4.5. Build the PetaLinux Image

4.5.1. Prerequisites

  • PetaLinux Tools 2022.2

  • Linux host machine

4.5.2. Build Flow Tutorial

Clone the Reference Design Files:

Skip this step if the design has already been cloned and extracted to a working directory

  1. Clone the VCK190 PCIe TRD repository using the following command

    git clone --branch 2022.2 --recursive https://github.com/Xilinx/vck190-pcie-trd.git

The directory structure is described in the Introduction Section.

Generate PetaLinux Image

Petalinux build flow has dependecy on artifacts from Vitis platform and overlay. Complete the build steps listed in the below sections before generating a bootable petalinux image.

The xsa and xclbin binaries produced from the previous step are consumed by petalinux during the image creation step.

  1. Source the PetaLinux tool settings.sh script.

  2. Create a bootable SD card image:

    make sdcard PFM=vck190_mipiRxSingle_hdmiTx OVERLAY=filter2d

The resulting build artifacts will be available in the images/linux/ folder. The following is a list of important output files:

  • binary_container_1.xclbin: This is the kernel meta data file used by XRT

  • BOOT.BIN: This is the boot image which includes:

    • Platform Loader and Manager (PLM)

    • PS Management (PSM) firmware

    • Platform Device Image (PDI)

    • ARM trusted firmware

    • u-boot

    • Device tree blob

    • Merged AI Engine application and configuration data object (CDO) file

  • boot.scr: A u-boot boot script

  • Image: Linux kernel image

  • ramdisk.cpio.gz.u-boot: Initial filesystem in ramdisk

  • rootfs.tar.gz: Compressed root file system tar ball

  • petalinux-sdimage.wic.xz: Compressed SD card image file in wic format

The SD card image is now ready to be used to boot the device into Linux, see Section Run the Prebuilt Image for details.

Note: To generate the SD card image for XVDPU kernel, create a copy of generated filter2d SD card image file, clean the petalinux project tmp space, and repeat the steps by replacing filter2d with xvdpu in the make command. Steps to Custom configure a PetaLinux project and build

User can configure BSP with custom XSA file, refer to the steps provided in


4.5.3. Reference

Petalinux Tools Documentation


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