Installing a Vitis AI Patch

Most Vitis™ AI components consist of Anaconda packages. These packages are distributed as tarballs, for example unilog-1.3.2-h7b12538_35.tar.bz2.

You can install the patches by starting the Vitis AI Docker container, and installing the package to a specific conda environment. For example patching the unilog package in the vitis-ai-caffe conda environment:

Vitis-AI /workspace > cd /tmp
Vitis-AI /tmp > wget -O unilog-1.3.2-h7b12538_35.tar.bz2
Vitis-AI /tmp > sudo conda install -n vitis-ai-caffe ./unilog-1.3.2-h7b12538_35.tar.bz2

List of patches: