5. Build the Vivado Design

5.1. Prerequisites

  • Reference Design zip file

  • Vivado Design Suite 2020.2

5.2. Build Flow Tutorial


You can skip this tutorial and move straight to the next tutorial if desired. A pre-built XSA file is provided at $working_dir/vmk180_trd_platform1_2020.2/platform/vmk180_trd_platform1/hw/vmk180_trd_platform1.xsa

Download Reference Design Files:

Skip the following steps if the design zip file has already been downloaded and extracted to a working directory

  1. Download the VMK180 Targeted Reference Design ZIP file

  2. Unzip Contents

The directory structure is described in the Introduction Section

Generate Device Image and XSA:

  1. Enable Versal device support

    To enable Versal device support, you need to create two tcl initialization scripts, one for Vivado and one for HLS. Add the following line to each of the tcl scripts:

    enable_beta_device *

    The initialization tcl script for Vivado shall be placed at:

    • Linux: $HOME/.Xilinx/Vivado/Vivado_init.tcl

    • Windows: %APPDATA%/Roaming/Xilinx/Vivado/Vivado_init.tcl

    Similarly, the initialization tcl script for HLS shall be placed at:

    • Linux: $HOME/.Xilinx/HLS_init.tcl

    • Windows: %APPDATA%/Roaming/Xilinx/HLS_init.tcl

  2. Open the Vivado GUI.

    On Linux, at the command prompt enter:

    cd $working_dir/vmk180_trd_platform1_2020.2/vivado
    vivado -source scripts/main.tcl

    A Vivado cockpit as shown below will open with vmk180_trd_platform1 project populated.

    Vivado cockpit
  3. In the Flow Navigator pane on the left-hand side under IP Integrator, click on Open Block Design. An IP Integrator (IPI) block design (vmk180_trd_platform.bd) becomes visible that contains the Control, Interface and Processing System (CIPS) IP, NOC IP, AXI Performace Monitors (APM), MIPI CSI capture pipeline and HDMI Tx display pipeline.

    IPI Block Design
  4. To view the Platform interfaces that are enabled for Vitis compiler to stitch in accelerators, on the tool bar at the top click on Window > Platform Interfaces. Platform interfaces are enabled under the following IPs

    • clk_wiz: Clocks used to drive clock inputs on the accelerator.

    • smartconnect_gp2: AXI Memory Mapped master ports to drive the accelerator control port.

    • smartconnect_accel: AXI Memory Mapped slave ports driven by the accelerator data port.


    For more information on how to setup Platform Interfaces refer to Section - Configuring Platform Interface Properties in https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx2020_1/ug1393-vitis-application-acceleration.pdf

  5. In the Flow Navigator pane on the left-hand side under Program and Debug, click on Generate Device Image. The device image (pdi) for the design will be generated and available at $working_dir/vmk180_trd_platform1_2020.2/vivado/project/vmk180_trd_platform1.runs/impl_1/vmk180_trd_platform1_wrapper.pdi.

  6. After Device Image Generation completes successfully a window pops up. Click on Cancel

    Open Implemented Design
  7. To create the XSA, on the Tcl Console type the following command.

    write_hw_platform -force -include_bit -file ./project/vmk180_trd_platform.sdk/vmk180_trd_platform1.xsa

    The file vmk180_trd_platform1.xsa will be available in $working_dir/vmk180_trd_platform1_2020.2/vivado/project/vmk180_trd_platform1.sdk. It will be used as an input when building the Vitis Platform.

5.3. Resource Utlization

A Summary and statics of Resource utlization for the platform is shown below.

Utlization Summary Utlization Summary