Internals of svm_train


SVM (Support Vector Machine) is a model to predict sample’s classification. This document describes the structure and execution of svm train, implemented as SVM function.

Basic algorithm

Svm_train is a function to trains a batch of samples using support vector machine model and output a weight vecotor for classification. This function used SGD(Stochastic Gradient Descent) method to get convergence.


The structure of SVM is described as below. It has a svm_dataflow region and control logic region. There is a iteration loop out of these two regions mentioned above. Its break condition is determined by control logic and maximum iteration config read from DDR.

svm_train Top Structure

Config description

The sample and config input share one 512-bit port. config is stored in first 512bit. The weight vector is output by a 512-bit port, which will be aligned to 512bit boundaries. Config’s details are documented in the following table:

511-448 447-384 383-320 319-256 255-192 191-128 127-64 63-0
columns offset tolerence reg_para step_size sample_number max_iteration features_number

Resource Utilization

The hardware resource utilization of svm_train(4 kernels in 4 SLRs) is shown in the table below (work as 276MHz).

LUT LUT as memory LUT as logic Register BRAM36 URAM DSP
617382 60868 556514 853134 1007 32 1256

Benchmark Result on Board

Meanwhile, benchmark results at 276MHz frequency on Alveo U250 board with 2019.2 shell are shown as below:

Dataset samples classes features iterations Spark (4 threads) Spark (8 threads) Spark (16 threads) Spark (32 threads) Spark (56 threads) FPGA (:ms)
PUF 2000000 2 64 20 192548 (61.9X) 112903 (36.1X) 69806 (22.2X) 68548 (21.9X) 68080 (21.9X) 3078
HIGGS 5000000 2 28 100 2224074 (147.6X) 1401467 (92.9X) 873412 (57.9X) 601885 (39.8X) 590843 (39.1X) 15067