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Vitis Drivers API Documentation
Data Structures | |
struct | XGpioPs_Config |
This typedef contains configuration information for a device. More... | |
struct | XGpioPs |
The XGpioPs driver instance data. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | XGPIOPS_H |
by using protection macros More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_BANK_MAX_PINS (u32)32 |
Max pins in a GPIO bank. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_BANK0 0x00U |
GPIO Bank 0. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_BANK1 0x01U |
GPIO Bank 1. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_BANK2 0x02U |
GPIO Bank 2. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_BANK3 0x03U |
GPIO Bank 3. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_BANK4 0x04U |
GPIO Bank 4. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_BANK5 0x05U |
GPIO Bank 5. More... | |
Max banks in a Zynq Ultrascale+ MP GPIO device. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_MAX_BANKS 0x04U |
Max banks in a Zynq GPIO device. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_MAX_BANKS_CNT 0x06U |
Max banks number of all platforms. More... | |
Max pins in the Zynq Ultrascale+ MP GPIO device 0 - 25, Bank 0 26 - 51, Bank 1 52 - 77, Bank 2 78 - 109, Bank 3 110 - 141, Bank 4 142 - 173, Bank 5. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_DEVICE_MAX_PIN_NUM (u32)118 |
Max pins in the Zynq GPIO device 0 - 31, Bank 0 32 - 53, Bank 1 54 - 85, Bank 2 86 - 117, Bank 3. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_HW_H |
by using protection macros More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_BYPM_MASK_OFFSET (u32)0x40 |
Mask for backward support. More... | |
Flag for Base Address for PS_GPIO in Versal. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_ZERO 0U |
Flag for 0 Value. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_ONE 1U |
Flag for 1 Value. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_TWO 2U |
Flag for 2 Value. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_THREE 3U |
Flag for 3 Value. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_FOUR 4U |
Flag for 4 Value. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_SIX 6U |
Flag for 6 Value. More... | |
#define | XGpioPs_ReadReg(BaseAddr, RegOffset) Xil_In32((BaseAddr) + (u32)(RegOffset)) |
This macro reads the given register. More... | |
#define | XGpioPs_WriteReg(BaseAddr, RegOffset, Data) Xil_Out32((BaseAddr) + (u32)(RegOffset), (u32)(Data)) |
This macro writes to the given register. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef void(* | XGpioPs_Handler )(void *CallBackRef, u32 Bank, u32 Status) |
This handler data type allows the user to define a callback function to handle the interrupts for the GPIO device. More... | |
Functions | |
void | StubHandler (void *CallBackRef, u32 Bank, u32 Status) |
Stub handler. More... | |
s32 | XGpioPs_CfgInitialize (XGpioPs *InstancePtr, const XGpioPs_Config *ConfigPtr, u32 EffectiveAddr) |
This function initializes a XGpioPs instance/driver. More... | |
u32 | XGpioPs_Read (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u8 Bank) |
Read the Data register of the specified GPIO bank. More... | |
u32 | XGpioPs_ReadPin (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u32 Pin) |
Read Data from the specified pin. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_Write (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u8 Bank, u32 Data) |
Write to the Data register of the specified GPIO bank. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_WritePin (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u32 Pin, u32 Data) |
Write data to the specified pin. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_SetDirection (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u8 Bank, u32 Direction) |
Set the Direction of the pins of the specified GPIO Bank. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u32 Pin, u32 Direction) |
Set the Direction of the specified pin. More... | |
u32 | XGpioPs_GetDirection (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u8 Bank) |
Get the Direction of the pins of the specified GPIO Bank. More... | |
u32 | XGpioPs_GetDirectionPin (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u32 Pin) |
Get the Direction of the specified pin. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_SetOutputEnable (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u8 Bank, u32 OpEnable) |
Set the Output Enable of the pins of the specified GPIO Bank. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_SetOutputEnablePin (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u32 Pin, u32 OpEnable) |
Set the Output Enable of the specified pin. More... | |
u32 | XGpioPs_GetOutputEnable (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u8 Bank) |
Get the Output Enable status of the pins of the specified GPIO Bank. More... | |
u32 | XGpioPs_GetOutputEnablePin (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u32 Pin) |
Get the Output Enable status of the specified pin. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_GetBankPin (u8 PinNumber, u8 *BankNumber, u8 *PinNumberInBank) |
Get the Bank number and the Pin number in the Bank, for the given PinNumber in the GPIO device. More... | |
s32 | XGpioPs_SelfTest (XGpioPs *InstancePtr) |
This function runs a self-test on the GPIO driver/device. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_IntrEnable (XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u8 Bank, u32 Mask) |
This function enables the interrupts for the specified pins in the specified bank. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_IntrDisable (XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u8 Bank, u32 Mask) |
This function disables the interrupts for the specified pins in the specified bank. More... | |
u32 | XGpioPs_IntrGetEnabled (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u8 Bank) |
This function returns the interrupt enable status for a bank. More... | |
u32 | XGpioPs_IntrGetStatus (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u8 Bank) |
This function returns interrupt status read from Interrupt Status Register. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_IntrClear (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u8 Bank, u32 Mask) |
This function clears pending interrupt(s) with the provided mask. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_SetIntrType (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u8 Bank, u32 IntrType, u32 IntrPolarity, u32 IntrOnAny) |
This function is used for setting the Interrupt Type, Interrupt Polarity and Interrupt On Any for the specified GPIO Bank pins. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_GetIntrType (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u8 Bank, u32 *IntrType, u32 *IntrPolarity, u32 *IntrOnAny) |
This function is used for getting the Interrupt Type, Interrupt Polarity and Interrupt On Any for the specified GPIO Bank pins. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_SetCallbackHandler (XGpioPs *InstancePtr, void *CallBackRef, XGpioPs_Handler FuncPointer) |
This function sets the status callback function. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_IntrHandler (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr) |
This function is the interrupt handler for GPIO interrupts.It checks the interrupt status registers of all the banks to determine the actual bank in which an interrupt has been triggered. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u32 Pin, u8 IrqType) |
This function is used for setting the IRQ Type of a single GPIO pin. More... | |
u8 | XGpioPs_GetIntrTypePin (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u32 Pin) |
This function returns the IRQ Type of a given GPIO pin. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_IntrEnablePin (XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u32 Pin) |
This function enables the interrupt for the specified pin. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_IntrDisablePin (XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u32 Pin) |
This function disables the interrupts for the specified pin. More... | |
u32 | XGpioPs_IntrGetEnabledPin (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u32 Pin) |
This function returns whether interrupts are enabled for the specified pin. More... | |
u32 | XGpioPs_IntrGetStatusPin (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u32 Pin) |
This function returns interrupt enable status of the specified pin. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_IntrClearPin (const XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u32 Pin) |
This function clears the specified pending interrupt. More... | |
XGpioPs_Config * | XGpioPs_LookupConfig (u16 DeviceId) |
This function looks for the device configuration based on the unique device ID. More... | |
void | XGpioPs_ResetHw (UINTPTR BaseAddress) |
This function resets the GPIO module by writing reset values to all registers. More... | |
Variables | |
XGpioPs_Config | XGpioPs_ConfigTable [] |
This table contains configuration information for each GPIO device in the system. More... | |
XGpioPs_Config | XGpioPs_ConfigTable [XPAR_XGPIOPS_NUM_INSTANCES] |
This table contains configuration information for each GPIO device in the system. More... | |
Interrupt types | |
The following constants define the interrupt types that can be set for each GPIO pin. | |
Interrupt on Rising edge. More... | |
Interrupt Falling edge. More... | |
Interrupt on both edges. More... | |
Interrupt on high level. More... | |
Interrupt on low level. More... | |
Register offsets for the GPIO. Each register is 32 bits. | |
#define | XGPIOPS_DATA_LSW_OFFSET 0x00000000U |
Mask and Data Register LSW, WO. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_DATA_MSW_OFFSET 0x00000004U |
Mask and Data Register MSW, WO. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_DATA_OFFSET 0x00000040U |
Data Register, RW. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_DATA_RO_OFFSET 0x00000060U |
Data Register - Input, RO. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_DIRM_OFFSET 0x00000204U |
Direction Mode Register, RW. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_OUTEN_OFFSET 0x00000208U |
Output Enable Register, RW. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_INTMASK_OFFSET 0x0000020CU |
Interrupt Mask Register, RO. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_INTEN_OFFSET 0x00000210U |
Interrupt Enable Register, WO. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_INTDIS_OFFSET 0x00000214U |
Interrupt Disable Register, WO. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_INTSTS_OFFSET 0x00000218U |
Interrupt Status Register, RO. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_INTTYPE_OFFSET 0x0000021CU |
Interrupt Type Register, RW. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_INTPOL_OFFSET 0x00000220U |
Interrupt Polarity Register, RW. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_INTANY_OFFSET 0x00000224U |
Interrupt On Any Register, RW. More... | |
Register offsets for each Bank. | |
#define | XGPIOPS_DATA_MASK_OFFSET 0x00000008U |
Data/Mask Registers offset. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_DATA_BANK_OFFSET 0x00000004U |
Data Registers offset. More... | |
#define | XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET 0x00000040U |
Registers offset. More... | |
Interrupt type reset values for each bank | |
Resets specific to Zynq. More... | |
Resets specific to Zynq. More... | |
Resets specific to Zynq. More... | |
Reset common to both platforms. More... | |
Resets specific to Zynq Ultrascale+ MP. More... | |
Resets specific to Zynq Ultrascale+ MP. More... | |
#define XGPIOPS_BANK0 0x00U |
GPIO Bank 0.
Referenced by XGpioPs_SelfTest().
#define XGPIOPS_BANK1 0x01U |
GPIO Bank 1.
#define XGPIOPS_BANK2 0x02U |
GPIO Bank 2.
#define XGPIOPS_BANK3 0x03U |
GPIO Bank 3.
#define XGPIOPS_BANK4 0x04U |
GPIO Bank 4.
#define XGPIOPS_BANK5 0x05U |
GPIO Bank 5.
#define XGPIOPS_BANK_MAX_PINS (u32)32 |
Max pins in a GPIO bank.
#define XGPIOPS_BYPM_MASK_OFFSET (u32)0x40 |
Mask for backward support.
#define XGPIOPS_DATA_BANK_OFFSET 0x00000004U |
Data Registers offset.
Referenced by XGpioPs_Read(), XGpioPs_ReadPin(), XGpioPs_ResetHw(), and XGpioPs_Write().
#define XGPIOPS_DATA_LSW_OFFSET 0x00000000U |
Mask and Data Register LSW, WO.
Referenced by XGpioPs_ResetHw(), and XGpioPs_WritePin().
#define XGPIOPS_DATA_MASK_OFFSET 0x00000008U |
Data/Mask Registers offset.
Referenced by XGpioPs_ResetHw(), and XGpioPs_WritePin().
#define XGPIOPS_DATA_MSW_OFFSET 0x00000004U |
Mask and Data Register MSW, WO.
Referenced by XGpioPs_ResetHw(), and XGpioPs_WritePin().
#define XGPIOPS_DATA_OFFSET 0x00000040U |
Data Register, RW.
Referenced by XGpioPs_ResetHw(), and XGpioPs_Write().
#define XGPIOPS_DATA_RO_OFFSET 0x00000060U |
Data Register - Input, RO.
Referenced by XGpioPs_Read(), and XGpioPs_ReadPin().
#define XGPIOPS_DEVICE_MAX_PIN_NUM (u32)118 |
Max pins in the Zynq GPIO device 0 - 31, Bank 0 32 - 53, Bank 1 54 - 85, Bank 2 86 - 117, Bank 3.
Max pins in the Zynq Ultrascale+ MP GPIO device 0 - 25, Bank 0 26 - 51, Bank 1 52 - 77, Bank 2 78 - 109, Bank 3 110 - 141, Bank 4 142 - 173, Bank 5.
#define XGPIOPS_DIRM_OFFSET 0x00000204U |
Direction Mode Register, RW.
Referenced by XGpioPs_GetDirection(), XGpioPs_GetDirectionPin(), XGpioPs_ResetHw(), XGpioPs_SetDirection(), and XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin().
#define XGPIOPS_FOUR 4U |
Flag for 4 Value.
Referenced by XGpioPs_GetBankPin().
#define XGPIOPS_H |
by using protection macros
#define XGPIOPS_HW_H |
by using protection macros
#define XGPIOPS_INTANY_OFFSET 0x00000224U |
Interrupt On Any Register, RW.
Referenced by XGpioPs_GetIntrType(), XGpioPs_GetIntrTypePin(), XGpioPs_ResetHw(), XGpioPs_SetIntrType(), and XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin().
#define XGPIOPS_INTDIS_OFFSET 0x00000214U |
Interrupt Disable Register, WO.
Referenced by XGpioPs_CfgInitialize(), XGpioPs_IntrDisable(), XGpioPs_IntrDisablePin(), and XGpioPs_ResetHw().
#define XGPIOPS_INTEN_OFFSET 0x00000210U |
Interrupt Enable Register, WO.
Referenced by XGpioPs_IntrEnable(), XGpioPs_IntrEnablePin(), and XGpioPs_ResetHw().
#define XGPIOPS_INTMASK_OFFSET 0x0000020CU |
Interrupt Mask Register, RO.
Referenced by XGpioPs_IntrGetEnabled(), XGpioPs_IntrGetEnabledPin(), and XGpioPs_ResetHw().
#define XGPIOPS_INTPOL_OFFSET 0x00000220U |
Interrupt Polarity Register, RW.
Referenced by XGpioPs_GetIntrType(), XGpioPs_GetIntrTypePin(), XGpioPs_ResetHw(), XGpioPs_SetIntrType(), and XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin().
#define XGPIOPS_INTSTS_OFFSET 0x00000218U |
Interrupt Status Register, RO.
Referenced by XGpioPs_IntrClear(), XGpioPs_IntrClearPin(), XGpioPs_IntrGetStatus(), XGpioPs_IntrGetStatusPin(), and XGpioPs_ResetHw().
Resets specific to Zynq.
Referenced by XGpioPs_ResetHw().
Resets specific to Zynq.
Referenced by XGpioPs_ResetHw().
Resets specific to Zynq.
Referenced by XGpioPs_ResetHw().
Reset common to both platforms.
Referenced by XGpioPs_ResetHw().
Resets specific to Zynq Ultrascale+ MP.
Referenced by XGpioPs_ResetHw().
Resets specific to Zynq Ultrascale+ MP.
Referenced by XGpioPs_ResetHw().
#define XGPIOPS_INTTYPE_OFFSET 0x0000021CU |
Interrupt Type Register, RW.
Referenced by XGpioPs_GetIntrType(), XGpioPs_GetIntrTypePin(), XGpioPs_ResetHw(), XGpioPs_SetIntrType(), and XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin().
Interrupt on both edges.
Referenced by XGpioPs_GetIntrTypePin(), and XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin().
Interrupt Falling edge.
Referenced by XGpioPs_GetIntrTypePin(), and XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin().
Interrupt on Rising edge.
Referenced by XGpioPs_GetIntrTypePin(), and XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin().
Interrupt on high level.
Referenced by XGpioPs_GetIntrTypePin(), and XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin().
Interrupt on low level.
Referenced by XGpioPs_GetIntrTypePin(), and XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin().
#define XGPIOPS_MAX_BANKS 0x04U |
Max banks in a Zynq GPIO device.
Max banks number of all platforms.
Max banks in a Zynq Ultrascale+ MP GPIO device.
#define XGPIOPS_ONE 1U |
Flag for 1 Value.
Referenced by XGpioPs_CfgInitialize(), XGpioPs_GetBankPin(), XGpioPs_GetDirection(), XGpioPs_GetIntrType(), XGpioPs_GetOutputEnable(), XGpioPs_IntrClear(), XGpioPs_IntrDisable(), XGpioPs_IntrEnable(), XGpioPs_IntrGetEnabled(), XGpioPs_IntrGetStatus(), XGpioPs_IntrHandler(), XGpioPs_Read(), XGpioPs_ResetHw(), XGpioPs_SetDirection(), XGpioPs_SetIntrType(), XGpioPs_SetOutputEnable(), and XGpioPs_Write().
#define XGPIOPS_OUTEN_OFFSET 0x00000208U |
Output Enable Register, RW.
Referenced by XGpioPs_GetOutputEnable(), XGpioPs_GetOutputEnablePin(), XGpioPs_ResetHw(), XGpioPs_SetOutputEnable(), and XGpioPs_SetOutputEnablePin().
Flag for Base Address for PS_GPIO in Versal.
Referenced by XGpioPs_ResetHw().
#define XGpioPs_ReadReg | ( | BaseAddr, | |
RegOffset | |||
) | Xil_In32((BaseAddr) + (u32)(RegOffset)) |
This macro reads the given register.
BaseAddr | is the base address of the device. |
RegOffset | is the register offset to be read. |
Referenced by XGpioPs_GetDirection(), XGpioPs_GetDirectionPin(), XGpioPs_GetIntrType(), XGpioPs_GetIntrTypePin(), XGpioPs_GetOutputEnable(), XGpioPs_GetOutputEnablePin(), XGpioPs_IntrClearPin(), XGpioPs_IntrGetEnabled(), XGpioPs_IntrGetEnabledPin(), XGpioPs_IntrGetStatus(), XGpioPs_IntrGetStatusPin(), XGpioPs_Read(), XGpioPs_ReadPin(), XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(), XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin(), and XGpioPs_SetOutputEnablePin().
#define XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET 0x00000040U |
Registers offset.
Referenced by XGpioPs_CfgInitialize(), XGpioPs_GetDirection(), XGpioPs_GetDirectionPin(), XGpioPs_GetIntrType(), XGpioPs_GetIntrTypePin(), XGpioPs_GetOutputEnable(), XGpioPs_GetOutputEnablePin(), XGpioPs_IntrClear(), XGpioPs_IntrClearPin(), XGpioPs_IntrDisable(), XGpioPs_IntrDisablePin(), XGpioPs_IntrEnable(), XGpioPs_IntrEnablePin(), XGpioPs_IntrGetEnabled(), XGpioPs_IntrGetEnabledPin(), XGpioPs_IntrGetStatus(), XGpioPs_IntrGetStatusPin(), XGpioPs_ResetHw(), XGpioPs_SetDirection(), XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(), XGpioPs_SetIntrType(), XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin(), XGpioPs_SetOutputEnable(), and XGpioPs_SetOutputEnablePin().
#define XGPIOPS_SIX 6U |
Flag for 6 Value.
Referenced by XGpioPs_GetBankPin().
#define XGPIOPS_THREE 3U |
Flag for 3 Value.
Referenced by XGpioPs_GetBankPin().
#define XGPIOPS_TWO 2U |
Flag for 2 Value.
Referenced by XGpioPs_CfgInitialize(), XGpioPs_GetBankPin(), XGpioPs_GetDirection(), XGpioPs_GetIntrType(), XGpioPs_GetOutputEnable(), XGpioPs_IntrClear(), XGpioPs_IntrDisable(), XGpioPs_IntrEnable(), XGpioPs_IntrGetEnabled(), XGpioPs_IntrGetStatus(), XGpioPs_IntrHandler(), XGpioPs_Read(), XGpioPs_ResetHw(), XGpioPs_SetDirection(), XGpioPs_SetIntrType(), XGpioPs_SetOutputEnable(), and XGpioPs_Write().
#define XGpioPs_WriteReg | ( | BaseAddr, | |
RegOffset, | |||
Data | |||
) | Xil_Out32((BaseAddr) + (u32)(RegOffset), (u32)(Data)) |
This macro writes to the given register.
BaseAddr | is the base address of the device. |
RegOffset | is the offset of the register to be written. |
Data | is the 32-bit value to write to the register. |
Referenced by XGpioPs_CfgInitialize(), XGpioPs_IntrClear(), XGpioPs_IntrClearPin(), XGpioPs_IntrDisable(), XGpioPs_IntrDisablePin(), XGpioPs_IntrEnable(), XGpioPs_IntrEnablePin(), XGpioPs_ResetHw(), XGpioPs_SetDirection(), XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(), XGpioPs_SetIntrType(), XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin(), XGpioPs_SetOutputEnable(), XGpioPs_SetOutputEnablePin(), XGpioPs_Write(), and XGpioPs_WritePin().
#define XGPIOPS_ZERO 0U |
Flag for 0 Value.
Referenced by XGpioPs_GetBankPin().
typedef void(* XGpioPs_Handler)(void *CallBackRef, u32 Bank, u32 Status) |
This handler data type allows the user to define a callback function to handle the interrupts for the GPIO device.
The application using this driver is expected to define a handler of this type, to support interrupt driven mode. The handler executes in an interrupt context such that minimal processing should be performed.
CallBackRef | is a callback reference passed in by the upper layer when setting the callback functions for a GPIO bank. It is passed back to the upper layer when the callback is invoked. Its type is not important to the driver component, so it is a void pointer. |
Bank | is the bank for which the interrupt status has changed. |
Status | is the Interrupt status of the GPIO bank. |
void StubHandler | ( | void * | CallBackRef, |
u32 | Bank, | ||
u32 | Status | ||
) |
Stub handler.
This is a stub for the status callback.
The stub is here in case the upper layers do not set the handler.
CallBackRef | is a pointer to the upper layer callback reference |
Bank | is the GPIO Bank in which an interrupt occurred. |
Status | is the Interrupt status of the GPIO bank. |
Referenced by XGpioPs_CfgInitialize().
s32 XGpioPs_CfgInitialize | ( | XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
const XGpioPs_Config * | ConfigPtr, | ||
u32 | EffectiveAddr | ||
) |
This function initializes a XGpioPs instance/driver.
All members of the XGpioPs instance structure are initialized and StubHandlers are assigned to the Bank Status Handlers.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
ConfigPtr | points to the XGpioPs device configuration structure. |
EffectiveAddr | is the device base address in the virtual memory address space. If the address translation is not used then the physical address should be passed. Unexpected errors may occur if the address mapping is changed after this function is invoked. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::CoreIntrMask, XGpioPs_Config::DeviceId, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::Handler, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs::MaxBanks, XGpioPs::MaxPinNum, XGpioPs::Platform, XGpioPs::PmcGpio, StubHandler(), XGPIOPS_INTDIS_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_ONE, XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_TWO, and XGpioPs_WriteReg.
Referenced by GpioPolledExample().
void XGpioPs_GetBankPin | ( | u8 | PinNumber, |
u8 * | BankNumber, | ||
u8 * | PinNumberInBank | ||
) |
Get the Bank number and the Pin number in the Bank, for the given PinNumber in the GPIO device.
PinNumber | is the Pin number in the GPIO device. |
BankNumber | returns the Bank in which this GPIO pin is present. Valid values are 0 to XGPIOPS_MAX_BANKS - 1. |
PinNumberInBank | returns the Pin Number within the Bank. |
Referenced by XGpioPs_GetDirectionPin(), XGpioPs_GetIntrTypePin(), XGpioPs_GetOutputEnablePin(), XGpioPs_IntrClearPin(), XGpioPs_IntrDisablePin(), XGpioPs_IntrEnablePin(), XGpioPs_IntrGetEnabledPin(), XGpioPs_IntrGetStatusPin(), XGpioPs_ReadPin(), XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(), XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin(), XGpioPs_SetOutputEnablePin(), and XGpioPs_WritePin().
u32 XGpioPs_GetDirection | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 | Bank | ||
) |
Get the Direction of the pins of the specified GPIO Bank.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Bank | is the bank number of the GPIO to operate on. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs::PmcGpio, XGPIOPS_DIRM_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_ONE, XGpioPs_ReadReg, XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET, and XGPIOPS_TWO.
u32 XGpioPs_GetDirectionPin | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u32 | Pin | ||
) |
Get the Direction of the specified pin.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Pin | is the pin number for which the Direction is to be retrieved. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGPIOPS_DIRM_OFFSET, XGpioPs_GetBankPin(), XGpioPs_ReadReg, and XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET.
void XGpioPs_GetIntrType | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 | Bank, | ||
u32 * | IntrType, | ||
u32 * | IntrPolarity, | ||
u32 * | IntrOnAny | ||
) |
This function is used for getting the Interrupt Type, Interrupt Polarity and Interrupt On Any for the specified GPIO Bank pins.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to an XGpioPs instance. |
Bank | is the bank number of the GPIO to operate on. |
IntrType | returns the 32 bit mask of the interrupt type. 0 means Level Sensitive and 1 means Edge Sensitive. |
IntrPolarity | returns the 32 bit mask of the interrupt polarity. 0 means Active Low or Falling Edge and 1 means Active High or Rising Edge. |
IntrOnAny | returns the 32 bit mask of the interrupt trigger for edge triggered interrupts. 0 means trigger on single edge using the configured interrupt polarity and 1 means trigger on both edges. |
Referenced by XGpioPs_SelfTest().
u8 XGpioPs_GetIntrTypePin | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u32 | Pin | ||
) |
This function returns the IRQ Type of a given GPIO pin.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to an XGpioPs instance. |
Pin | is the pin number whose IRQ type is to be obtained. |
u32 XGpioPs_GetOutputEnable | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 | Bank | ||
) |
Get the Output Enable status of the pins of the specified GPIO Bank.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Bank | is the bank number of the GPIO to operate on. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs::PmcGpio, XGPIOPS_ONE, XGPIOPS_OUTEN_OFFSET, XGpioPs_ReadReg, XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET, and XGPIOPS_TWO.
u32 XGpioPs_GetOutputEnablePin | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u32 | Pin | ||
) |
Get the Output Enable status of the specified pin.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Pin | is the pin number for which the Output Enable status is to be retrieved. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs_GetBankPin(), XGPIOPS_OUTEN_OFFSET, XGpioPs_ReadReg, and XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET.
void XGpioPs_IntrClear | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 | Bank, | ||
u32 | Mask | ||
) |
This function clears pending interrupt(s) with the provided mask.
This function should be called after the software has serviced the interrupts that are pending.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Bank | is the bank number of the GPIO to operate on. |
Mask | is the mask of the interrupts to be cleared. Bit positions of 1 will be cleared. Bit positions of 0 will not change the previous interrupt status. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs::PmcGpio, XGPIOPS_INTSTS_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_ONE, XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_TWO, and XGpioPs_WriteReg.
Referenced by XGpioPs_IntrHandler().
void XGpioPs_IntrClearPin | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u32 | Pin | ||
) |
This function clears the specified pending interrupt.
This function should be called after the software has serviced the interrupts that are pending.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Pin | is the pin number for which the interrupt status is to be cleared. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs_GetBankPin(), XGPIOPS_INTSTS_OFFSET, XGpioPs_ReadReg, XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET, and XGpioPs_WriteReg.
void XGpioPs_IntrDisable | ( | XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 | Bank, | ||
u32 | Mask | ||
) |
This function disables the interrupts for the specified pins in the specified bank.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Bank | is the bank number of the GPIO to operate on. |
Mask | is the bit mask of the pins for which interrupts are to be disabled. Bit positions of 1 will be disabled. Bit positions of 0 will keep the previous setting. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::CoreIntrMask, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs::PmcGpio, XGPIOPS_INTDIS_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_ONE, XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_TWO, and XGpioPs_WriteReg.
Referenced by XGpioPs_SelfTest().
void XGpioPs_IntrDisablePin | ( | XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u32 | Pin | ||
) |
This function disables the interrupts for the specified pin.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Pin | is the pin number for which the interrupt is to be disabled. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::CoreIntrMask, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs_GetBankPin(), XGPIOPS_INTDIS_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET, and XGpioPs_WriteReg.
void XGpioPs_IntrEnable | ( | XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 | Bank, | ||
u32 | Mask | ||
) |
This function enables the interrupts for the specified pins in the specified bank.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Bank | is the bank number of the GPIO to operate on. |
Mask | is the bit mask of the pins for which interrupts are to be enabled. Bit positions of 1 will be enabled. Bit positions of 0 will keep the previous setting. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::CoreIntrMask, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs::PmcGpio, XGPIOPS_INTEN_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_ONE, XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_TWO, and XGpioPs_WriteReg.
Referenced by XGpioPs_SelfTest().
void XGpioPs_IntrEnablePin | ( | XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u32 | Pin | ||
) |
This function enables the interrupt for the specified pin.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Pin | is the pin number for which the interrupt is to be enabled. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::CoreIntrMask, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs_GetBankPin(), XGPIOPS_INTEN_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET, and XGpioPs_WriteReg.
u32 XGpioPs_IntrGetEnabled | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 | Bank | ||
) |
This function returns the interrupt enable status for a bank.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Bank | is the bank number of the GPIO to operate on. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs::PmcGpio, XGPIOPS_INTMASK_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_ONE, XGpioPs_ReadReg, XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET, and XGPIOPS_TWO.
Referenced by XGpioPs_IntrHandler(), and XGpioPs_SelfTest().
u32 XGpioPs_IntrGetEnabledPin | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u32 | Pin | ||
) |
This function returns whether interrupts are enabled for the specified pin.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Pin | is the pin number for which the interrupt enable status is to be known. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs_GetBankPin(), XGPIOPS_INTMASK_OFFSET, XGpioPs_ReadReg, and XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET.
u32 XGpioPs_IntrGetStatus | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 | Bank | ||
) |
This function returns interrupt status read from Interrupt Status Register.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Bank | is the bank number of the GPIO to operate on. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs::PmcGpio, XGPIOPS_INTSTS_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_ONE, XGpioPs_ReadReg, XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET, and XGPIOPS_TWO.
Referenced by XGpioPs_IntrHandler().
u32 XGpioPs_IntrGetStatusPin | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u32 | Pin | ||
) |
This function returns interrupt enable status of the specified pin.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Pin | is the pin number for which the interrupt enable status is to be known. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs_GetBankPin(), XGPIOPS_INTSTS_OFFSET, XGpioPs_ReadReg, and XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET.
void XGpioPs_IntrHandler | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr | ) |
This function is the interrupt handler for GPIO interrupts.It checks the interrupt status registers of all the banks to determine the actual bank in which an interrupt has been triggered.
It then calls the upper layer callback handler set by the function XGpioPs_SetBankHandler(). The callback is called when an interrupt
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
References XGpioPs::CallBackRef, XGpioPs::CoreIntrMask, XGpioPs::Handler, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs::MaxBanks, XGpioPs::PmcGpio, XGpioPs_IntrClear(), XGpioPs_IntrGetEnabled(), XGpioPs_IntrGetStatus(), XGPIOPS_ONE, and XGPIOPS_TWO.
XGpioPs_Config * XGpioPs_LookupConfig | ( | u16 | DeviceId | ) |
This function looks for the device configuration based on the unique device ID.
The table XGpioPs_ConfigTable[] contains the configuration information for each device in the system.
DeviceId | is the unique device ID of the device being looked up. |
References XGpioPs_ConfigTable.
Referenced by GpioPolledExample().
u32 XGpioPs_Read | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 | Bank | ||
) |
Read the Data register of the specified GPIO bank.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Bank | is the bank number of the GPIO to operate on. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs::PmcGpio, XGPIOPS_DATA_BANK_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_DATA_RO_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_ONE, XGpioPs_ReadReg, and XGPIOPS_TWO.
u32 XGpioPs_ReadPin | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u32 | Pin | ||
) |
Read Data from the specified pin.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Pin | is the pin number for which the data has to be read. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGPIOPS_DATA_BANK_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_DATA_RO_OFFSET, XGpioPs_GetBankPin(), and XGpioPs_ReadReg.
void XGpioPs_ResetHw | ( | UINTPTR | BaseAddress | ) |
This function resets the GPIO module by writing reset values to all registers.
BaseAddress | address of GPIO module |
s32 XGpioPs_SelfTest | ( | XGpioPs * | InstancePtr | ) |
This function runs a self-test on the GPIO driver/device.
This function does a register read/write test on some of the Interrupt Registers.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
References XGpioPs::IsReady, XGPIOPS_BANK0, XGpioPs_GetIntrType(), XGpioPs_IntrDisable(), XGpioPs_IntrEnable(), XGpioPs_IntrGetEnabled(), and XGpioPs_SetIntrType().
void XGpioPs_SetCallbackHandler | ( | XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
void * | CallBackRef, | ||
XGpioPs_Handler | FuncPointer | ||
) |
This function sets the status callback function.
The callback function is called by the XGpioPs_IntrHandler when an interrupt occurs.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
CallBackRef | is the upper layer callback reference passed back when the callback function is invoked. |
FuncPointer | is the pointer to the callback function. |
References XGpioPs::CallBackRef, XGpioPs::Handler, and XGpioPs::IsReady.
void XGpioPs_SetDirection | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 | Bank, | ||
u32 | Direction | ||
) |
Set the Direction of the pins of the specified GPIO Bank.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Bank | is the bank number of the GPIO to operate on. |
Direction | is the 32 bit mask of the Pin direction to be set for all the pins in the Bank. Bits with 0 are set to Input mode, bits with 1 are set to Output Mode. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs::PmcGpio, XGPIOPS_DIRM_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_ONE, XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_TWO, and XGpioPs_WriteReg.
void XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u32 | Pin, | ||
u32 | Direction | ||
) |
Set the Direction of the specified pin.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Pin | is the pin number to which the Data is to be written. |
Direction | is the direction to be set for the specified pin. Valid values are 0 for Input Direction, 1 for Output Direction. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGPIOPS_DIRM_OFFSET, XGpioPs_GetBankPin(), XGpioPs_ReadReg, XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET, and XGpioPs_WriteReg.
void XGpioPs_SetIntrType | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 | Bank, | ||
u32 | IntrType, | ||
u32 | IntrPolarity, | ||
u32 | IntrOnAny | ||
) |
This function is used for setting the Interrupt Type, Interrupt Polarity and Interrupt On Any for the specified GPIO Bank pins.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to an XGpioPs instance. |
Bank | is the bank number of the GPIO to operate on. |
IntrType | is the 32 bit mask of the interrupt type. 0 means Level Sensitive and 1 means Edge Sensitive. |
IntrPolarity | is the 32 bit mask of the interrupt polarity. 0 means Active Low or Falling Edge and 1 means Active High or Rising Edge. |
IntrOnAny | is the 32 bit mask of the interrupt trigger for edge triggered interrupts. 0 means trigger on single edge using the configured interrupt polarity and 1 means trigger on both edges. |
Referenced by XGpioPs_SelfTest().
void XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u32 | Pin, | ||
u8 | IrqType | ||
) |
This function is used for setting the IRQ Type of a single GPIO pin.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to an XGpioPs instance. |
Pin | is the pin number whose IRQ type is to be set. |
IrqType | is the IRQ type for GPIO Pin. Use XGPIOPS_IRQ_TYPE_* defined in xgpiops.h to specify the IRQ type. |
< Default statement is added for MISRA C compliance.
void XGpioPs_SetOutputEnable | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 | Bank, | ||
u32 | OpEnable | ||
) |
Set the Output Enable of the pins of the specified GPIO Bank.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Bank | is the bank number of the GPIO to operate on. |
OpEnable | is the 32 bit mask of the Output Enables to be set for all the pins in the Bank. The Output Enable of bits with 0 are disabled, the Output Enable of bits with 1 are enabled. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs::PmcGpio, XGPIOPS_ONE, XGPIOPS_OUTEN_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_TWO, and XGpioPs_WriteReg.
void XGpioPs_SetOutputEnablePin | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u32 | Pin, | ||
u32 | OpEnable | ||
) |
Set the Output Enable of the specified pin.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Pin | is the pin number to which the Data is to be written. |
OpEnable | specifies whether the Output Enable for the specified pin should be enabled. Valid values are 0 for Disabling Output Enable, 1 for Enabling Output Enable. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs_GetBankPin(), XGPIOPS_OUTEN_OFFSET, XGpioPs_ReadReg, XGPIOPS_REG_MASK_OFFSET, and XGpioPs_WriteReg.
void XGpioPs_Write | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u8 | Bank, | ||
u32 | Data | ||
) |
Write to the Data register of the specified GPIO bank.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Bank | is the bank number of the GPIO to operate on. |
Data | is the value to be written to the Data register. |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGpioPs::PmcGpio, XGPIOPS_DATA_BANK_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_DATA_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_ONE, XGPIOPS_TWO, and XGpioPs_WriteReg.
void XGpioPs_WritePin | ( | const XGpioPs * | InstancePtr, |
u32 | Pin, | ||
u32 | Data | ||
) |
Write data to the specified pin.
InstancePtr | is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance. |
Pin | is the pin number to which the Data is to be written. |
Data | is the data to be written to the specified pin (0 or 1). |
References XGpioPs_Config::BaseAddr, XGpioPs::GpioConfig, XGpioPs::IsReady, XGPIOPS_DATA_LSW_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_DATA_MASK_OFFSET, XGPIOPS_DATA_MSW_OFFSET, XGpioPs_GetBankPin(), and XGpioPs_WriteReg.
XGpioPs_Config XGpioPs_ConfigTable[XPAR_XGPIOPS_NUM_INSTANCES] |
This table contains configuration information for each GPIO device in the system.
Referenced by XGpioPs_LookupConfig().
XGpioPs_Config XGpioPs_ConfigTable[] |
This table contains configuration information for each GPIO device in the system.
Referenced by XGpioPs_LookupConfig().