Alveo Debug Guide

SC Troubleshooting

This can help to determine if any communication break has happened in the SC <-> CMC path. It is part of the larger Alveo debug guide. If you are just starting to debug please consult main page.

This Page Covers

This page covers issues observed when running the xbmgmt examine and xbutil examine commands and which can be related to SC issues.

You Will Need

Before beginning debug, you need to:

Common Cases

Partition displayed under Flashable partition running on FPGA and Flashable partitions installed in system are identical.

When the platform has been installed correctly, the partition and SC version running on the FPGA and installed on the system will be identical.  The installed partitions can be displayed using the xbmgmt examine -r platform command.  An example output is shown below.

[0000:3b:00.0] : xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_base_3
Flash properties
 Type                 : spi
 Serial Number        : 

Device properties
 Type                 : u55c
 Name                 : ALVEO U55C
 Config Mode          : 0x7
 Max Power            : 225W

Flashable partitions running on FPGA
 Platform             : xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_base_3
 SC Version           : 7.1.22
 Platform UUID        : 97088961-FEAE-DA91-52A2-1D9DFD63CCEF
 Interface UUID       : B7AC1ABE-1E3E-1CB6-86D5-A81232452676

Flashable partitions installed in system
 Platform             : xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_base_3
 SC Version           : 7.1.22
 Platform UUID        : 97088961-FEAE-DA91-52A2-1D9DFD63CCEF

 Mac Address          : 00:0A:35:08:8C:AD
                      : 00:0A:35:08:8C:AE
                      : 00:0A:35:08:8C:AF
                      : 00:0A:35:08:8C:B0
                      : 00:0A:35:08:8C:B1
                      : 00:0A:35:08:8C:B2
                      : 00:0A:35:08:8C:B3
                      : 00:0A:35:08:8C:B4

Next step:

  • None, this is expected output

XMC not loaded

If xbmgmt examine -d <BDF> command returns XMC not loaded error as shown below, there is communication break between XRT and the CMC.

[0000:01:00.0] : xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_base_3
ERROR: Failed to detect XMC, xmc.bin not loaded
ERROR: Failed to detect XMC, xmc.bin not loaded
Flash properties
  Type                 : spi
  Serial Number        : N/A
Device properties
  Type                 : N/A
  Name                 : N/A
  Config Mode          : 0x1175d80
  Max Power            : N/A

Flashable partitions running on FPGA
  Platform             : xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_base_3
  SC Version           : 7.1.22
  Platform UUID        : 97088961-FEAE-DA91-52A2-1D9DFD63CCEF
  Interface UUID       : B7AC1ABE-1E3E-1CB6-86D5-A81232452676

Flashable partitions installed in system
  Platform             : xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_base_3
  SC Version           : 7.1.22
  Platform UUID        : 97088961-FEAE-DA91-52A2-1D9DFD63CCEF

Next steps:

SC is not ready

If xbmgmt examine -d <BDF> command returns SC is not ready error as shown below, there is communication break between the SC and the CMC.

[0000:1a:00.0] : xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_base_3
ERROR: SC is not ready: 0x0(NOT READY)
ERROR: SC is not ready: 0x0(NOT READY)
Flash properties
 Type                 : spi
 Serial Number        : N/A

Device properties
 Type                 : u55c
 Name                 : N/A
 Config Mode          : 0x154d060

Flashable partitions running on FPGA
 Platform             : xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_base_3
 SC Version           : N/A
 Platform UUID        : 97088961-FEAE-DA91-52A2-1D9DFD63CCEF
 Interface UUID       : B7AC1ABE-1E3E-1CB6-86D5-A81232452676

Flashable partitions installed in system
 Platform             : xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_base_3
 SC Version           : 7.1.22
 Platform UUID        : 97088961-FEAE-DA91-52A2-1D9DFD63CCEF

Next steps:

  • Cold boot the system

  • Perform xbmgmt examine -d <BDF>

  • If issue persists

    • Pull power to the system

    • Perform xbmgmt examine -d <BDF>

  • If issue persists

  • If these steps do not resolve the issue look on the Xilinx forums

SC only displays two digits

If xbmgmt examine -r platform command returns different number of digits of between the SC versions for Flashable partition running on FPGA, and Flashable partitions installed in system, there is a break in communication between XRT and the CMC.

[0000:04:00.0] : xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_base_5
Flash properties
 Type                 : spi
 Serial Number        : 

Device properties
 Type                 : u50
 Name                 : ALVEO U50 PQ
 Config Mode          : 7
 Max Power            : 75W

Flashable partitions running on FPGA
 Platform             : xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_base_5
 SC Version           : 5.0
 Platform UUID        : 44654095-25B4-C06A-EC6D-0B479D3FEBE8
 Interface UUID       : 16E2362F-82D2-FEAB-3552-9DA27134B76D

Flashable partitions installed in system
 Platform             : xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_base_5
 SC Version           : 5.2.20
 Platform UUID        : 44654095-25B4-C06A-EC6D-0B479D3FEBE8

 Mac Address          : 00:0A:35:06:6E:96
                      : 00:0A:35:06:6E:97
                      : 00:0A:35:06:6E:98
                      : 00:0A:35:06:6E:99

WARNING  : SC image on the device is not up-to-date.

Next steps:

  • Reinstall the platforms

  • Perform xbmgmt examine -r platform

  • Flash the satellite controller with the version installed on the system: xbmgmt program --base --device <management BDF>

  • If these steps do not resolve the issue look on the Xilinx forums

SC versions do not match

If xbmgmt examine -r platform command returns different SC version displayed under Flashable partition running on FPGA, and Flashable partitions installed in system sections as shown below, the card has not been flashed to the SC version used by in the system. Both need to use the same SC version.

[0000:3b:00.0] : xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_base_3
Flash properties
  Type                 : spi
  Serial Number        : 

Device properties
  Type                 : u55c
  Name                 : ALVEO U55C
  Config Mode          : 0x7
  Max Power            : 225W

Flashable partitions running on FPGA
  Platform             : xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_base_3
  SC Version           : 7.1.17
  Platform UUID        : 97088961-FEAE-DA91-52A2-1D9DFD63CCEF
  Interface UUID       : B7AC1ABE-1E3E-1CB6-86D5-A81232452676

Flashable partitions installed in system
  Platform             : xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_base_3
  SC Version           : 7.1.22
  Platform UUID        : 97088961-FEAE-DA91-52A2-1D9DFD63CCEF

  Mac Address          : 00:0A:35:08:8C:AD
                       : 00:0A:35:08:8C:AE
                       : 00:0A:35:08:8C:AF
                       : 00:0A:35:08:8C:B0
                       : 00:0A:35:08:8C:B1
                       : 00:0A:35:08:8C:B2
                       : 00:0A:35:08:8C:B3
                       : 00:0A:35:08:8C:B4

WARNING  : SC image on the device is not up-to-date.

Next steps:

GOLDEN partition running on FPGA

When xbmgmt examine -r platform command returns GOLDEN under Flashable partition running on FPGA as shown below, the card is fresh from the factory or the has been returned to factory state. The partition displayed under Flashable partitions installed in system shows only the partitions available on the system.

[0000:5e:00.0] : xilinx_u50_GOLDEN
Warning: Device is not ready - Limited functionality available with XRT tools.
Flash properties
 Type                 : spi
 Serial Number        : N/A

Device properties
 Type                 : u50
 Name                 : N/A
 Config Mode          : 0x130d3a00

Flashable partitions running on FPGA
 Platform             : xilinx_u50_GOLDEN_9
 SC Version           : INACTIVE
 Platform ID          : N/A

Flashable partitions installed in system
 Platform             : xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_base_5
 SC Version           : 5.2.20
 Platform UUID        : 44654095-25B4-C06A-EC6D-0B479D3FEBE8

WARNING  : Device is not up-to-date.

Next step:

Partition installed in system (None)

If xbmgmt examine -r platform command returns Flashable partitions installed in system:   (None) as shown below, it means the corresponding platform running on the FPGA has not been installed in the system. The partition displayed under Flashable partitions running on FPGA will show the partition flashed on the card. The partitions on the card and system must match for applications to run.

[0000:3b:00.0] : xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_base_3
Flash properties
  Type                 : spi
  Serial Number        : XFL1P0345SA0

Device properties
  Type                 : u55c
  Name                 : ALVEO U55C
  Config Mode          : 0x7
  Max Power            : 225W

Flashable partitions running on FPGA
  Platform             : xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_base_3
  SC Version           : 7.1.22
  Platform UUID        : 97088961-FEAE-DA91-52A2-1D9DFD63CCEF
  Interface UUID       : B7AC1ABE-1E3E-1CB6-86D5-A81232452676

Flashable partitions installed in system
  <none found>        

  Mac Address          : 00:0A:35:08:8C:AD
                       : 00:0A:35:08:8C:AE
                       : 00:0A:35:08:8C:AF
                       : 00:0A:35:08:8C:B0
                       : 00:0A:35:08:8C:B1
                       : 00:0A:35:08:8C:B2
                       : 00:0A:35:08:8C:B3
                       : 00:0A:35:08:8C:B4

WARNING  : No shell is installed on the system.

Next step:

No cards found

If xbmgmt examine -r platform command returns 0 devices found as shown below, the OS or XRT is unable to find the card.

Devices present
0 devices found

Next steps:

Voltage or temperature reports zero

If xbutil examine -r thermal electrical -d <user BDF> command reports a zero value in FPGA TEMP, 12V PEX or 3V3 PEX as shown in the example below, there is a chance of communication break between the XRT/CMC/SC components.

[0000:3b:00.1] : xilinx_u55c_gen3x16_xdma_base_3
  Temperature            : Celcius
  PCB Top Front          :     36 C
  PCB Top Rear           :     32 C
  FPGA                   :     38 C
  Int Vcc                :     41 C

  Max Power              : 225 Watts
  Power                  : N/A Watts
  Power Warning          : false

  Power Rails            : Voltage   Current
  12 Volts Auxillary     :  0 V,  0 A
  12 Volts PCI Express   :  0 V,  0 A
  3.3 Volts PCI Express  :  0 V,  0 A
  Internal FPGA Vcc      :  0 V,  0 A
  Internal FPGA Vcc IO   :  0 V,  00 A
  5.5 Volts System       :  0 V
  1.8 Volts Top          :  0 V
  0.9 Volts Vcc          :  0 V
  Mgt Vtt                :  0 V
  3.3 Volts Vcc          :  0 V
  1.2 Volts HBM          :  0 V
  Vpp 2.5 Volts          :  0 V

Next steps:

  • Cold boot the system

  • Perform xbutil examine -r thermal electrical -d <user BDF>

  • If issue persists

    • Pull power to the system

    • Perform xbutil examine -r thermal electrical -d <user BDF>

  • If issue persists

  • If these steps do not resolve the issue look on the Xilinx forums

Failed to open device

If xbmgmt examine -r platform command returns Failed to open device: as shown below, it means the driver was not successfully loaded or the card was not successfully flashed.

Failed to open device: 0000:3b:00.0
INFO: Found total 1 card(s); 0 are usable.

Next steps:

  • Cold boot the system

  • Perform xbmgmt examine -r platform

  • If issue persists

    • Pull power to the system

    • Perform xbmgmt examine -r platform

  • If issue persists

  • If these steps do not resolve the issue look on the Xilinx forums

Xilinx Support

For additional support resources such as Answers, Documentation, Downloads, and Alerts, see the Xilinx Support pages. For additional assistance, post your question on the Xilinx Community Forums – Alveo Accelerator Card.

Have a suggestion, or found an issue please send an email to .


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