Vitis Drivers API Documentation
xsysmonpsu.h File Reference

Data Structures

struct  XSysMonPsu_Config
 This typedef contains configuration information for a device. More...
struct  XSysMonPsu
 The XSysmonPsu driver instance data. More...


#define XSysMonPsu_RawToTemperature_OnChip(AdcData)   ((((float)(AdcData)/65536.0f)/0.00196342531f ) - 280.2309f)
 This macro converts System Monitor Raw Data to Temperature(centigrades) for On-Chip Sensors. More...
#define XSysMonPsu_RawToTemperature_ExternalRef(AdcData)   ((((float)(AdcData)/65536.0f)/0.00197008621f ) - 279.4266f)
 This macro converts System Monitor Raw Data to Temperature(centigrades) for external reference. More...
#define XSysMonPsu_VpVnRawToVoltage(AdcData)   ((((float)(AdcData))* (1.0f))/65536.0f)
 This macro converts System Monitor Raw Data to Voltage(volts) for VpVn supply. More...
#define XSysMonPsu_RawToVoltage(AdcData)   ((((float)(AdcData))* (3.0f))/65536.0f)
 This macro converts System Monitor Raw Data to Voltage(volts) other than VCCO_PSIO supply. More...
#define XSysMonPsu_VccopsioRawToVoltage(AdcData)   ((((float)(AdcData))* (6.0f))/65536.0f)
 This macro converts System Monitor Raw Data to Voltage(volts) for VCCO_PSIO supply. More...
#define XSysMonPsu_TemperatureToRaw_OnChip(Temperature)   ((s32)(((Temperature) + 280.2309f)*65536.0f*0.00196342531f))
 This macro converts Temperature in centigrades to System Monitor Raw Data for On-Chip Sensors. More...
#define XSysMonPsu_TemperatureToRaw_ExternalRef(Temperature)   ((s32)(((Temperature) + 279.4266f)*65536.0f*0.00197008621f))
 This macro converts Temperature in centigrades to System Monitor Raw Data for external reference. More...
#define XSysMonPsu_VoltageToRaw(Voltage)   ((s32)((Voltage)*65536.0f/3.0f))
 This macro converts Voltage in Volts to System Monitor Raw Data other than VCCO_PSIO supply. More...
#define XSysMonPsu_VccopsioVoltageToRaw(Voltage)   ((s32)((Voltage)*65536.0f/6.0f))
 This macro converts Voltage in Volts to System Monitor Raw Data for VCCO_PSIO supply. More...
Indexes for the different channels.
#define XSM_CH_TEMP   0x0U
 On Chip Temperature. More...
#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY1   0x1U
#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY2   0x2U
#define XSM_CH_VPVN   0x3U
 VP/VN Dedicated analog inputs. More...
#define XSM_CH_VREFP   0x4U
 VREFP. More...
#define XSM_CH_VREFN   0x5U
 VREFN. More...
#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY3   0x6U
#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY_CALIB   0x08U
 Supply Calib Data Reg. More...
#define XSM_CH_ADC_CALIB   0x09U
 ADC Offset Channel Reg. More...
 Gain Error Channel Reg. More...
#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY4   0x0DU
 SUPPLY4 VCC_PSDDR_504. More...
#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY5   0x0EU
 SUPPLY5 VCC_PSIO3_503. More...
#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY6   0x0FU
 SUPPLY6 VCC_PSIO0_500. More...
#define XSM_CH_AUX_MIN   16U
 Channel number for 1st Aux Channel. More...
#define XSM_CH_AUX_MAX   31U
 Channel number for Last Aux channel. More...
#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY7   32U
 SUPPLY7 VCC_PSIO1_501. More...
#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY8   33U
 SUPPLY8 VCC_PSIO2_502. More...
#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY9   34U
#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY10   35U
#define XSM_CH_VCCAMS   36U
 VCCAMS. More...
#define XSM_CH_TEMP_REMTE   37U
 Temperature Remote. More...
#define XSM_CH_VCC_PSLL0   48U
 VCC_PSLL0. More...
#define XSM_CH_VCC_PSLL3   51U
 VCC_PSLL3. More...
#define XSM_CH_VCCINT   54U
 VCCINT. More...
#define XSM_CH_VCCBRAM   55U
 VCCBRAM. More...
#define XSM_CH_VCCAUX   56U
 VCCAUX. More...
#define XSM_CH_DDRPHY_VREF   58U
#define XSM_CH_RESERVE1   63U
 PSGT_AT0. More...
Indexes for reading the Calibration Coefficient Data.
 Supply Offset Calib Coefficient. More...
 ADC Offset Calib Coefficient. More...
 Gain Error Calib Coefficient. More...
Indexes for reading the Minimum/Maximum Measurement Data.
#define XSM_MAX_TEMP   0U
 Maximum Temperature Data. More...
#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY1   1U
 Maximum SUPPLY1 Data. More...
#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY2   2U
 Maximum SUPPLY2 Data. More...
#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY3   3U
 Maximum SUPPLY3 Data. More...
#define XSM_MIN_TEMP   4U
 Minimum Temperature Data. More...
#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY1   5U
 Minimum SUPPLY1 Data. More...
#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY2   6U
 Minimum SUPPLY2 Data. More...
#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY3   7U
 Minimum SUPPLY3 Data. More...
#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY4   8U
 Maximum SUPPLY4 Data. More...
#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY5   9U
 Maximum SUPPLY5 Data. More...
#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY6   0xAU
 Maximum SUPPLY6 Data. More...
#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY4   0xCU
 Minimum SUPPLY4 Data. More...
#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY5   0xDU
 Minimum SUPPLY5 Data. More...
#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY6   0xEU
 Minimum SUPPLY6 Data. More...
#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY7   0x80U
 Maximum SUPPLY7 Data. More...
#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY8   0x81U
 Maximum SUPPLY8 Data. More...
#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY9   0x82U
 Maximum SUPPLY9 Data. More...
#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY10   0x83U
 Maximum SUPPLY10 Data. More...
#define XSM_MAX_VCCAMS   0x84U
 Maximum VCCAMS Data. More...
#define XSM_MAX_TEMP_REMOTE   0x85U
 Maximum Remote Temperature Data. More...
#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY7   0x88U
 Minimum SUPPLY7 Data. More...
#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY8   0x89U
 Minimum SUPPLY8 Data. More...
#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY9   0x8AU
 Minimum SUPPLY9 Data. More...
#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY10   0x8BU
 Minimum SUPPLY10 Data. More...
#define XSM_MIN_VCCAMS   0x8CU
 Minimum VCCAMS Data. More...
 Minimum Remote Temperature Data. More...
Averaging to be done for the channels.
#define XSM_AVG_0_SAMPLES   0U
 No Averaging. More...
#define XSM_AVG_16_SAMPLES   1U
 Average 16 samples. More...
#define XSM_AVG_64_SAMPLES   2U
 Average 64 samples. More...
#define XSM_AVG_256_SAMPLES   3U
 Average 256 samples. More...
Channel Sequencer Modes of operation.
#define XSM_SEQ_MODE_SAFE   0U
 Default Safe Mode. More...
 Onepass through Sequencer. More...
 Continuous Cycling Seqquencer. More...
 Single channel - No Sequencing. More...
 Olympus mode. More...
Clock Divisor values range.
#define XSM_CLK_DIV_MIN   0U
 Minimum Clock Divisor value. More...
#define XSM_CLK_DIV_MAX   255U
 Maximum Clock Divisor value. More...
Power down modes.
 Normal operation. More...
 Partial sleep mode. More...
 Full sleep mode. More...
Alarm Threshold(Limit) Register (ATR) indexes.
 High user Temperature limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP1_UPPER   1U
 Supply1 high voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP2_UPPER   2U
 Supply2 high voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_OT_UPPER   3U
 Upper Over Temperature limit. More...
 Low user Temperature. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP1_LOWER   5U
 Suuply1 low voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP2_LOWER   6U
 Supply2 low voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_OT_LOWER   7U
 Lower Over Temperature limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP3_UPPER   8U
 Supply3 high voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP4_UPPER   9U
 Supply4 high voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP5_UPPER   0xAU
 Supply5 high voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP6_UPPER   0xBU
 Supply6 high voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP3_LOWER   0xCU
 Supply3 low voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP4_LOWER   0xDU
 Supply4 low voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP5_LOWER   0xEU
 Supply5 low voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP6_LOWER   0xFU
 Supply6 low voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP7_UPPER   0x10U
 Supply7 high voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP8_UPPER   0x11U
 Supply8 high voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP9_UPPER   0x12U
 Supply9 high voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP10_UPPER   0x13U
 Supply10 high voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_VCCAMS_UPPER   0x14U
 VCCAMS high voltage limit. More...
 High remote Temperature limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP7_LOWER   0x18U
 Supply7 low voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP8_LOWER   0x19U
 Supply8 low voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP9_LOWER   0x1AU
 Supply9 low voltage limit. More...
#define XSM_ATR_SUP10_LOWER   0x1BU
 Supply10 low voltage limit. More...
 VCCAMS low voltage limit. More...
 Low remote Temperature limit. More...
Alarm masks for channels in Configuration registers 1
#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY13_MASK   0x200000
 Alarm 13 - FPD Temperature. More...
#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY12_MASK   0x100000
 Alarm 12 - VCCAMS/VCCADC. More...
#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY11_MASK   0x080000
 Alarm 11 - SUPPLY10. More...
#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY10_MASK   0x040000
 Alarm 10 - SUPPLY9. More...
#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY9_MASK   0x020000
 Alarm 9 - SUPPLY8. More...
#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY8_MASK   0x010000
 Alarm 8 - SUPPLY7. More...
#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY6_MASK   0x0800
 Alarm 6 - SUPPLY6. More...
#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY5_MASK   0x0400
 Alarm 5 - SUPPLY5. More...
#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY4_MASK   0x0200
 Alarm 4 - SUPPLY4. More...
#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY3_MASK   0x0100
 Alarm 3 - SUPPLY3. More...
#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY2_MASK   0x0008
 Alarm 2 - SUPPLY2. More...
#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY1_MASK   0x0004
 Alarm 1 - SUPPLY1. More...
#define XSM_CFR_ALM_TEMP_MASK   0x0002
 Alarm 0 - Temperature. More...
#define XSM_CFR_ALM_OT_MASK   0x0001
 Over Temperature Alarm. More...


typedef void(* XSysMonPsu_Handler )(void *CallBackRef)
 This data type defines a handler that an application defines to communicate with interrupt system to retrieve state information about an application. More...


s32 XSysMonPsu_CfgInitialize (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, XSysMonPsu_Config *ConfigPtr, u32 EffectiveAddr)
 This function initializes XSysMonPsu device/instance. More...
void XSysMonPsu_Reset (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr)
 This function resets the SystemMonitor. More...
u32 XSysMonPsu_GetStatus (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function reads the contents of the Status Register. More...
void XSysMonPsu_StartAdcConversion (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr)
 This function starts the ADC conversion in the Single Channel event driven sampling mode. More...
u16 XSysMonPsu_GetAdcData (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u8 Channel, u32 Block)
 Get the ADC converted data for the specified channel. More...
u16 XSysMonPsu_GetCalibCoefficient (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u8 CoeffType, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function gets the calibration coefficient data for the specified parameter. More...
u16 XSysMonPsu_GetMinMaxMeasurement (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u8 MeasurementType, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function reads the Minimum/Maximum measurement for one of the XSM_MIN_* or XSM_MAX_* constants defined in xsysmonpsu.h. More...
void XSysMonPsu_SetAvg (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u8 Average, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function sets the number of samples of averaging that is to be done for all the channels in both the single channel mode and sequence mode of operations. More...
u8 XSysMonPsu_GetAvg (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function returns the number of samples of averaging configured for all the channels in the Configuration Register 0. More...
s32 XSysMonPsu_SetSingleChParams (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u8 Channel, u32 IncreaseAcqCycles, u32 IsEventMode, u32 IsDifferentialMode, u32 SysmonBlk)
 The function sets the given parameters in the Configuration Register 0 in the single channel mode. More...
void XSysMonPsu_SetAlarmEnables (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u32 AlmEnableMask, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function enables the alarm outputs for the specified alarms in the Configuration Registers 1: More...
u32 XSysMonPsu_GetAlarmEnables (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function gets the status of the alarm output enables in the Configuration Register 1. More...
void XSysMonPsu_SetSequencerMode (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u8 SequencerMode, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function sets the specified Channel Sequencer Mode in the Configuration Register 1 : More...
u8 XSysMonPsu_GetSequencerMode (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function gets the channel sequencer mode from the Configuration Register 1. More...
void XSysMonPsu_SetSequencerEvent (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u32 IsEventMode, u32 SysmonBlk)
 The function enables the Event mode or Continuous mode in the sequencer mode. More...
s32 XSysMonPsu_GetSequencerEvent (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u32 SysmonBlk)
 The function returns the mode of the sequencer. More...
void XSysMonPsu_SetExtenalMux (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u8 Channel, u32 SysmonBlk)
 The function enables the external mux and connects a channel to the mux. More...
u32 XSysMonPsu_GetExtenalMux (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u32 SysmonBlk)
 The function returns the external mux channel. More...
void XSysMonPsu_SetAdcClkDivisor (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u8 Divisor, u32 SysmonBlk)
 The function sets the frequency of the ADCCLK by configuring the DCLK to ADCCLK ratio in the Configuration Register #2. More...
u8 XSysMonPsu_GetAdcClkDivisor (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u32 SysmonBlk)
 The function gets the ADCCLK divisor from the Configuration Register 2. More...
u8 XSysMonPsu_UpdateAdcClkDivisor (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u32 SysmonBlk)
 The function update the ADCCLK divisor to the Configuration Register 2. More...
s32 XSysMonPsu_SetSeqChEnables (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u64 ChEnableMask, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function enables the specified channels in the ADC Channel Selection Sequencer Registers. More...
u64 XSysMonPsu_GetSeqAvgEnables (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function returns the channels for which the averaging has been enabled in the ADC Channel Averaging Enables Sequencer Registers. More...
u64 XSysMonPsu_GetSeqChEnables (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function gets the channel enable bits status from the ADC Channel Selection Sequencer Registers. More...
s32 XSysMonPsu_SetSeqAvgEnables (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u64 AvgEnableChMask, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function enables the averaging for the specified channels in the ADC Channel Averaging Enable Sequencer Registers. More...
s32 XSysMonPsu_SetSeqInputMode (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u64 InputModeChMask, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function sets the Analog input mode for the specified channels in the ADC Channel Analog-Input Mode Sequencer Registers. More...
u64 XSysMonPsu_GetSeqInputMode (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function gets the Analog input mode for all the channels from the ADC Channel Analog-Input Mode Sequencer Registers. More...
s32 XSysMonPsu_SetSeqAcqTime (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u64 AcqCyclesChMask, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function sets the number of Acquisition cycles in the ADC Channel Acquisition Time Sequencer Registers. More...
u64 XSysMonPsu_GetSeqAcqTime (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function gets the status of acquisition time from the ADC Channel Acquisition Time Sequencer Registers. More...
void XSysMonPsu_SetAlarmThreshold (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u8 AlarmThrReg, u16 Value, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This functions sets the contents of the given Alarm Threshold Register. More...
u16 XSysMonPsu_GetAlarmThreshold (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u8 AlarmThrReg, u32 SysmonBlk)
 This function returns the contents of the specified Alarm Threshold Register. More...
void XSysMonPsu_SetPSAutoConversion (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr)
 This function sets the conversion to be automatic for PS SysMon. More...
u32 XSysMonPsu_GetMonitorStatus (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr)
 This function gets the AMS monitor status. More...
void XSysMonPsu_InitInstance (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, XSysMonPsu_Config *ConfigPtr)
 This function initializes XSysMonPsu device/instance. More...
void XSysMonPsu_IntrEnable (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u64 Mask)
 This function enables the specified interrupts in the device. More...
void XSysMonPsu_IntrDisable (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u64 Mask)
 This function disables the specified interrupts in the device. More...
u64 XSysMonPsu_IntrGetEnabled (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr)
 This function returns the enabled interrupts read from the Interrupt Enable Register (IER). More...
u64 XSysMonPsu_IntrGetStatus (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr)
 This function returns the interrupt status read from Interrupt Status Register(ISR). More...
void XSysMonPsu_IntrClear (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr, u64 Mask)
 This function clears the specified interrupts in the Interrupt Status Register (ISR). More...
s32 XSysMonPsu_SelfTest (XSysMonPsu *InstancePtr)
 Run a self-test on the driver/device. More...
XSysMonPsu_ConfigXSysMonPsu_LookupConfig (u16 DeviceId)
 This function looks for the device configuration based on the unique device ID. More...

Macro Definition Documentation

#define XSM_ATR_OT_LOWER   7U

Lower Over Temperature limit.

#define XSM_ATR_OT_UPPER   3U

Upper Over Temperature limit.

#define XSM_ATR_SUP10_LOWER   0x1BU

Supply10 low voltage limit.

#define XSM_ATR_SUP10_UPPER   0x13U

Supply10 high voltage limit.

#define XSM_ATR_SUP1_LOWER   5U

Suuply1 low voltage limit.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), and SysMonPsuSingleChannelIntrExample().

#define XSM_ATR_SUP1_UPPER   1U

Supply1 high voltage limit.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), SysMonPsuSingleChannelIntrExample(), and XSysMonPsu_SelfTest().

#define XSM_ATR_SUP2_LOWER   6U

Supply2 low voltage limit.

#define XSM_ATR_SUP2_UPPER   2U

Supply2 high voltage limit.

#define XSM_ATR_SUP3_LOWER   0xCU

Supply3 low voltage limit.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample().

#define XSM_ATR_SUP3_UPPER   8U

Supply3 high voltage limit.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample().

#define XSM_ATR_SUP4_LOWER   0xDU

Supply4 low voltage limit.

#define XSM_ATR_SUP4_UPPER   9U

Supply4 high voltage limit.

#define XSM_ATR_SUP5_LOWER   0xEU

Supply5 low voltage limit.

#define XSM_ATR_SUP5_UPPER   0xAU

Supply5 high voltage limit.

#define XSM_ATR_SUP6_LOWER   0xFU

Supply6 low voltage limit.

#define XSM_ATR_SUP6_UPPER   0xBU

Supply6 high voltage limit.

#define XSM_ATR_SUP7_LOWER   0x18U

Supply7 low voltage limit.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_GetAlarmThreshold(), and XSysMonPsu_SetAlarmThreshold().

#define XSM_ATR_SUP7_UPPER   0x10U

Supply7 high voltage limit.

#define XSM_ATR_SUP8_LOWER   0x19U

Supply8 low voltage limit.

#define XSM_ATR_SUP8_UPPER   0x11U

Supply8 high voltage limit.

#define XSM_ATR_SUP9_LOWER   0x1AU

Supply9 low voltage limit.

#define XSM_ATR_SUP9_UPPER   0x12U

Supply9 high voltage limit.


Low user Temperature.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample().


Low remote Temperature limit.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_GetAlarmThreshold(), and XSysMonPsu_SetAlarmThreshold().


High remote Temperature limit.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_GetAlarmThreshold(), and XSysMonPsu_SetAlarmThreshold().


High user Temperature limit.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample().


VCCAMS low voltage limit.

#define XSM_ATR_VCCAMS_UPPER   0x14U

VCCAMS high voltage limit.

#define XSM_AVG_0_SAMPLES   0U

No Averaging.

#define XSM_AVG_16_SAMPLES   1U
#define XSM_AVG_256_SAMPLES   3U

Average 256 samples.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_SetAvg().

#define XSM_AVG_64_SAMPLES   2U

Average 64 samples.


ADC Offset Calib Coefficient.


Gain Error Calib Coefficient.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_GetCalibCoefficient().


Supply Offset Calib Coefficient.

#define XSM_CFR_ALM_OT_MASK   0x0001

Over Temperature Alarm.

#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY10_MASK   0x040000

Alarm 10 - SUPPLY9.

#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY11_MASK   0x080000

Alarm 11 - SUPPLY10.

#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY12_MASK   0x100000


#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY13_MASK   0x200000

Alarm 13 - FPD Temperature.

#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY1_MASK   0x0004

Alarm 1 - SUPPLY1.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample().

#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY2_MASK   0x0008

Alarm 2 - SUPPLY2.

#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY3_MASK   0x0100

Alarm 3 - SUPPLY3.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample().

#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY4_MASK   0x0200

Alarm 4 - SUPPLY4.

#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY5_MASK   0x0400

Alarm 5 - SUPPLY5.

#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY6_MASK   0x0800

Alarm 6 - SUPPLY6.

#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY8_MASK   0x010000

Alarm 8 - SUPPLY7.

#define XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY9_MASK   0x020000

Alarm 9 - SUPPLY8.

#define XSM_CFR_ALM_TEMP_MASK   0x0002

Alarm 0 - Temperature.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample().

#define XSM_CH_ADC_CALIB   0x09U

ADC Offset Channel Reg.

#define XSM_CH_AUX_MAX   31U

Channel number for Last Aux channel.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_GetAdcData(), XSysMonPsu_SetExtenalMux(), and XSysMonPsu_SetSingleChParams().

#define XSM_CH_AUX_MIN   16U

Channel number for 1st Aux Channel.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_SetExtenalMux(), and XSysMonPsu_SetSingleChParams().

#define XSM_CH_DDRPHY_VREF   58U


Referenced by SysMonPsuAMSExample().


Gain Error Channel Reg.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_GetAdcData(), and XSysMonPsu_SetSingleChParams().

#define XSM_CH_RESERVE1   63U
#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY1   0x1U
#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY10   35U


#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY2   0x2U


#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY3   0x6U
#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY4   0x0DU


Referenced by XSysMonPsu_GetAdcData(), and XSysMonPsu_SetSingleChParams().

#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY5   0x0EU


#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY6   0x0FU


#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY7   32U


Referenced by XSysMonPsu_GetAdcData().

#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY8   33U


#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY9   34U


#define XSM_CH_SUPPLY_CALIB   0x08U

Supply Calib Data Reg.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_GetAdcData(), and XSysMonPsu_SetSingleChParams().

#define XSM_CH_TEMP   0x0U

On Chip Temperature.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), and SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample().

#define XSM_CH_TEMP_REMTE   37U

Temperature Remote.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_GetAdcData(), and XSysMonPsu_SetSingleChParams().



Referenced by SysMonPsuAMSExample().

#define XSM_CH_VCC_PSLL0   48U
#define XSM_CH_VCC_PSLL3   51U


Referenced by SysMonPsuAMSExample().

#define XSM_CH_VCCAMS   36U


#define XSM_CH_VCCAUX   56U


Referenced by SysMonPsuAMSExample().

#define XSM_CH_VCCBRAM   55U


Referenced by SysMonPsuAMSExample().

#define XSM_CH_VCCINT   54U


Referenced by SysMonPsuAMSExample().

#define XSM_CH_VPVN   0x3U

VP/VN Dedicated analog inputs.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_SetSingleChParams().

#define XSM_CH_VREFN   0x5U


Referenced by XSysMonPsu_SetExtenalMux().

#define XSM_CH_VREFP   0x4U


#define XSM_CLK_DIV_MAX   255U

Maximum Clock Divisor value.

#define XSM_CLK_DIV_MIN   0U

Minimum Clock Divisor value.

#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY1   1U

Maximum SUPPLY1 Data.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), and SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample().

#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY10   0x83U

Maximum SUPPLY10 Data.

#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY2   2U

Maximum SUPPLY2 Data.

#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY3   3U

Maximum SUPPLY3 Data.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), and SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample().

#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY4   8U

Maximum SUPPLY4 Data.

#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY5   9U

Maximum SUPPLY5 Data.

#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY6   0xAU

Maximum SUPPLY6 Data.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_GetMinMaxMeasurement().

#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY7   0x80U

Maximum SUPPLY7 Data.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_GetMinMaxMeasurement().

#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY8   0x81U

Maximum SUPPLY8 Data.

#define XSM_MAX_SUPPLY9   0x82U

Maximum SUPPLY9 Data.

#define XSM_MAX_TEMP   0U

Maximum Temperature Data.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), and SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample().

#define XSM_MAX_TEMP_REMOTE   0x85U

Maximum Remote Temperature Data.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_GetMinMaxMeasurement().

#define XSM_MAX_VCCAMS   0x84U

Maximum VCCAMS Data.

#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY1   5U

Minimum SUPPLY1 Data.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), and SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample().

#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY10   0x8BU

Minimum SUPPLY10 Data.

#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY2   6U

Minimum SUPPLY2 Data.

#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY3   7U

Minimum SUPPLY3 Data.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), and SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample().

#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY4   0xCU

Minimum SUPPLY4 Data.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_GetMinMaxMeasurement().

#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY5   0xDU

Minimum SUPPLY5 Data.

#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY6   0xEU

Minimum SUPPLY6 Data.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_GetMinMaxMeasurement().

#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY7   0x88U

Minimum SUPPLY7 Data.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_GetMinMaxMeasurement().

#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY8   0x89U

Minimum SUPPLY8 Data.

#define XSM_MIN_SUPPLY9   0x8AU

Minimum SUPPLY9 Data.

#define XSM_MIN_TEMP   4U

Minimum Temperature Data.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), and SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample().


Minimum Remote Temperature Data.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_GetMinMaxMeasurement().

#define XSM_MIN_VCCAMS   0x8CU

Minimum VCCAMS Data.


Normal operation.


Partial sleep mode.


Full sleep mode.


Continuous Cycling Seqquencer.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), SysMonPsuLowLevelExample(), and SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample().


Onepass through Sequencer.


Olympus mode.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_SetSequencerMode().

#define XSysMonPsu_RawToTemperature_ExternalRef (   AdcData)    ((((float)(AdcData)/65536.0f)/0.00197008621f ) - 279.4266f)

This macro converts System Monitor Raw Data to Temperature(centigrades) for external reference.

AdcDatais the SysMon Raw ADC Data.
The Temperature in centigrades.
C-Style signature: float XSysMon_RawToTemperature_ExternalRef(u32 AdcData)
#define XSysMonPsu_RawToTemperature_OnChip (   AdcData)    ((((float)(AdcData)/65536.0f)/0.00196342531f ) - 280.2309f)

This macro converts System Monitor Raw Data to Temperature(centigrades) for On-Chip Sensors.

AdcDatais the SysMon Raw ADC Data.
The Temperature in centigrades.
C-Style signature: float XSysMon_RawToTemperature_OnChip(u32 AdcData)

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), and SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample().

#define XSysMonPsu_RawToVoltage (   AdcData)    ((((float)(AdcData))* (3.0f))/65536.0f)

This macro converts System Monitor Raw Data to Voltage(volts) other than VCCO_PSIO supply.

AdcDatais the System Monitor ADC Raw Data.
The Voltage in volts.
C-Style signature: float XSysMon_RawToVoltage(u32 AdcData)

Referenced by SysMonPsuAMSExample(), SysMonPsuIntrExample(), and SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample().

#define XSysMonPsu_TemperatureToRaw_ExternalRef (   Temperature)    ((s32)(((Temperature) + 279.4266f)*65536.0f*0.00197008621f))

This macro converts Temperature in centigrades to System Monitor Raw Data for external reference.

Temperatureis the Temperature in centigrades to be converted to System Monitor ADC Raw Data.
The System Monitor ADC Raw Data.
C-Style signature: int XSysMon_TemperatureToRaw_ExternalRef(float Temperature)
#define XSysMonPsu_TemperatureToRaw_OnChip (   Temperature)    ((s32)(((Temperature) + 280.2309f)*65536.0f*0.00196342531f))

This macro converts Temperature in centigrades to System Monitor Raw Data for On-Chip Sensors.

Temperatureis the Temperature in centigrades to be converted to System Monitor ADC Raw Data.
The System Monitor ADC Raw Data.
C-Style signature: int XSysMon_TemperatureToRaw_OnChip(float Temperature)

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample().

#define XSysMonPsu_VccopsioRawToVoltage (   AdcData)    ((((float)(AdcData))* (6.0f))/65536.0f)

This macro converts System Monitor Raw Data to Voltage(volts) for VCCO_PSIO supply.

AdcDatais the System Monitor ADC Raw Data.
The Voltage in volts.
C-Style signature: float XSysMon_RawToVoltage(u32 AdcData)
#define XSysMonPsu_VccopsioVoltageToRaw (   Voltage)    ((s32)((Voltage)*65536.0f/6.0f))

This macro converts Voltage in Volts to System Monitor Raw Data for VCCO_PSIO supply.

Voltageis the Voltage in volts to be converted to System Monitor/ADC Raw Data.
The System Monitor ADC Raw Data.
C-Style signature: int XSysMon_VoltageToRaw(float Voltage)
#define XSysMonPsu_VoltageToRaw (   Voltage)    ((s32)((Voltage)*65536.0f/3.0f))

This macro converts Voltage in Volts to System Monitor Raw Data other than VCCO_PSIO supply.

Voltageis the Voltage in volts to be converted to System Monitor/ADC Raw Data.
The System Monitor ADC Raw Data.
C-Style signature: int XSysMon_VoltageToRaw(float Voltage)

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample().

#define XSysMonPsu_VpVnRawToVoltage (   AdcData)    ((((float)(AdcData))* (1.0f))/65536.0f)

This macro converts System Monitor Raw Data to Voltage(volts) for VpVn supply.

AdcDatais the System Monitor ADC Raw Data.
The Voltage in volts.
C-Style signature: float XSysMon_VpVnRawToVoltage(u32 AdcData)

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* XSysMonPsu_Handler)(void *CallBackRef)

This data type defines a handler that an application defines to communicate with interrupt system to retrieve state information about an application.

CallBackRefis a callback reference passed in by the upper layer when setting the handler, and is passed back to the upper layer when the handler is called. It is used to find the device driver instance.

Function Documentation

s32 XSysMonPsu_CfgInitialize ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
XSysMonPsu_Config ConfigPtr,
u32  EffectiveAddr 

This function initializes XSysMonPsu device/instance.

This function must be called prior to using the System Monitor device.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
ConfigPtrpoints to the XSysMonPsu device configuration structure.
EffectiveAddris the device base address in the virtual memory address space. If the address translation is not used then the physical address is passed. Unexpected errors may occur if the address mapping is changed after this function is invoked.
  • XSYSMON_SUCCESS if successful.
The user needs to first call the XSysMonPsu_LookupConfig() API which returns the Configuration structure pointer which is passed as a parameter to the XSysMonPsu_CfgInitialize() API.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu_Config::DeviceId, XSysMonPsu_Config::InputClockMHz, XSysMonPsu::IsPlAccessibleByPs, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSysMonPsu_IntrClear(), XSysMonPsu_IntrGetStatus(), XSYSMONPSU_PL_SYSMON_CSTS_OFFSET, XSYSMONPSU_PS_SYSMON_CSTS_OFFSET, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, XSysMonPsu_Reset(), and XSysMonPsu_UpdateAdcClkDivisor().

Referenced by SysMonPsuAMSExample(), SysMonPsuIntrExample(), SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample(), and SysMonPsuSingleChannelIntrExample().

u8 XSysMonPsu_GetAdcClkDivisor ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u32  SysmonBlk 

The function gets the ADCCLK divisor from the Configuration Register 2.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMon instance.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
The divisor read from the Configuration Register 2.
The ADCCLK is an internal clock used by the ADC and is synchronized to the DCLK clock. The ADCCLK is equal to DCLK divided by the user selection in the Configuration Register 2.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_CFG_REG2_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_ReadReg.

u16 XSysMonPsu_GetAdcData ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u8  Channel,
u32  Block 

Get the ADC converted data for the specified channel.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
Channelis the channel number. Use the XSM_CH_* defined in the file xsysmonpsu.h. The valid channels for PS / PL SysMon are 0 - 6, 8 - 10 and 13 - 37. For AMS, 38 - 53 channels are valid.
Blockis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block or the AMS controller register region.
A 16-bit value representing the ADC converted data for the specified channel. The System Monitor device guarantees a 10 bit resolution for the ADC converted data and data is the 10 MSB bits of the 16 data read from the device.
Please make sure that the proper channel number is passed.


Referenced by SysMonPsuAMSExample(), SysMonPsuIntrExample(), SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample(), and SysMonPsuSingleChannelIntrExample().

u32 XSysMonPsu_GetAlarmEnables ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function gets the status of the alarm output enables in the Configuration Register 1.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
This is the bit-mask of the enabled alarm outputs in the Configuration Register 1. Use the masks XSYSMONPSU_CFG_REG1_ALRM_*_MASK masks defined in xsysmonpsu.h to interpret the returned value.

Bit positions of 1 indicate that the alarm output is enabled. Bit positions of 0 indicate that the alarm output is disabled.

The implementation of the alarm enables in the Configuration register 1 is such that alarms for the bit positions of 1 will be disabled and alarms for bit positions of 0 will be enabled. The enabled alarm outputs returned by this function is the negated value of the the data read from the Configuration Register 1. Upper 16 bits of return value are valid only if the channel selected is PS.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_CFG_REG1_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_ReadReg.

u16 XSysMonPsu_GetAlarmThreshold ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u8  AlarmThrReg,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function returns the contents of the specified Alarm Threshold Register.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
AlarmThrRegis the index of an Alarm Threshold Register to be read. Use XSM_ATR_* constants defined in xsysmonpsu.h to specify the index.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
A 16-bit value representing the contents of the selected Alarm Threshold Register.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSM_ATR_SUP7_LOWER, XSM_ATR_TEMP_RMTE_LOWER, XSM_ATR_TEMP_RMTE_UPPER, XSYSMONPSU_ALRM_TEMP_UPR_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_ReadReg.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), and XSysMonPsu_SelfTest().

u8 XSysMonPsu_GetAvg ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function returns the number of samples of averaging configured for all the channels in the Configuration Register 0.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
The averaging read from the Configuration Register 0 is returned. Use the XSM_AVG_* bit definitions defined in xsysmonpsu.h file to interpret the returned value :
  • XSM_AVG_0_SAMPLES means no averaging
  • XSM_AVG_16_SAMPLES means 16 samples of averaging
  • XSM_AVG_64_SAMPLES means 64 samples of averaging
  • XSM_AVG_256_SAMPLES means 256 samples of averaging

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_CFG_REG0_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_ReadReg.

u16 XSysMonPsu_GetCalibCoefficient ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u8  CoeffType,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function gets the calibration coefficient data for the specified parameter.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
CoeffTypespecifies the calibration coefficient to be read. Use XSM_CALIB_* constants defined in xsysmonpsu.h to specify the calibration coefficient to be read.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
A 16-bit value representing the calibration coefficient. The System Monitor device guarantees a 10 bit resolution for the ADC converted data and data is the 10 MSB bits of the 16 data read from the device.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSM_CALIB_GAIN_ERROR_COEFF, XSYSMONPSU_CAL_SUP_OFF_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_ReadReg.

u32 XSysMonPsu_GetExtenalMux ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u32  SysmonBlk 

The function returns the external mux channel.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
Returns the channel number used to connect to the external Mux. The valid channels are 0 to 6, 8 to 16, and 31 to 36..

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_CFG_REG0_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_ReadReg.

u16 XSysMonPsu_GetMinMaxMeasurement ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u8  MeasurementType,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function reads the Minimum/Maximum measurement for one of the XSM_MIN_* or XSM_MAX_* constants defined in xsysmonpsu.h.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
MeasurementTypespecifies the parameter for which the Minimum/Maximum measurement has to be read. Use XSM_MAX_* and XSM_MIN_* constants defined in xsysmonpsu.h to specify the data to be read.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
A 16-bit value representing the maximum/minimum measurement for specified parameter. The System Monitor device guarantees a 10 bit resolution for the ADC converted data and data is the 10 MSB bits of 16 bit data read from the device.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSM_MAX_SUPPLY6, XSM_MAX_SUPPLY7, XSM_MAX_TEMP_REMOTE, XSM_MIN_SUPPLY4, XSM_MIN_SUPPLY6, XSM_MIN_SUPPLY7, XSM_MIN_TEMP_REMOTE, and XSysmonPsu_ReadReg.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), and SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample().

u32 XSysMonPsu_GetMonitorStatus ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr)

This function gets the AMS monitor status.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
Returns the monitor status. See XSYSMONPSU_MON_STS_*_MASK definations present in xsysmonpsu_hw.h for knowing the status.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_MON_STS_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_ReadReg.

u64 XSysMonPsu_GetSeqAcqTime ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function gets the status of acquisition time from the ADC Channel Acquisition Time Sequencer Registers.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
The acquisition time for all the channels. Use XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_ACQ* defined in xsysmonpsu_hw.h to interpret the Channel numbers. Bit masks of 1 are the channels for which acquisition cycles are extended and bit mask of 0 are the channels for which acquisition cycles are not extended.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_ACQ0_OFFSET, XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_ACQ1_OFFSET, and XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_ACQ2_OFFSET.

u64 XSysMonPsu_GetSeqAvgEnables ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function returns the channels for which the averaging has been enabled in the ADC Channel Averaging Enables Sequencer Registers.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
The status of averaging (enabled/disabled) for all the channels. Use XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_AVERAGE* defined in xsysmonpsu_hw.h to interpret the Channel numbers. Bit masks of 1 are the channels for which averaging is enabled and bit mask of 0 are the channels for averaging is disabled.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_AVERAGE0_OFFSET, and XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_AVERAGE1_OFFSET.

u64 XSysMonPsu_GetSeqChEnables ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function gets the channel enable bits status from the ADC Channel Selection Sequencer Registers.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
Gets the channel enable bits. Use XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_CH* defined in xsysmonpsu_hw.h to interpret the Channel numbers. Bit masks of 1 are the channels that are enabled and bit mask of 0 are the channels that are disabled.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_CH0_OFFSET, and XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_CH1_OFFSET.

u64 XSysMonPsu_GetSeqInputMode ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function gets the Analog input mode for all the channels from the ADC Channel Analog-Input Mode Sequencer Registers.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
The input mode for all the channels. Use XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_INPUT_MDE* defined in xsysmonpsu_hw.h to interpret the Channel numbers. Bit masks of 1 are the channels for which input mode is differential/Bipolar and bit mask of 0 are the channels for which input mode is unipolar.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_INPUT_MDE0_OFFSET, and XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_INPUT_MDE1_OFFSET.

s32 XSysMonPsu_GetSequencerEvent ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u32  SysmonBlk 

The function returns the mode of the sequencer.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
Returns the Sequencer mode. XSYSMONPSU_EVENT_MODE for Event mode and XSYSMONPSU_CONTINUOUS_MODE for continuous mode.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_CFG_REG0_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_ReadReg.

u8 XSysMonPsu_GetSequencerMode ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function gets the channel sequencer mode from the Configuration Register 1.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
The channel sequencer mode :
  • XSM_SEQ_MODE_SAFE : Default safe mode
  • XSM_SEQ_MODE_ONEPASS : One pass through sequence
  • XSM_SEQ_MODE_CONTINPASS : Continuous channel sequencing
  • XSM_SEQ_MODE_SINGCHAN : Single channel/Sequencer off
  • XSM_SEQ_MODE_OLYMPUS : Olympus sampling mode

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_CFG_REG1_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_ReadReg.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_SetSeqAcqTime(), XSysMonPsu_SetSeqAvgEnables(), XSysMonPsu_SetSeqChEnables(), XSysMonPsu_SetSeqInputMode(), and XSysMonPsu_SetSingleChParams().

u32 XSysMonPsu_GetStatus ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function reads the contents of the Status Register.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
A 32-bit value representing the contents of the Status Register. Use the XSYSMONPSU_MON_STS_* constants defined in xsysmonpsu_hw.h to interpret the returned value.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_MON_STS_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_ReadReg.

void XSysMonPsu_InitInstance ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
XSysMonPsu_Config ConfigPtr 

This function initializes XSysMonPsu device/instance.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
ConfigPtrpoints to the XSysMonPsu device configuration structure.
The user needs to first call the XSysMonPsu_LookupConfig() API which returns the Configuration structure pointer, this pointer is then passed as a parameter to the XSysMonPsu_InitInstance() API. Note that this function just initializes the instance and doesn't configure the System Monitor device.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu_Config::DeviceId, and XSysMonPsu::IsReady.

void XSysMonPsu_IntrClear ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u64  Mask 

This function clears the specified interrupts in the Interrupt Status Register (ISR).

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
Maskis the 64 bit-mask of the interrupts to be cleared. Bit positions of 1 will be cleared. Bit positions of 0 will not change the previous interrupt status. This mask is formed by OR'ing the XSYSMONPSU_ISR_0_* and XSYSMONPSU_ISR_1_* bits which are defined in xsysmonpsu_hw.h.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_ISR_0_OFFSET, XSYSMONPSU_ISR_1_OFFSET, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

Referenced by SysMonPsuAMSExample(), SysMonPsuIntrExample(), SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample(), SysMonPsuSingleChannelIntrExample(), and XSysMonPsu_CfgInitialize().

void XSysMonPsu_IntrDisable ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u64  Mask 

This function disables the specified interrupts in the device.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
Maskis the 64 bit-mask of the interrupts to be disabled. Bit positions of 1 will be disabled. Bit positions of 0 will keep the previous setting. This mask is formed by OR'ing XSYSMONPSU_IDR_0_* and XSYSMONPSU_IDR_1_* bits defined in xsysmonpsu_hw.h.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_IDR_0_OFFSET, XSYSMONPSU_IDR_1_OFFSET, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

Referenced by SysMonPsuSingleChannelIntrExample().

void XSysMonPsu_IntrEnable ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u64  Mask 

This function enables the specified interrupts in the device.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
Maskis the 64 bit-mask of the interrupts to be enabled. Bit positions of 1 will be enabled. Bit positions of 0 will keep the previous setting. This mask is formed by OR'ing XSYSMONPSU_IER_0_* and XSYSMONPSU_IER_1_* bits defined in xsysmonpsu_hw.h.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_IER_0_OFFSET, XSYSMONPSU_IER_1_OFFSET, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), and SysMonPsuSingleChannelIntrExample().

u64 XSysMonPsu_IntrGetEnabled ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr)

This function returns the enabled interrupts read from the Interrupt Enable Register (IER).

Use the XSYSMONPSU_IER_0_* and XSYSMONPSU_IER_1_* constants defined in xsysmonpsu_hw.h to interpret the returned value.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
A 64-bit value representing the contents of the Interrupt Mask Registers (IMR1 IMR0).

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_IMR_0_OFFSET, XSYSMONPSU_IMR_1_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_ReadReg.

u64 XSysMonPsu_IntrGetStatus ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr)

This function returns the interrupt status read from Interrupt Status Register(ISR).

Use the XSYSMONPSU_ISR_0_* and XSYSMONPSU_ISR_1_ constants defined in xsysmonpsu_hw.h to interpret the returned value.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
A 64-bit value representing the contents of the Interrupt Status Registers (ISR1 ISR0).

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_ISR_0_OFFSET, XSYSMONPSU_ISR_1_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_ReadReg.

Referenced by SysMonPsuAMSExample(), SysMonPsuIntrExample(), SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample(), SysMonPsuSingleChannelIntrExample(), and XSysMonPsu_CfgInitialize().

XSysMonPsu_Config* XSysMonPsu_LookupConfig ( u16  DeviceId)

This function looks for the device configuration based on the unique device ID.

The table XSysmonPsu_ConfigTable[] contains the configuration information for each device in the system.

DeviceIdis the unique device ID of the device being looked up.
A pointer to the configuration table entry corresponding to the given device ID, or NULL if no match is found.

Referenced by SysMonPsuAMSExample(), SysMonPsuIntrExample(), SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample(), and SysMonPsuSingleChannelIntrExample().

void XSysMonPsu_Reset ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr)

This function resets the SystemMonitor.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
Upon reset, all Maximum and Minimum status registers will be reset to their default values. Currently running and any averaging will restart. Refer to the device data sheet for the device status and register values after the reset.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, XSYSMONPSU_VP_VN_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_CfgInitialize(), and XSysMonPsu_SelfTest().

s32 XSysMonPsu_SelfTest ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr)

Run a self-test on the driver/device.

The test

  • Resets the device,
  • Writes a value into the Alarm Threshold register and reads it back for comparison.
  • Resets the device again.
InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
  • XST_SUCCESS if the value read from the Alarm Threshold register is the same as the value written.
  • XST_FAILURE Otherwise
This is a destructive test in that resets of the device are performed. Refer to the device specification for the device status after the reset operation.

References XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSM_ATR_SUP1_UPPER, XSysMonPsu_GetAlarmThreshold(), XSysMonPsu_Reset(), and XSysMonPsu_SetAlarmThreshold().

Referenced by SysMonPsuAMSExample(), SysMonPsuIntrExample(), SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample(), and SysMonPsuSingleChannelIntrExample().

void XSysMonPsu_SetAdcClkDivisor ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u8  Divisor,
u32  SysmonBlk 

The function sets the frequency of the ADCCLK by configuring the DCLK to ADCCLK ratio in the Configuration Register #2.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
Divisoris clock divisor used to derive ADCCLK from DCLK. Valid values of the divisor are PS:
  • 0 means divide by 8.
  • 1,2 means divide by 2.
  • 3 to 255 means divide by that value. PL:
  • 0,1,2 means divide by 2.
  • 3 to 255 means divide by that value. Refer to the device specification for more details.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
- The ADCCLK is an internal clock used by the ADC and is synchronized to the DCLK clock. The ADCCLK is equal to DCLK divided by the user selection in the Configuration Register 2.
  • There is no Assert on the minimum value of the Divisor.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_CFG_REG2_OFFSET, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

void XSysMonPsu_SetAlarmEnables ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u32  AlmEnableMask,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function enables the alarm outputs for the specified alarms in the Configuration Registers 1:

    - OT for Over Temperature (XSYSMONPSU_CFR_REG1_ALRM_OT_MASK)
    - ALM0 for On board Temperature (XSYSMONPSU_CFR_REG1_ALRM_TEMP_MASK)
InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
AlmEnableMaskis the bit-mask of the alarm outputs to be enabled in the Configuration Registers 1 and 3. Bit positions of 1 will be enabled. Bit positions of 0 will be disabled. This mask is formed by OR'ing XSYSMONPSU_CFR_REG1_ALRM_*_MASK masks defined in xsysmonpsu.h, but XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY8_MASK to XSM_CFR_ALM_SUPPLY13_MASK are applicable only for PS.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
The implementation of the alarm enables in the Configuration register 1 is such that the alarms for bit positions of 0 will be enabled and alarms for bit positions of 1 will be disabled. The alarm outputs specified by the AlmEnableMask are negated before writing to the Configuration Register 1 because it was Disable register bits. Upper 16 bits of AlmEnableMask are applicable only for PS.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_CFG_REG1_OFFSET, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample(), and SysMonPsuSingleChannelIntrExample().

void XSysMonPsu_SetAlarmThreshold ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u8  AlarmThrReg,
u16  Value,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This functions sets the contents of the given Alarm Threshold Register.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
AlarmThrRegis the index of an Alarm Threshold Register to be set. Use XSM_ATR_* constants defined in xsysmonpsu.h to specify the index.
Valueis the 16-bit threshold value to write into the register.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSM_ATR_SUP7_LOWER, XSM_ATR_TEMP_RMTE_LOWER, XSM_ATR_TEMP_RMTE_UPPER, XSYSMONPSU_ALRM_TEMP_UPR_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), SysMonPsuSingleChannelIntrExample(), and XSysMonPsu_SelfTest().

void XSysMonPsu_SetAvg ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u8  Average,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function sets the number of samples of averaging that is to be done for all the channels in both the single channel mode and sequence mode of operations.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
Averageis the number of samples of averaging programmed to the Configuration Register 0. Use the XSM_AVG_* definitions defined in xsysmonpsu.h file :
  • XSM_AVG_0_SAMPLES for no averaging
  • XSM_AVG_16_SAMPLES for 16 samples of averaging
  • XSM_AVG_64_SAMPLES for 64 samples of averaging
  • XSM_AVG_256_SAMPLES for 256 samples of averaging
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSM_AVG_256_SAMPLES, XSYSMONPSU_CFG_REG0_OFFSET, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), and SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample().

void XSysMonPsu_SetExtenalMux ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u8  Channel,
u32  SysmonBlk 

The function enables the external mux and connects a channel to the mux.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
Channelis the channel number used to connect to the external Mux. The valid channels are 0 to 5 and 16 to 31.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
  • XST_SUCCESS if the given values were written successfully to the Configuration Register 0.
  • XST_FAILURE if the channel sequencer is enabled or the input parameters are not valid for the selected channel.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSM_CH_AUX_MAX, XSM_CH_AUX_MIN, XSM_CH_VREFN, XSYSMONPSU_CFG_REG0_OFFSET, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

void XSysMonPsu_SetPSAutoConversion ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr)

This function sets the conversion to be automatic for PS SysMon.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
In the auto-trigger mode, sample rate is of 1 Million samples.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_PS_SYSMON_CSTS_OFFSET, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

s32 XSysMonPsu_SetSeqAcqTime ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u64  AcqCyclesChMask,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function sets the number of Acquisition cycles in the ADC Channel Acquisition Time Sequencer Registers.

The sequencer must be in the Safe Mode before writing to these registers.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
AcqCyclesChMaskis the bit mask of all the channels for which the number of acquisition cycles is to be extended. Use XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_ACQ* defined in xsysmonpsu_hw.h to specify the Channel numbers. Acquisition cycles will be extended to 10 ADCCLK cycles for bit masks of 1 and will be the default 4 ADCCLK cycles for bit masks of 0. The AcqCyclesChMask is a 64 bit mask that is written to the three 16 bit ADC Channel Acquisition Time Sequencer Registers.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
  • XST_SUCCESS if the given values were written successfully to the Channel Sequencer Registers.
  • XST_FAILURE if the channel sequencer is enabled.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSM_SEQ_MODE_SAFE, XSysMonPsu_GetSequencerMode(), XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_ACQ0_OFFSET, XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_ACQ1_OFFSET, XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_ACQ2_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

s32 XSysMonPsu_SetSeqAvgEnables ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u64  AvgEnableChMask,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function enables the averaging for the specified channels in the ADC Channel Averaging Enable Sequencer Registers.

The sequencer must be in the Safe Mode before writing to these registers.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
AvgEnableChMaskis the bit mask of all the channels for which averaging is to be enabled. Use XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_AVERAGE* defined in xsysmonpsu_hw.h to specify the Channel numbers. Averaging will be enabled for bit masks of 1 and disabled for bit mask of 0. The AvgEnableChMask is a 64 bit mask that is written to the three 16 bit ADC Channel Averaging Enable Sequencer Registers.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
  • XST_SUCCESS if the given values were written successfully to the ADC Channel Averaging Enables Sequencer Registers.
  • XST_FAILURE if the channel sequencer is enabled.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSM_SEQ_MODE_SAFE, XSysMonPsu_GetSequencerMode(), XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_AVERAGE0_OFFSET, XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_AVERAGE1_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), and SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample().

s32 XSysMonPsu_SetSeqChEnables ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u64  ChEnableMask,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function enables the specified channels in the ADC Channel Selection Sequencer Registers.

The sequencer must be in the Safe Mode before writing to these registers.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
ChEnableMaskis the bit mask of all the channels to be enabled. Use XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_CH* defined in xsysmon_hw.h to specify the Channel numbers. Bit masks of 1 will be enabled and bit mask of 0 will be disabled. The ChEnableMask is a 64 bit mask that is written to the three 16 bit ADC Channel Selection Sequencer Registers.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
  • XST_SUCCESS if the given values were written successfully to the ADC Channel Selection Sequencer Registers.
  • XST_FAILURE if the channel sequencer is enabled.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSM_SEQ_MODE_SAFE, XSysMonPsu_GetSequencerMode(), XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_CH0_OFFSET, XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_CH1_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

Referenced by SysMonPsuIntrExample(), and SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample().

s32 XSysMonPsu_SetSeqInputMode ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u64  InputModeChMask,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function sets the Analog input mode for the specified channels in the ADC Channel Analog-Input Mode Sequencer Registers.

The sequencer must be in the Safe Mode before writing to these registers.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
InputModeChMaskis the bit mask of all the channels for which the input mode is differential mode. Use XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_INPUT_MDE* defined in xsysmonpsu_hw.h to specify the channel numbers. Differential or Bipolar input mode will be set for bit masks of 1 and unipolar input mode for bit masks of 0. The InputModeChMask is a 64 bit mask that is written to the three 16 bit ADC Channel Analog-Input Mode Sequencer Registers.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
  • XST_SUCCESS if the given values were written successfully to the ADC Channel Analog-Input Mode Sequencer Registers.
  • XST_FAILURE if the channel sequencer is enabled.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSM_SEQ_MODE_SAFE, XSysMonPsu_GetSequencerMode(), XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_INPUT_MDE0_OFFSET, XSYSMONPSU_SEQ_INPUT_MDE1_OFFSET, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

void XSysMonPsu_SetSequencerEvent ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u32  IsEventMode,
u32  SysmonBlk 

The function enables the Event mode or Continuous mode in the sequencer mode.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
IsEventModeis a boolean parameter that specifies continuous sampling (specify FALSE) or event driven sampling mode (specify TRUE) for the channel.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_CFG_REG0_OFFSET, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

void XSysMonPsu_SetSequencerMode ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u8  SequencerMode,
u32  SysmonBlk 

This function sets the specified Channel Sequencer Mode in the Configuration Register 1 :

    - Default safe mode (XSM_SEQ_MODE_SAFE)
    - One pass through sequence (XSM_SEQ_MODE_ONEPASS)
    - Continuous channel sequencing (XSM_SEQ_MODE_CONTINPASS)
    - Single Channel/Sequencer off (XSM_SEQ_MODE_SINGCHAN)
    - Olympus sampling mode (XSM_SEQ_MODE_OYLMPUS)
InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
SequencerModeis the sequencer mode to be set. Use XSM_SEQ_MODE_* bits defined in xsysmonpsu.h.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
Only one of the modes can be enabled at a time.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSM_SEQ_MODE_OYLMPUS, XSM_SEQ_MODE_SINGCHAN, XSYSMONPSU_CFG_REG1_OFFSET, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

Referenced by SysMonPsuAMSExample(), SysMonPsuIntrExample(), SysMonPsuPolledPrintfExample(), and SysMonPsuSingleChannelIntrExample().

s32 XSysMonPsu_SetSingleChParams ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u8  Channel,
u32  IncreaseAcqCycles,
u32  IsEventMode,
u32  IsDifferentialMode,
u32  SysmonBlk 

The function sets the given parameters in the Configuration Register 0 in the single channel mode.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
Channelis the channel number for conversion. The valid channels are 0 - 6, 8 - 10, 13 - 37.
IncreaseAcqCyclesis a boolean parameter which specifies whether the Acquisition time for the external channels has to be increased to 10 ADCCLK cycles (specify TRUE) or remain at the default 4 ADCCLK cycles (specify FALSE). This parameter is only valid for the external channels.
IsEventModeis a boolean parameter that specifies continuous sampling (specify FALSE) or event driven sampling mode (specify TRUE) for the given channel.
IsDifferentialModeis a boolean parameter which specifies unipolar(specify FALSE) or differential mode (specify TRUE) for the analog inputs. The input mode is only valid for the external channels.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
  • XST_SUCCESS if the given values were written successfully to the Configuration Register 0.
  • XST_FAILURE if the channel sequencer is enabled or the input parameters are not valid for the selected channel.
  • The number of samples for the averaging for all the channels is set by using the function XSysMonPsu_SetAvg.
  • The calibration of the device is done by doing a ADC conversion on the calibration channel(channel 8). The input parameters IncreaseAcqCycles, IsDifferentialMode and IsEventMode are not valid for this channel.


Referenced by SysMonPsuAMSExample(), and SysMonPsuSingleChannelIntrExample().

void XSysMonPsu_StartAdcConversion ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr)

This function starts the ADC conversion in the Single Channel event driven sampling mode.

The EOC bit in Status Register will be set once the conversion is finished. Refer to the device specification for more details.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMonPsu instance.
The default state of the CONVST bit is a logic 0. The conversion is started when the CONVST bit is set to 1 from 0. This bit is self-clearing so that the next conversion can be started by setting this bit.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu::IsReady, XSYSMONPSU_PS_SYSMON_CSTS_OFFSET, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

u8 XSysMonPsu_UpdateAdcClkDivisor ( XSysMonPsu InstancePtr,
u32  SysmonBlk 

The function update the ADCCLK divisor to the Configuration Register 2.

InstancePtris a pointer to the XSysMon instance.
SysmonBlkis the value that tells whether it is for PS Sysmon block or PL Sysmon block register region.
The divisor update the Configuration Register 2.
The ADCCLK is an internal clock used by the ADC and is synchronized to the DCLK clock. The ADCCLK is equal to DCLK divided by the user selection in the Configuration Register 2.

References XSysMonPsu_Config::BaseAddress, XSysMonPsu::Config, XSysMonPsu_Config::InputClockMHz, XSYSMONPSU_CFG_REG2_OFFSET, XSysmonPsu_ReadReg, and XSysmonPsu_WriteReg.

Referenced by XSysMonPsu_CfgInitialize().