Card Management


The Xilinx Video SDK builds on the Xilinx Runtime (XRT) and the Xilinx Resource Manager (XRM) to interface with Xilinx video acceleration cards. The Xilinx Video SDK includes the xbutil, xbmgmt and xrmadm command line tools for card installation, upgrade, and management.

xbutil and xbmgmt

The Xilinx® Board Utility (xbutil) and the Xilinx® Board Management Utility (xbmgmt) are standalone command line tools used to query and administer Xilinx acceleration cards such as the Alveo U30.

  • xbutil is used to examine, identify, program, and validate the installed accelerator card(s).

  • xbmgmt is used to flash the card firmware, examine devices, and administer the installed accelerator card(s). Running this command requires sudo privileges.


The xbmgmt tool is not supported on Amazon EC2 VT1 instances.

The xbutil and xbmgmt commands typically target one device at a time using a PCIe BDF (Bus:Device.Function) identifier. Each device has two BDFs: a User BDF and a Management BDF. The BDF notation works as follows:

  • PCI Domain number, often padded using leading zeros to four digits

  • A colon (:)

  • PCI Bus number in hexadecimal, often padded using a leading zeros to two or four digits

  • A colon (:)

  • PCI Device number in hexadecimal, often padded using a leading zero to two digits . Sometimes this is also referred to as the slot number.

  • A decimal point (.)

  • PCI Function number in hexadecimal. Only this last digit will differ between the User BDF and the Management BDF.

The xbutil command expects the User BDF of the targeted device while the xbmgmt command expects the Management BDF of the targeted device.

xrmadm and xrmd

The Xilinx® FPGA resource manager (XRM) is the software which manages the hardware accelerators available in the system. The XRM daemon (xrmd) is a background process supporting reservation, allocation, and release of hardware acceleration resources. The XRM xrmadm command line tool is used to interact with the XRM daemon (xrmd) in order to check status and generate resource utilization reports.

For more details about the XRM commands specific to the Xilinx Video SDK refer to the XRM Command Reference Guide.

Card and Device Identifiers

Device User BDF

The list of all installed Xilinx devices, including their User BDF is obtained with the xbutil examine command.

For example, the command below detected 4 devices and lists the Management BDF for each of them:

$ xbutil examine


Devices present
  [0000:e3:00.1] : xilinx_u30_gen3x4_base_2
  [0000:e2:00.1] : xilinx_u30_gen3x4_base_2
  [0000:22:00.1] : xilinx_u30_gen3x4_base_2
  [0000:21:00.1] : xilinx_u30_gen3x4_base_2

The last device listed has a User BDF of 0000:21:00.1, which describes Domain 0, Bus 21, Device 00, Function 1.

Device Management BDF

The list of all installed Xilinx devices, including their Management BDF is obtained with the xbmgmt examine command.

For example, the command below detected 4 devices and lists the Management BDF for each of them:

$ xbmgmt examine


Devices present
  [0000:e3:00.0] : xilinx_u30_gen3x4_base_2
  [0000:e2:00.0] : xilinx_u30_gen3x4_base_2
  [0000:22:00.0] : xilinx_u30_gen3x4_base_2
  [0000:21:00.0] : xilinx_u30_gen3x4_base_2

The last device listed has a Management BDF of 0000:21:00.0, which describes Domain 0, Bus 21, Device 00, Function 0.

Note that only the last digit (PCI Function) will differ between the User BDF and the Management BDF.

Device renderID

You can look-up the renderID of a device by using its User BDF and running the following command:

ls /sys/bus/pci/devices/<Domain>\:<Bus>\:<Device>.<Function>/drm

NOTE: The colons of the BDF identifier must be separated by a backslash.


  • Assuming a device with User BDF 0000:e3:00.1:

    $ ls /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:e3\:00.1/drm
    card4  renderD131
  • The renderID of this device is 131

Device xclmgmtID

You can look-up the xclmgmtID of a device by using its Management BDF and running the following command:

cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/<Domain>\:<Bus>\:<Device>.<Function>/instance

NOTE: The colons of the BDF identifier must be separated by a backslash.


  • Assuming a device with Management BDF 0000:e3:00.0:

    $ cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:e3\:00.0/instance
  • The xclmgmtID of this device is 58112

Card Serial Number

You can look-up the serial number of a card by using the User BDF of a device located on the card and running the following command:

cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/<Domain>\:<Bus>\:<Device>.<Function>/xmc.u.<xxx>/serial_num

NOTE: The colons of the BDF identifier must be separated by a backslash and <xxx> is an integer number unique to each device.


  • Assuming a device with BDF 0000:e3:00.1:

    $ cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:e3\:00.1/xmc.u.19922947/serial_num
  • The serial number of the card on which this device is located XFL1RT5PHT31

Checking System Status

The xbutil examine commands provides useful details about your environment and can be used to ensure that your cards and devices are properly detected. In the example below, four devices are found and usable:

$ xbutil examine

System Configuration
  OS Name              : Linux
  Release              : 5.4.0-050400-generic
  Version              : #201911242031 SMP Mon Nov 25 01:35:10 UTC 2019
  Machine              : x86_64
  CPU Cores            : 32
  Memory               : 64078 MB
  Distribution         : Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
  GLIBC                : 2.27
  Model                : PowerEdge R7525

  Version              : 2.10.43
  Branch               : u30
  Hash                 : 41f6054b2c19619ceceb07bf7b662e5003388d89
  Hash Date            : 2021-05-11 09:17:17
  XOCL                 : 2.10.43, 41f6054b2c19619ceceb07bf7b662e5003388d89
  XCLMGMT              : 2.10.43, 41f6054b2c19619ceceb07bf7b662e5003388d89

Devices present
  [0000:e3:00.1] : xilinx_u30_gen3x4_base_2
  [0000:e2:00.1] : xilinx_u30_gen3x4_base_2
  [0000:22:00.1] : xilinx_u30_gen3x4_base_2
  [0000:21:00.1] : xilinx_u30_gen3x4_base_2

Checking Device Status

The xbutil examine -d <User BDF> --report <type> commands provides additional details about the status of each Xilinx device installed.

The –report (or -r) switch is used to view specific report(s) of interest from the following options:

  • electrical: Reports Electrical and power sensors present on the device

  • firewall: Reports the current firewall status

  • host: Reports the host configuration and drivers

  • mailbox: Mailbox metrics of the device

  • memory: Reports memory topology of the XCLBIN (if XCLBIN is already loaded)

  • pcie-info: PCIe information of the device

  • platform: Platforms flashed on the device

  • thermal: Reports thermal sensors present on the device

These reports can also be generated in a JSON file by adding --format JSON -o <filename> to the xbutil examine command.

Example of thermal and electrical reports for the device with User BDF 0000:e3:00.1:

$ xbutil examine -d e3:00.1 --report thermal electrical

1/1 [0000:e3:00.1] : xilinx_u30_gen3x4_base_2
  PCB Top Front          : 32 C
  PCB Top Rear           : 34 C
  FPGA                   : 37 C

  Max Power              : 75 Watts
  Power                  : 15.156126 Watts
  Power Warning          : false

  Power Rails            : Voltage   Current
  12 Volts PCI Express   : 12.203 V,  1.242 A
  Internal FPGA Vcc      :  0.852 V, 10.063 A
  DDR Vpp Top            :  2.493 V
  Vcc 1.2 Volts Top      :  1.211 V
  1.8 Volts Top          :  1.803 V
  0.9 Volts Vcc          :  0.898 V
  Mgt Vtt                :  1.217 V
  3.3 Volts Vcc          :  3.321 V
  0.9 Volts Vcc Vcu      :  0.900 V

Running Device Self-Test

The xbutil validate command can be used to check and validate the health of the devices on your Alveo U30 cards by executing a special built-in test. In order to run this command, the XRM daemon must first be stopped, otherwise the test will error with xclbin on card is in use and failed to load xclbin messages.

  1. List the User BDFs of each of the devices on all the Alveo U30 cards installed in your system:

    xbutil examine
  2. Stop the XRM daemon:

    sudo /opt/xilinx/xrm/tools/
  3. For each of the devices, run the self-checking test:

    xbutil validate --device <User BDF>
  4. After all tests have been run, restart the XRM daemon and reload the environment:

    sudo /opt/xilinx/xrm/tools/
    source /opt/xilinx/xcdr/

Checking Resource Utilization

The XRM and card management tools provide methods to estimate CU requirements and check current device load. Refer to the Managing Resource Management section of the Job and Resource Management guide pto more details about this topic.

Mapping Devices to Cards

Knowing which devices are on which card is useful to selectively reset or recover a card. This is done by mapping the BDFs of the devices to the serial number of the cards as explained in the instructions below:

  1. List the User BDFs of each of the devices on all the Alveo U30 cards installed in your system:

    xbutil examine
  2. For each User BDF, look-up the corresponding serial number:

    cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/<Domain>\:<Bus>\:<Device>.<Function>/xmc.u.<xxx>/serial_num

    The colons of the BDF identifier must be separated by a backslash and <xxx> is an integer number unique to each device. For example, for the device with BDF 0000:e3:00.1:

    $ cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:e3\:00.1/xmc.u.19922947/serial_num
  3. Note the serial number associated with each BDF. Two devices with the same serial number are on the same card.

Resetting a Card


This action is only available on-premises and is not supported on Amazon EC2 VT1 instances.

Resetting an Alveo U30 card is done with the xbutil reset --device <BDF> command, where BDF identifies one of the two devices on the card to be reset. If you need to identify which two devices are on a given card in order reset only these two devices, refer to the device-to-card mapping instructions.


  • The command will reset the device specified with the User BDF as well as all other devices present on the same Xilinx card. It is not possible to reset only one device.

  • Since xbutil reset resets all devices of a given card, Xilinx recommends against assigning a single device to a containerized application.

  • xbutil reset will not work within containers or virtual machines when the management functions are not opened to the user.

  1. Verify that all jobs running on both devices of the card can be safely interrupted.

  2. List the User BDFs of each of the devices on all the Alveo U30 cards installed in your system:

    xbutil examine
  3. Reset one of the two devices on the card which needs to be reset. This command will reset both devices on that card, not just the specified device:

    xbutil reset --device <BDF>
  4. The resetted cards and devices will not be readily usable. The hardware binaries must be reloaded on the devices before running new jobs:

    source /opt/xilinx/xcdr/

Recovering a Card


This action is only available on-premises and is not supported on Amazon EC2 VT1 instances.

In the event that your card has become corrupted and that a reset is not sufficient, you will need to recover it. This is normally be done in-band via a set of simple commands. Should the card’s flash devices become corrupted to the point where it is no longer detected by PCIe, out-of-band recovery with a JTAG cable may be required.

Standard Recovery Flow


The instructions below assume that you are trying to recover a system which was flashed with release 0.96.0 or newer. If this is not the case, contact Xilinx.

  1. Set up your environment:

    source /opt/xilinx/xrt/
  2. List the Management BDF of your devices:

    sudo /opt/xilinx/xrt/bin/xbmgmt examine

    NOTE: There are two devices per Alveo U30 card. If you want to identify which two devices are on a given card in order recover only these two devices, refer to the device-to-card mapping instructions.

  3. For each device which needs to be recovered, run the following command to flash it with the golden image:

    sudo /opt/xilinx/xrt/bin/xbmgmt program --revert-to-golden --device <BDF>

    NOTE: You may receive an error indicating Factory reset not supported. No Golden image found on flash.. This indicates the golden image must first be reflashed by following these instructions: reflashing the golden image.

  4. Cold boot the machine when all desired devices have been reverted to factory settings.

Advanced Recovery Flow

Should there be an issue with the standard in-band recovery process, it is still possible to recover the card using out-of-band methods. Please contact Xilinx for more details.