Vitis Drivers API Documentation
xaxiethernet_example_util.c File Reference


This file implements the utility functions for the Axi Ethernet example code.

Ver   Who  Date     Changes

1.00a asa 6/30/10 First release based on the ll temac driver 3.01a srt 02/03/13 Added support for SGMII mode (CR 676793). 02/14/13 Added support for Zynq (CR 681136). 3.02a srt 04/24/13 Modified parameter *_SGMII_PHYADDR to *_PHYADDR, the config parameter C_PHYADDR applies to SGMII/1000BaseX modes of operation and added support for 1000BaseX mode (CR 704195). Added function *_ConfigureInternalPhy() for this purpose. 04/24/13 Added support for RGMII mode. 3.02a srt 08/06/13 Fixed CR 717949: Configures external Marvel 88E1111 PHY based on the axi ethernet physical interface type and allows to operate in specific interface mode without changing jumpers on the Microblaze board. 5.4 adk 07/12/16 Added Support for TI PHY DP83867. ms 04/05/17 Added tabspace for return statements in functions for proper documentation while generating doxygen. 5.17 ml 11/15/23 Fix compilation errors reported with -std=c2x compiler flag


#define PHY_DETECT_REG   1
 This function detects the PHY address by looking for successful MII status register contents (PHY register 1). More...
#define PHY_R0_CTRL_REG   0
 Set PHY to loopback mode. More...


void AxiEthernetUtilFrameHdrFormatMAC (EthernetFrame *FramePtr, char *DestAddr)
 Set the MAC addresses in the frame. More...
void AxiEthernetUtilFrameHdrFormatType (EthernetFrame *FramePtr, u16 FrameType)
 Set the frame type for the specified frame. More...
void AxiEthernetUtilFrameSetPayloadData (EthernetFrame *FramePtr, int PayloadSize)
 This function places a pattern in the payload section of a frame. More...
void AxiEthernetUtilFrameHdrVlanFormatVid (EthernetFrame *FramePtr, u32 VlanNumber, u32 Vid)
 Set the frame VLAN info for the specified frame. More...
void AxiEthernetUtilFrameHdrVlanFormatType (EthernetFrame *FramePtr, u16 FrameType, u32 VlanNumber)
 Set the frame type for the specified frame. More...
void AxiEthernetUtilFrameSetVlanPayloadData (EthernetFrame *FramePtr, int PayloadSize, u32 VlanNumber)
 This function places a pattern in the payload section of a frame. More...
int AxiEthernetUtilFrameVerify (EthernetFrame *CheckFrame, EthernetFrame *ActualFrame)
 This function verifies the frame data against a CheckFrame. More...
void AxiEthernetUtilFrameMemClear (EthernetFrame *FramePtr)
 This function sets all bytes of a frame to 0. More...
int AxiEthernetUtilEnterLoopback (XAxiEthernet *AxiEthernetInstancePtr, int Speed)
 This function sets the PHY to loopback mode. More...
void AxiEthernetUtilErrorTrap (char *Message)
 This function is called by example code when an error is detected. More...
void AxiEthernetUtilPhyDelay (unsigned int Seconds)
 For Microblaze we use an assembly loop that is roughly the same regardless of optimization level, although caches and memory access time can make the delay vary. More...
int AxiEthernetUtilConfigureInternalPhy (XAxiEthernet *AxiEthernetInstancePtr, int Speed)
 This function configures the internal phy for SGMII and 1000baseX modes. More...

Macro Definition Documentation

#define PHY_DETECT_REG   1

This function detects the PHY address by looking for successful MII status register contents (PHY register 1).

It looks for a PHY that supports auto-negotiation and 10Mbps full-duplex and half-duplex. So, this code won't work for PHYs that don't support those features, but it's a bit more general purpose than matching a specific PHY manufacturer ID.

Note also that on some (older) Xilinx ML4xx boards, PHY address 0 does not properly respond to this query. But, since the default is 0 and assuming no other address responds, then it seems to work OK.

TheAxi Ethernet driver instance
The address of the PHY (defaults to 0 if none detected)
#define PHY_R0_CTRL_REG   0

Set PHY to loopback mode.

This works with the marvell PHY common on ML40x evaluation boards

Speedis the loopback speed 10, 100, or 1000 Mbit

Referenced by AxiEthernetPingReqExample(), AxiEthernetUtilConfigureInternalPhy(), and AxiEthernetUtilEnterLoopback().

Function Documentation

int AxiEthernetUtilConfigureInternalPhy ( XAxiEthernet AxiEthernetInstancePtr,
int  Speed 

This function configures the internal phy for SGMII and 1000baseX modes.

  • Parameters
    AxiEthernetInstancePtris a pointer to the instance of the AxiEthernet component.
    Speedis the loopback speed 10, 100, or 1000 Mbit.
    • XST_SUCCESS if successful.
    • XST_FAILURE, in case of failure..

References AxiEthernetUtilErrorTrap(), AxiEthernetUtilPhyDelay(), XAxiEthernet::Config, PHY_R0_CTRL_REG, XAE_SPEED_1000_MBPS, XAE_SPEED_100_MBPS, XAE_SPEED_10_MBPS, and XAE_SPEED_2500_MBPS.

Referenced by AxiEthernetUtilEnterLoopback().

int AxiEthernetUtilEnterLoopback ( XAxiEthernet AxiEthernetInstancePtr,
int  Speed 

This function sets the PHY to loopback mode.

This works with the marvell PHY common on ML40x evaluation boards.

AxiEthernetInstancePtris a pointer to the instance of the AxiEthernet component.
Speedis the loopback speed 10, 100, or 1000 Mbit.
  • XST_SUCCESS if successful.
  • XST_FAILURE, in case of failure..

References AxiEthernetUtilConfigureInternalPhy(), AxiEthernetUtilErrorTrap(), AxiEthernetUtilPhyDelay(), XAxiEthernet::Config, PHY_R0_CTRL_REG, XAE_SPEED_1000_MBPS, XAE_SPEED_100_MBPS, XAE_SPEED_10_MBPS, XAE_SPEED_2500_MBPS, and XAxiEthernet_GetPhysicalInterface.

Referenced by AxiEthernetExtVlanExample(), AxiEthernetFifoIntrExample(), AxiEthernetMcastExample(), AxiEthernetPolledExample(), AxiEthernetSgDmaIntrExample(), and AxiEthernetSgDmaPollExample().

void AxiEthernetUtilFrameHdrVlanFormatType ( EthernetFrame *  FramePtr,
u16  FrameType,
u32  VlanNumber 

Set the frame type for the specified frame.

FramePtris the pointer to the frame.
FrameTypeis the Type to set in frame.
VlanNumberis the VLAN friendly adjusted insertion position to set in frame.

Referenced by AxiEthernetSgDmaIntrExtVlanExample().

void AxiEthernetUtilFrameHdrVlanFormatVid ( EthernetFrame *  FramePtr,
u32  VlanNumber,
u32  Vid 

Set the frame VLAN info for the specified frame.

FramePtris the pointer to the frame.
VlanNumberis the VlanValue insertion position to set in frame.
Vidis the 4 bytes Vlan value (TPID, Priority, CFI, VID) to be set in frame.

Referenced by AxiEthernetSgDmaIntrExtVlanExample().

void AxiEthernetUtilFrameSetPayloadData ( EthernetFrame *  FramePtr,
int  PayloadSize 

This function places a pattern in the payload section of a frame.

The pattern is a 8 bit incrementing series of numbers starting with 0. Once the pattern reaches 256, then the pattern changes to a 16 bit incrementing pattern:

  0, 1, 2, ... 254, 255, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 02, ...
FramePtris a pointer to the frame to change.
PayloadSizeis the number of bytes in the payload that will be set.

Referenced by AxiEthernetMultipleFramesIntrExample(), AxiEthernetMultipleFramesPolledExample(), AxiEthernetSgDmaFullChecksumOffloadExample(), AxiEthernetSgDmaIntrCoalescingExample(), AxiEthernetSgDmaIntrExtMulticastExample(), AxiEthernetSgDmaIntrMultiFrameExample(), AxiEthernetSgDmaIntrSingleFrameExample(), AxiEthernetSgDmaMultiFrameExample(), AxiEthernetSgDmaPartialChecksumOffloadExample(), AxiEthernetSgDmaSingleFrameExample(), AxiEthernetSingleFrameIntrExample(), and AxiEthernetSingleFramePolledExample().

void AxiEthernetUtilFrameSetVlanPayloadData ( EthernetFrame *  FramePtr,
int  PayloadSize,
u32  VlanNumber 

This function places a pattern in the payload section of a frame.

The pattern is a 8 bit incrementing series of numbers starting with 0. Once the pattern reaches 256, then the pattern changes to a 16 bit incrementing pattern:

  0, 1, 2, ... 254, 255, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 02, ...
FramePtris a pointer to the frame to change.
PayloadSizeis the number of bytes in the payload that will be set.
VlanNumberis the VLAN friendly adjusted insertion position to set in frame.

Referenced by AxiEthernetSgDmaIntrExtVlanExample().

int AxiEthernetUtilFrameVerify ( EthernetFrame *  CheckFrame,
EthernetFrame *  ActualFrame 

This function verifies the frame data against a CheckFrame.

Validation occurs by comparing the ActualFrame to the header of the CheckFrame. If the headers match, then the payload of ActualFrame is verified for the same pattern Util_FrameSetPayloadData() generates.

CheckFrameis a pointer to a frame containing the 14 byte header that should be present in the ActualFrame parameter.
ActualFrameis a pointer to a frame to validate.
  • XST_SUCCESS if successful.
  • XST_FAILURE in case of failure.

Referenced by AxiEthernetMultipleFramesIntrExample(), AxiEthernetMultipleFramesPolledExample(), AxiEthernetSgDmaIntrExample(), AxiEthernetSgDmaIntrExtMulticastExample(), AxiEthernetSgDmaIntrExtVlanExample(), AxiEthernetSgDmaIntrSingleFrameExample(), AxiEthernetSgDmaPollExample(), and AxiEthernetSingleFramePolledExample().

void AxiEthernetUtilPhyDelay ( unsigned int  Seconds)

For Microblaze we use an assembly loop that is roughly the same regardless of optimization level, although caches and memory access time can make the delay vary.

Just keep in mind that after resetting or updating the PHY modes, the PHY typically needs time to recover.


Referenced by AxiEthernetExtVlanExample(), AxiEthernetFifoIntrExample(), AxiEthernetMcastExample(), AxiEthernetPolledExample(), AxiEthernetSgDmaIntrExample(), AxiEthernetSgDmaPollExample(), AxiEthernetUtilConfigureInternalPhy(), and AxiEthernetUtilEnterLoopback().