Kria™ KV260 Vision AI Starter Kit AIBox-ReID Tutorial

Setting Up the Board and Application Deployment

Setting Up the Board and Application Deployment


This document shows how to set up the board and run the aibox-reid application.

This guide and its prebuilt are targeted for Ubuntu® 22.04 and AMD 2022.1 toolchain. The previous version of this application (on AMD 2021.1 toolchain) targeted to PetaLinux is still available online.

Booting up Linux

Before continuing with the aibox-reid application specific instructions, if not yet done so, boot Linux with instructions from the Kria Starter Kit Linux boot page.

NOTE: The AIBox application requires starting the application using command line through a universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART) instead of GNOME Desktop and recommends using a 4k monitor.

Application Specific Hardware Setup

Besides the hardware configurations required in the Kria Starter Kit Linux boot for booting Linux, the AIBox application requires a 4k monitor to display up to four channels of 1080p video.

Downloading and Loading Application Firmware

  1. Get the latest kv260-aibox-reid firmware package.

    • Search the package feed for packages compatible with KV260.

      ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo apt search xlnx-firmware-kv260
      Sorting... Done
      Full Text Search... Done
      xlnx-firmware-kv260-aibox-reid/jammy 0.1-0xlnx1 arm64 [installed]
      FPGA firmware for Xilinx boards - kv260 aibox-reid application
      xlnx-firmware-kv260-benchmark-b4096/jammy 0.1-0xlnx1 arm64
      FPGA firmware for Xilinx boards - kv260 benchmark-b4096 application
      xlnx-firmware-kv260-defect-detect/jammy 0.1-0xlnx1 arm64
      FPGA firmware for Xilinx boards - kv260 defect-detect application
      xlnx-firmware-kv260-nlp-smartvision/jammy,now 0.1-0xlnx1 arm64 
      FPGA firmware for Xilinx boards - kv260 nlp-smartvision application
      xlnx-firmware-kv260-smartcam/jammy 0.1-0xlnx1 arm64 
      FPGA firmware for Xilinx boards - kv260 smartcam application
    • Install the firmware binaries.

      sudo apt install xlnx-firmware-kv260-aibox-reid
  2. Dynamically load the application package.

    The firmware consists of a bitstream, device tree overlay (dtbo) file. The firmware is loaded dynamically on user request once Linux is fully booted. The xmutil utility can be used for that purpose.

    • Disable the desktop environment.

      sudo xmutil      desktop_disable

      NOTE: Executing “xmutil desktop_disable” will cause the monitor to go blank. Use the serial terminal to continue issuing Linux commands via port J4, and do not rely completely on the desktop environment.

      After running the application, the desktop environment can be enabled again with:

      sudo xmutil      desktop_enable
    • After installing the firmware, execute xmutil listapps to verify that it is captured under the listapps function and to have dfx-mgrd re-scan and register all accelerators in the firware directory tree.

      sudo xmutil listapps
    • If xmutil listapps reveals that there is already another accelerator being activated apart from the kv260-aibox-reid, unload it first.

      sudo xmutil unloadapp
    • When there is no other accelerator loaded, activate the kv260-aibox-reid.

      sudo xmutil      dp_unbind
      sudo xmutil      loadapp kv260-aibox-reid
      sudo xmutil      dp_bind

Docker Based Application Preparation

  • Pull the 2022.1 docker image for aibox-reid using the following command:

    docker pull xilinx/aibox-reid:2022.1
  • The storage volume on the SD card can be limited with multiple dockers. If there are space issues, you can use following command to remove the existing container:

    docker rmi --force <installed container>
    # example: docker rmi --force xilinx/aibox-reid:2022.1
  • You can find the images installed with the following command:

    docker images
  • Launch the docker using the following command:

    NOTE: The firmware must have been loaded before starting the docker container.

      docker run \
      --env="DISPLAY" \
      -h "xlnx-docker" \
      --env="XDG_SESSION_TYPE" \
      --net=host \
      --privileged \
      --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" \
      -v /tmp:/tmp \
      -v /dev:/dev \
      -v /sys:/sys \
      -v /etc/vart.conf:/etc/vart.conf \
      -v /lib/firmware/xilinx:/lib/firmware/xilinx \
      -v /run:/run \
      -it xilinx/aibox-reid:2022.1 bash

    It will launch the aibox-reid image in a new container.


Running the Application

Two Types of Input Sources

The AIBOX application is targeted to run with RTSP streams as the input source, but for convienience, video files as input are also supported.

Assume the RTSP or video file to be 1080P H264/H265 30FPS. The AIBOX application can adjust for other FPS with -r flag, but resolution must be 1080p.

  • RTSP source

    • IP Camera

      IP cameras normally have a configuration page to configure the RTSP stream related parameters. Refer to the manual of your camera, configure it to 1080P H264/H265 30FPS, and get the RTSP URL to be used as input parameter for the AIBox application. The URL is in the form of “rtsp://user:passwd@ip-address:port/name”.

    • VLC player

      Alternatively, you can use VLC in windows to set up the RTSP Streaming server. You must first turn off any firewalls (McAfee, etc.) and VPN, and make sure your windows machine is on the same subnet as the SOM board. In the folder with vlc.exe (typically C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC), do a shift-right click, and select “Open PowerShell window here”. In PowerShell window, enter the following:

      > .\vlc.exe -vvv path_to_a_mp4_file --sout '#rtp{dst=windows_ip_address,port=1234,sdp=rtsp://windows_ip_address/test.sdp}' --loop
  • File source

    To demonstrate the application in the case where no IP camera is available, a video source migth be played from a file on the SD card instead.

    You can download video files from the following links in MP4 format:

    Then you need to transcode it to the H264 file, which is the supported input format.

    ffmpeg -i input-video.mp4 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt nv12 -vf scale=1920:1080 -r 30 output.nv12.h264

    Finally, upload or copy these transcoded H264 files to the board, and place it somewhere under /tmp.

Interacting with the Application

There are two ways to interact with application: via Jupyuter notebook or command line.

Jupyter Notebook

  • You need to run following command to install the package shipped notebooks which reside in /opt/xilinx/kv260-aibox-reid/share/notebooks to the folder /root/notebooks/aibox-reid:


    This script also provides more options to install the notebook of current application to specified location.

        usage: aibox-reid-install [-h] [-d DIR] [-f]
        Script to copy aibox-reid Jupyter notebook to user directory
        optional arguments:
          -h, --help         show this help message and exit
          -d DIR, --dir DIR  Install the Jupyter notebook to the specified directory.
          -f, --force        Force to install the Jupyter notebook even if the destination directory exists.
  • Get the list of running Jupyter servers with the following command:

    $ jupyter-server list

    Output example:

    Currently running servers:

    http://ip:port/?token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :: /root/notebooks/aibox-reid

  • Stop the currently running server with the following command:

    $ jupyter-server stop 8888

  • To launch Jupyter notebook on the target, run the following command:

      jupyter-lab --notebook-dir=/root/notebooks/aibox-reid --allow-root --ip=ip-address &
      // fill in ip-address from ifconfig, eth0

    Output example:

    [I 2022-09-05 10:26:26.644 LabApp] JupyterLab extension loaded from /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/jupyterlab
    [I 2022-09-05 10:26:26.644 LabApp] JupyterLab application directory is /usr/local/share/jupyter/lab
    [I 2022-09-05 10:26:26.664 ServerApp] jupyterlab | extension was successfully loaded.
    [I 2022-09-05 10:26:26.683 ServerApp] nbclassic | extension was successfully loaded.
    [I 2022-09-05 10:26:26.685 ServerApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /root/notebooks/aibox-reid
    [I 2022-09-05 10:26:26.685 ServerApp] Jupyter Server 1.18.1 is running at:
    [I 2022-09-05 10:26:26.685 ServerApp]
    [I 2022-09-05 10:26:26.686 ServerApp]  or
    [I 2022-09-05 10:26:26.686 ServerApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
    [W 2022-09-05 10:26:26.702 ServerApp] No web browser found: could not locate runnable browser.
    [C 2022-09-05 10:26:26.703 ServerApp]
        To access the server, open this file in a browser:
        Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
  • You can access the server by opening the server URL from the previous steps with a Chrome browser.

    In the notebook, the GStreamer pipeline string is constructed; you can get it by adding simple python code to print it out and played with the gst-launch-1.0 command in the console, and there are some user options variables that can be changed and run with. For other parts of the pipeline, you can also change and play to see the effect easily.

Command Line

Alternatively, you can use command line on a serial port to use the aivox-reid application.


NOTE: Only one instance of the aibox-reid application can run at a time because it requires exclusive access to a DPU engine, and there is only one instance of DPU that exists in the aibox-reid platform.

Command Options

The examples show the capability of the aibox-reid for specific configurations. You can get more and detailed application options by invoking the following command:

aibox-reid --help


aibox-reid [OPTION?] - AI Application of pedestrian + reid + tracking for multi RTSP streams, on SoM board of Xilinx

   Help Options:

   -h, --help      Show help options

        --help-all                                       Show all help options
        --help-gst                                       Show GStreamer Options

   Application Options:

        -s, --src=[rtsp://server:port/id |file path]     URI of rtsp src, or location of h264|h265 video file. Must set. Can set up to four times
        -t, --srctype=[f|file, r|rtsp]                   Type of the input source: file (f)|rtsp (r). Optional. Can set up to four times.
        -e, --srcenc=[h264|h265]                         Encoding type of the input source. Optional and defaults to h264. Can set up to four times.
        -p, --pos=[0|1|2|3]                              Location of the display in the four grids of 4k monitor. Optional.
                                                         0: top left, 1: top right, 2: bottom left, 3: bottom right. Optional. Can set up to four times.
        -r, --framerate                                  Framerate of the input. Optional. Can set up to four times.
        -R, --report                                     Report fps

Files Structure

The application is installed as:

  • Binary File Directory: /opt/xilinx/kv260-aibox-reid/bin

Filename Description
aibox-reid main app
  • Configuration File Directory: /opt/xilinx/kv260-aibox-reid/share/vvas

Filename Description
ped_pp.json Config of preprocess for refinedet.
refinedet.json Config of refinedet.
crop.json Config of cropping for reid.
reid.json Config of reid.
draw_reid.json Config of final results drawing.
  • Configuration File Directory: /opt/xilinx/kv260-aibox-reid/share/vitis_ai_library/models

The model files integrated in the application using the B3136 DPU configuration.

Foldername Description
personreid-res18_pt Model files for reid
refinedet_pruned_0_96 Model files for refinedet
  • Jupyter Notebook Directory: /opt/xilinx/kv260-aibox-reid/share/notebooks

Filename Description
aibox-reid.ipynb Jupyter Notebook file for aibox-reid.

Next Steps

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