertical [NS]{2}1_[EW]_BEG[0-7] 1
Double Horizontal [EW]{2}2_[EW]_BEG[0-7] 5
Double Vertical [NS]{2}2_[EW]_BEG[0-7] 3
Quad Horizontal [EW]{2}4_[EW]_BEG[0-7] 10
Quad Vertical [NS]{2}4_[EW]_BEG[0-7] 5
Long Horizontal [EW]{2}12_BEG[0-7] 14
Long Vertical [NS]{2}12_BEG[0-7] 12
All others (e.g. Bounce) (no matches above) 0

Each of the wirelength scores in the previous table are taken from Table 1 in An Open-source Lightweight Timing Model for RapidWright; our wirelength model can be considered a further simplification of this prior model by omitting all logic cell delays, as well as omitting the intrinsic delay constant (k0) and considerations for grid discontinuities (k2) from net delays. Thus, despite being dimensionless, the score produced by the wirelength analyzer should correlate with the net delay reported by a timing analyzer for the same path.

Next, let us consider how paths are formed from sequences of nets. BELs in an FPGA can be made up of combinatorial logic -- where a change in the value at a BEL input pin has the potential to immediately alter the value at the corresponding BEL output pin, e.g. a lookup table. Alternatively, BELs may be sequential -- where a change in the value at a BEL input will only be reflected at the BEL output after a clock event. Finally, BELs may have input pins that have a mix of combinatorial and sequential effects. Where a combinatorial connection between a BEL input and output pin exists, the nets associated with those pins form a path. If no such combinatorial connection exists then one path terminates at the input pin and a new path begins at the output pin. The following tables describe the combinatorial connectivity that exists between BEL input and output pins for each type of PhysCell.

Cell Type Connectivity
(BEL output pin(s) <- BEL input pin(s))
FDRE, FDCE, FDSE, FDPE (none) <- (none) Flip-flop
SRL16E O5 and O6 <- A0 to A3 Shift Register
SRLC32E O6 <- A0 to A4 Shift Register
RAMD32, RAMS32 O5 and O6 <- A0 to A4 Distributed Memory
RAMD64E, RAMS64E O6 <- A0 to A5 Distributed Memory
RAMB36E2, RAMB18E2 (none) <- (none) Block Memory
URAM288 (none) <- (none) UltraRAM Memory
MMCME4_ADV (none) <- (none) Clock Manager
LUT1, LUT2, LUT3, LUT4, LUT5, LUT6 (all) <- (all) Look Up Table
CARRY8 see table CARRY8 Fast Carry Logic
MUXF7, MUXF8, MUXF9 (all) <- (all) Intrasite Mux
(none) <- (none) see note DSP Logic
DSP_MULTIPLIER, DSP_PREADD (all) <- (all) see note DSP Logic
PCIE40E4 (none) <- (none) PCIe Hard Macro
GTYE4_CHANNEL,GTYE4_COMMON (none) <- (none) Gigabit Transceiver Components
STARTUPE3,ICAPE3 (none) <- (none) Device Configuration Components

CARRY8 Connectivity

BEL output pin BEL input pins
O0 CIN, S0
CO0 {input pins from O0} and DI0, AX
O1 {input pins from CO0} and S1
CO1 {input pins from O1} and DI1, BX
O2 {input pins from C01} and S2
CO2 {input pins from O2} and DI2, CX
O3 {input pins from CO2} and S3
CO3 {input pins from O3} and DI3, DX
O4 {input pins from CO3} and S4
CO4 {input pins from O4} and DI4, EX
O5 {input pins from CO4} and S5
CO5 {input pins from O5} and DI5, FX
O6 {input pins from CO5} and S6
CO6 {input pins from O6} and DI6, GX
O7 {input pins from CO6} and S7
CO7 {input pins from O7} and DI7, HX

DSP Cell Connectivity

DSP cells are unique in that they can be configured with a number of internal pipelining registers that can make them fully combinatorial, fully sequential, or a mix of both. Further, the register configuration is only captured in the FPGAIF Logical Netlist which is beyond the scope of this routing contest. For this reason we optimistically assume that all DSP cells with pipelining registers are configured such that they can be treated as fully sequential.