Error Log Analysis¶
This example uses TigerGraph database to represent log messages within their contexts and finds similar trouble Logs messages for a given query message.
This example selects a random vertex in the graph from a query and returns the top matching Logs based on cosine similarity. Solutions from the matching logs can help resolve current issues.
Instead of finding similarity with the direct one-hot word representation, we used GloVe Word Embeddings, which maps words into more meaningful space.
In General, finding Cosine Similarity on large dataset will take a huge amount of time on CPU. With the Xilinx Cosine Similarity Acceleration, it can speed up the process by multiple orders.
Run Jupyter Notebook¶
Install the Log Similarity Demo Plugin
(fpga)$ cd log_similarity
(fpga)$ su - tigergraph
(fpga)$ bin/
Run the command below to start Jupyter Notebook
(fpga)$ cd jupyter-demo
(fpga)$ jupyter notebook log_similarity_TG_demo.ipynb
Follow the step-by-step instructions in the notebook once it is loaded in your browser.
This use case can be downloaded from Error Log Analysis Jupyter notebook on GitHub.