Using the Examples

Compiling and Simulating Using the Example Design

A Makefile is included with the example design. It is located inside the L2/examples/fir_129t_sym/ directory. Use the following steps to compile, simulate and verify the example design using the Makefile.

  1. Clean Work directory and all output files

    make clean
  2. Compile the example design.

    make compile
  3. Simulate the example design.

    make sim

    This generates the file output.txt in the aiesimulator_output/data directory.

  4. To compare the output results with the golden reference, extract samples from output.txt, then perform a diff with respect to the reference using the following command.

    make check_op
  5. Display the status summary with.

    make get_status

    This populates the status.txt file. Review this file to get the status.


    All of the preceding steps are performed in sequence using the following command:

    make all

Using the Vitis Unified Software Platform

To create, build, and simulate a library element example using the Vitis™ integrated design environment (IDE), please see the DSP Library Vitis Feature Tutorial .

Example Graph Coding

The following example can be used as a template for graph coding:


#include <adf.h>
#include "fir_sr_sym_graph.hpp"

#define FIR129_LENGTH 129
#define FIR129_SHIFT 15
#define FIR129_ROUND_MODE 0
#define FIR129_INPUT_SAMPLES 256

using namespace adf ;
namespace testcase {
    class test_kernel: public graph {
       // FIR coefficients
       std::vector<int16> m_taps   = std::vector<int16>{
                -1, -3, 3, -1, -3, 6, -1, -7, 9, -1, -12, 14, 1, -20, 19, 5,
                -31, 26, 12, -45, 32, 23, -63, 37, 40, -86, 40, 64, -113, 39, 96, -145,
                33, 139, -180, 17, 195, -218, -9, 266, -258, -53, 357, -299, -118, 472, -339, -215,
                620, -376, -360, 822, -409, -585, 1118, -437, -973, 1625, -458, -1801, 2810, -470, -5012, 10783,
       //FIR Graph class
          fir_sr_sym_graph<cint16, int16, FIR129_LENGTH, FIR129_SHIFT, FIR129_ROUND_MODE, FIR129_INPUT_SAMPLES>
       port<input> in;
       port<output> out;
       // Constructor - with FIR graph class initialization
       test_kernel():firGraph(m_taps) {
          // Make connections
          // Size of window in Bytes.
          // Margin gets automatically added within the FIR graph class.
          // Margin equals to FIR length rounded up to nearest multiple of 32 Bytes.
          connect<>(firGraph.out, out);


#include "test.h"

simulation::platform<1,1> platform("data/input.txt", "data/output.txt");
testcase::test_kernel filter ;

connect<> net0(platform.src[0],;
connect<> net1(filter.out, platform.sink[0]);

int main(void) {
    filter.init() ; ;
    filter.end() ;
    return 0 ;