transform.air.copy_to_dma (transform::CopyToDmaOp)


operation ::= `transform.air.copy_to_dma` $target attr-dict

Transform a memref.copy operation into a air.dma_memcpy_nd operation. Returns the new air.dma_memcpy_nd operation.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


Operand Description
target PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *


Result Description
result PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *

transform.air.fuse_into_containing_op (transform::FuseIntoContainingMemrefOp)

Fuse a producer into a containing operation.


operation ::= `transform.air.fuse_into_containing_op` $producer_op `into` $containing_op attr-dict

Fuses the producer_op into the containing_op. Returns a handle to the fused ops.

The producer is a subview slice of a tiled op. This transform computes the accessed producer slice inside of the containing op (“tile and fuse”).

The containing op handle must be associated with exactly one payload op. The producer op handle may be associated with multiple payload ops. This transform fuses exactly one producer.

Return modes

If the producer could not be fused, this operation fails silently. This is the case when tiling fails or when the producer op has zero uses within the containing op. I.e., “producers” that are not consumed within the containing op are rejected by this operation.

This operation reads and frees the producer handle. This operation reads the containing op handle.

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


Operand Description
producer_op PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *
containing_op PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *


Result Description
fused_op PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *

transform.air.get_segment_for (transform::GetSegmentForOp)

Gets a handle to the parent ‘air.segment’ of the given operation


operation ::= `transform.air.get_segment_for` $target attr-dict

Produces a handle to the parent air.segment op for each payload IR operation associated with the operand. Fails if a segment cannot be found. The list of operations associated with the handle contains parent operations in the same order as the list associated with the operand, except for operations that are parents to more than one input which are only present once.

Traits: NavigationTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


Operand Description
target PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *


Result Description
parent PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *

transform.air.linalg_promote (transform::LinalgPromoteOp)


operation ::= `transform.air.linalg_promote` $target attr-dict

Promotes the specified operands of the target into a separate memory buffer using the mlir::linalg::promoteSubViews utility.

This operation applies to Linalg ops that satisfy the mlir::linalg::promoteSubviewsPrecondition, otherwise it fails.

When successful, several optimization passes are run on the resulting IR. The return handle points to the target operation that was modified inplace.

The operation accepts as attributes the fields in mlir::linalg::LinalgPromotionOptions. In addition the memory space in allocated buffers can be specified with with the memory_space attribute as “L1”, “L2” or “L3”. The default memory space is L1.


%0 = transform.structured.match ops{["linalg.matmul"]} in %code  : (!pdl.operation) -> !pdl.operation
%1 = transform.air.linalg_promote %0 {memory_space="L2", operands_to_promote=[0]}

The group_size attribute is used to apply promotion to multiple linalg ops. When group_size=N, the operands_to_promote attribute refers to N payload operations at a time and the operand indices apply to the operands of the N operations in the order they appear in the target handle.

For example,

%m = transform.structured.match ops{["linalg.matmul"]} in %f : (!pdl.operation) -> !pdl.operation
%f = transform.structured.match ops{["linalg.fill"]} in %f : (!pdl.operation) -> !pdl.operation
%h = transform.merge_handles %f, %m : !pdl.operation
// promote the input of the fill operation and the output of the matmul operation to L1 memory
transform.air.linalg_promote %h {"group_size"=2, "operands_to_promote"=[1,4], "memory_space"="L1"}

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
operands_to_promote::mlir::ArrayAttr64-bit integer array attribute
group_size::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
use_full_tile_buffers::mlir::ArrayAttr1-bit boolean array attribute
use_full_tiles_by_default::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
use_alloca::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
alignment::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
memory_space::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


Operand Description
target PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *


Result Description
transformed PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *

transform.air.linalg_tile (transform::LinalgTileOp)

Tile a linalg operation with the given sizes. Optionally apply an interchange of the resulting loops. The new linalg operantion and all generated loops are returned. Tiling is performed with the linalg::LinalgTilingLoopType::ParallelLoops so that scf.parallel loops are generated whenever possible.

This is a variant of transform.structured.tile.

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
static_sizes::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
interchange::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute


Operand Description
target PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *
dynamic_sizes variadic of PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *


Result Description
tiled_linalg_op PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *
loops variadic of PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *

transform.air.par_to_herd (transform::ParToHerdOp)


operation ::= `transform.air.par_to_herd` $target attr-dict

Transform a scf.parallel operation into a air.herd operation. If the scf.parallel operation has more than two dimensions, then only the last two are used and a new scf.parallel is created outside of the herd. Returns the new air.herd operation.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
first_dim::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute


Operand Description
target PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *


Result Description
result PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *

transform.air.par_to_launch (transform::ParToLaunchOp)


operation ::= `transform.air.par_to_launch` $target attr-dict

Transform a scf.parallel operation into a air.launch operation. Returns the new air.launch operation.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
has_air_segment::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute


Operand Description
target PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *


Result Description
result PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *

transform.air.par_to_segment (transform::ParToSegmentOp)


operation ::= `transform.air.par_to_segment` $target attr-dict

Transform a scf.parallel operation into a air.segment operation. Returns the new air.segment operation.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
has_air_segment::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute


Operand Description
target PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *


Result Description
result PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *

transform.air.pipeline_reduce (transform::PipelineReduceOp)


operation ::= `transform.air.pipeline_reduce` $target attr-dict


Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
tile_size::mlir::ArrayAttr64-bit integer array attribute
pipeline_depth::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
direction::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
promote::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


Operand Description
target PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *


Result Description
result PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *

transform.air.segment_to_aie (transform::SegmentToAIEOp)


operation ::= `transform.air.segment_to_aie` $target attr-dict

Lower air.segment operations to mlir-aie modules.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


Operand Description
target PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *


Result Description
transformed PDL handle to an mlir::Operation *