Kria™ KR260 Robotics Starter Kit

Machine Vision Camera Tutorial

Machine Vision Application Deployment

Introduction to the Test Environment

This document shows how to set up the board and run the MV-Defect Detect and 10GigE applications.

Hardware Requirements

  1. KR260 Robotics Starter Kit

  2. KR260 Power Supply & Adapter (Included with KR260 Robotics Starter Kit)

  3. Cat 5e Ethernet Cable (Included with KR260 Robotics Starter Kit)

  4. USB-A to micro-B Cable (Included with KR260 Robotics Starter Kit)

  5. 16GB MicroSD Cards (Included with KR260 Robotics Starter Kit)

  6. 2-Windows or Ubuntu PC, one for capture the UART/console logs from KR260 board, and one to act as host PC

    a. Windows-10 or latest

    b. Ubuntu-16.04 or latest

  7. Fiber Optic cable

  8. Sony IMX547 Monochrome Camera sensor Module

  9. 10G NIC Card

  10. 10G SFP+ Transceiver

Some reference for 10G NIC Card, fiber optic cable, 10G SFP+ Transceiver are listed below:

10G Network cards:

Fiber Cable:

Two SFP+ Modules:

Setting Up the Live Source

When setting up the SOM Board for the live camera source capturing mango image displayed on a monitor, adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Keep the IMX547 Camera module firmly held in a static position.

  • IMX547 Camera module should be directly opposite to the monitor (180 deg).

  • In the test environment, keep the IMX547 Camera Module at an appropriate distance (35 cm) from the monitor.

  • According to the model of the monitor, set brightness and contrast to 45 and 17 respectively.

  • Ensure that the room is closed. To get more clear preview image, add an artificial light source against to monitor.

  • To avoid over exposure of light, do NOT place the monitor opposite to open door or window.

  • Ensure that live source should be able to capture the mango completely.

  • The camera should be focused ONLY on the mango image that was displayed.

  • In the test environment, the light intensity is to be ~1280 LUX.

    Note: If the preview image is not satisfactory, adjust the above mentioned parameters.

Setting Up the Test Environment

Note: Ensure that the Gstreamer packages installed on Linux PC. If Linux distribution is on Ubuntu, make sure its version is at least 16.04.

Download all the sample mango images from the Cofilab site to the Linux PC.

Note: If the file fails to download, copy the link and open in a new browser tab to download the file.

As the downloaded images are in JPG format, convert them to GRAY8 (Y8) format using the following steps.

  1. Unzip the downloaded rar file.

  2. In the Linux PC, go to DB_mango.

  3. Copy and save the following script as

    for file in ./*; do       
    f=$(echo "${file##*/}");
      filename=$(echo $f| cut  -d'.' -f 1); #file has extension, it return only filename
        echo $filename
          gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=$file ! jpegdec  ! videoconvert  ! videoscale ! video/x-raw, width=1920, height=1080, format=GRAY8 ! filesink location=$filename.y8
    cat Mango_*.y8 > input_video.y8
  4. Make the script executable: chmod +x

  5. Run the script as follows:

    ./ >& file.txt

    Once the above command is completed, the script produces input_video.y8 as input to the MV-Defect-Detect application.

  6. Copy input_video.y8 from the Linux PC to the SOM board. if copied to SD card, it can be found in /boot/firmware/input_video.y8. In order for containers to access the file, copy it to /tmp/ and containers can then also access it from its /tmp/ folder. then copy it to /home/ directory in container.

    NOTE: Delete all files except input_video.y8.

The MV-Defect-Detect application’s design- takes, processes, and displays images on to the monitor.

See Known Issues and Limitations with the MV-Defect-Detect application.

SOM Board setup

Refer to KR260 Board & Interface layout below for connector reference numbers:

board interfaces

usb slot

  1. Go through Booting Kria Starter Kit Linux to complete minimum setup required to boot Linux before continuing with instructions in this page.

  2. Ensure that the board is powered off. Connect IMX547 Monochrome sensor module to J22 in KR260 using flex cable refer below figure:

    IMX547 Sensor Camera

    IMX547 Sensor Camera

  3. Keep the KR260 board and sensor module firmly held in a static position.

  4. Connect Ethernet cable from PS ethernet ‘J10C’ to local network with DHCP enabled to install packages.

  5. Connect the fiber optic cable to SFP+ connector in KR260 board, other end to host machine (Windows/Ubuntu) NIC card.

The KR260 board connection should be as shown in the below figure:

Board Connection

Host Machine Setup

Check the available network interfaces before inserting the 10G NIC card using

  • ifconfig -a for ubuntu host

  • ipconfig /all for windows host

Install the 10Gb PCIe NIC Network Card in the PCIe slot as shown in figure below,

Host Machine Setup

Connect the fiber optic cable one end to NIC card in host machine and the other end to KR260 board SFP+ connector.

The newly inserted NIC card shows the new interface in the host machine. User may run the same command to verify that:

  • ifconfig -a for ubuntu host

  • ipconfig /all for windows host

Note: On windows host, ensure that network related drivers are installed from the link, before running Host Sphinx application.

Note: Ensure 10GigE interface is enabled on Host PC before loading MV-Camera application firmware.

Installing the Application packages

Make sure that you had gone through Booting Kria Starter Kit Linux as indicated in previous step to complete minimum setup required to boot Linux before continuing with instructions in this page.

Install the latest application packages.

  1. Get the list of available packages in the feed:

    sudo xmutil getpkgs

  2. Install the application.

    sudo apt install xlnx-firmware-kr260-mv-camera

    Note : Installing firmware binaries may cause dfx-mgr to crash and a restart is needed, which is listed in the Known issues and Limitations section. Once this is fixed an newer updates are available for dfx-manager, restart may not be needed.

Docker based application preparation

Pull the latest docker image for mv-defect-detect using the below command.

    sudo docker pull xilinx/mv-defect-detect:2022.1

Find the images installed with the below command:

sudo docker images

Firmware Loading

The MV-Camera application firmware consists of bitstream (bit.bin) and device tree overlay (dtbo). The MV-Camera firmware is loaded dynamically on user request once ubuntu system is fully booted. Use the xmutil utility to list and load the firmware.

Note: xmutil utility runs only in Ubuntu.

Dynamically load the application firmware:

  • Disable the desktop environment:

       sudo xmutil desktop_disable

    Note: Executing “xmutil desktop_disable” causes the desktop on the monitor to be disabled. Please use any serial terminal to continue issuing Linux commands via port J4 and not rely completely on the desktop environment.

    After running the application, the desktop environment can be enabled again with:

       sudo xmutil desktop_enable
  • After installing the FW, execute xmutil listapps to verify that it is captured under the listapps function, and to have dfx-mgrd re-scan and register all accelerators in the FW directory tree.

      sudo xmutil listapps

To list the available accelerator applications, run:

sudo xmutil listapps

Note: The Active_Slot column shows the application firmware that is currently loaded in the system. The value ‘-1’ indicates that the firmware is not loaded, while the value of ‘0’ indicates that the firmware is loaded. By default, only the k26-starter-kits firmware is loaded.

To load the MV-Camera application firmware, unload the existing firmware and then load the MV-Camera application firmware:

sudo xmutil unloadapp

sudo xmutil loadapp kr260-mv-camera

Launching the Docker

Launch the docker using the below command. The firmware must be loaded before launching the docker container.

    sudo docker run \
    --env="DISPLAY" \
        --env="XDG_SESSION_TYPE" \
        --net=host \
        --privileged \
        --volume /tmp:/tmp \
        --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" \
        -v /dev:/dev \
        -v /sys:/sys \
        -v /etc/vart.conf:/etc/vart.conf \
        -v /lib/firmware/xilinx:/lib/firmware/xilinx \
        -v /run:/run \
        -h "xlnx-docker" \
        -it xilinx/mv-defect-detect:2022.1 bash

It launches the mv-defect-detect docker image container


Running the 10GigE Application on Target

There is only one way to invoke the application and that is by command line.

Note: Docker starts with the root user access. Only one instance of the application can run at a time. Only 2472 x 2128 @122fps – 10bpp configuration is validated.

To run the application, follow below steps:

  1. Run the configure script to configure the media nodes & the IP’s in capture path



    It asks user to give few inputs, then it get below logs (below xml file size may vary):

    Update eeprom
    file: xgvrd-kr260.xml
    size: 113757

    Note: Select always 1 in the Network configuration below

    1: 0xFEC00000 (MVDK + ZX5/XU1 / ZC702 / ZC706 / ZCU102)
    2: 0xFFA10000

    Then, user can select the type of network:

      1: dhcp
      2: static ip

    Note: Select 1 or 2 based on user network configuration (static or dynamic). If user opted for static option then user need to fill below details as well. We have given example values for user’s reference.

    Input ip address (

    Input netmask (

    Input gateway (

  2. Run below command and get the interface name which has memory address like memory 0xa0060000-a006ffff

    a. ifconfig -a

        eth2: flags=3\<UP,BROADCAST\>  mtu 1500
        ether 00:0a:35:00:22:02  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 4  bytes 590 (590.0 B)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
        device interrupt 66  memory 0xa0060000-a006ffff

    Keyword memory 0xa0060000-a006ffff belongs to eth2 port. This interface info is required to feed while running gvrd application on target.

  3. Run the gst-launch command in background to trigger the pipeline,

    For 60 fps, run either below gst launch command or mv-defect-detect application.

    media-ctl -d /dev/media0 -V "\"imx547 7-001a\":0 [fmt:SRGGB10_1X10/1920x1080 field:none @1/60]"
    gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 io-mode=4 ! video/x-raw, width=1920, height=1080, format=GRAY8, framerate=60/1 !  queue ! fakevideosink -v &

    For 120 fps run below commands

    Note: MV-Defect-Detect application does not support 120 fps.

    media-ctl -d /dev/media0 -V "\"imx547 7-001a\":0 [fmt:SRGGB10_1X10/1920x1080 field:none @1/120]"
    gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 io-mode=4 ! video/x-raw, width=1920, height=1080, format=GRAY8, framerate=120/1 !  queue ! fakevideosink -v &

    Note: Make sure to kill the gst-launch process before unloading xlnx-app-kr260-mv-camera.

  4. Run the following command to run the gvrd application

    gvrd \<10gige port detail\>

    For an example, gvrd eth2

    Note: Once done with the 10GigE application, to switch to another accelerator application, unload the currently loaded accelerator application firmware by running:

    sudo xmutil unloadapp
  5. On Host PC to run the Sphinx application:

    Sphinx GEV Viewer can be downloaded from here along with Sphinx GEV Viewer user guide link to run the Sphinx application.


    a). If user is setting the IP statically make sure both KR260 and host machine should be on the same network class address

    • On ubuntu : sudo ifconfig <10G network interface> up

      For Example: sudo ifconfig enp23s0 up

    • On Windows : Set from network settings – IPv4 IP

    b). To change the MTU Size follow the below procedure:

    • For ubuntu : sudo ifconfig <10G network interface> mtu 9014 up

      For Example: sudo ifconfig enp23s0 mtu 9014 up

    • For Windows :

      • Go to settings, navigate to control panel, and select Network and Sharing Centre,

      • Select Change adapter settings,

      • Right click on the NIC interface on which the place to enable Jumbo Frames and select Properties,

      • From the NIC properties, select Configure,

      • Click on Advanced tab,

      • In Advanced section, select Jumbo Frame,

      • In the Value field Value – select 9KB MTU s.

    c). Download xgvrd-kr260.xml into host machine. In sphinx GEV viewer application, set the downloaded xml file path in the GUI.

    d). In Sphinx host application, select Use filter Driver checkbox, and Grab checkbox to capture the frames from KR260 10GigE network.

Running the MV-Defect-Detect Application

Follow the below mentioned procedure to invoke the MV-Defect-Detect application: command line.

To view the mv-defect-detect output on the display, disable the alpha plane using below command.

modetest -D fd4a0000.display -s 43@41:1920x1080-60@BG24 -w 40:"alpha":0
modetest -D fd4a0000.display -s 43@41:1920x1080-60@BG24 -w 40:"g_alpha_en":0

Command Line

Use the command line to set the resolution, configuration file path and more, using the mv-defect-detect application.

More combinations could be made based on the options provided by the mv-defect-detect application.

Note: ‘demomode’ application option is not supported for File sink. It is only supported for live out.

MV-Defect-Detect Application Usage

mv-defect-detect --help


mv-defect-detect [OPTION?] - Application to detect the defect of Mango on Xilinx board.

Help Options:

  -?, --help                        Show help options

  --help-all                        Show all help options

  --help-gst                        Show GStreamer Options

Application Options:

-i, --infile=file path                                       Location of input file
-f, --outfile=file path                                      Location of output file
-w, --width=1920                                             Resolution width of the input
-h, --height=1080                                            Resolution height of the input
-o, --output=0                                               Display/dump stage on DP/File
-r, --framerate=60                                           Framerate of the input source
-d, --demomode=0                                             For Demo mode value must be 1
-c, --cfgpath=/opt/xilinx/xlnx-app-kr260-mv-defect-detect/share/vvas/    JSON config file path

The application is targeted to run an input source that supports GRAY8 (Y8) format with a resolution of 1920x1080.

Once done with the MV-Defect-Detect application, To switch to another accelerator application after mv-defect-detect application, first exit out of the docker container using exit, then unload the firmware by running the below command:

sudo xmutil unloadapp

Command Examples

Examples: Follow the below examples for different use cases of the above mentioned command options.

Note: Only one instance of the application can run at a time.

  • For File-In and File-Out mode, run the following command

Command Description
mv-defect-detect -i input.y8 -o 0 -f out_raw.y8 Raw output dumps into file.
mv-defect-detect -i input.y8 -o 1 -f out_preproc.y8 Pre-process output dumps into file.
mv-defect-detect -i input.y8 -o 2 -f out_final.y8 Final output dumps into file.

Note: File-In and File-Out demo mode is not supported.

  • For File-In and Display-Out mode, run the following command.

Command Description
mv-defect-detect -i input.y8 Raw output displays on DP. Input file path should change as per the requirement.
mv-defect-detect -i input.y8 -o 0 This command is same as above command. Raw output displays on DP. Input file path should change as per the requirement.
mv-defect-detect -i input.y8 -o 1 Preprocess output displays on DP. Input file path should change as per the requirement.
mv-defect-detect -i input.y8 -o 2 Final output displays on DP. Input file path should change as per the requirement.
  • For File-In and Display-Out demo mode, run the following command.

Command Description
mv-defect-detect -i input.y8 -d 1 Raw output displays on DP. Input file path should change as per the requirement.
mv-defect-detect -i input.y8 -o 0 -d 1 This command is same as above command. Raw output displays on DP. Input file path should change as per the requirement.
mv-defect-detect -i input.y8 -o 1 -d 1 Preprocess output displays on DP. Input file path should change as per the requirement.
mv-defect-detect -i input.y8 -o 2 -d 1 Final output displays on DP. Input file path should change as per the requirement.
  • For Live-In and File-Out mode, run the following command.

Command Description
mv-defect-detect -o 0 -f out_raw.y8 Raw output dumps into file.
mv-defect-detect -o 1 -f out_preproc.y8 Preprocess output dumps into file.
mv-defect-detect -o 2 -f out_final.y8 Final output dumps into file.

Note: Live-In and File-Out demo mode is not supported.

  • For Live-In and Display-Out mode, run the following command.

Command Description
mv-defect-detect -o 0 Raw output displays on DP.
mv-defect-detect -o 1 Preprocess output displays on DP.
mv-defect-detect -o 2 Final output displays on DP.
  • For Live-In and Display-Out mode, run the following command.

Command Description
mv-defect-detect -o 0 -d 1 Raw output displays on DP.
mv-defect-detect -o 1 -d 1 Preprocess output displays on DP.
mv-defect-detect -o 2 -d 1 Final output displays on DP.

Sensor Calibration for the Live Source

User can use v4l2 utilities to tune various sensor parameters, for example

v4l2-ctl -d /dev/v4l-subdev0 -c exposure=10000

v4l2-ctl -d /dev/v4l-subdev0 -c black_level=150

v4l2-ctl -d /dev/v4l-subdev0 -c gain=250

File Structure of the MV-Defect-Detect Application

The application is comprised of the following files:

Below files are present in app directory:


File name Description
bin/ contains the binaries for MV-Defect-Detect application
lib/ contains the shared libraries for MV-Defect-Detect application
share/vvas/ contains the configuration files for vvas accelerators
README_MV_DEFECT_DETECT contains the application information

Below files are present in bin directory:


File name Description
update_atable Application to create config file atable
update_eeprom Application to create config file eeprom
alloc_table.bin Data file used by update_atable application
zcip Zero configure network interface to configure IPv4
zcip.script Used for ZeroConf IPv4 link-local address (the "auto ip aliasing" feature)
xgvrd-kr260.xml xml containing the GenICam register description
gvrd Application executable
eeprom.bin Data file used by update_eeprom application
configure Script to configure media nodes & IP's in capture path
update_eeprom_wrapper Wrapper file to configure 10GigE pipeline
mv-defect-detect binary for mv-defect-detect application

Below files are present in lib directory:


File name Description contains the GigE Vision core firmware contains the symbolic link to contains the Symbolic link to vvas pre-process accelarator library vvas OTSU accelerator library vvas CCA accelerator library vvas text2overlay library

Below files are present in vvas directory:


File name Description
cca-accelerator.json Configuration of CCA accelerator
otsu-accelarator.json Configuration of OTSU accelerator
preprocess-accelarator.json Configuration of pre-process accelarator
preprocess-accelarator-stride.json Configuration of pre-process accelarator with stride
text2overlay.json Configuration of text2overlay

Next Steps

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