Vector Add lab Using the Command Line


This lab guides you through the steps involved in creating your first Vitis project targeting both the AI Engine and the Adaptable Engine using the command line interface. You will be implementing a very simple adder kernel in the AI Engine and a few data movers on the Adaptable Engine. You will simulate and emulate the project. Finally, you will run the lab on real hardware.


For more details on the Vitis CLI check out Compile using v++.

Objectives of this lab

After completing this lab, you will learn to:


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Clone repo

Follow these steps to get the source code for this tutorial, Get Source Code

Check the Environment

  1. Verify that the tools and VCK5000 platform are setup correctly here

  2. Additionally, run the following code in a command line to check that the tools are installed.

which vitis
which aiecompiler

Compile the Vector Add code for x86sim

We are going to compile the AI Engine kernel and run software emulation to verify code correctness.

  1. Go to the directory with the AIE code

    cd $HOME/xup_aie_training/sources/vadd_lab/aie
  2. Analyze the source code using your code editor of choice

    code src/
  3. Analyze the Makefile

    code Makefile

    The Makefile will drive the compilation of the AIE code.

  4. Run the compilation, in the CLI run:

    make TARGET=x86sim

    Learn more about the aiecompiler options here

  5. Once the compilation finishes, run the x86sim simulation

    make sim TARGET=x86sim

    Software emulation (x86 Simulation) uses the files in the data folder as stimuli. We will get an output file with the results.

  6. The Console will show the following message:

    x86simulator --pkg-dir=./Work --i=.. 
    INFO: Reading options file './Work/options/x86sim.options'.
    AI Engine results match golden result
    Simulation completed successfully returning zero

    This runs a functional simulation, where you have a chance to check that the code is working correctly.

Compile the Vector Add code for hw and run emulation

This is still a software emulation (AIE Simulation), however the simulation takes into account the actual AI Engine array architecture. The AIE Simulation also uses files as input/outputs.

  1. Run the compilation, in the CLI run:


    By default, the compilation target is hw

  2. Once the compilation finishes, run the aieemu simulation

    make sim

    The emulation takes around 4-5 minutes.

  3. Compare the results

    diff data/golden.txt <(grep -v T build.hw/aiesimulator_output/output.txt | sed "s/^[ \t]*//"  | sed "s/[ ^t]*$//")

    The command above compares the golden reference with the output of the emulation. The sed commands remove time information from the emulation file.

  4. Visualize the graph

    vitis_analyzer build.hw/work/graph.aiecompile_summary

Build Design for Hardware and Run

  1. Navigate to the vadd_lab root folder.

    cd $HOME/xup_aie_training/sources/vadd_lab/
  2. Build design for hardware


    This may take around 80 minutes and it will generate the vadd.xclbin and vadd.exe files

  3. Run in hardware

    cd $HOME/xup_aie_training/sources/vadd_lab/vadd
    ./vadd.exe ../build.hw/vadd.xclbin
  4. Alternatively, you can run in hardware using the Python script

    cd $HOME/xup_aie_training/sources/vadd_lab/vadd
    python3 --xclbin ../build.hw/vadd.xclbin

Assignments for the Reader

The following assignments are optional, however they will help deepen your knowledge about the AIE programming model. No solution is provided for these assignments.

  1. By default the graph instantiates the vadd_stream kernel. However, you can also instantiate the vadd_window kernel by commenting line 11. Comment line 11, recompile the graph and rerun the AIE. What differences do you notice in the graph?

  2. Make the necessary changes to include both vadd_stream and vadd_window kernels in the simpleGraph

    Note that the text files used as stimuli cannot be reused

  3. Change the plio bitwidth in the input_plio::create() to either plio_64_bits or plio_128_bits. What changes do you notice? Is it necessary to make any other changes?

    Note that the text files used as stimuli need to be regenerated to match the plio bitwidth, the write_file function on the Python file supports this

If you are attending an in-person tutorial, you can request support from your instructor. Otherwise, open a GitHub issue


In this lab, you used Vitis command line to create a vector add running on the AI Engine. You ran both x86 and AIE simulation.

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