Creating a Vitis Platform


This tutorial shows how to build a Platform for applications running on the KR260 Robotics Starter Kit.


  • AMD Vitis™­ Unified Software Platform of the appropriate version

Accessing the Tutorial Reference Files

Note: Skip the following steps if the design files have already been cloned and extracted to a working repository.

  1. To access the reference files, type the following into a terminal:

    git clone --branch xlnx_rel_v2022.1 --recursive
  2. Navigate to the kria-vitis-platforms/kr260-vitis, which is the working directory.

Generating a Vitis Software Platform

  1. Go to the working directory.

    cd $working_dir/
  2. To build the platform, run the following command. The Makefile calls a lower-level Makefile to generate a platform. It also builds an XSA if it is not already available.

    make platform PFM=<platform_name>

    Applications and their corresponding platforms are listed in the following table.

Application Platform
ROS 2 Multi-Node Communications via TSN kr260_tsn_rs485pmod
10GigE Vision Camera - Defect Detect Not Available Publicly due to Propriety IP
ROS 2 Perception Node Not released publicly
Precision Time kr260_pmod_gps
BIST Not Available Publicly due to Propriety IP
  1. The generated platform is located here:


    The xpfm file in this directory is used as an input when building the Vitis application acceleration projects. It exposes all the essential platform interfaces like clock, interrupts, master AXI interfaces, and slave AXI interfaces, which allow the accelerator to connect to them.

Note: The software components (boot, smp_linux, and so on.) in this platform are empty. The software components are generated later when building PetaLinux.

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