‘air’ Dialect

The air dialect is used to describe cooperating arrays of AIE cores and the bulk data movement between AIE cores and a memory hierarchy. Its primary features are collective operations for executing work on groups of AIE cores and multi-dimensional DMA copy operations.


A herd in the air dialect is a one or two dimensional array of adjacent AIE cores executing the same code region. A herd operation defines an iteration space representing the spatial parallelism of the array of cores. Code within a herd can directly access L1 memory but must use DMA operations or channels to access other levels of memory.


A segment in the air dialect represents a physically contiguous grouping of AIE cores, L1 and L2 memory resources, and controllers sufficient to implement the herds, memory allocations, data movement, and synchronization contained in the segment code region. Code within a segment can allocate L2 memory but must use DMA operations or channels to access other levels of memory. A segment can optionally define an iteration space which represents a spatial unroll of the segment. That is, it allows the segment to be “stamped out” multiple times, also multiplying the physical resources required by the segment.


A launch in the air dialect groups segments and L3 allocations that must be co-resident within a device when execution of the launch code region begins. A launch operation can optionally define a parallel iteration space.

Memory Hierarchy

There are three levels of memory in the air dialect:

  • L1 memory corresponds to the AIE tile memory.
  • L2 memory corresponds to pools of on-device memory such as of URAMs, memory tiles, or other memory resources.
  • L3 memory corresponds to off-chip memory such as DDR. Each memory space has an enum defined in the air::MemorySpace namespace.

DMA Memory Copies

The dma_memcpy_nd operation in air dialect describes asynchronous multi-dimensional copy operations between levels of memory.


A channel in the air dialect is a representation of data movement…

Asynchronous operations

Operations in air dialect can be asynchronous. An asynchronous token interface is provided to synchronize between operations.



air.channel (xilinx::air::ChannelOp)

Channel for data movement.


operation ::= `air.channel` $sym_name $size attr-dict

Operation to represent a channel as a point-to-point connection between two memrefs. The array following the channel name symbol represents the channel sizes. If each channel is broadcasting to multiple destinations, then the optional ‘broadcast_shape’ attribute annotates the output sizes after broadcasting.


air.channel @channel_0 [1, 1] {broadcast_shape = [1, 4]}

Interfaces: Symbol


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
size::mlir::ArrayAttr64-bit integer array attribute

air.channel.get (xilinx::air::ChannelGetOp)

Get for air channels.


operation ::= `air.channel.get` custom<AsyncDependencies>(type($async_token), $async_dependencies)
              $chan_name `[` ($indices^)? `]`
              `(` $dst `[` ($dst_offsets^)? `]``[` ($dst_sizes^)? `]``[` ($dst_strides^)? `]` `)` attr-dict `:`
              `(` type($dst) `)`

Experimental operation to represent copying from a channel to a memref.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments

Interfaces: air_AsyncOpInterface, air_ChannelInterface, air_MemcpyInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
chan_name::mlir::FlatSymbolRefAttrflat symbol reference attribute


Operand Description
async_dependencies variadic of async token type
indices variadic of index
dst ranked or unranked memref of any type values
dst_offsets variadic of index
dst_sizes variadic of index
dst_strides variadic of index


Result Description
async_token async token type

air.channel.put (xilinx::air::ChannelPutOp)

Push for air channels.


operation ::= `air.channel.put` custom<AsyncDependencies>(type($async_token), $async_dependencies)
              $chan_name `[` ($indices^)? `]`
              `(` $src `[` ($src_offsets^)? `]``[` ($src_sizes^)? `]``[` ($src_strides^)? `]` `)` attr-dict `:`
              `(` type($src) `)`

Experimental operation to represent copying data from a memref to a channel.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments

Interfaces: air_AsyncOpInterface, air_ChannelInterface, air_MemcpyInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
chan_name::mlir::FlatSymbolRefAttrflat symbol reference attribute


Operand Description
async_dependencies variadic of async token type
indices variadic of index
src ranked or unranked memref of any type values
src_offsets variadic of index
src_sizes variadic of index
src_strides variadic of index


Result Description
async_token async token type

air.custom (xilinx::air::CustomOp)

A handle to a user-customized op

A placeholder operation for a user-customized op. With user-specified latency value, AIR Runner is able to simulate the system-level performance with this op in place.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments

Interfaces: air_AsyncOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
symbol::mlir::SymbolRefAttrsymbol reference attribute


Operand Description
async_dependencies variadic of async token type
custom_operands variadic of any type


Result Description
async_token async token type

air.dma_memcpy_nd (xilinx::air::DmaMemcpyNdOp)

Dma operator


operation ::= `air.dma_memcpy_nd` custom<AsyncDependencies>(type($async_token), $async_dependencies)
              `(` $dst `[` ($dst_offsets^)? `]``[` ($dst_sizes^)? `]``[` ($dst_strides^)? `]` `,`
              $src `[` ($src_offsets^)? `]``[` ($src_sizes^)? `]``[` ($src_strides^)? `]` `)`  attr-dict `:`
              `(` type($dst) `,` type($src) `)`

dma operator

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments

Interfaces: air_AsyncOpInterface, air_MemcpyInterface


Operand Description
async_dependencies variadic of async token type
dst ranked or unranked memref of any type values
dst_offsets variadic of index
dst_sizes variadic of index
dst_strides variadic of index
src ranked or unranked memref of any type values
src_offsets variadic of index
src_sizes variadic of index
src_strides variadic of index


Result Description
async_token async token type

air.execute (xilinx::air::ExecuteOp)

Asynchronous code region


operation ::= `air.execute` (` ``[` $async_dependencies^ `]`)?
              (`->` `(` type($results)^ `)`)? regions attr-dict

Defines a code region to be dispatched asynchronously at runtime. All operations in the region must be executed sequentially.

Traits: SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<ExecuteTerminatorOp>, SingleBlock

Interfaces: air_AsyncOpInterface


Operand Description
async_dependencies variadic of async token type


Result Description
async_token async token type
results variadic of any type

air.execute_terminator (xilinx::air::ExecuteTerminatorOp)

Terminator for air execute.


operation ::= `air.execute_terminator` attr-dict ($results^ `:` type($results))?

A terminator operation for code regions that appear in the body of air.execute operation. The operation takes variable number of operands and produces no results. The operand number and types must match the signature of the air.execute that contains the operation.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, HasParent<ExecuteOp>, ReturnLike, Terminator

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


Operand Description
results variadic of any type

air.herd (xilinx::air::HerdOp)


Define and run a 1D or 2D array of tiles as an AIR Herd.

Traits: AffineScope, AttrSizedOperandSegments, IsolatedFromAbove, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<HerdTerminatorOp>, SingleBlock

Interfaces: air_AsyncOpInterface, air_HierarchyInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
link_with::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


Operand Description
async_dependencies variadic of async token type
sizes variadic of index
herd_operands variadic of any type


Result Description
async_token async token type

air.herd_terminator (xilinx::air::HerdTerminatorOp)

Terminator for air herd regions.


operation ::= `air.herd_terminator` attr-dict

A terminator operation for the body of air.herd operations. air.herd operations are not expected to return any value so the terminator takes no operands.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, HasParent<HerdOp>, Terminator

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

air.launch (xilinx::air::LaunchOp)



Traits: AffineScope, AttrSizedOperandSegments, IsolatedFromAbove, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<LaunchTerminatorOp>, SingleBlock

Interfaces: air_AsyncOpInterface, air_HierarchyInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


Operand Description
async_dependencies variadic of async token type
sizes variadic of index
launch_operands variadic of any type


Result Description
async_token async token type

air.launch_terminator (xilinx::air::LaunchTerminatorOp)

Terminator for air.launch.


operation ::= `air.launch_terminator` attr-dict

A terminator operation for the body of air.launch operations. air.launch operations are not expected to return any value so the terminator takes no operands.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, HasParent<LaunchOp>, Terminator

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

air.segment (xilinx::air::SegmentOp)



Traits: AffineScope, AttrSizedOperandSegments, IsolatedFromAbove, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<SegmentTerminatorOp>, SingleBlock

Interfaces: air_AsyncOpInterface, air_HierarchyInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


Operand Description
async_dependencies variadic of async token type
sizes variadic of index
segment_operands variadic of any type


Result Description
async_token async token type

air.segment_terminator (xilinx::air::SegmentTerminatorOp)

Terminator for air segment regions.


operation ::= `air.segment_terminator` attr-dict

A terminator operation for the body of air.segment operations. air.segment operations are not expected to return any value so the terminator takes no operands.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, HasParent<SegmentOp>, Terminator

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}

air.wait_all (xilinx::air::WaitAllOp)

Wait for all operator


operation ::= `air.wait_all` custom<AsyncDependencies>(type($async_token), $async_dependencies) attr-dict

Wait for all async tokens before preceding.

Interfaces: air_AsyncOpInterface


Operand Description
async_dependencies variadic of async token type


Result Description
async_token async token type

Type constraints

async token type



AIR Memory Space IDs


Symbol Value String
L1 2 L1
L2 1 L2
L3 0 L3