IOPS Test XRT (XRT Native API’s)

This is simple test design to measure Input/Output Operations per second. In this design, a simple kernel is enqueued many times and measuring overall IOPS using XRT native api’s.

KEY CONCEPTS: Input/Output Operations per second

This is simple test design to measure Input/Output Operations per second using xrt native api’s. For measuring the IOPS we run kernel 1 Million times and capture the time it takes to complete -

Following is the real log reported while running the design on U250 platform:

Open the device0
Load the xclbin ./build_dir.hw.xilinx_u250_gen3x16_xdma_3_1_202020_1/hello.xclbin
Allocated commands, expect 10000, created 10000
Commands:      10 iops: 84033.6
Commands:      50 iops: 127226
Commands:     100 iops: 270270
Commands:     200 iops: 282486
Commands:     500 iops: 295159
Commands:    1000 iops: 299940
Commands:    1500 iops: 297442
Commands:    2000 iops: 304599
Commands:    3000 iops: 310013
Commands:    5000 iops: 314505
Commands:   10000 iops: 316937
Commands:   50000 iops: 335004
Commands:  100000 iops: 340296
Commands:  500000 iops: 357458
Commands: 1000000 iops: 359184


  • All NoDMA Platforms, i.e u50 nodma etc


Application code is located in the src directory. Accelerator binary files will be compiled to the xclbin directory. The xclbin directory is required by the Makefile and its contents will be filled during compilation. A listing of all the files in this example is shown below


Access these files in the github repo by clicking here.


Once the environment has been configured, the application can be executed by

./iops_test_xrt -x <hello XCLBIN>