Host Memory Copy Buffer XRT (XRT Native API’s)

This is simple host memory example to describe how host-only memory can be copied to device-only memory and vice-versa using XRT Native API’s.

KEY CONCEPTS: host memory

KEYWORDS: host_only, device_only, HOST[0]

This example illustrates how host only memory can be copied to device only memory and vice-versa using native xrt copy API.

Host only buffer is created using host_only flag whereas device only buffer is created using device_only flag. The following data transfers take place in the example -

  1. Copy the host_only input buffer hostonly_bo into DEVICE_ONLY input buffer deviceonly_bo using M2M.

  1. Enqueue kernel to do computations on DEVICE_ONLY input buffer deviceonly_bo and put output in device_only output buffer deviceonly_bo_out.

auto run = krnl(deviceonly_bo0, deviceonly_bo1, deviceonly_bo_out, DATA_SIZE);
  1. Copy the device_only output buffer deviceonly_bo_out into host_only output buffer hostonly_bo_out using M2M.



  • Alveo U25 SmartNIC

  • Alveo U30

  • Alveo U50c

  • Alveo U50lv

  • Alveo U50 gen3x4

  • Alveo U55

  • All Embedded Zynq Platforms, i.e zc702, zcu102 etc

  • All Versal Platforms, i.e vck190 etc

  • All Platforms with 2019 Version

  • All Platforms with 2018 Version

  • Samsung SmartSSD Computation Storage Drive

  • Alveo U250

  • Samsung U.2 SmartSSD


Application code is located in the src directory. Accelerator binary files will be compiled to the xclbin directory. The xclbin directory is required by the Makefile and its contents will be filled during compilation. A listing of all the files in this example is shown below


Access these files in the github repo by clicking here.


Once the environment has been configured, the application can be executed by

./host_memory_copy_buffer_xrt -x <krnl_vadd XCLBIN>