SPMV-based Conjugate Gradient Solver with Jacobi Preconditioner


CG solver is widely adopted to solve linear system Ax=b, where the matrix A is symmetric and positive definite. Here is the benchmark for SPMV-based CG solver with the Jacobi preconditioner on Xilinx FPGA Alveo U280.

Benchmark on Hardware

Environment Setup (Step 1)

Please follow the page Benchmark Overview to correctly setup the environment first.

Hardware Build (Step 2)

With the following commands, kernel bitstream cgSolver.xclbin * is built under the directory *./build_dir.hw.xilinx_u280_xdma_201920_3

$ make build TARGET=hw DEVICE=xilinx_u280_xdma_201920_3

Prepare Data (Step 3)

Here is a list of the URLs of SPD sparse matrices in the file test.txt. All these sparse matrices are from SuiteSparse Matrix Collection<https://sparse.tamu.edu/>. Users could add more links or trim the existing links in the file. With the following command, these matrices listed in the test.txt file are download from the given links and then are preprocessed. It may take some time to finish the downloading and preprocessing.

$ make data_gen TARGET=hw DEVICE=xilinx_u280_xdma_201920_3

Run on FPGA (Step 4)

Check Device

If you followed the guide and correctly setup the environment, you are able to run the following command line. You could check whether the target device is prepared and find out the device ID.

$ xbutil scan


With the following command, users could benchmark the CG solver with a given matrix.

$ make run TARGET=hw DEVICE=xilinx_u280_xdma_201920_3 mtxName=ted_B

Here lists the configurable parameters with the make command for the benchmark.

Parameters with make command
Parameter Name Default Value Notes
mtxName ted_B Vector size, must be multiple of 16
maxIter 5000 Maximum No. iterations for the solver
tol 1e-12 Fault Tolerance
deviceID 0 Alveo U50 Card ID


Usage: host.exe <XCLBIN File> <Max Iteration> <signature path> <vector path> <mtx_name> [--debug] [device id]
            <XCLBIN File>       path to the xclbin file
            <Max Iteration>     maximum number of iterations
            <Tolerence>         Fault tolerence
            <signature path>    path to the signature files
            <vector path>       path to the vector binary files
            <mtx_name>          sparse matrix name
            <device id>         Device id given by *xbutil scan*

Resource Utilization on Alveo U280

The following table lists the resource utilization for SPMV-based CG kernel.

Resource Utilization on U280
User Budget 1104369 [100.00%] 552814 [100.00%] 2217989 [100.00%] 1693 [100.00%] 896 [100.00%] 9020 [100.00%]
Used Resources 285372 [ 25.84%] 36605 [ 6.62%] 442368 [ 19.94%] 267 [ 15.77%] 64 [ 7.14%] 1192 [ 13.22%]

Benchmark Results on Alveo U280 FPGA

CPU Hardware information

  • Model name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2667 v4 @ 3.20GHz
  • Total threads: 32, Threads/Core: 2, Cores/Socket: 8, Total sockets: 2, Total Cores:16

FPGA Hardware Information

  • Device name: Xilinx Alveo U280
  • Fmax: 243MHz
Benchmark Results on U280
Matrix Name Rows/Cols NNZs Padded Rows/Cols Padded NNZs Padding Ratio No. iterations Time per Iter [ms] Time per Iter on CPU [ms] Acceleration Ratio
nasa2910 2910 174296 2912 297952 1.70946 1777 0.0511172 0.0692836 1.36
ex9 3363 99471 3364 199328 2.00388 5000 0.0497677 0.0559332 1.12
bcsstk24 3562 159910 3564 222656 1.39238 5000 0.0598962 0.0581827 0.97
bcsstk15 3948 117816 3948 267488 2.27039 658 0.0927269 0.125615 1.35
bcsstk28 4410 219024 4412 319264 1.45767 4878 0.0586356 6.92198 118.05
s3rmt3m3 5357 207695 5360 330624 1.59187 5000 0.0744822 6.55229 87.97
s2rmq4m1 5489 281111 5492 427648 1.52128 1779 0.084562 6.75384 79.87
nd3k 9000 3279690 9000 4277792 1.30433 5000 0.363479 4.66861 12.84
ted_B 10605 144579 10608 548416 3.79319 30 0.984467 6.53108 6.63
ted_B_unscaled 10605 144579 10608 548416 3.79319 16 1.75354 8.59891 4.90
msc10848 10848 1229778 10848 2050720 1.66755 5000 0.230942 5.43921 23.55
cbuckle 13681 676515 13684 924832 1.36705 1282 0.16427 5.48588 33.40
olafu 16146 1015156 16148 1452320 1.43064 5000 0.169174 5.05108 29.86
gyro_k 17361 1021159 17364 1932384 1.89234 5000 0.254172 4.85938 19.12
bodyy4 17546 121938 17548 710112 5.82355 230 0.174435 4.73164 27.13
nd6k 18000 6897316 18000 9415552 1.3651 5000 0.809868 4.25772 5.26
raefsky4 19779 1328611 19780 2268704 1.70758 5000 0.268956 4.22843 15.72
bcsstk36 23052 1143140 23052 1833056 1.60353 5000 0.253049 3.9882 15.76


Conjugate gradient method may suffer convergent issue for matrices with large condition number. Jacobi preconditioner, adopted in this kernel, is widely used and dramatically reduces the overall number of iterations to solve the linear system. For some matrices, however, the solver with Jacobi preconditioner is not able to converge. For instance, the number of iterations for some matrices in the above table reached the upper limit 5000 with the preset relative tolerance 10e-12.

Although the solver, for some other matrices e.g. ted_B_unscaled, meets the preset tolerance within the preset number of iteration limit, there might still be some mismatches in the result vector compared to the golden reference x. The solution to this issue is to further reduce the tolerance value to such as 10e-15.